2009 Effects of Carryover Liquid Content and Particle Size On Deposit Removability in Kraft Recovery Boilers

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Effects of Carryover Liquid Content and Particle

Size on Deposit Removability in Kraft Recovery


X. MAO, S. LEE and H. TRAN

The effective removal of fireside deposits by sootblowers in a kraft recovery boiler is critically important for maintaining the stable operation of the
boiler. Results of a laboratory study suggest that particles with a high liquid content form more tenacious deposits than particles with a low liquid
content. Deposits formed from 150-300 µm particles are relatively easy to remove if the liquid content of particles is below 40%, but become much
more difficult to remove once the liquid content exceeds 40%. At a given liquid content, deposits formed from smaller particles are more difficult to
remove than those formed from larger particles.

L'enlèvement efficace des dépôts laissés par des souffleurs de suie à l'intérieur d'une chaudière de récupération kraft est un élément d'une importance
cruciale afin de maintenir la stabilité fonctionnelle de la chaudière. Les résultats d'une étude en laboratoire suggèrent que les particules à haute teneur
en contenu liquide forment des dépôts plus tenaces que les particules à basse teneur en contenu liquide. Des dépôts formés de particules de 150 à 300
µm sont relativement faciles à enlever si le contenu liquide des particules est inférieur à 40 %, mais ils deviennent beaucoup plus difficiles à enlever
une fois que le contenu liquide est supérieur à 40 %. À un niveau donné de contenu liquide, les dépôts formés de particules plus petites sont plus
difficiles à enlever que ceux formés de particules plus grosses.

INTRODUCTION Effective deposit removal is therefore or not the particles will stick and form
Massive accumulation of fireside greatly important in recovery boiler operation. deposits. An example of these studies is shown
deposits on heat transfer surfaces in the super- Deposit removal is attained by sootblowers in Fig. 1, which plots the amount of deposits
heater region of recovery boilers is a persistent which periodically blast deposits with high- collected on an air-cooled probe placed at the
problem in kraft pulp mills. Deposits are pressure steam jets. The effectiveness of a exit of an Entrained Flow Reactor (EFR)
formed mainly by inertial impaction of carry- sootblower in deposit removal depends on two against the particle liquid content, calculated
over particles (smelt and/or partially burned main factors: the Peak Impact Pressure (PIP) based on the particle composition and
black liquor particles entrained in the flue gas) of the jet, and the strength of the deposit. In temperature [6]. It shows clearly that the rate
on heat transfer tubes. If not removed, such order to remove deposits, the PIP of the jet of deposit accumulation increases markedly as
deposits can drastically reduce the boiler thermal must be large enough to overcome the deposit the liquid content of the particles exceeds 15 to
efficiency, and in severe cases, completely mechanical strength, or the adhesion strength 20%. Beyond 30%, however, the liquid content
plug flue gas passages, leading to unscheduled at the deposit-tube interface [3]. has no additional effect on deposition.
shutdowns of the boiler for waterwash [1,2]. Carryover particles entrained in the flue The requirement of 15-20% liquid
gas may be completely molten, partially content for particles to be sticky was obtained
molten or solid depending on their composition from experiments using particles in a 150-300

X. Mao, S. Lee and H. Tran

and temperature. When molten or partially µm size range. For particles with different

Univ. Toronto
molten carryover particles hit a tube surface, sizes, however, different liquid contents may

Pulp Paper Centre

they may stick and form hard deposits on the be needed. Figure 2 shows the minimum liquid
Dept. Chem. Engin. Appl. Chem.
tube. Solid particles, on the other hand, tend to content requirement as a function of particle
200 College St.
bounce off the tube. It has been shown in size. The results, which were obtained by
Toronto, ON, M5S 3E5
previous studies [4-6] that the liquid content of several researchers in our laboratory, show
Canada the particles at the time of impact is the most clearly that the minimum liquid content needed
(honghi.tran@utoronto.ca) important parameter that determines whether to make particles sticky increases with an


Fig. 1. Deposition versus liquid content in synthetic carryover Fig. 2. Effect of particle size on the minimum liquid content required

size range = 150 to 300 µm [6].

