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Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica

Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

Carrera de Enseñanza del Inglés

Cátedra de Lengua Inglesa


Asignatura: Conversación Inglesa I

Código: 05009 Créditos: 3

Grado académico: DIPLOMADO

Modalidad: VIRTUAL Nivel de virtualidad: AVANZADO

Semana: V

Encargado de cátedra: Elizabeth Cascante Ramírez

Correo electrónico:

Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009


1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 3
2. General Description .............................................................................. 3
3. Objectives ........................................................................................... 3
3.1 General Objectives .......................................................................... 3
3.2 Specific Objectives .......................................................................... 3
4. Contents ............................................................................................. 4
5. Methodology........................................................................................ 4
5.1. Independent study ......................................................................... 4
5.2. Online workshop attendance and participation ................................... 5
5.3. Online component .......................................................................... 6
6. Learning Resources .............................................................................. 7
7. Timeline of Activities ............................................................................ 8
8. Evaluation ........................................................................................... 9
8.1. Rounding up Criteria ....................................................................... 9
8.2. Passing the Course ....................................................................... 10
9. Guidelines for Evaluations ................................................................... 10
9.1. Late Assignments and Missed Quizzes ............................................. 10
9.2. Differentiated Test ........................................................................ 10
9.3. Make-up Exam ............................................................................. 10
9.4. Evaluations and Assignments ......................................................... 10
9.4.1. Online Quizzes ........................................................................ 10
9.4.2. Class Participation ................................................................... 10
9.4.3. Comprehensive Exam .............................................................. 11
9.4.4. Opinion Forum ........................................................................ 11
9.4.5. Oral Presentation .................................................................... 12
10. References ...................................................................................... 17
11. General Considerations ..................................................................... 17
11.1. Schedule for Student Attention and Contact Information ................. 18
11.2. Plagiarism .................................................................................. 18
11.3. Grade Appeals ............................................................................ 19
12. Appendices ...................................................................................... 21
12.1. Course Rubrics ........................................................................... 21
12.2. Virtual Platform AprendeU ........................................................... 26
¿Cómo ingreso al Campus Virtual AprendeU? ....................................... 29
¿Cómo ingresar a la sesión? .............................................................. 30
¿Dónde visualizar las asignaturas que matriculó? ................................. 31
¿Cuándo tiene disponible el acceso a su asignatura en línea? ................. 32
12.3. Information about the Library ...................................................... 33

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

1. Introduction
English Conversation I is designed to develop intermediate
conversational skills. Conversation is viewed as a skill that involves
knowledge of vocabulary, functional language, pronunciation, as
well as grammar. Moreover, this skill is developed together with
listening skills since both go hand in hand.
SINAES Official Logo

2. General Description
This course will provide students with extensive practice on listening and oral
communication along with materials that present new vocabulary in context and
review of important grammar aspects. The aim is to encourage students to gain
confidence in listening to and communicating in English and to acquire respect
for other cultures. This is developed through oral presentations, opinion forums
and communicative activities in class.

3. Objectives
3.1 General Objectives
By the end of this course, students will be able to:

• discuss current socio-cultural issues through a conscious analysis of the

language and cultural patterns that characterize English-speaking countries;

• effectively interact and communicate orally in the target language by using

level-appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures;

• use various listening strategies to comprehend and analyze the information

provided in academic and authentic texts.

3.2 Specific Objectives

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• show fluency, accuracy, and overall competence in English at an intermediate


• apply listening skills to extract key information from academic and authentic
listening texts by carrying out all the listening exercises in the book, the online
component, and the in-class conversational and/or listening activities;

• use topic-related lexical items;

• show command of diverse pronunciation features such as pronouncing key

words correctly and using appropriate stress and intonation patterns;

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

• discuss current issues related to the English-speaking culture in order to be

able to compare and contrast them with his/her own cultural background by
making informed contributions;

• show respect and appreciation for other cultures’ worldviews, values, and
behaviors through a conscious analysis of each country’s cultural patterns;

• show public speaking skills to successfully deliver oral presentations;

• express his/her opinions on current issues using culturally and linguistically

appropriate expressions;

• show understanding of different varieties of English accents, American as well

as from other English-speaking countries, at an intermediate level.

4. Contents
• A Test of Endurance
• Avoiding Identity Theft
• Why Explore Space?
• Words that Persuade
• Follow your Passion
• Culture and Commerce
• Restorative Justice
• Reducing your Carbon Footprint

5. Methodology
English Conversation I is built around a three-dimensional framework that
combines independent study, attendance to virtual workshops, and an online
component called AprendeU. Such an integrated methodology intends to help
students acquire the necessary tools and expertise needed to perform
successfully in an academic and professional context.

5.1. Independent study

Before participating in the workshop, you will need to study the units
corresponding to each online workshop (refer to the Timeline of Activities). Make
sure to complete all the reading and listening tasks, do all the vocabulary,
grammar, and pronunciation exercises, and use the answer key provided to
check your answers. You should use the audios to improve both your listening
and pronunciation skills. For extra materials to complement the units you have
to study, go to the online component in AprendeU. Also, write down questions
about aspects that were not clear to you. You can ask your questions either
through AprendeU or during the virtual workshops. Dedicate at least twelve
hours to study per week.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

5.2. Online workshop attendance and participation

During the virtual workshops, you will ask your tutor questions and practice the
topics you studied in the textbook by means of communicative tasks. The
workshops will be student-centered. You are expected to interact with your tutor
and peers as much as possible in order to take advantage of the course. Activities
in each workshop include, but are not limited to, vocabulary exercises,
conversations, pair and group work, individual and general feedback on language
use, among others.

