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College Humanities and the Arts

School Health and Education

Qualification CHC 52015 Diploma in Community Services Group 2C
Unit of HLTWHS004 Manage work health and safety

CHC 52015 Manage work health and safety

Assessment Task Three a.

Instructions to learner
See the student handbook for guidelines on assessment task submission, including cover sheet

Resources available to complete this assessment:

Worksafe Victoria Working Safely in Community Services, 2nd Ed, 2006
Worksafe Victoria Getting Started with Workplace Health and Safety, 2001

Monitoring compliance with risk control processes

Using the five step process detailed in Getting Started with Workplace Health and Safety

a) Provide an example of an administrative control used in workplaces as a risk control

measure – what are the objectives in this control?

Successfully managing health and safety in the workplace relies on commitment consultation

and co operation. Everyone in the workplace needs to understand the need for health and

Safety, what their role is in making the workplace safer and how they can fulfil their respon

-sibilities and duties.

b) Provide three examples of performance measures which will indicate achievement of

the objectives you created in question a.

Workplace Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities

Workplace Health and Safety Policies, Procedures and Evaluation

Training, information and records

c) What information could you collect on your measures?

Accurate and up to date information to ensure each policy or procedure contains the most effective
strategies. Some of information could be collected by using the checking list during auditing the system.
1. Do the injury and illness recording procedures meet the requirements of the Occupational Health
and Safety Act 1985?
2. Are the incidents, illness and injury and near misses:
 Recorded
 Investigated
 Reported if required
 Analysed for trends
 Reported to employees

Doc ID: Manage work health and safety Assessment Task Three version two
DATE: February 2017 REVIEW:December 2017
College Humanities and the Arts
School Health and Education
Qualification CHC 52015 Diploma in Community Services Group 2C
Unit of HLTWHS004 Manage work health and safety

d) How would you analyse the results and decide upon improvements?

Records needs to analysed and needs to understand the information so it can be used to
identify improvements to both in Health and safety management system as well as Particular

e) What would be important in implementing changes?

important part of implementing changes is working out the best ways to communicate the
information with employees. Bring changes in Policy and procedures and in Health and safety
system. Implementing a procedure may also require resources and changes to existing
administrative procedures.

Once improvements are identified in the health and safety system, results should be make
known and implement corrective action. Follow up corrective action must be taken promptly to
demonstrate management commitment to health and safety.

Effective evaluation is a continuous cycle of action analysis and change

Implement Monitor

Change Analyse


Doc ID: Manage work health and safety Assessment Task Three version two
DATE: February 2017 REVIEW:December 2017
College Humanities and the Arts
School Health and Education
Qualification CHC 52015 Diploma in Community Services Group 2C
Unit of HLTWHS004 Manage work health and safety

Assessment Cover Sheet

(Complete all details and attach to front of assessment task/assignment before submitting)

Student ID
Course code & name CHC 52015 Diploma in Community Services Group 3C

Unit code & name HLTWHS004 Manage work health and safety
Name of assessment Assessment Task Three
Due Date 18/04/2018 (Submission after the due date may be subject to
Teacher name Michelle McCann
Comments __________________________________________________

Declaration: Read, tick and sign below

 I declare that the attached assessment I have submitted is my own original work and
any contributions from and references to other authors are clearly acknowledged and
 This document has been created for the purpose of this assessment only and has not
been submitted as another form of assessment at Melbourne Polytechnic or any other
tertiary institute.
 I have retained a copy of this work for my reference in the event that this application is
lost or damaged.
 I give permission for Melbourne Polytechnic to keep, make copies of and communicate
my work for the purpose of investigating plagiarism and/or review by internal and
external assessors.
 I understand that plagiarism is the act of using another person’s idea or work and
presenting it as my own. This is a serious offence and I will accept that penalties will be
imposed on me should I breach Melbourne Polytechnic’s plagiarism policy.

Student signature …Mohammad Naseer……………………… Date 25 / .03.. / 2018.

Please note that your assignment will not be accepted unless you have:
completed all sections of the assignment
acknowledged all sources of other people’s contributions including references and
students’ names for group work assessments
filled in all areas of this student assignment cover sheet.

Doc ID: Manage work health and safety Assessment Task Three version two
DATE: February 2017 REVIEW:December 2017

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