particles obtained from two different sets of experiments. Particle for particle deposition. Particles were made of Na2SO4 and NaCl

increase in particle size. This finding is EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE with an outer diameter of 2.5 cm, was placed
plausible, since larger particles, due to their Figure 4 shows the experimental setup horizontally at the EFR exit to collect the
greater mass and momentum, tend to bounce used in this study. It consists of a large scale particles. The probe surface temperature was
off the tube upon impact; they need more laboratory Entrained Flow Reactor (EFR) and controlled at 400°C by regulating the amount
liquid to attach themselves to the tube. a jet blow-off apparatus. Details of the EFR of air flowing through the probe. The thickness
The liquid content of carryover particles and the setup have been described in previous of the deposit accumulated on the probe was
is important, not only in terms of deposit publications [5-7]. typically 1 to 1.2 mm.
formation but also in terms of deposit removal. The particle temper-
As conceptually shown in Fig. 3, particles with ature at the moment before
a larger liquid content (C) are more fluid; they impacting the probe was
tend to deform and spread out more readily calculated using the Heat
upon impact, forming deposits on the tube that Transfer Model developed
are more tenacious than particles with a lower specifically for EFR
liquid content (B and A). In other words, operating conditions [5].
deposits formed from carryover particles with The calculated particle
a larger liquid content are expected to be more temperature was then used
difficult to remove by sootblowers. to calculate the liquid
This paper discusses results of a content of the particles at a
laboratory study performed to quantitatively given composition, using
determine the effect of particle size and liquid the advanced multi-com-
content on the removability of deposits, and ponent phase equilibrium
the practical implications of the results. model developed at
Åbo Akademi University,
Turku, Finland [6].
This calculated liquid
content is referred to
Fig. 4. Experimental apparatus. simply as the liquid
Synthetic carryover particles of known content in this paper.
composition were prepared from mixtures of After each test, the probe was rotated
laboratory grade chemicals, sodium sulphate so that the deposit collected on the probe was
(Na2SO4), potassium sulphate (K2SO4), perpendicular to the blow off jet nozzle axis.
sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and sodium The probe was then anchored rigidly so that it
chloride (NaCl). The mixtures were melted, would not move when struck by the jet. A blow
cooled, ground and then sieved into five size was initiated by turning the air valve on for
ranges: 90-150 µm, 150-300 µm, 300-420 µm, 1 second. After each blow, the appearance of
420-600 µm and 600-850 µm. the deposit was photographed and carefully
inspected for signs of deposit removal. If there
The particles were introduced continu-
was no indication of removal, the nozzle was
ously for 20 minutes at a feed rate of 2.5 g/min
moved closer to the deposit to increase the
into the top of the EFR. They were heated as
Peak Impact Pressure (PIP) of the air jet, and
Fig. 3. Deposition of carryover particles they fell to the bottom of the reactor. The
the blowing process was repeated until a small
with different liquid contents on a cooled EFR temperature was varied between 700 and
tube surface. (A) Solid particle, (B) particle piece of deposit was removed from the probe
1000°C, while the gas velocity at the exit was
with some liquid, and (C) completely surface. From the previously determined rela-
maintained at about 1.8 m/s. An air-cooled
molten particle or particle containing a tionship between the PIP value and distance
probe, made from stainless steel 304 tubing
large amount of liquid (conceptual).


for this nozzle, the minimum PIP required to the particles reached a threshold temperature. duce particles which have different liquid
remove the deposit was determined, and used The PIP increase was much greater for contents at the moment of impact. Figure 6
to indicate the removability or the tenacity of deposits formed from particles with high shows the results obtained from two sets of
the deposit. chloride contents than from particles with low experiments: one with mixtures of Na2SO4 and
chloride contents. For particles containing NaCl and the other with mixtures of Na2SO4,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5 mole% Cl/(Na+K), for example, little PIP Na2CO3, NaCl and potassium salts. While the
was needed to remove deposits from the probe data are scattered, particularly toward higher
Effect of Particle Temperature at a particle temperature below 740°C. For liquid contents, they clearly show that the min-
The experiments were performed on particles with 10 mole% Cl/(Na+K), the mini- imum PIP required for deposit removal
150-300 µm particles prepared from mixtures mum PIP requirement increased markedly as increases as the liquid content increases.
of NaCl and Na2SO4 with various chloride the particle temperature exceeded 680°C. At Deposits start to become tenacious at about
contents: 5, 10 and 20 mole% Cl/(Na+K). 20 mole% Cl/(Na+K), the minimum PIP 30% liquid content, but become much more
Note that although these mixtures do not requirement was already high even at 625°C, difficult to remove once the liquid content
contain potassium (K) compounds, their Cl the eutectic temperature of the NaCl-Na2SO4 exceeds 40%.
contents were intentionally expressed as mixture. However, at a liquid content of 70% or
mole% Cl/(Na+K) to make it possible to higher, the minimum PIP requirement appears
compare the results with those obtained from Effect of Particle Liquid Content to either decrease or to level off at about
other studies using mixtures containing Since the liquid content in a carryover 1.2 MPa, suggesting that the tenacity of the
potassium compounds. particle is a strong function of the particle deposits has reached a maximum value. This
Figure 5 shows the effect of particle temperature and composition (particularly was probably due to the thermal shock effect
temperature on deposit removability. For all chloride content [2,4]), the correlation shown in induced by the rapid cooling of the hot
three chloride levels, the minimum PIP Fig. 5 between the minimum PIP requirement, deposits by the cold air jet, causing the
required to remove deposits increased with an the particle temperature and the chloride deposits to debond from the probe surface.
increase in particle temperature. At a given content confirms the important role of liquid Deposits formed by particles with a liquid
chloride content, the PIP increase occurred content in deposit removability. A higher liquid content higher than 70% are expected to be
slowly at low temperatures, and then rapidly as content would make particles adhere better denser and more susceptible to thermal shock
to the tube surface than those with a liquid content below 70%.
upon impact, as
illustrated in Fig. 3, Effect of Particle Size
thereby forming In recovery boilers, the size of carryover
deposits that are particles typically varies between 100 µm and
more tenacious and 3 mm, depending on many factors: black
difficult to remove. liquor properties, nozzle types and spray
In order to conditions, and air flow rates and distribution
examine further the in the lower furnace. The above finding of 40%
effect of liquid liquid content required to make deposits
content on deposit tenacious (Fig. 6) was applicable to particles
removal, numerous between 150 and 300 µm. For particles with
experiments were different sizes, different liquid contents may be
carried out using needed.
150-300 µm parti- Further experiments were therefore car-
cles with different ried out to determine the critical liquid content
compositions, and needed for particles with different size ranges
Fig. 5. Effect of particle temperature on minimum PIP required to at different EFR to form tenacious deposits. The critical liquid

