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“Caminando en calidad hacia la excelencia”


 Teamwork
 Materials
 Present on time
 Good behavior


Types of Solids* Intermolecular Force(s) Between Particles
1. Metallic solids (Metals) **Metallic bonding: Valence electrons form mobile sea of
Examples: Na, Cu, Fe, Mn , etc… electrons which comprise the metallic bond.
2. Ionic Crystals (Ionic Solids) **Ionic Bonding: Attraction of charged ions for one another.
Examples: NaCl, MgCl2, MgO, etc… Lattice energy is a measure of ionic bond strength.
3. Covalent Crystals (Network Solids) **Network covalent bonding. Network solids are extremely
Examples (very rare): C(diamond), SiC(s), SiO2 hard compounds with very high melting and boiling points
(quartz/glass/sand) due to their endless 3-dimensional network of covalent bonds.

4. Molecular solids Examples: One or more of the following:

(a) Need H bonded to O, N or F: H2O, HF, (a) Hydrogen bonding: Hydrogen bonds are weaker than
NH3. covalent bonds, but stronger than (b) or (c) below.

(b) CHF3, CH3COCH3 (acetone) and H2O, HF, (b) Dipole-dipole forces: these forces act between polar
NH3. molecules. They are much weaker than hydrogen bonding.
(c) C6H6 (benzene), polymers (polyethylene, (c) Dispersion forces (induced dipole – induced dipole or
etc..), molecular elements (H2, N2, O2, etc…), London dispersion forces): universal force of attraction
and all the compounds from (a and b) above. between instantaneous dipoles. These forces are weak for
small, low molecular weight molecules, but large for heavy,
Types (b) and (c) together are called long, and/or highly polarizable molecules. They can
Van der Waals forces. dominate over (b) above for these large molecules.
5. Atomic solids Dispersion forces: See Section 4(c) above.
Examples: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe

*Note: Many of the compounds given as examples are not solids at room temperature. But if you cool
them down to a low enough temperature, eventually they will become solids.

** No distinction between intramolecular bonding and intermolecular forces.

Physical properties depend on these forces. The stronger the forces between the particles,
(a) the higher the melting point.
(b) the higher the boiling point.
(c) the lower the vapor pressure (partial pressure of vapor in equilibrium with liquid or solid in a closed
container at a fixed temperature).
(d) the higher the viscosity
(e) the higher the surface tension

1. List all types of IMFs that would occur in each of the following
a. CH3CF3 c. SO2
b. CCl4 d. BrF

2. List the dominant (strongest) type of IMF for the pure substances, then rank the strength of each
compound based on IMFs within the samples.

(1 = strongest, 2 = in between, 3 = weakest)

Substance IMF Relative Strength

3. Circle all of the species below that can form a hydrogen bond in its pure form. Explain why the other
species couldn't hydrogen bond.

4. Rank the following compounds from weakest intermolecular forces to strongest. Justify your answers.
I2 H2S H2 O

5. Which of the following will have the highest melting point

a. naphthalene C8H10 c. quartz SiO2
b. methane CH4 d. ethanol C2H5OH

6. Circle all the compounds which would be expected to form intermolecular hydrogen bonds in the liquid
(a) CH3OCH3 (b) CH4 (c) HF (d) CH3CO2H (e) Br2 (f) CH3OH

7. What type of solid will each of the following substances form in its solid state? Choices to consider are
metallic, ionic, covalent, or molecular solids.
a. C2H6 d. CO2 g. Al
b. Na2O e. N2O5 h. C(diamond)
c. SiO2 f. NaNO3 i. SO2

8. For the table below, specify the dominant intermolecular force involved for each substance in the space
immediately following the substance. Then in the last column, indicate which member of the pair you
would expect to have the higher boiling point.

Substance Dominant Substance Dominant Between the two

#1 Intermolecular Force #2 Intermolecular Force Substances wich one
have the Higher Boiling
a. HCl(g) I2
c. H2O H2S
d. SiO2 SO2
e. Fe Kr
f. CH3OH CuO
g. NH3 CH4
h. HCl(g) NaCl
i. SiC Cu

9. Use the following word bank for questions A through H

(Obviously, you will need to use several words more than once! )
Alkali metals Alkaline earth metals Halogens
Noble gases Transition metals Noble gases

A. The ______________ have a single electron in the highest energy level.

B. The ______________ achieve the electron configurations of noble gases by losing two electrons.

C. The ______________ are metals that can hold up to 10 electrons in their sublevel shape

D. The ______________ achieve the electron configuration of noble gases by gaining one electron.

E. The ______________ have full s and p orbitals in the highest occupied energy levels.

F. The ______________ are stable and un-reactive.

G. The ______________ are highly reactive and readily form salts with metals.

H. The ______________ are metals that are more reactive than the transition elements but less reactive
than the alkali metals.

10. Choose the element with the greatest first ionization energy:

Carbon or aluminum Calcium or strontium Helium or lithium

Chlorine or argon Chlorine or fluorine Sulfur or chlorine

11. Compare the first ionization energies for the noble gases.
12. Arrange the following elements in order of increasing electronegativity.

a. gallium, aluminum, indium

b. calcium, selenium, arsenic
c. oxygen, fluorine, sulfur
d. phosphorus, oxygen, germanium

13. Draw in the trends on the periodic table:

Ionization energy; electronegativity; atomic radius; electron affinity; shielding effect

14. The shielding effect increases with increasing atomic number within a ___.
a. period b. group c. both d. neither

15. In any ___, the number of electrons between the nucleus and the outer energy level is the same.
a. period b. group c. both d. neither

16. Within a ____, the nucleus has a stronger ability to pull on the outermost (valence) electrons in
elements of high atomic number.
a. period b. group c. both d. neither

17. In a ____, electron affinity values become more negative as atomic number increases.
a. period b. group c. both d. neither

18. The halogens are considered a ____.

a. period b. group c. both d. neither
19. Which atom has the greater nuclear charge? ______
a. Na b. Al c. P d. Ar

20. Which atom demonstrates the greatest shielding effect? _______

a. Na b. Al c. P d. Ar

21. The atoms Na, Al, P, and Ar all have the same __________

a. number of valence electrons b. size atomic radius c. number of kernel electrons

22. Which element on the periodic table has

a. lowest ionization energy

b. highest second ionization energy
c. highest electronegativity
d. highest ionization energy
e. largest atomic radius

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