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What would you say is your greatest talent

My greater skill is working hard, I been developing these skill since I have memory, my oldest
memory is me helping my father paint a house, I use to help him paint houses back in Mexico,
Then, when I grow up a little, and I use to go to my grandparent ranch and help them wherever
they need help with. Then I came to the United States, and I helped my uncle in his body shop
whit wherever he needed to. After the body shop, I worked in the place that I've been working
until today,in a fast food restaurant. All these experineces are been helping me building who I
am today. These jobs made me a person who is not afraid to do things, to do things without
being asked. I think this is a very useful skill because at some point maybe I will need to study
and work at the same time, like I'm doing right now. The main person that I think influenced me
the most to be this way, was my father. I remember having these conversations of how I need it
to have a nice job and that I need it to go to school to achieve my goals and make a career to
earn money. Since then I have been looking for my dream job so I can make it my goal, so I can
work hard and achieve the rest of my goals. He also told me that I need to do the things the
right way, and not just do the things because I have to do them, always give a little extra of
myself each time so the things that I do, reflect who I am, a person that likes working and not
just another worker. I noticed that all this advice helped me when I got here, specifically when I
started working in the fast food restaurant. It was easy for me to do things rapidly and not just
standing around waiting for someone to tell me what to do.

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