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IAS 12 — Income Taxes

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IAS 12 Income Taxes im­ple­ments a so-called 'com­pre­hen­sive balance sheet method' of accounting for income taxes which
recog­nises both the current tax con­se­quences of trans­ac­tions and events and the future tax con­se­quences of the future
recovery or set­tle­ment of the carrying amount of an entity's assets and li­a­bil­i­ties. Dif­fer­ences between the carrying amount and
tax base of assets and li­a­bil­i­ties, and carried forward tax losses and credits, are recog­nised, with limited ex­cep­tions, as deferred
tax li­a­bil­i­ties or deferred tax assets, with the latter also being subject to a 'probable profits' test.

IAS 12 was reissued in October 1996 and is ap­plic­a­ble to annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 1998.

History of IAS 12
Date De­vel­op­ment Comments
April 1978 Exposure Draft E13 Accounting for Taxes on
Income published
July 1979 IAS 12 Accounting for Taxes on Income issued
January 1989 Exposure Draft E33 Accounting for Taxes on
Income published
1994 IAS 12 (1979) was re­for­mat­ted
October 1994 Exposure Draft E49 Income Taxes published
October 1996 IAS 12 Income Taxes issued Operative for financial state­-
ments covering periods
beginning on or after 1 January
October 2000 Limited Revisions to IAS 12 published (tax con­- Operative for financial state­-
se­quences of dividends) ments covering periods
beginning on or after 1 January
31 March 2009 Exposure Draft ED/2009/2 Income Tax Comment deadline 31 July 2009

published (proposals were not finalised)

10 September 2010 Exposure Draft ED/2010/11 Deferred Tax: Comment deadline 9 November
Recovery of Un­der­ly­ing Assets (Proposed 2010
amend­ments to IAS 12) published
20 December 2010 Amended by Deferred Tax: Recovery of Un­der­- Effective for annual periods
ly­ing Assets beginning on or after 1 January
19 January 2016 Amended by Recog­ni­tion of Deferred Tax Effective for annual periods
( for Un­re­alised Losses beginning on or after 1 January
12) 2017
7 June 2017 IFRIC 23 Effective for annual periods
( beginning on or after 1 January
23) Un­cer­tainty over Income Tax Treat­ments 2019
12 December 2017 Amended by Annual Im­prove­ments to IFRS Effective for annual periods
Standards 2015–2017 Cycle beginning on or after 1 January
( 2019
7 May 2021 Amended by Deferred Tax related to Assets Effective for annual periods
( Li­a­bil­i­ties arising from a Single Trans­ac­tion beginning on or after 1 January
12) (Amend­ments to IAS 12) 2023
Related In­ter­pre­ta­tions
IFRIC 7 ( Applying the Re­state­ment Approach under IAS 29 'Financial
Reporting in Hy­per­in­fla­tion­ary Economies'
IFRIC 23 ( Un­cer­tainty over Income Tax Treat­ments
SIC-21 ( Income Taxes – Recovery of Revalued Non-De­pre­cia­ble
Assets (SIC-21 was in­cor­po­rated into IAS 12 and withdrawn by the December 2010 amend­ments made by Deferred
Tax: Recovery of Un­der­ly­ing Assets)
SIC-25 ( Income Taxes – Changes in the Tax Status of an En­ter­prise
or its Share­hold­ers

Amend­ments under con­sid­er­a­tion by the IASB

Research project — Income taxes ( (longer term)

Summary of IAS 12
Objective of IAS 12

The objective of IAS 12 (1996) is to prescribe the accounting treatment for income taxes.

In meeting this objective, IAS 12 notes the following:

It is inherent in the recog­ni­tion of an asset or liability that that asset or liability will be recovered or settled, and this
recovery or set­tle­ment may give rise to future tax con­se­quences which should be recog­nised at the same time as the
asset or liability
An entity should account for the tax con­se­quences of trans­ac­tions and other events in the same way it accounts for the
trans­ac­tions or other events them­selves.
Key de­f­in
­ ­it­ ions