The tutor will be a facilitator and will provide feedback on your performance.
S/he will highlight those areas you need to focus on in order to improve your
command of English and to help you communicate more successfully. This
feedback will be formative and will be ongoing during each workshop. It might
be individual and/or whole group feedback. The tutor will also provide strategies
to facilitate students’ independent learning. Your performance during the
workshop will be graded according to the criteria provided in section 12.1. Keep
in mind that attendance to the workshops is mandatory, and that only students
who remain connected during the whole workshop will get a grade.
Here is a summary of what a workshop is and is not and the differences between
them and the classes in a regular face-to-face system.

What a workshop is NOT:

✓ A workshop is NOT like a regular class in a face-to-face system, in which
a professor is going to present all the subject matter in the units you have
to study.
✓ A workshop is NOT the place where you go to hear for the first time about
the contents of the book. If students have not studied the contents, tutors
cannot start explaining them from scratch.

What a workshop IS:

✓ A workshop is the place where you can clarify the concepts you already
studied on your own.
✓ A workshop is the place where you practice and receive feedback on the
contents you already studied on your own.

What you are REQUIRED to do before and during a workshop:

✓ You HAVE TO have studied all the contents (not read superficially, but
studied, analyzed, and practiced)
✓ You HAVE TO have completed all the required exercises and activities and
checked your answers with the answer key provided.
✓ You HAVE TO be active to take advantage of the time as much as

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

Virtual Workshop Procedures Guide

Please, follow these procedures before and during your virtual workshops.

Before the Workshop

✓ Go to a quiet place to receive your workshop. Request others not to
disturb you. Turn off your TV and radio.
✓ Turn off your cell phone or keep it in vibration mode during the session.
✓ Make sure your webcam and headset are set up.
✓ Keep your materials at hand to ask your tutor questions about the course
contents and to be able to actively participate throughout the session.

During the Virtual Workshop

✓ Avoid taking calls and/or talking to outsiders while in session. Let people
around you know that you’re in class.
✓ It’s necessary to use a headset microphone for better quality
communication. The built-in mic in your computer has many
disadvantages like low-quality audio and background noise which make it
hard for others to follow you.
✓ Keep your microphone muted to avoid background noise and echoes, and
make sure to turn it on when you participate.
✓ Your camera must be always on unless the tutor indicates otherwise.
✓ Being fully engaged during the workshop is key, so you must not be at
work or traveling from one place to another either by walking or driving
during the session.

5.3. Online component

English Conversation I makes use of an online educational component called
AprendeU. AprendeU serves the following purposes:

• It allows you to interact with a tutor and peers by means of a Q&A Forum.
This forum will give you the chance to ask your tutor and peers questions
and to answer the questions of your peers.
• It includes the information and access to all the evaluations: quizzes,
opinion forums, and comprehensive exam. During the workshops, class
participation and one oral presentation will be evaluated. In AprendeU, you
have access to the instructions, rubrics, grade, and feedback.
• It provides access to support material and extra practices, which will
increase your understanding of the subject matter. AprendeU offers access
to video clips and sound files that will increase your exposure to the
language, thus helping you to improve your confidence and performance.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

Bear in mind that you are expected to log in at least three times a week to
carry out the activities, to submit your assignments on time, and to check any
important messages your tutor may post on the forums.

It is strongly advised that you access AprendeU as soon as the course starts
(February 6th) so that you become familiar with this tool and the tasks that you
have to do. This platform provides an excellent opportunity for you to receive
personalized attention and to increase your exposure to the language, which will
help you to improve. We highly recommend that you take advantage of this tool.
To use this online service, you need to have access to stable Internet connection
and an e-mail address1. Once you enroll in the course, you will be automatically
registered to AprendeU since it is a mandatory component of the course. For
more information about this platform, please read the last pages of these

6. Learning Resources
Printed material:
Solórzano, H. & Schmidt, J. (2020). North Star 3: Listening and Speaking. 5th
Ed. Longman: New York, NY.

Suggested bibliography

Blass, L. (2007). Quest Series: Listening and Speaking. 2nd Ed. Mc Graw-Hill
ESL/ELT: New York, NY.
Ferree, T. & Sanabria, K. (2004). North Star Series: Listening and Speaking.
2nd Ed. Longman: New York, NY.
Harmer, J. (2005). How to teach English. Longman: Malaysia.
Kalkstein Fragiadatis, H. & Maurer, V. (2000). Tapestry Series: Listening and
Speaking. Heinle & Heinle, Thompson Learning Inc.: Boston, MA.

