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The Truth About The Alt-Right: A Destruction

by Facts and Logic

A Long Introduction:
This article may come several years too late, but at the same time may be more relevant than ever.
What we see now is the fruits of many years of careful planning. While much of what I will discuss
has been happening since the early 90’s and before, we are seeing its culmination in current global
politics. Many people have written on the subject of the alt right, who funds them, what social and
economic factors brought about their existence, what psychological profiling can be applied to
them. I would like to discuss the alt right in terms of its being the product of a cohesive and
complex propaganda operation, which in fact encompasses several different large scale propaganda
operations, going back many years, long before the alt right was a term or concept.
The influence of these propaganda operations, carried out by bodies almost exclusively tied up in
the state and capital, created the illusion of an ‘alternative’ media that appears anti establishment but
is in fact a staunch defender of the global ruling class and indeed was created by that class and is of
that class. These propaganda operations represent the online frontier of the new/old cold war. The
alt right are its willing soldiers, and though many of them work for free, a great number earn
extremely large salaries.
In this article I will discuss the roots of the alt right, the connection of those roots to intelligence
agencies, in particular the CIA, but also Russian and British intelligence. I will also discuss the
connection of those roots and the intelligence agencies to the state and capital, how these roots
became the alt right, and how those connections endured and bloomed. I will also situate this
particular propaganda campaign in the context of the wider subversive propaganda employed by
capital, intelligence agencies and the far right, particularly with regards to online culture.
To begin I will attempt place the alt right ideologically, so excuse me for pointing out some things
which might seem basic, I do this to give context. The alt right, like the right of old , rehabilitate the
image of their heroes, Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Julius Evola, all the greats. These are however all
people who historically defended capital and the establishment — The System — under the guise of
anti capitalist and anti establishment rhetoric.
In fact their respective fascist and national socialist movements were originally funded and
controlled for the most part by German, British, American, French and Italian capital, specifically as
a way to oppose the left and thus prop up capital. When we are talking about far right ideas, we are,
by definition, talking about ideas which serve to cut off the better off working class base from the
left in the service of capital. Those are the ideas in and of themselves. Indeed, even as far back as
Evola and the original Nazis we see the influence of intelligence services- but more on that later.
When we look at the manner in which these ideas have grown and proliferated in recent times on
the internet, we see that it is also capital and capital’s lapdog agencies who have cultivated this
Fascist ideas have a natural base, the socially reactionary elements of the working class, combined
with the petit-bourgeois, (and of course the bourgeois proper). This base is full of contradictions and
we see this play out regularly. Without state and corporate backing, these groups differing class
interests tend to undo the cohesion required to form an effective political bloc. It is only with the
leadership of the grand bourgeois that they are able to cohere.
Reactionary ideas are a milieu, they combine elements of many and various cultural cliques. You
will find on the alt right those whose main ideological conviction is their belief in the subjugation of
women, all other ideas come as incidental to that. You will also find those who believe in extremist
liberal interpretations of capitalist ideology, the ‘anti state’ libertarians or anarco- capitalists. You
will find Jewish World Order believers. You will find economical apathetics who hold reactionary
views about immigrants. You will find people who just hate none whites. You will find pagan
national socialists, you will find christian fundamentalist and outright Zionist groups. You will also
find satanists, radical Islamists. You will find mystics and alien conspiracy theorists. Esoteric
Fascist Vegan Buddhists. Traditionalists.Pizza Gate and Q anon believers. Alex Jones fans. You will
find many who are just in it to be edgy or ‘for the lulz’. You -will find many run of the mill
traditional conservatives, and many outright liberals. You will find huge crossover between all of
these groups.
We might think of fascism, not only as the capital base in decay, but as capitals attempt to unite all
of these superstructural reactionary cultural interests into a cohesive cause. Capital presents the
central corruptions from which all their perceived issues stem: moral degeneracy, the left, the
immigrants, and if you go far enough, the Jews, or still further, ‘magian society’ (the Jews). They
also present the solution to the corruption: get rid of the left. Who makes up the majority of the
global working class? Non white people. Who holds the majority of capital? White people. White
men specifically. Although China is giving them a run for their money and white women are
increasingly coming to be accumulators of capital. Who makes up the majority of the global
reactionary elements of the working class and petit-bourgeois and bourgeois proper therefore?
