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Lesson 3, Small Moments Writing --Stretching Out

Small Moments
J PETTI OCT 02, 2022 08:20PM UTC

1.  Text, pdf, display, and watermelon handouts

Objective, Essential
Understanding, Common Core 2. youtube learning videos

Standards, and Grouping 3.Small moment pdf slide show

4. Writer's folders and Writers' Notepads.

1.  collect tiny details that they cal later turn into stories.
2. capture story ideas into their writer's notepads.

Essential Question:
How can we tell meaningful stories from small moments in our

RL.2.1 & RI.2.1
Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text.

Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and
convey ideas and information clearly.

Owl Moon
Grouping by George Plamantouras
Group A:  T

Group B:  Printable and interactive writing

Group c:  handouts
Group D: 

Vocabulary & Materials & Rubric

Writing: B1S3-Stretching Out Small Moments
by Mrs. Vestal's Class
PDF document

PDF Lesson Slideshow
1.  Say, today, I want to teach you how to develop a tiny topic like
"sparkling buildings" into a whole story.  Remember, writers don't
just think up a topic and then suddenly, poof, there is a story. 
Writers plan and let their stories grow by trying things out.

2.  Replay Owl Moon read-aloud. Then, Say: Jane Yolen, the author
of "Owl Moon," may have gotten the stgory idea for the book from
heer notepad because she wrote the note: Owling at Night; but,
her story didn't just burst write out.  It grew in her ind.  It went
through a lot of rehearsals and drafts.  To this, Jane probable even
wrote on her pages--First, Next Then After that, and Finally.

3.  Demonstrate how you can plan a story by telling it across your
5 fingers and by jotting a few key words on each page.

4.  In my notepad, I have a note that says, SPARKLING BUILDINGS. 

I am going to tell my story using my fingers and the the sequence
PDF document phrases:  First, Next, Then, After that, Finally.
5.    Use fingers and 5 page planner on smartboard, to retell story. 
First the rain stopped and I was on a bus on 34th street.  Next, I
looked out the bus window and noticed it was my stop.  Then,

Learning Videos everyone rushed to the back door to get out.  I felt crushed.  The
doors opened and I was about to step off when I saw a gigantic
puddle.  After that, I decided to jump.  I jumped as far as I could
Learning Video and PDF slideshow but, splash, I landed in ankle deep water.  Water flew everywhere. 
Finally, I jumped up on the curb as quickly as I could.  I looked like
a drowned rat.  I was so upset!  But, then I looked up and saw those sparkling buildings and felt so much happier.

6.  Debrief by recounting what I did to plan each page of the story. 
I used my five finger retell and I used my 5 page planner booklet to
jot notes for each of the 5 pages: first, next, then, after that, and
1.  Confer individually with each writing.
7.  See how I took a tiny topic and got ready to write?  I did three
things.  First, I thought about how my story was going to go by 2.  check over their idea notepads and their 5 page planner.
telling it across my fingers.  Then, I jotted a few words across the
pages to remember what I wanted to write.  then, I started 3. 
thinking about what happened first, next, then, after that, and
finally. Step 6
8.  Now, pick up your booklet.  and begin writing to turn  your seed
idea into a 5-page writing plan. Share Out

Step 3
1.  Have volunteers share their small moments.

Active Engagement 2.  In particular, have students share how they stretched out their
small moment over the 5 pages.

1.  Distribute 5 page narrative planner. 3. 

2.  Ask students to choose a story idea from their notepad and
begin by telling it to him or herself on their fingers. Exit Slip
3.  Then, instruct them to do the same, but in the planning booklet.

4.  Have students work for 20 minutes on their planning draft.

5.  As they work, facilitate by calling writer's up one at a time to


6. After 20 minutes, have volunteers share out.

Step 4
Conferring and Small Group Work PDF document


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