For extra practice, you can access this link:

ESL Pronunciation & Conversation

Make sure your e-mail address is correct in our database. Otherwise, you will not receive the
information we send you. To verify the information in our database, please go to your University
Center or change it from “Entorno de Estudiantes” on our webpage.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

7. Timeline of Activities

Students use
Self-study 1-2 From February 6 th
to February 18 th
Q&A Forum to
clarify doubts
Workshop 1(4) 1-2 February 19th March 1st

Quiz 1 1-2 February 20th to 22nd March 2nd

Workshop 2(4) 3-4 February 26th March 8th

Presentation 3-4 Only Group 1 presents during Workshop 2 March 8th
Group 1(5)
Quiz 2 3-4 February 27th to March 1st March 10th

Workshop 3(4) 5-6 March 12th March 22nd

Presentation 5-6 Only Group 2 presents during Workshop 3 March 22nd
Group 2(5)
Quiz 3 5-6 March 13th to 15th March 24th

Workshop 4(4) 7-8 March 19th March 29th

Presentation 7-8 Only Group 3 presents during Workshop 4 March 29th
Group 3(5)
Quiz 4 7-8 March 20th to 22nd March 31st
1st Contribution from March 23rd to 25th
Opinion Forum 7-8 April 10th
2nd Contribution from March 26th to 28th
1-8 April 2nd April 15th

Easter Week April 3rd to 8th

Make-up Exam May 3rd to 6th

(1) All the evaluations will be completed in AprendeU and all the workshops will be online.
(2) Please note that these dates may be subject to change.
(3) Feedback and grades will be available through AprendeU.
(4) Attendance to the four workshops is mandatory.
(5) The Oral Presentation groups will be posted in the News Forum in AprendeU during the first
week of class.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

8. Evaluation
Please keep in mind that Reglamento General Estudiantil states the following
in article 56: “las calificaciones se otorgarán en una escala de cero (0) a diez
(10), utilizando múltiplos de 0,5”.

Class Participation 1 (0.25 every workshop)
4 Quizzes (in AprendeU) 2 (0.5 each)
Oral Presentation 2
Opinion Forum (in AprendeU) 2
Comprehensive Exam 3
Total 10

8.1. Rounding up Criteria

According to our Reglamento General Estudiantil (article 56):
La nota en cada asignatura se obtendrá mediante un promedio ponderado de
las calificaciones obtenidas en las actividades de evaluación programadas. El
promedio ponderado de la asignatura se redondeará a la unidad o media
unidad más cercana usando las reglas de redondeo simple; esto es, si la
parte decimal del promedio es mayor o igual a 0,25 y estrictamente menor
que 0,75 se redondea a 0,5 en caso contrario se redondea a la unidad más
cercana. Por ejemplo, si un promedio ponderado es 6,75, este proceso de
redondeo le asignará como nota del curso 7,0. Si el promedio ponderado es
6,25, la nota del curso será 6,5. (Reglamento General Estudiantil, 2012,

As a result, the rounding up criteria range as follows:

• 4,75 to 5,24 = 5,0
• 5,25 to 5,74 = 5,5
• 5,75 to 6,24 = 6,0
• 6,25 to 6,74 = 6,5
• 6,75 to 7,24 = 7,0
• 7,25 to 7,74 = 7,5
• 7,75 to 8,24 = 8,0
• 8,25 to 8,74 = 8,5
• 8,75 to 9,24 = 9,0
• 9,25 to 9,74 = 9,5

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

8.2. Passing the Course

Reglamento General Estudiantil, in its article 56, states that the passing grade
is 7.0. (2012, p.33).

9. Guidelines for Evaluations

9.1. Late Assignments and Missed Quizzes
No late assignments will be accepted and missed quizzes will not be made up
unless you hand in a medical certificate issued by a CCSS doctor. It is necessary
to contact the head of the English Language Department (Cátedra de Lengua
Inglesa) as soon as possible with all the necessary documentation. The latter
will analyze the case and issue a written permission to administer the
corresponding evaluation instrument. You can see the specific guidelines and
required documentation in AprendeU.

9.2. Differentiated Test

As defined in our Reglamento General Estudiantil:
Instrumento de evaluación presencial aplicado posteriormente a la fecha
establecida para casos especiales, debidamente fundamentados a la
cátedra respectiva quien define la fecha de aplicación de la prueba escrita.
(Reglamento General Estudiantil, 2012, p.31)

9.3. Make-up Exam

As defined in our Reglamento General Estudiantil:
Instrumento de evaluación con la utilización de formato físico o digital que
se aplica por una única vez para reponer solo una de las pruebas escritas
ordinarias, de cada asignatura, por reprobación o no presentación de ésta.
(Reglamento General Estudiantil, 2012, p.31)

9.4. Evaluations and Assignments

9.4.1. Online Quizzes

These are four short evaluations intended to evaluate the material assigned for
each of the four workshops. Each quiz is worth 0.5, for a total score of 2. All of
them will be applied through AprendeU. It is strongly recommended that you do
the mock quizzes in AprendeU before attempting the graded ones to make sure
that you have all the necessary software and to become familiar with how online
quizzes work. Please take into account that the level of difficulty in the mock
quizzes might not be the same as in the graded quizzes.

9.4.2. Class Participation

This aspect is meant to evaluate essential elements that anyone who wishes to
be successful in the process of learning English at UNED needs to follow. Aspects

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

such as interaction, preparation, attendance, and the use of English during the
sessions are part of class participation. These aspects will be evaluated in each
workshop, which leaves room for improvement in subsequent sessions. Each
workshop is worth 0.25, for a total of 1, which is the total grade for this aspect.
Not attending a workshop would mean losing the grade corresponding to that
workshop, which cannot be made up, except when a doctor’s note from CCSS is
submitted. Additionally, if you arrive at the workshop 30 minutes late or leave
more than 30 minutes before the end, points will be subtracted from the grade.

Bear in mind:
• If students remain connected for only one hour or less, they will be
considered absent.

• If students connect but do not turn their camera and/or microphone on,
they will be considered absent.
• Only students whose attendance/participation can be verified through audio
and video will be evaluated.