[IAS 12.5]
Tax base The tax base of an asset or liability is the amount at­trib­uted to that asset or liability for tax purposes
Temporary dif­fer­- Dif­fer­ences between the carrying amount of an asset or liability in the statement of financial position and its
ences tax bases
Taxable Temporary dif­fer­ences that will result in taxable amounts in de­ter­min­ing taxable profit (tax loss) of future
temporary dif­fer­- periods when the carrying amount of the asset or liability is recovered or settled
De­ductible Temporary dif­fer­ences that will result in amounts that are de­ductible in de­ter­min­ing taxable profit (tax loss)
temporary dif­fer­- of future periods when the carrying amount of the asset or liability is recovered or settled
Deferred tax li­a­bil­- The amounts of income taxes payable in future periods in respect of taxable temporary dif­fer­ences
Deferred tax The amounts of income taxes re­cov­er­able in future periods in respect of:

assets a. de­ductible temporary dif­fer­ences

b. the car­ry­for­ward of unused tax losses, and
c. the car­ry­for­ward of unused tax credits
Current tax

Current tax for the current and prior periods is recog­nised as a liability to the extent that it has not yet been settled, and as an
asset to the extent that the amounts already paid exceed the amount due. [IAS 12.12] The benefit of a tax loss which can be
carried back to recover current tax of a prior period is recog­nised as an asset. [IAS 12.13]

Current tax assets and li­a­bil­i­ties are measured at the amount expected to be paid to (recovered from) taxation au­thor­i­ties, using
the rates/laws that have been enacted or sub­stan­tively enacted by the balance sheet date. [IAS 12.46]

Cal­cu­la­tion of deferred taxes


Deferred tax assets and deferred tax li­a­bil­i­ties can be cal­cu­lated using the following formulae:

Temporary dif­fer­ence  =  Carrying amount  -  Tax base

Deferred tax asset or liability  =  Temporary dif­fer­ence  x  Tax rate

The following formula can be used in the cal­cu­la­tion of deferred taxes arising from unused tax losses or unused tax credits:

Deferred tax asset  =  Unused tax loss or unused tax credits  x  Tax rate

Tax bases

The tax base of an item is crucial in de­ter­min­ing the amount of any temporary dif­fer­ence, and ef­fec­tively rep­re­sents the amount
at which the asset or liability would be recorded in a tax-based balance sheet. IAS 12 provides the following guidance on de­ter­-
min­ing tax bases:
Assets. The tax base of an asset is the amount that will be de­ductible against taxable economic benefits from re­cov­er­-
ing the carrying amount of the asset. Where recovery of an asset will have no tax con­se­quences, the tax base is equal
to the carrying amount. [IAS 12.7]
Revenue received in advance. The tax base of the recog­nised liability is its carrying amount, less revenue that will not
be taxable in future periods [IAS 12.8]
Other li­a­bil­it­ ies. The tax base of a liability is its carrying amount, less any amount that will be de­ductible for tax
purposes in respect of that liability in future periods [IAS 12.8]
Un­recog­nised items. If items have a tax base but are not recog­nised in the statement of financial position, the carrying
amount is nil [IAS 12.9]
Tax bases not im­me­di­ately apparent. If the tax base of an item is not im­me­di­ately apparent, the tax base should ef­-
fec­tively be de­ter­mined in such as manner to ensure the future tax con­se­quences of recovery or set­tle­ment of the item
is recog­nised as a deferred tax amount [IAS 12.10]
­ ated financial state­ments. In con­sol­i­dated financial state­ments, the carrying amounts in the con­sol­i­dated
financial state­ments are used, and the tax bases de­ter­mined by reference to any con­sol­i­dated tax return (or otherwise
from the tax returns of each entity in the group). [IAS 12.11]


The de­ter­mi­na­tion of the tax base will depend on the ap­plic­a­ble tax laws and the entity's ex­pec­ta­tions as to recovery and set­tle­-
ment of its assets and li­a­bil­i­ties. The following are some basic examples:
Property, plant and equipment. The tax base of property, plant and equipment that is de­pre­cia­ble for tax purposes
that is used in the entity's op­er­a­tions is the unclaimed tax de­pre­ci­a­tion permitted as deduction in future periods
Re­ceiv­ables. If receiving payment of the re­ceiv­able has no tax con­se­quences, its tax base is equal to its carrying
Goodwill. If goodwill is not recog­nised for tax purposes, its tax base is nil (no de­duc­tions are available)
Revenue in advance. If the revenue is taxed on receipt but deferred for accounting purposes, the tax base of the
liability is equal to its carrying amount (as there are no future taxable amounts). Con­versely, if the revenue is recog­-
nised for tax purposes when the goods or services are received, the tax base will be equal to nil
Loans. If there are no tax con­se­quences from repayment of the loan, the tax base of the loan is equal to its carrying
amount. If the repayment has tax con­se­quences (e.g. taxable amounts or de­duc­tions on re­pay­ments of foreign
currency loans recog­nised for tax purposes at the exchange rate on the date the loan was drawn down), the tax con­se­-
quence of repayment at carrying amount is adjusted against the carrying amount to determine the tax base (which in
the case of the afore­men­tioned foreign currency loan would result in the tax base of the loan being de­ter­mined by
reference to the exchange rate on the draw down date).