(TProbe = 400 C, 150-300 µm particles, Na2SO4 and NaCl mixtures).

remove deposits temperatures, to pro- content is defined as the liquid content above

Fig. 6. Relationship between the liquid content in particles and the Fig. 7. Effect of particle size on the critical liquid content required to

(TProbe = 400oC, 150-300 µm particles).

minimum PIP required to remove deposits make deposits tenacious. TProbe = 400oC.


which the PIP required for deposit removal PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS
abruptly increases. In the case of 150-300 µm Results of this study suggest that both
particles (Fig. 6), for example, the critical the size and liquid content of carryover particles
liquid content is ~40%. can have a great effect on deposit removability,
The results are summarized in Fig. 7. while particle impact velocity has an
The critical liquid content for particles to form insignificant effect. Particles with a high liquid
tenacious deposits increases with an increase content would form more tenacious deposits
in particle size. This implies that larger than particles with a low liquid content. For
particles need more liquid to form tenacious particles that contain the same amount of
deposits, or that deposits formed from larger liquid, smaller particles would form a stronger
particles are easier to remove than those deposit than larger particles.
formed from smaller particles. Note that the Carryover particles in recovery boilers
results are similar to those in Fig. 2, except that are a combustion product of black liquor
for all particle size ranges, the absolute value droplets entrained in the flue gas. They may be
of the critical liquid content required for at a different stage of combustion at different
tenacious deposits to form (Fig. 7) is consis- locations in the boiler. In the region near
tently about 20% higher than that required for the bullnose and the entrance of the lower
particles to be sticky (Fig. 2). superheater, carryover particles are usually
The effect of particle size on the liquid Fig. 8. Deposition of carryover particles completely molten (100% liquid), forming
content requirement for the formation of sticky with different particle sizes. very hard deposits, typically observed on
particles and tenacious deposits can be screen tubes and/or on the leading edge of
explained with the aid of Fig. 8. In a control or superheater tubes. As the particles pass
fixed volume of deposits, small particles have Effect of Particle Impact Velocity
through the boiler, they cool down, reducing
a better contact with the tube surface and with In this study, the particle impact velocity their liquid content and forming less tenacious
one another than large particles. Consequently, was altered by installing at the EFR exit a deposits.
they require less liquid to attach to the tube cylindrical section with an opening smaller Due to their greater thermal mass and
(Fig. 2) and to make strong and tenacious than that of the EFR. The setup allowed the lower specific surface area, larger particles
deposits (Fig. 7). particles to have the same retention time in the cool more slowly than smaller particles. At the
In order to ensure the validity of the reactor (and hence, the same temperature and same location in the boiler (Fig. 11A), large
results shown in Fig. 7, the effect of particle liquid content) while increasing their velocity particles are at a higher temperature and
size on deposit removability was further exam- as they passed through the smaller opening contain more liquid than small particles; they
ined using particles with a fixed composition. before striking the probe. The impact velocity consequently form deposits that are more
In this case, the liquid content of various sized was calculated based on the size of the opening tenacious and difficult to remove than smaller
particles was set at 20, 50 and 95% by control- used. In selected experiments, the impact particles.
ling the particle temperature. The results are velocity was also measured using a high Results in Fig. 9 suggest that smaller
shown in Fig. 9. At a given liquid content, the shutter-speed Charge Coupled Device (CCD) particles would form a stronger deposit than
minimum PIP required to remove deposits camera, and used to calibrate the calculated larger particles, if they have the same liquid
decreases with an increase in particle size. For values. content. However, it is unlikely that such a
particles of the same size, the minimum PIP Figure 10 shows the minimum PIP condition prevails at the same location in the
increases with an increase in liquid content. required to remove deposits formed from recovery boiler, since small particles are
These findings are consistent with those 150-300 µm particles with different Cl and K always at a lower temperature, and hence,
shown in Figs. 6 and 7, suggesting that deposits contents, as a function of particle impact contain less liquid than large particles having
formed from smaller particles, and deposits velocity. In all three cases, the particle impact the same chemical composition. In order for
formed from particles that contain a higher velocity had an insignificant effect on deposit small particles to have the same liquid content
liquid content are more difficult to remove. removability. as large particles, they must be at a location