Refer to section 12.1 to see the rubric that will be used to evaluate class
participation. The feedback on class participation will be available at AprendeU.

9.4.3. Comprehensive Exam

The comprehensive exam will include all eight units covered during the course
and will consist of a written, a listening and an oral section. The specific time to
take the exam will be posted in the News Forum. The written part will be
administered via AprendeU and will assess your vocabulary knowledge and
listening skills. Next, an individual interview will be conducted using the
videoconferencing platform Zoom to assess your oral skills. The evaluator will
be a guest tutor or your own instructor. In either case, the tutor in charge will
ask you several questions related to the contents of the course. In order to
perform successfully in the oral test, you need to incorporate vocabulary
from the units and make a thorough and critical analysis of the topic in
question. The link to the oral part of the exam will be available in the
Comprehensive Exam section in AprendeU. For further reference on the oral
exam, refer to the Evaluation Criteria for the Oral Exam in section 12.1.

9.4.4. Opinion Forum

This is a space in which you will interact orally with your classmates and
professor by means of a video recording, expressing your opinions freely and
contributing with analytical and significant ideas. For this evaluated task, you
will also have to put into practice the vocabulary corresponding to some specific
units. The opinion forum is scheduled to take place during the fourth module.
This task corresponds to 2 points of the total grade. Refer to section 12.1 to see
the rubric that will be used to evaluate the opinion forum.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

Important note: If you post only one contribution, your grade will be based on
half of the points assigned to this activity.

9.4.5. Oral Presentation

The oral presentation is an individual assignment, meant to critically analyze
the topics being studied and to apply the new vocabulary. Oral
presentations should be between 4 and 6 minutes long and must be thoroughly
prepared since improvisation will be highly penalized in terms of grading. You
will be required to deliver one oral presentation either during the second, third,
or fourth workshop. Your instructor will randomly assign the dates of the oral
presentations and will post them on the News Forum in AprendeU during the
first week of classes. S/he will additionally assign a specific statement or
question to each student from the list of ‘Oral presentation topics’ in this
document. Make sure you base your presentation on the question assigned to
avoid repetition of topics. The rest of the questions will be assigned to other
peers. This task corresponds to 2 points of the total grade. For further details on
the evaluation aspects, refer to section 12.1.

Steps to prepare your presentation2:

a. Identify your audience by asking yourself who they are, what they do, what
their possible interests are, among others. This information will help you
select the information you will present to them and how you will address
b. Brainstorm possible subtopics you would like to talk about. Try to think of as
many ideas as possible.
c. Narrow down your ideas until you come up with a set of two or three ideas
that are clearly connected and that can be logically organized into a 4 to 6-
minute speech.
d. Determine the purpose of your presentation. Examples of purposes are to
inform people about a specific topic, to convince the audience to change their
opinion about a certain idea, among others. Having a clear idea of your
audience, a narrowed down topic, and a clear purpose will allow you to put
your speech together a lot more easily.
e. Organize your ideas logically into an outline with main headings and
subheadings. This will help you check the organization of your speech and
make sure that your presentation has a coherent sequence. Make sure that
each idea flows naturally into the next one.
f. Carry out additional research on the topic by looking for information in other
sources, extracting terms, concepts, or ideas that you think may help you
illustrate your position. Make sure you paraphrase the information and that
you cite the necessary sources. Besides paraphrasing, you can also use the
exact words of somebody else, but make sure to quote or mention where or
who you are taking the information from. It is important to remember that

Adapted from The Process of Composition by Joy M. Reid and Speech Communication for
International Students by Paulette Dale and James C. Wolf.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

whether you use paraphrase or use somebody else’s words, most of your
presentation should include your own critical and analytical comments about
the topic.
g. Be sure to use the vocabulary studied in the unit, and to make a thorough
critical analysis of the topic (in order to find out the specific words that you
are supposed to use in this task, refer to the Unit Word List in the textbook).
Your degree of cultural awareness, respect, and appreciation of other cultures
and points of views will be highly valued in all oral evaluations. Another aspect
that will also be evaluated is the way you connect topics, vocabulary, and
ideas studied throughout the units to national or international contemporary
cultural, social, and political realities.
h. Summarize the information gathered. Remember that time is limited, so you
will need to select the most relevant information for the presentation.
i. Be creative!
j. Your speech should include the following sections:
• An introduction: Here, you will establish what your topic is and why it is
important. You will also make your purpose clear. If appropriate, you
should also present background information on the topic. Try to begin
your introduction with a good attention-getting sentence (e.g. It is a fact
that slavery exists in fifteen nations of the world today.) (1 minute)
• A body: The body includes the main points of your speech. Along with
each major point you present, you should include the corresponding
support. This support can take the form of examples, factual information,
logical proof, statistics, etc. Remember that complex ideas and important
or difficult concepts need to be fully explained for your audience. Also,
think of visual aids that will help you support your ideas and clarify difficult
concepts. (2 – 4 minutes)
• A conclusion: Briefly summarize all major points in your presentation
and state how you could use this information within your personal cultural
backgrounds. (1 minute)
k. Outline your presentation on index cards, so you can rehearse it. Be aware
that it is not allowed to read; consequently, if you do so, you will get a zero.
l. Practice the presentation aloud, perhaps using a voice recorder and listening
to what the audience will hear.
m. Check all the vocabulary you need in advance, as well as any possible
grammatical or pronunciation mistakes.
n. Prepare all the visual aids and/or equipment you will need in advance. Using
visual aids is not mandatory but strongly recommended and will help you
obtain a higher score.
o. Be prepared to answer questions and involve the audience at the end of your
demonstration. Do not let the audience remain passive when you finish.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