This is the fascist base. Those who benefit from capitalism to a greater degree than the majority of
the population, or those who perceive themselves to do so. A very large and diverse group of people
in the neo-liberal era, even within its general whiteness. There is certainly a degree of none
whiteness to its make up and increasingly so. Small wonder then, the defence of ‘whiteness’
encompasses so many different, opposing white identities, as whites are extremely prone to
opposing each other. What unites the fascists then is only two things, their perceived white identity,
regardless of pigmentation, and their ownership or perceived easily realisable aspirational
ownership of capital, were it not for the left getting in the way. Even ideological misogynists are
united with white women in their whiteness some of the time. What therefore does capital present
as the solution to the the problem of this mostly non white international organised working class,
without much or any aspiration of property ownership? Why of course, white nationalist capitalism
without the mostly brown organised working class, and their white working class race traitor allies.
We cannot talk about the alt right, without talking about the man who claims to have coined the
phrase way back in 2007¹. Richard Spencer is most famous perhaps for shouting ‘Heil Trump’ while
doing a roman/Nazi salute at an alt-right conference in Washington. He is primarily an ideologue,
well educated and well spoken, he has appeared frequently on podcasts and YouTube channels, as
well as giving lectures and speaking tours.
In 2011 he began an online magazine,, and took over the National Policy
Institute, a white identity think tank. His publications continued to gather attention in formative alt
right circles, until Donald Trump threw himself behind the alt-right and Spencer threw his support
behind Trump, turning him into one of the worlds most well known racists almost over night.
Spencer then became a key figure on the Trump campaign circuit. While there are no intelligence
links that I can see, Spencer’s mother Sherry Spencer (Dickenhorst) is the heiress to a number of
cotton farms in Louisiana², his father is a respected opthalmologist. Spencer himself it would appear
has never had a job outside of Conservative media. Spencer’s views are not influenced by the elite
classes, they are, directly, the views of the elite classes, thus it is thoroughly unsurprising they are
what they are, a simple self interested defence of his own position in society.³
Why do I talk about this? Because reactionary ideas do have roots in an ‘organic’ base, that is,
capitalism creates a certain set of conditions and the cultural trimmings develop to reproduce those
conditions, part of those conditions are a section of the working class which is elevated above the
rest, along side the petit-bourgeoisie. There are strong material incentives for these people to scab as
a worker or exploit as petit-bourgeoisie. Fascism is the ruling class deliberately organising this base
into its own defensive wall between itself and the organised working class. It is important to
remember that capital does not actually want to cede power to this base, it merely wants to use them
to its own ends. They are complicit and they are victims all at the same time. If communism is the
real movement that abolishes the present state of things, fascism is the fake movement which
preserves the present state of things, or the fake movement which re-establishes the previous state
of things.
It is in this context therefore that I would like to discuss the rise of the alt right on the internet,
which can be looked at, depending on your level of belief, in a number of ways. One way it can be
looked at is a milieu of various similar but different ideological strands that has arisen organically
and maintains its grass roots credentials. Another way to look at it is as a milieu of various similar
but different grass roots ideological strands that have arisen organically, but have then been co-
opted by capital and state interests. The third way to look at it, is that these ideas have always
existed organically, but that as an organised mass movement the far right has always been a direct
instrument of capital, and therefore any emerging far right movement of any note is never ‘organic’
or grass roots but always a direct, for purpose created, instrument of capital, proliferating ideas
which come directly from capital. While the ideas of the alt right already existed on certain
channels, they were not fully at the fore, it was only with the interference of capital that they could
flourish and become dominant. This interference was the effective colonisation of what became alt-
right spaces by the confluence of influences of capital and the intelligence services, and their
You could claim that the alt right emerged from a milieu of ideas and was then co-opted, but at the
same time, from whence did this milieu arise? Tied in and central to the alt right ideological terrain
is World War II German Anti Soviet propaganda, cold war propaganda, quote unquote race science,
the radical belief that uninterrupted capitalism and the domination of the free market in all things.
None of these are new ideas, and all of them have consistently been proliferated by the state, by
capital and by intelligence agencies.
It is true in the context of the alt right these ideas appeared in a new medium, namely, memes,
Facebook, twitter, YouTube, Reddit, 4chan, 8chan, discord, twitch etc . It is true that with these new
mediums came new styles of operation, new vectors for fascist intimidation. However, the material
broadcast over these mediums is not new at all, and in fact many of the most popular works have
their roots in intelligence operations.
