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Gender Roles on Sex Education Awareness among Senior High School Students of
Guihulngan National High School-Poblacion

PART I. Respondents Profile

Directions: Please check/fill in the blanks with the appropriate information. Do not leave
any blank if possible.
1. Personal Data

Age____ Gender: ____Male ____Female

Grade & Strand: ____-STEM ____-ABM ____-HUMSS ____-TVL ____-SMAW

____-GAS ____-DRESSMAKING ____-HE

PART II. Please check the column that corresponds to your knowledge about sex among
senior high school students.

Table 1
1. Knowledge About Female SA A FA D SD
and Male Reproductive System
5 4 3 2 1

1.1 Vagina is a female organ for sexual

1.2 Babies are delivered through vagina.
1.3 Uterus is an organ where baby develops
before birth.
1.4 Ovaries are female gonads.
1.5 Penis is a male organ for sexual
1.6 Testes are male organ for sexual
1.7 Sperms are produced in testes.
1.8 Ejaculation and passing urine are
1.9 Penile discharge during ejaculation
contains sperms.
1.10 It is abnormal for a boy to develop beard,
change in voice, and pubic and axillary.
Table 2
2 Knowledge Regarding Pregnancy SA A FA D SD

5 4 3 2 1
2.1 Females who reach menarche (have
menses) can become pregnant after
having sex.
2.2 Pregnancy can occur if there is
penetration of vagina by penis.
2.3 Pregnancy can be prevented by using
2.4 Having no sex is the best method to
prevent pregnancy.
2.5 One can get pregnant by kissing.
Part III. Choose the appropriate information that apply.
1. In your opinion, at what age should sexual education be discussed with young people
in school? Choose one that apply.

 Before age 11
 Age 12-15
 Age 16-17
 Age 18 and above
 Never

2. In your opinion, who should discuss sexual education with young people? Choose all
that apply.

 Parents and caregivers

 School counsellors or nurses
 Doctors/local health service
 School teachers
 Other person or organization
 No one

3. In your region, who supports teachers in discussing sexual and reproductive health
with young people? Choose all that apply.

 There is no relevant support for teachers

 Local health professionals (e.g. doctors, reproductive health nurse)
 The ministry of education
 Local organizations (e.g. family welfare, LGBTQ groups)

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