12:10assessment Center

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Assessment Center

1. SWOT analysis: Strategy and Positioning

Market penetration.

Strength: Well design technology They introduce more

and data management to digital device and service
support the company to for company to accelerate
organize the business and their workflow.
the internal management They build a more
of the company. efficient working
environment with cloud
Helping their clients to based workplace.
develop some new
applications for different They work with the
needs. biggest industry leaders
Transportation/banking which not only allow
them to get the newest
They integrate the technique and facilitate
resources from different the R&D improvement
companies and industries but also a high reliability
for customers
Weakness: Their business portfolios Social responsibility
Research on internet their only focus on a few
scandale industries
Opportunity: In the future, people will Primary industry
rely more and more on Logistics
the internet, the data Work from home
security and safety will measurements
become a crucial issue for
corporates and
Threat Price increase (due to the Data safety(Hacker)
huge load of content) Human right violation
2. Vision for next 5 years
- Fair wage and no discrimination
- Balance the gender in the company so that they can absorb ideas from each group
- Develop more clients in different industry (renewable energy/primary
industry/security reinforcement in the society)
- Seed program in poor country
- Launch a digital transformation in developing country/ smart greed
- Business Ethics training
- Work with governments (Waste management/ Recycle system)
- Advanced Calculation Application for food calorie or carbon footprint
- Assessment application for ecosystem/help the experts to disclose the right
information to the public/ create access to educational studies and researches
- airline industry
- Solution for greenhouse gas emission
- Extend Diversity in the executive/manager

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