The relationship of this material to these platforms is no accident at all. The intelligence services
and military industrial complex have their own penchant for far right ideology and it is from these
bodies that the internet arose, the internet was originally developed as Arpanet, A.R.P.A was the
Advanced Research Project Agency, which later became D.A.R.P.A, the Defence Advanced
Research Project Agency⁴. Regardless of the original intention of its creation, which may or may
not have been complicit, the internet as it is mostly used by the majority of western society, even
those that deem them self ‘off the grid’ as it were, functions primarily as a means for the
proliferation of ruling class capitalist ideology, almost entirely so but with some caveats. The
internet can also function as a tool for class struggle, but this is only a tiny, tiny amount of its traffic.
The internet acts as a means of reproducing and distributing old propaganda as well as a forum for
the creation and proliferation of new propaganda. There is often very little difference between the
two. The new propaganda is the old in new form. The base material from which the alt right and
others work from was already laced with capitalist ideology and already came directly from capital.
Were we to look at the alt right as an organic movement merely co-opted by intelligence interests,
we would have to ignore the fact that the movement was already spreading the good word of
capital, as it is written by capitalists themselves, ‘before’ it was co-opted. Whichever point you want
to say is the point of co-option.
I realise that for many people this is almost taken as a given, everything within capitalism
reproduces capitalist ideology, why would the internet be any different? And that is true, but there
are spaces which lay claim to being outside corporate or state influence, it is these I wish to
The alt right exist in a sphere that, while it appears as somehow opposed to ruling class ideology, is
in fact almost completely controlled by ruling class interests. Most of them would readily admit-
proudly pronounce- that twitter, Facebook etc are corporate controlled, indeed they probably have
opinions about how their free speech is restricted on such platforms, and have their own views
about what kind of propaganda these platforms promote. Donald Trump himself has claimed that
‘the radical left are in control of Facebook’.⁵
This is of course nonsense, in fact, billionaire Peter Theil, who has sat on the Facebook board of
directors since 2005, donated over 1 Million dollars to the Trump Campaign and 100,000 dollars for
his inauguration⁶. Tiel also founded Palantir, a surveillance and data-mining software used widely
in the military industrial complex and intelligence agencies⁷. Facebook also recently hired former
director general of the Israeli ministry of justice Emi Palmor, who previously created a cyber unit
tasked with monitoring Palestinian social media posts⁸. In recent years Facebook has been known to
censor Soviet Flags celebrating V.E. day⁹ and among other things, admittedly to censoring posts
supporting Quassim Soliemani when he was murdered by the US government¹⁰.
On to the next social media giant. Jack Dorsey, head of Twitter, has close relations to the US state
department. Dorsey was part of a state department delegation that visited Iraq in 2009¹¹ and has
actively colluded with the state department in matters of geopolitical importance, such as during the
‘green revolution’ in Iran¹². Recently, Twitter blocked the account of a Movement Towards
Socialism presidential candidate in Bolivia, supporting the US backed coup government in doing
so¹³. As well as all of this, Twitter has also been massively utilised by the far right, including the use
of bot networks to support that same coup government by stating ‘there was no coup’¹⁴. For other
examples of capital penetration into the internet, we might look to how Wikipedia was founded by
stock options trader and Ayn Rand fan Jimmy Wales¹⁵.
This however is the mainstream internet, or at least, the socially acceptable internet. While the alt
right use these channels, particularly twitter, most of their discussion and organisation happens on
other channels. As they see it, these channels are free from corporate/state control and free speech
incursions. That is, they believe their own platforms generally support free speech, but the left is
attempting all the time to subvert them. They believe that the intelligence agencies are on the left
and so the intelligence agencies attempt to subvert their spaces, any left wing viewpoint must be the
viewpoint of an intelligence agent or some other paid shill. In the case of Correct the Record, a
firmly centrist liberal organisation, this may be the case. As for the LEFT we seemingly lack such
capabilities and organisational capacity.
While it may be true the alt right can say or share any thing they want within their enclaves on these
channels, it is certainly not true that the narratives pushed on these forums, 4Chan, 8chan, Discord,
Reddit, IRC, Riot, Signal, Telegram, is outside of ruling class control, or indeed that ruling class
control is left wing.
The scope of this online community cannot be underestimated, it reaches millions, perhaps even a
billion or two people globally. To look at it properly, we must look at the milieu from which it
emerged. That milieu is described openly by key figures of the alt right, and its roots are visible.

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