Tips to deliver your presentation3:

• Make notes of your ideas on index cards. Look at these notes occasionally,
just to help you to remember what you want to say and to keep order.
• Position your computer so that you are at eye level with the camera and
ensure an adequate distance to the camera.
• Begin the presentation with a clear introduction (attention getter).
• During the presentation, remember to keep an upright posture and use
positive facial expressions, and appropriate gestures for emphasis.
• Engage the audience by:
o looking at the camera as much as you can to give them the feeling that
you are talking directly to them,
o referring the audience to the visual aids you have prepared.
o establishing a conversational tone. Don’t speak too quickly, especially at
the beginning of the presentation, and use clear signals and transitions
(e.g., “The first point…,” “Another reason…”) so that the audience can
follow the presentation easily.
• Use effective graphics: keep it simple, avoid too much text. Make sure that
the graphics and information add positive emphasis to your presentation.

For your presentation, you will be expected to:

• use the lexical items studied in the units appropriately.

• incorporate and locate additional and reliable information about the topic to
enrich your oral presentation. Useful sources range from books, magazines,
newspapers, and other printed materials to recordings, pictures, videos,
personal interviews, and some Internet resources. Regarding the latter, you
should always look for sites that come from a well-recognized university,
organization, or institution. Make sure you select your references judiciously
and with a critical eye.
• provide informed explanations and opinions about the specific behavioral
patterns, situations, or facts presented in the unit and offer reliable evidence
to demonstrate how certain social variables such as sex, age, social class,
place of residence and historical background may affect the way people
speak, think, or behave.
• analyze the information based on your cultural background and compare and
contrast what you have read with your own culture.
• avoid ethnocentrism, as well as superficial, discriminatory, or derogatory
stereotypes. You can be critical, but respectful and understanding at the
same time.

3Adapted from: Presenting online: Academic Skills: The University of Melbourne.

3Adapted from: Abbajay


UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

• comply with the delivery aspects described in the guidelines.


Approximately two weeks prior to the workshop during which you are to deliver
your oral presentation, your tutor will assign one of the below statements or
generating questions to you. You will be required to develop your oral
presentation around this statement or question. You are not allowed to change
the topic or question assigned.

UNIT 3: Why Explore Space?

• Space exploration has been part of the scientific community for many years.
What are its advantages and disadvantages? Explain.
• Why should we explore space? Do research on how space agencies justify
space exploration.
• How dangerous is space junk? Is there some sort of regulation? How are
space agencies handling this problem?
• How does humanity benefit from space exploration? Provide examples of how
space exploration impacts our lives.
• What is space tourism? Do research on companies active in space tourism
and what they offer. Are there ethical dilemmas associated to space tourism?

UNIT 4: Words that Persuade

• What are euphemisms? How are they used in your culture? Give examples.
Do they hinder effective communication?
• How effective are persuasive techniques? Do they affect our decisions as
consumers? Explain and give examples.
• What types of strategies are used in advertising in your country? Provide
• What might someone gain from using doublespeak? Provide examples of
different contexts. Have you incurred in doublespeak?
• Do you think advertisements can be purposely misleading? Is there a
regulation concerning advertising? Do research and give examples.

UNIT 5: Follow Your Passion

• Do research on effective tips for finding a job. Tell your classmates about
them. Are they useful? How?
• How can people pursue their passion? Talk about the steps to follow and real-
life examples.
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of following your passion?
• What are some popular career choices in Costa Rica? Why do you think people
choose them?

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

• What should you take into account when choosing a major? Do research and
provide examples.

UNIT 6: Culture and Commerce

• Explain positive and negative effects of tourism and provide examples of
specific countries that have been affected either positively or negatively by
this practice.
• Which are the main tourist attractions in Costa Rica? Why are they so
popular? Explain.
• Why do you think many tourists from Europe and the United States choose
Costa Rica as their tourist destination? Explain.
• How can citizens help promote or boost tourism? How can governments
provide support?
• Is it a good idea for places to rely only on tourism to make money? Explain.
• What is ‘ethical tourism’? Do research and explain.
• How has tourism evolved throughout time? Explore its history and future.

UNIT 7: Restorative Justice

• What is restorative justice? In which contexts can it be used? What possible
outcomes can it bring?
• When people commit crimes, more than half of them keep committing them
for many years. What can be done to change this practice? Is it related to
the individual or to society in general? Explain.
• Are restorative practices used in Costa Rica? What are some outcomes for
the victims and the offenders? Explain and provide examples.
• What must restorative justice follow to be successful? What should the
facilitators keep in mind? How can the offenders and the victims be
• Research the causes of crime. How can crime be reduced?

UNIT 8: Reducing your Carbon Footprint

• How would you summarize people’s attitude towards the environment? Does
it change from developed to underdeveloped countries? Is it a matter of
attitude, experience, resources, or money? Explain.
• Are governments working hard enough to stop climate change? Why do you
think so? Or is it time for citizens to take action? Look for specific evidence.
• Convince your classmates to adopt certain habits to slow down climate
change. Talk about the causes, consequences, and possible solutions to the
environmental problems we are currently facing.
• How has global climate change affected people’s lifestyles? What are the
consequences in the short and long term? Provide recent examples from
different parts of the world.
• Some people say “We are not killing the planet. We are just killing ourselves
because the planet will find its way to recover.” Is there still time to save
ourselves, or do you think there is no turning back? Explain.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

• Do research on climate change denial. What is it? What are the arguments it
uses? Why does it exist? Who supports it?