deposits formed by 150-300 µm particles with different Cl and K

Fig. 9. PIP required to remove deposits formed by various sized Fig. 10. Effect of particle impact velocity on PIP required to remove
particles containing 20, 50 and 95% liquid. TProbe = 400oC.
contents. TProbe = 400oC.


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are relatively easy to remove if the 3. KALIAZINE, A., CORMACK, D.E.,
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once the liquid content exceeds 40%; Removal in Kraft Recovery Boilers”, J.
– particles with a high liquid content would Pulp Paper Sci. 25(12):418-424 (1999).
form more tenacious deposits than particles 4. ISAAK, P., TRAN, H.N., BARHAM, D.
with a low liquid content; and REEVE D.W., “Stickiness of Kraft
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would form a stronger deposit than large Paper Sci. 12(3):84-88 (1980).
particles. This condition, however, cannot 5. SHENASSA, R., KUHN, D.C.S. and
prevail at the same location in the recovery TRAN, H.N., “The Role of Liquid
Fig. 11. Particles at different locations in a boiler. Content in Carryover Deposition in Kraft
recovery boiler. Recovery Boilers - A Fundamental
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Study”, J. Pulp Paper Sci. 29(4):132-136
upstream of the large particles, as shown in This work was conducted as part of the (2003).
Fig. 11B, for example. research program on “Increasing Energy and 6. TRAN, H.N., MAO, X., KUHN, D.C.S.,
This means that large particles, due to Chemical Recovery Efficiency in the Kraft BACKMAN, R. and HUPA, M., “The
their large mass and momentum, and their Process”, jointly supported by the Natural Sticky Temperature of Recovery Boiler
requirement of a high liquid content to be Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Fireside Deposits”, Pulp Paper Can.
sticky, could form hard deposits only in the Canada (NSERC) and a consortium of the 103(9):29-33 (2002).
superheater region where the gas temperature following companies: AbitibiBowater, Alstom 7. MAO, X., TRAN, H.N. and CORMACK,
is high. As the particles move toward the Power, Andritz, Aracruz Celulose, Babcock & D.E., “Effects of Composition on
generating bank, their temperature (and hence Wilcox, Boise Inc., Carter Holt Harvey, Removability of Recovery Boiler Fireside
liquid content) decreases, deposition by small Celulose Nipo-Brasileira, Clyde-Bergemann, Deposits”, Tappi J. 84(6):68 (2001).
particles becomes more dominant, since they Diamond Power International, Domtar,
require less liquid to become sticky and form DMI Peace River Pulp, Georgia Pacific,
stronger deposits than larger particles. International Paper, Irving Pulp & Paper,
Results of this study provide a better Metso Power, MeadWestvaco, Stora Enso
understanding of how carryover deposits form Research, Tembec, and Votorantim Celulose
and are removed by sootblowers in recovery e Papel.
boilers. This helps predict more accurately

MAO, X., LEE, S. and TRAN, H., Effects of Carryover Liquid Content and
where massive carryover deposition may occur

Particle Size on Deposit Removability in Kraft Recovery Boilers, Journal of Pulp and Paper
and to devise strategies for minimizing it by REFERENCE:

Science, 35(2):41-45 April/May/June 2009. Paper offered as a contribution to the Journal of Pulp
focusing on factors that lead to high liquid

and Paper Science. Not to be reproduced without permission from the Pulp and Paper Technical
content (high Cl, high flue gas temperature,

Association of Canada. Manuscript received December 11, 2007; revised manuscript approved
etc.) and small particle size (fine sprays, high

for publication by the Review Panel May 20, 2009.

liquor temperature and pressure, low liquor
viscosity, etc.).

Guidelines for submission of manuscripts are available on request.
Papers may be submitted directly to the Scientific Editor:
Dr. Derek H. Page
Scientific Editor, JPPS
c/o FPInnovations – Paprican
570 St. John’s Blvd.
Pointe Claire, QC, Canada H9R 3J9


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