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In the mid-latitude the stratosphere extends on an average from

A) 11 to 50km

The pressure at sea level in the ISA is:

A) 1013.25 hPa.

What can be said about isobars?

A) Isobars appear on meteorological surface charts.


The temperature at FL 110 is -5° C. What will the temperature be at FL 50 if the ICAO standard lapse
rate is applied?

A) +7° C.

The temperature at FL 140 is -12° C. What will the temperature be at FL 110 if the ICAO standard
lapse rate is applied:

A) -6° C.

The temperature at FL110 is -5°C. What will the temperature be at FL50 if the ICAO standard lapse
rate is applied?

A) +7°C

An outside air temperature of -35°C is measured while cruising at FL200. What is the temperature
deviation from the ISA at this level?

A) 10°C colder than ISA


What characteristic is associated with a temperature inversion?

A) Stability

The atmosphere is heated primarily by:

A) long wave terrestrial radiation released by the earth.


In order to calculate QFE from QNH, which of the following must be known?

A) Elevation at the airfield

What is the relationship, if any, between QFE and QNH at an airport situated 50ft below sea level?

A) QFE is greater than QNH

The QNH at an airfield in California located 69 metres below sea level is 1018hPa. The air temperature
is 10°C higher than a standard atmosphere. What is the QFF?

A) More than 1018hPa


Freezing rain occurs when

A) rain falls into a layer of air with temperatures below 0°C


The most dangerous form of airframe icing is

A) clear ice

LFCG 221100Z 1219 22010KT 4500 RA BKN010 OVC015 TEMPO 1500 + RA OVC005 FM1430
29020G35KT 6000 SHRA BKN008TCU OVC015 TEMPO 1619 25010 KT 9999 NSW BKN020 PROB30
TEMPO 1619 1500 TSGR BKN007CB
What is the most likely visibility for landing at 1345Z?

A) 4.500 m

EGBB 261812 28015G25KT 9999 SCT025 TEMPO 1822 29018G35KT 5000 SHRASN
BKN010CB PROB30 TEMPO 1821 1500 TSGR BKN008CB BECMG 2124 26010KT
From the TAF above you can assume that visibility at 2055Z in Birmingham (EGBB) will be:

A) not less than 1.5km but could be in excess of 10km


BECMG 1821 2000 BKN PROB30 BECMG 2124 0500 FG VV001

What does the abbreviation "BKN004" mean?

A) 5- 7 oktas, ceiling 400ft


If weather conditions are reported as CAVOK, which of the following could not be present:

A) 1 oktas of CB at 9000ft.

A layer in which the temperature decreases with 1°C per 100m is

A) neutral for dry air


What characteristic is associated with a Runway Damp

A) Surface appears discolored compared to the dry condition but no standing

water is present, such as dew, very light rain and in the final stages of
the drying process after rain.

The speed V2 is

A) the take-off safety speed


Minimum control speed on ground, VMCG, is based on directional control being maintained by:

A) primary aerodynamic control only


The speed VR

A) is the speed at which rotation to the lift-off angle of attack is initiated


The clearway is defined as:

A) an area beyond the runway, not less than 500ft wide, centrally located
about the extended centreline of the runway, and under the control of the
airport authorities

For a turbojet aeroplane the first segment of the take-off flight path ends

A) at completion of gear retraction


For a turbojet aeroplane the second segment of the climb begins when:

A) Landing gear is fully retracted


For a turbojet aeroplane the third segment of climb begins when:

A) acceleration to flap retraction speed begins (min 400ft)


The take-off run is

A) the horizontal distance along the take-off path from the start of the take-
off to a point equidistant between the point at which VLOF is reached and
the point at which the aeroplane is 35ft above the take-off surface
What is the Minimum Flap Retraction Altitude

A) 400 feet AGL


What are the lowest cloud conditions (oktas/feet) forecast for JOHANNESBURG/JAN SMUTS at 0300
FT0900 120900Z 121212 36010KT 9999 FEW030CB FEW035 PROB40 TEMPO 1318 VRB15KT 3000
TSRA SCT030CB BKN080 FM2000 03005KT CAVOK BECMG 0204 SCT008 SCT100 PROB30 0305 3000
BCFG BKN004 FM0800 34012KT 9999 SCT025 T25/12Z T15/03Z T27/12Z=

A) 5 to 7 at 400

Civil twilight is defined by:

A) sun altitude is 6° below the celestial horizon


What is the dip angle at the South Magnetic Pole?

A) 90 deg

When climbing at a constant Mach number below the tropopause, in ISA conditions, the Calibrated
Airspeed (CAS) will:

A) decrease

At a constant calibrated airspeed (CAS), the Mach number:

A) increases when the altitude increases


The error in altimeter readings caused by the variation of the static pressure near the source is known

A) position pressure error


A higher temperature causes _____ in air density and _____ in lift.

A) decrease; decrease

The approach climb requirement has been established so that the aeroplane will achieve:

A) minimum climb gradient in the event of a go-around with one engine


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