Recog­ni­tion and mea­sure­ment of deferred taxes

Recog­ni­tion of deferred tax li­a­bil­it­ ies

The general principle in IAS 12 is that a deferred tax liability is recog­nised for all taxable temporary dif­fer­ences. There are three
ex­cep­tions to the re­quire­ment to recognise a deferred tax liability, as follows:
li­a­bil­i­ties arising from initial recog­ni­tion of goodwill [IAS 12.15(a)]
li­a­bil­i­ties arising from the initial recog­ni­tion of an asset/liability other than in a business com­bi­na­tion which, at the time of
the trans­ac­tion, does not affect either the accounting or the taxable profit and at the time of the trans­ac­tion, does not
give rise to equal taxable and de­ductible temporary dif­fer­ences. [IAS 12.15(b)]
li­a­bil­i­ties arising from temporary dif­fer­ences as­so­ci­ated with in­vest­ments in sub­sidiaries, branches, and as­so­ci­ates, and
interests in joint arrange­ments, but only to the extent that the entity is able to control the timing of the reversal of the dif­-
fer­ences and it is probable that the reversal will not occur in the fore­see­able future. [IAS 12.39]


An entity un­der­taken a business com­bi­na­tion which results in the recog­ni­tion of goodwill in ac­cor­dance with IFRS 3
( Business Com­bi­na­tions. The goodwill is not tax de­pre­cia­ble or otherwise
recog­nised for tax purposes.

As no future tax de­duc­tions are available in respect of the goodwill, the tax base is nil. Ac­cord­ingly, a taxable temporary dif­fer­-
ence arises in respect of the entire carrying amount of the goodwill. However, the taxable temporary dif­fer­ence does not result
in the recog­ni­tion of a deferred tax liability because of the recog­ni­tion exception for deferred tax li­a­bil­i­ties arising from goodwill.

Recog­ni­tion of deferred tax assets

A deferred tax asset is recog­nised for de­ductible temporary dif­fer­ences, unused tax losses and unused tax credits to the extent
that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the de­ductible temporary dif­fer­ences can be utilised, unless
the deferred tax asset arises from: [IAS 12.24]
the initial recog­ni­tion of an asset or liability other than in a business com­bi­na­tion which, at the time of the trans­ac­tion,
does not affect accounting profit or taxable profit.

Deferred tax assets for de­ductible temporary dif­fer­ences arising from in­vest­ments in sub­sidiaries, branches and as­so­ci­ates, and
interests in joint arrange­ments, are only recog­nised to the extent that it is probable that the temporary dif­fer­ence will reverse in
the fore­see­able future and that taxable profit will be available against which the temporary dif­fer­ence will be utilised. [IAS 12.44]

The carrying amount of deferred tax assets are reviewed at the end of each reporting period and reduced to the extent that it is
no longer probable that suf­fi­cient taxable profit will be available to allow the benefit of part or all of that deferred tax asset to be
utilised. Any such reduction is sub­se­quently reversed to the extent that it becomes probable that suf­fi­cient taxable profit will be
available. [IAS 12.37]

A deferred tax asset is recog­nised for an unused tax loss car­ry­for­ward or unused tax credit if, and only if, it is con­sid­ered
probable that there will be suf­fi­cient future taxable profit against which the loss or credit car­ry­for­ward can be utilised. [IAS 12.34]

