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Shyenne Holder



22 February 2023

Character Sketch of Miss Strangworth

In the short story “The Possibility of Evil”, Miss Strangeworth is protective, harsh, and

oblivious. The reader quickly learns that Miss Strangeworth is protective of her roses when it

states in the story that she never gives away any roses. Many tourists would ask for her roses, but

it bothered Miss Strangeworth to imagine random people taking her roses into strange towns.

Moreover, the reader soon finds out that Miss Strangeworth is harsh when she anonymously

writes rude letters about the people in her town to get rid of evil. For example, in one of these

letters, she says: “Didn’t you ever seen an idiot child before? Some people just shouldn’t have

children should they?” Lastly, Miss Strangeworth is oblivious, as she thought she was saving her

town from any evil by writing these letters. However, we see that she was unaware of this, and

was only creating more evil by disrespecting other people. Therefore, from these events that

occurred in the story, the reader learns that Miss Strangeworth is a protective, harsh, and

oblivious person.

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