10. References
Universidad Estatal a Distancia. (2005). Reglamento de Gestión Académica de
la Universidad Estatal a Distancia. San José: Vicerrectoría Académica. San
José: Centro de Información, Documentación y Recursos Bibliográficos
(CIDREB). Área de Información y Documentación Institucional.
Universidad Estatal a Distancia. (2012). Reglamento General Estudiantil. San
José: Vicerrectoría Académica. Centro de Información, Documentación y
Recursos Bibliográficos (CIDREB). Área de Información y Documentación

11. General Considerations

• You will receive a printed copy of the textbook at your university center. In
case you do not receive it, call the Distribución de Materiales Office (2280
1451 / 2527 2436 / 2527 2417) to report the case and ask for a solution.

• The Answer Key Booklet will be available at AprendeU.

• All workshops will be offered online, and you must go to AprendeU and
look for the link to the session in the corresponding module.

• The exam in this course will only be administered online in AprendeU.

• If you have any questions regarding the course, leave your questions in the
Q&A Forum in AprendeU. Your tutor will answer them within 48 hours.

• Students are responsible for submitting the evaluated tasks correctly (drafts
cannot and will not be graded).

• Students are responsible for uploading complete and clean files. If the file
meets at least one of the following characteristics, the student will
automatically get a zero in the score: the file is corrupted; the file contains a
virus; the file has the wrong format; the file was not submitted in the
corresponding space; the content is not original.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

11.1. Schedule for Student Attention and Contact Information

Cátedra Lengua Inglesa Course Coordinator:
Mag. Elizabeth Cascante Ramírez

Academic Assistant:
Mag. Sergio Gómez Atencio
(506) 2527-2404

Administrative Assistant:
Paula Lizano Araya
(506) 2527-2515

If students need to contact the Coordinator, they can send an e-mail, specifying
their full name, ID number, course code, and email subject. If students need to
call the Coordinator via TEAMS, they have to send an e-mail requesting an
appointment. On the appointment day, students have to use their UNED account
to find the Coordinator on the contacts list and make the call.

11.2. Plagiarism
Academic Dishonesty

UNED and the English Department are committed to the highest ideals of
academic integrity. Any instance of academic dishonesty, attempted or actual,
will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty includes, but it is not limited to:
a. submitting assignments or portions of assignments created by other people
as one’s own.
b. failing to acknowledge, through proper citation, the source of ideas not
essentially one’s own.
c. failing to document paraphrases, ideas, or verbatim expressions not one’s
d. collaborating on an assignment or examination without specific permission
from the instructor.
e. submitting an assignment created for another course without the explicit
permission of both instructors.
f. submitting work which has been prepared by or purchased from another as
one’s own.

If you plagiarize, intentionally or unintentionally, the work in question will be

automatically given a zero. Besides, you will be reported to the corresponding
authority, and you will risk failing the course, being expelled for a specific
number of terms, or being permanently suspended from the institution.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

11.3. Grade Appeals

UNED has made available, through Entorno Estudiantil, the option to submit
Grade Appeals, in case students are not satisfied with the grade obtained in
any of the evaluated tasks in the course. To access this option, go to the
Servicios section, then look for Recursos de Revocatoria (Apelaciones) and
create your grade appeal.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

We strongly recommend reading Manual de Usuario, Sistema de SAIE

You can also go to and watch
the video tutorial to learn how to submit a grade appeal.

According to Reglamento General Estudiantil, article 61, students have 15

natural days, after the grade has been made available, to appeal a grade.
Remember that, in order to successfully submit a grade appeal, your claim must
be clear and concise. You must also attach the file(s) with the corresponding

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

12. Appendices
12.1. Course Rubrics



Total points: 10 Total score: 0.25

Aspect 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points

Excellent Good Fair Poor

Student frequently Student never or

Student uses English Student uses English uses Spanish and almost never uses
at all times and often most of the time and participates only English and
volunteers during volunteers a few when called on. refuses to
class. Student actively times during class. Student engages in participate.
and enthusiastically Student consistently learning Student is visibly
engages in learning engages in learning environment with distracted or
exercises. exercises. prompting from engaged in other
teacher. activities.

Student is fully Student is mostly Student is mostly not Student is not

Preparation prepared. Student prepared. Student prepared. Student prepared. Student
shows full command shows some command shows little command shows no command
of target topics. of target topics. of target topics. of target topics.

Student connects Student connects Student connects Student is absent

Attendance on time and stays late or leaves late or leaves or stays less than
(*) during the whole earlier (less than earlier (more than an hour.
class. 15 minutes). 15 minutes).