Mea­sure­ment of deferred tax

Deferred tax assets and li­a­bil­i­ties are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is
realised or the liability is settled, based on tax rates/laws that have been enacted or sub­stan­tively enacted by the end of the
reporting period. [IAS 12.47] The mea­sure­ment reflects the entity's ex­pec­ta­tions, at the end of the reporting period, as to the
manner in which the carrying amount of its assets and li­a­bil­i­ties will be recovered or settled. [IAS 12.51]

IAS 12 provides the following guidance on measuring deferred taxes:

Where the tax rate or tax base is impacted by the manner in which the entity recovers its assets or settles its li­a­bil­i­ties
(e.g. whether an asset is sold or used), the mea­sure­ment of deferred taxes is con­sis­tent with the way in which an asset
is recovered or liability settled [IAS 12.51A]
Where deferred taxes arise from revalued non-de­pre­cia­ble assets (e.g. revalued land), deferred taxes reflect the tax
con­se­quences of selling the asset [IAS 12.51B]
Deferred taxes arising from in­vest­ment property measured at fair value under IAS 40
( In­vest­ment Property reflect the re­but­table pre­sump­tion that the in­vest­-
ment property will be recovered through sale [IAS 12.51C-51D]
If dividends are paid to share­hold­ers, and this causes income taxes to be payable at a higher or lower rate, or the entity
pays ad­di­tional taxes or receives a refund, deferred taxes are measured using the tax rate ap­plic­a­ble to undis­trib­uted
profits [IAS 12.52A]

Deferred tax assets and li­a­bil­i­ties cannot be dis­counted. [IAS 12.53]

Recog­ni­tion of tax amounts for the period
Amount of income tax to recognise

The following formula sum­marises the amount of tax to be recog­nised in an accounting period:

Tax to recognise for the period  =  Current tax for the period  +  Movement in deferred tax balances for the period

Where to recognise income tax for the period

Con­sis­tent with the prin­ci­ples un­der­ly­ing IAS 12, the tax con­se­quences of trans­ac­tions and other events are recog­nised in the
same way as the items giving rise to those tax con­se­quences. Ac­cord­ingly, current and deferred tax is recog­nised as income or
expense and included in profit or loss for the period, except to the extent that the tax arises from: [IAS 12.58]
trans­ac­tions or events that are recog­nised outside of profit or loss (other com­pre­hen­sive income or equity) - in which
case the related tax amount is also recog­nised outside of profit or loss [IAS 12.61A]
a business com­bi­na­tion - in which case the tax amounts are recog­nised as iden­ti­fi­able assets or li­a­bil­i­ties at the ac­qui­-
si­tion date, and ac­cord­ingly ef­fec­tively taken into account in the de­ter­mi­na­tion of goodwill when applying IFRS 3
( Business Com­bi­na­tions. [IAS 12.66]


An entity un­der­takes a capital raising and incurs in­cre­men­tal costs directly at­trib­ut­able to the equity trans­ac­tion, including reg­u­-
la­tory fees, legal costs and stamp duties. In ac­cor­dance with the re­quire­ments of IAS 32
( Financial In­stru­ments: Pre­sen­ta­tion, the costs are accounted for as a
deduction from equity.

Assume that the costs incurred are im­me­di­ately de­ductible for tax purposes, reducing the amount of current tax payable for the
period. When the tax benefit of the de­duc­tions is recog­nised, the current tax amount as­so­ci­ated with the costs of the equity
trans­ac­tion is recog­nised directly in equity, con­sis­tent with the treatment of the costs them­selves.

IAS 12 provides the following ad­di­tional guidance on the recog­ni­tion of income tax for the period:
Where it is difficult to determine the amount of current and deferred tax relating to items recog­nised outside of profit or
loss (e.g. where there are graduated rates or tax), the amount of income tax recog­nised outside of profit or loss is de­-
ter­mined on a rea­son­able pro-rata al­lo­ca­tion, or using another more ap­pro­pri­ate method [IAS 12.63]
In the cir­cum­stances where the payment of dividends impacts the tax rate or results in taxable amounts or refunds, the
income tax con­se­quences of dividends are con­sid­ered to be more directly linked to past trans­ac­tions or events and so
are recog­nised in profit or loss unless the past trans­ac­tions or events were recog­nised outside of profit or loss [IAS
The impact of business com­bi­na­tions on the recog­ni­tion of pre-com­bi­na­tion deferred tax assets are not included in the
de­ter­mi­na­tion of goodwill as part of the business com­bi­na­tion, but are sep­a­rately recog­nised [IAS 12.68]
The recog­ni­tion of acquired deferred tax benefits sub­se­quent to a business com­bi­na­tion are treated as 'mea­sure­ment
period' ad­just­ments (see IFRS 3 ( Business Com­bi­na­tions) if they
qualify for that treatment, or otherwise are recog­nised in profit or loss [IAS 12.68]
Tax benefits of equity settled share based payment trans­ac­tions that exceed the tax effected cu­mu­la­tive re­mu­ner­a­tion
expense are con­sid­ered to relate to an equity item and are recog­nised directly in equity. [IAS 12.68C]

