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Soros money filters through Moscow. Scientists in the former Soviet Union (FSU) this month began to collect survival cheques ffom the $100 million- fund setup lat yearby the US philantho- pist George Soros. But doubts persist about ‘whether the next and mai round of esearch grants will be as successful in finding and Funding the right scientists. Many are also sceptical about whether the money will ake any longrlasting diference this first phase, Sors's Intemational Science Foundation (ISP, see Nature 360, 617; 1992 is distributing grants of $500 19 up fo 20000 individuals who have published a east three papers in recognized journals over the pst fe yeas (Soe Nan 362, 95; 1993). Applicants with good citation records receive a further payment ofp 1 $1,000 10 help keep ther research team intact. TSE has overcome early concerns that it might be impossible to get the money 0 Scientists, given thatthe FSU lacks a reliable bunking system, andthe altemative of wit- ing money direcly o researchers was 109 expensive. It has peid researchers in US traveller's cheques, which they conver into «cash at Moscow 's Menatep commercial bank Official a ISF's office in Moscow are also confident thatthe money Went tthe Fight people. But statisticians may raise an eyebrow at theit survey method: “we be- ame convinced ofthis by looking at the People who came to pick up the cheques.” Lab practice helps Manne. een ene tsi ado pert ie ut bare noses de 1 Sn as been seco Moreen cSocey he) Smeaincatet Sows mea / Wore an tacegane ween SM Scenes Windy ete paul Ieshe ACs Samer Eaves Expense for he Daandiaged (SEED) chene wen ont oh cage degen scoring Td ode, cth nag ah Li Geno's vevopectte sy of te scene a od oe Ye inne poe esp wing fe syn A ors and chon ie Xeno wang wit sea yao tse sion dig wi anid ino tegen fom ox tc ae ea NATURE - VOL 364 - 26 AUGUST 1993 The rescue plan will now move to its second and main phase of handing out re- search grants. Butcontroversy stil surrounds how best to spend the $100 million pledged by Soros, says Alex Goldfarb, who super- vises ISF's Moscow office. Soros and many Russians believe it should be shared among the 25,000 or so researchers active in basic research. Others, particularly the US mem- bers on ISF's executive committee and ad- visory board, argue it should be used 10 censure the survival of the best research ‘groups. Unfortunately, $100 million is not ‘enough 10 do both, ISF has reached a compromise for the next round. Besides awarding grants, of up to $100,000, to support large research projects, it wil also make available some ‘smaller grants to help research groups in danger of disappearing, But Russia's top scientists may prefer to ‘emigrate than face the “humiliation” of ac~ ‘cepting the $350 maximum monthly salary fon offer, wars Maxim Frank-Kamenetskit of the Institute of Molecular Genetics in Moscow: “It would have been acceptable a year ago,” he says, “but the purchasing power of the dollar is plummeting, and Drices of basic goods are approaching those fon the world market. Such terms deprive serious scientists oftheir last hope of work- ing productively in their own country.” ‘Getting grant applications peer-eviewed poor kids 8 o 10 wecks working as esearch assistants ‘When ACS launched the scheme afler the riots that followed the assassination of Martin Luther King in 1968, few believed it ‘would succeed, says Goodson: “School teachers were reluctant. They thought the laboratories would be too sophisticated an environment for the kids. The researchers ‘wore high-minded, as you would expect, and the corporations thought the scheme ‘was too optimistic.” But they now enthusi- astically suppor it, he says. But national, where ACS administers the programme while seeking extemal sup- [prt to pay the stipends of $1,200 per stu ent, the scheme is struggling t0 attract {enough money to maintain last year's peak throughput of 300 students ‘And if SEED’ founders hoped to adjust the social and racial balance of American chemistry, a visit to Chicago will merely confirm that US science falls far short of “ooking like America”, to use President Clinton's celebrated phrase. “There’salong, ong way to go", concedes Christine Brenn of ACS. “But we've helped a lot of students togain the confidence o continue education, beyond high school.” Colin Mactiwain (© 1993 NaturePubisingroup bby Westem scientists is another problem facing the second round. Unlike large re- search foundations in the West, ISF does not have the resources to maintain an active network of referees. Itintends to send appli cations to potential referees without notice, and is concemed that few may reply. ‘Butthe major questionis whether Soros's {$100 million can make any permanent di ference given the difficult economic situa- tion inthe FSU. Itneeds to run for five years, ‘ot one, if itis really to help, says Goldfarb “We have saved a person from drowning by the hair, and are holding his head above ‘water, But we will soon drop him, and swim ashore empty-handed.” Soros cll for oth- cers to join the ISF programme has gone ‘unheeded Viadimir Pokrovsky Israelis propose building tokamak in Russia Jerusalem, Israel is studying a proposal to forder from Russia a small-aspect ratio tokamak as part of a joint fusion research programme. Michael Finkenthal of Hebrew Unive sity and Dr Moshe Rosenblum ofthe Israeli ‘Atomic Energy Commission presented the plan to Israel's new energy minister, Moshe Shalal, earlier this month. The Ministry of Energy is “actively considering” the pro- posal, says its chief scientist Amnon Ein. ‘The scientists advise against buying an existing Russian tokamak as proposed by Russia earlier this year. Instead, they recom ‘mend that Israel adapt the small-aspect ratio tokamak design developed at the Yore In- stitute in St Petersburg. They say it has advantages over the conventional tokamak land could be adapted for research into the important area of steady-state operation Under the joint programme, a similar device would be built for Russian researchers. Con structing a small tokamak in Russia could cut construction costs to USSS-$10 millon, say Isracli scientists E. P. Velikhov of the Russian Academy of Science proposed the joint venture to the Israel prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin, earlier this year. He suggested it could give Israel a stepping-stone tothe International Thermo- nuclear Reactor Programme: Russia takes pat in the programme — along with the Unived States, Europe and Japan — and ean invite other countries to join its effort. Prospects foranational fusion programme in Israel have been improved by the arival of immigrant fusion scientists from the former Soviet Union. “Before, we lacked a critical mass of scientists with hands-on ‘experience” says Finkenthal. Eleven such immigrants have now been told that they may yet find work in their field — some- ‘thing most of them had given up on. ‘Abraham Rabinovich 749

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