Student correctly applies usage rules for Student does not always observe usage
Compliance microphone and camera throughout the rules for microphone and camera.
with technical workshop.
1 point 0 points

(*) If students remain connected for only one hour or less, they will be considered absent.
(*) If students connect but do not turn camera and/or microphone on, they will be considered
(*) Only students whose attendance/participation can be verified through audio and video will be

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009


Total points: 39 Total score: 2
Important note: Students who read during this task will get a zero in their score.
3 2 1 0
Excellent Good Fair Poor
All elements of the Most elements of the Some elements of the The elements of the
presentation are appropriate presentation are appropriate presentation are appropriate presentation are
and clearly defined and/or clearly defined and/or clearly defined inappropriate and/or not
(introduction, body, and (introduction, body, and (introduction, body, and clearly defined (introduction,
conclusion). conclusion). conclusion). body, and conclusion).
Organization There is a clear purpose, and Purpose is mostly clear, and Purpose is sometimes clear, There is no clear purpose.
(9 points) topic is sufficiently narrowed topic is sufficiently narrowed and/or topic is not sufficiently Topic is too broad.
down. down. narrowed down.
All ideas are sequenced Most ideas are sequenced Some ideas are sequenced Ideas are not sequenced
logically and there is an logically. Transitions are used logically. Transitions are used logically. Transitions are not
appropriate use of appropriately most of the sparingly or inappropriately. used (appropriately).
transitions. time.
Presentation lasts 5 to 6 Presentation lasts 4 to 5 Presentation lasts 3 to 4 Presentation lasts less than 3
minutes minutes minutes minutes
Content is relevant, shows Content is relevant and Content is relevant but lacks Content is not relevant and
extra research, thorough shows extra research but extra research, thorough lacks extra research,
preparation, and critical lacks thorough preparation or preparation, and/or critical thorough preparation, and
Content analysis. critical analysis. analysis. critical analysis.
(9 points)
Target audience is taken into Target audience is taken into Target audience is sometimes Target audience is not taken
account at all times. Complex account most of the time. taken into account. Some into account. Complex ideas
ideas and important concepts Most complex ideas and complex ideas and important and important concepts are
are explained. important concepts are concepts are explained. not explained.
All of the delivery One of the delivery Two of the delivery Three or more of the delivery
Delivery requirements (appropriate requirements (appropriate requirements (appropriate requirements (appropriate
(3 points) pitch, posture, pace, and eye pitch, posture, pace, and eye pitch, posture, pace, and eye pitch, posture, pace, and eye
contact) are met. contact) is not met. contact) are not met. contact) are not met.
Student communicates ideas Student communicates most Student communicates some Student communicates few
correctly using varied ideas correctly using varied ideas correctly using mostly ideas correctly using simple
structures. Student shows structures. Student shows simple structures. Student structures. Student shows
excellent control of verb good control of verb tenses, shows fair control of verb fair control of verb tenses,
(3 points)
tenses, adjectives, nouns, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, tenses, adjectives, nouns, adjectives, nouns, adverbs,
adverbs, articles. articles. adverbs, articles. articles.
(0 – 3 mistakes) (4 – 6 mistakes) (7 - 9 mistakes) (10 mistakes or more)
Speech generally fluent and Some lapses of fluency. Frequent lapses of fluency. Hesitant or evasive most of
Fluency effortless. Little or no Some hesitation. Frequent pausing to search the time. Persistent fluency
(3 points) hesitation. for words. problems hinder
Excellent pronunciation of Good pronunciation of most Fair pronunciation of vowel Persistent pronunciation
vowel and consonant sounds. vowel and consonant sounds. and consonant sounds. Fair problems. Inappropriate
Pronunciation Excellent stress, rhythm, and Good stress, rhythm, and stress, rhythm, and stress, rhythm, intonation.
(3 points) intonation. intonation. intonation. (10 mistakes or more)
(0 – 3 mistakes) (4 – 6 mistakes) (7 - 9 mistakes)
Excellent range of vocabulary Good range of vocabulary Fair range of vocabulary with Range of vocabulary is very
that stays away from with little repetition or some hesitation or restricted. Lexical gaps cause
Vocabulary repetition and vagueness. vagueness. vagueness. hesitation.
(6 points) Studied words and phrases in Good use of studied words Fair use of studied words and Poor use of studied words
the units as main focus. and phrases in the units. phrases in the units. and phrases in the units.

Visual aids are appropriate Visual aids are mostly Visual aids are not always Visual aids are inappropriate
Visual Aids and attractive (not full of appropriate and attractive appropriate or attractive (not and/or unattractive (full of
(3 points) text). (not full of text). full of text). text).

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009


Total points: 32 Total score: 2

Important note: If you participate only once, the grade you obtain will automatically be halved.


0–4 Compliance ☐ Each participation lasts the indicated time (*).
with guidelines ☐ Participation addresses at least two of the provided questions.
(1 pt. each ☐ Participation explicitly refers to the provided material (news article and/or
aspect) video).
☐ At least one of the posts is a response to/comment about a peer’s contribution.
0–7 Content ☐ It shows a thorough preparation.
(1 pt. each ☐ It shows logical organization of ideas.
aspect) ☐ Contributions show a sense of introduction, body and conclusion.
☐ It shows critical analysis of the materials that were provided in the forum (news
article and/or video).
☐ Contributions are relevant to the topic (does not wander off the topic).
☐ Opinions are justified and explained through examples and evidence.
☐ It shows respect when addressing the topic and points of view.

