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FICHA: 2315301





MAYO DE 2022

Communication Insights Boost Shipper-

Supplier Relationships.

Shippers who recognize that they have the power to

enable their own supplier base to meet their needs, as
well as those of their customers, are on the right track.

In particular, North American importers would do well to

emphasize more robust communication practices with Preston Charles is
Consultant, Worldwide
Asian exporters to drive supply chain efficiencies
Advancement Consulting,
Stronger communication goes beyond monitoring a
system developed to check the status of daily tracking. It
involves understanding the underlying needs of our counterparts in Asia and
recognizing that many of our suppliers must take into account the demands and
concerns of multiple customers. Some of those other customers may be your
competitors. Therefore, shippers that present fewer unnecessary difficulties to their
supplier base are more likely to reap the benefits of predictability, quality and cost.
In the famous words of Stephen R. Covey, "Seek first to understand, then to be

As an importer, not only should you continue to communicate your business

requirements, but you should also ask suppliers to come forward and talk openly
about their requirements. This may sound strange to some of you, but it needs to
happen more often. When we talk about early communication, we want to go beyond
the basic exchange of transactional information. We need to develop a deep
understanding during transactions. There needs to be a continuous loop of real-time
information exchange.

The benefits of continuous communication

The first benefit is the predictability of timing and scheduling within the supply
chain. When scheduling is predictable, it allows materials managers, cost
accountants, purchasing managers, logistics managers and inbound facility
managers to focus on strategic improvements because they do not have to worry
about problems resulting from inefficient scheduling.
The second benefit is improved quality within the supply chain. When an importer
takes the time and energy to communicate with suppliers, they find that they can
understand how their suppliers can perform at their optimum levels. A company is
able to provide that elusive "added value" because it can supply its products at the
highest possible level, while having the resources to invest in improving processes
that are already efficient.

The third advantage is the containment (or reduction) of supply chain costs. When
the supplier understands your requirements, it can develop a plan and then execute
it. When an importer determines and takes into account the constraints, costs and
conflicts faced by the supplier, both parties benefit from shared knowledge. This
mutual knowledge leads to reduced set-up costs for manufacturers, greater
utilization of fixed cost transportation structures and a more effective human
resource management plan to complete objectives.

The communication skills mentioned here are not technically complex, and none of
them require excessive effort from your current management teams. Many importers
can implement these simple tactics immediately and reap the benefits in a relatively
short period of time.

Improvements in lead times, quality and costs lead to value creation throughout the
supply chain.

• Underlying-Subyacente
• Múltiples-múltiples
• Recognize- Reconocen
• Competitors- Competidores
• Power-Poder
• Quality-Calidad
• Enable-Permitir
• Importer-Importador
• Supplier-Proveedor
• Requirements-Requisitos
• Emphasize-Enfatizar
• Exchange-Intercambio
• Supply-Suministro
• Information-Informacion
• Efficiencies-Eficiencia
• Develop-Desarrollar
• Reap- obtener
• Supply-Suministro
• Predictability-Previsibilidad
• Managers-Gerentes
• Communication-Comunicacion
• Logistics-Logistica
• System-Sistema
• Facility-Instalaciones
• Check-Verificar
• Strategic-Estrategico
• Tracking-Seguimiento
• Improved-Mejora
• Chain-Cadena • Constraints-Limitaciones
• Optimum-Optimo • Transportation-Transporte
• Value-Valor • Skills- Habilidades
• Products-Productos • Excessive-Excesivo
• Resources-Recursos • Simple tactics- tacticas simples
• Invest-Invertir • Management-Gestion
• Efficient-Eficiente • Creation-Creacion
• Reduction-Reduccion
• Execute-Ejecutar
• Shared knowledge-
Conocimiento compartido

Main idea of the Text

In this article he wants us to understand that as an importer, you should not only
continue to communicate business requirements or quality improvements in your
supply chain, but also require your suppliers to communicate and talk openly about
their requirements or simply determine or takes into account the constraints, costs
and conflicts they face, both parties benefit from common knowledge, if the importer
takes the time and energy to communicate with internal and external customers,
they find that they can understand how the supplier is operating an optimal level.
As a result, carriers with fewer necessary challenges to their supplier base are more
likely to reap the benefits of supply chain predictability, quality, and cost, because
when it's predictable, it enables material managers, accountants, Purchasing
managers, logistics managers, and internal facility staff focus on strategic
improvements simply because they don't have to worry about problems caused by
ineffective planning. Many importers can implement these simple methods
immediately and reap the benefits in a relatively short period of time, as progress,
quality and cost improvements create value throughout the supply chain; Once you
understand these requirements, you can simply develop a plan, implement it, and
most importantly, a flow of trust and ongoing communication.

Idea principal del texto

En este artículo nos quiere dar a entender que como importador, no solo se debe
continuar comunicando los requisitos comerciales o las mejoras de calidad en su
cadena de suministro, sino también exigir a sus proveedores que comuniquen y
hablen abiertamente sobre sus requisitos o simplemente determina o tiene en cuenta
las limitaciones, los costos y los conflictos que enfrenta, ambas partes se benefician
del conocimiento común, si el importador se toma el tiempo y la energía para
comunicarse con los clientes internos y externos, descubre que puede entender cómo
el proveedor está operando a un nivel óptimo.
Como resultado, los transportistas con menos desafíos necesarios para su base de
proveedores tienen más probabilidades de adquirir los beneficios de la
previsibilidad, la calidad y el costo de la cadena de suministro, porque cuando es
predecible, permite que los gerentes de materiales, contadores, gerentes de compras,
gerentes de logística y personal interno de las instalaciones se centren en las mejoras
estratégicas simplemente porque no tienen que preocuparse por los problemas
causados por una planificación ineficaz. Muchos importadores pueden implementar
estos métodos simples de inmediato y obtener los beneficios en un período de tiempo
relativamente corto, ya que las mejoras en el progreso, la calidad y los costos crean
valor a lo largo de la cadena de suministro; Una vez que comprenda estos requisitos,
puede simplemente desarrollar un plan, implementarlo y, lo que es más importante,
un flujo de confianza y una comunicación continua.
Bibliographic Reference

Article obtained from the page inbound logistics

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