Current tax assets and current tax li­a­bil­i­ties can only be offset in the statement of financial position if the entity has the legal
right and the intention to settle on a net basis. [IAS 12.71]

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax li­a­bil­i­ties can only be offset in the statement of financial position if the entity has the legal
right to settle current tax amounts on a net basis and the deferred tax amounts are levied by the same taxing authority on the
same entity or different entities that intend to realise the asset and settle the liability at the same time. [IAS 12.74]

The amount of tax expense (or income) related to profit or loss is required to be presented in the statement(s) of profit or loss
and other com­pre­hen­sive income. [IAS 12.77]

The tax effects of items included in other com­pre­hen­sive income can either be shown net for each item, or the items can be
shown before tax effects with an aggregate amount of income tax for groups of items (allocated between items that will and will
not be re­clas­si­fied to profit or loss in sub­se­quent periods). [IAS 1.91]

IAS 12.80 requires the following dis­clo­sures:

major com­po­nents of tax expense (tax income) [IAS 12.79] Examples include:
current tax expense (income)
any ad­just­ments of taxes of prior periods
amount of deferred tax expense (income) relating to the orig­i­na­tion and reversal of temporary dif­fer­ences
amount of deferred tax expense (income) relating to changes in tax rates or the im­po­si­tion of new taxes
amount of the benefit arising from a pre­vi­ously un­recog­nised tax loss, tax credit or temporary dif­fer­ence of a
prior period
write down, or reversal of a previous write down, of a deferred tax asset
amount of tax expense (income) relating to changes in accounting policies and cor­rec­tions of errors.

IAS 12.81 requires the following dis­clo­sures:

aggregate current and deferred tax relating to items recog­nised directly in equity
tax relating to each component of other com­pre­hen­sive income
ex­pla­na­tion of the re­la­tion­ship between tax expense (income) and the tax that would be expected by applying the
current tax rate to accounting profit or loss (this can be presented as a rec­on­cil­i­a­tion of amounts of tax or a rec­on­cil­i­a­-
tion of the rate of tax)
changes in tax rates
amounts and other details of de­ductible temporary dif­fer­ences, unused tax losses, and unused tax credits
temporary dif­fer­ences as­so­ci­ated with in­vest­ments in sub­sidiaries, branches and as­so­ci­ates, and interests in joint
for each type of temporary dif­fer­ence and unused tax loss and credit, the amount of deferred tax assets or li­a­bil­i­ties
recog­nised in the statement of financial position and the amount of deferred tax income or expense recog­nised in profit
or loss
tax relating to dis­con­tin­ued op­er­a­tions
tax con­se­quences of dividends declared after the end of the reporting period
in­for­ma­tion about the impacts of business com­bi­na­tions on an acquirer's deferred tax assets
recog­ni­tion of deferred tax assets of an acquiree after the ac­qui­si­tion date.

Other required dis­clo­sures:

details of deferred tax assets [IAS 12.82]
tax con­se­quences of future dividend payments. [IAS 12.82A]

In addition to the dis­clo­sures required by IAS 12, some dis­clo­sures relating to income taxes are required by IAS 1
( Pre­sen­ta­tion of Financial State­ments, as follows:
Dis­clo­sure on the face of the statement of financial position about current tax assets, current tax li­a­bil­i­ties, deferred tax
assets, and deferred tax li­a­bil­i­ties [IAS 1.54(n) and (o)]
Dis­clo­sure of tax expense (tax income) in the profit or loss section of the statement of profit or loss and other com­pre­-
hen­sive income (or separate statement if presented). [IAS 1.82(d)]

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