Informed Parental Consent

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We invite you and your child to take part in a research study being conducted by Ms. LJ Baya who is a
teacher at Guihulngan National High School- Poblacion, as part of her Gender Roles on Sex Education
among Senior High Students of Guihulngan National High School-Poblacion The study, as well as your
rights as a participant, are described below.

Description: This study will examine the roles and their border capacity of the senior high students of
Guihulngan National High School Poblacion about sex education as a female or male. This study needs
to conduct a survey online or in personal in order to know how many students are aware of sex

I agree to the researchers using my child’s real name in this research and any publications the results
from the research.

__________________________________ Signature

Risks & Benefits: There are no risks to your child’s safety. They will be disinfected before doing the
survey face to face. You as a parent have the right to withdraw or let the child not to participate in this

Informed Consent Statement I, ______________, give permission for my child, _______________ to

participate in the research project entitled, “[Project Title].” The study has been explained to me and
my questions answered to my satisfaction. I understand that my child’s right to withdraw from
participating or refuse to participate will be respected and that his/her responses and identity will be
kept confidential. I give this consent voluntarily.

Parent/Guardian Signature:

signature:_________________________________ date:_______________________

Investigator Signature:

signature: _________________________________date: _______________________

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