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Kucheriava Maryna, piano

Homework 5

6 facts about Ceremony

1. The first Academy Awards were presented in 1929 at a private dinner with
about 270 guests.
2. The first ceremony went for just 15 minutes.
3. No-one actually knows how Oscar got his name.
4. It was first televised in 1953.
5. Today, it’s one of the biggest award ceremonies in the world with around 50
million people tuning in to watch.
6. The youngest Oscar winner ever was Tatum O’Neal, who was 10 years old.

Face2Face Ex. 5, p. 73

Bollywood is the biggest film industry in the world and its films are watched by 15
million people in cinemas across India every day. The films always include music,
spectacular dancing and romance, and usually last over three hours. The first
Bollywood film being produced was in 1908 and by 1930 over 200 films were
being made every year. Now studios in Mumbai produce over 800 films a year,
which can be seen all over the world. Bollywood spends far less on production than
Hollywood, but now the industry is being forced to spend more to compete with big-
budget American films. So if you enjoy being transporting to another world, you
should go and see a Bollywood film!

Face2Face Ex. 6, p. 73

1. I hate it when people interrupt me.

I hate being interrupted.
2. You should take the pills with food.
The pills should be taken with food.
3. She doesn’t like people telling her what to do.
She doesn’t like being told what to do.
4. I hope they promote me next year.
I hope to be promoted.
5. They invited him first.
He was the first invited by them.
6. They had to take her to hospital.
She had been taken to hospital by them.
7. They’ll deliver the parcel to me tomorrow.
The parcel will be delivered to me tomorrow.
8. Someone needs to tell the boss immediately.
The boss should be told immediately.

Face2Face Ex. 5, p. 75

A. Sorry I’m so late. It took such a long time to get here.
B. Don’t worry. Brad’s late too, as he usually is. Anyway, I’m so pleased we got
A. Me too. It’s had so much good publicity that I didn’t think we would.
B. Yes, I’ve read so many great reviews.


A. Adela looks gorgeous, like she always does. She’s got such beautiful eyes.
B. Yes, she could easily find work as a model.
A. Apparently, she’s already had offers from agencies such as Now and Models Too.
B. And she’s so tall. I feel like a little kid when I’m standing next to her.


A. Have you got anything I can use as a vase for these flowers?
B. Oh, they’re so lovely. Who are they from?
A. My son. It was such a surprise. He’s never done anything like that before.

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