0–3 Netiquette The student:

(1 pt. each ☐ greets the participants in the forum.
aspect) ☐ uses respectful language when agreeing or disagreeing.
☐ signs off at the end of the participation.
0–5 Grammar The student:
5 ☐ communicates ideas correctly using varied simple and complex structures;
excellent control of verb tenses, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, articles, word order,
question/sentence formation, and verb patterns; mistakes are almost absent.
4 ☐ communicates ideas using mostly correct simple and complex structures;
very good control of verb tenses, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, articles, word order,
question/sentence formation, and verb patterns.
3 ☐ often communicates ideas clearly using simple and complex structures; good
control of verb tenses, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, articles, word order,
question/sentence formation, and verb patterns; few errors.
2 ☐ sometimes communicates ideas clearly using simple and complex structures;
some inconsistencies are present when trying to implement more complex
structures; more frequent errors in verb tenses, adjectives, nouns, adverbs,
articles, word order, question/sentence formation, and verb patterns.
1 ☐ communicates ideas related to some situations using simple structures;
problems with basic verb tenses, word order, word form, and subject–verb
0 ☐ resorts to very basic phrases; little or no control over English sentence
structure: no subject, no control of basic verb tenses, pluralization of adjectives;
poor sentence/question formation, incorrect time markers, serious subject-verb
agreement problems, and a lot of L1 interference.

0–5 Pronunciation The student:

5 ☐ can communicate without interference from L1; has excellent pronunciation
of vowels and consonants; has excellent stress, rhythm, intonation, both at
sentence and word levels; communicates smoothly without pronunciation flaws;
has polished pronunciation with clear articulation.
4 ☐ can communicate with almost no interference from L1; pronounces most
vowels and consonants correctly; has very good stress, rhythm, and intonation;
communicates appropriately with few pronunciation mistakes; articulates and
pronounces most words clearly.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

3 ☐ can communicate effectively with some interference from L1; shows some
inconsistency in the pronunciation of vowel and consonant sounds;
sometimes produces stress, rhythm, and intonation correctly.
2 ☐ makes many pronunciation errors; mispronounces many key words; makes
frequent mistakes in stress, rhythm, and intonation; sometimes needs a
sympathetic listener.
1 ☐ is hard to understand due to persistent pronunciation problems; displays
inappropriate stress, rhythm, and intonation; mispronounces many key words;
often needs a sympathetic listener.
0 ☐ has severe pronunciation problems which obscure meaning; mispronounces
most key words; uses inappropriate stress, rhythm, and intonation most of the
times; a very sympathetic listener would need repetition of words and ideas.

0–4 Fluency 4 ☐ speech generally fluent and effortless; very few pauses and false starts;
messages are processed with almost no difficulty: asks/answers complex
questions, keeps the conversation going, uses conversation gambits, uses other
communication strategies effectively (agreeing, disagreeing, clarifying, among
3 ☐ few lapses of fluency: very few false starts and pauses, sporadic search for
words; can sustain interaction with little difficulty: most of the times
asks/answers complex questions accurately; requires little help to keep the
conversation going; good use of communication strategies (agreeing,
disagreeing, clarifying, among others)
2 ☐ some lapses of fluency: occasional false starts and pauses to search for the
correct words; can sustain interaction with some difficulty; generally, complex
questions are asked/answered appropriately; requires some help to keep the
conversation going; fair use of communication strategies (agreeing, disagreeing,
clarifying, among others)
1 ☐ frequent lapses of fluency; hesitant or evasive; some discourse fillers used,
false starts and frequent pauses to search for words; fluency problems do not
interfere with basic communication but has problems in academic situations;
shows some elaboration of message; some communication strategies are used
0 ☐ hesitant or evasive most of the time, recurrent false starts and pauses to
search for words; forced into silence due to language limitations; fluency
problems hinder communication; little interaction; little understanding and
conversation flow; a sympathetic listener finds it hard to understand speaker;
very few communication strategies are used

0–4 Vocabulary Presenter uses

(1 pt. each ☐ adequate range of vocabulary that stays away from repetition and
aspect) vagueness.
☐ correct vocabulary based on the context.
☐ studied words and phrases in the units as main focus.
☐ strategies to compensate for the lack of specific words.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009



Total points: 25


5 ☐ complete mastery of the topic(s) to discuss
0–5 Content 4 ☐ knowledge of the topic(s), without complete mastery
3 ☐ some knowledge of the topic(s)
2 ☐ not enough or little knowledge of the topic(s)
1 ☐ poor content; insufficient ideas
0 ☐ no content, no ideas given
The student:
0–5 Grammar 5 ☐ displays excellent control of simple and complex grammatical
4 ☐ communicates ideas using mostly correct simple and complex
3 ☐ often communicates ideas clearly using simple and complex
2 ☐ sometimes communicates ideas clearly using simple and complex
1 ☐ communicates ideas using simple structures
0 ☐ displays poor or no control over English sentence structure
5 ☐ fluent and effortless speech that helps communication
0–5 Fluency 4 ☐ generally fluent; very few unnatural pauses
3 ☐ some hesitation; some unnatural pauses
2 ☐ frequent unnatural pauses
1 ☐ very frequent unnatural pauses
0 ☐ very long and unnatural pauses
5 ☐ complete mastery of phonemes, rhythm, stress, and intonation
0–5 Pronunciation patterns
4 ☐ very good pronunciation, rhythm, stress, and intonation
3 ☐ generally good with some phonetic, rhythm, stress, and intonation
2 ☐ some errors in pronunciation, rhythm, stress, and intonation
1 ☐ persistent pronunciation problems; inappropriate stress, rhythm,
intonation; many key words mispronounced
0 ☐ severe pronunciation problems obscure meaning; most key words
mispronounced; stress, rhythm, intonation inappropriate most of
the time
☐ adequate range of vocabulary that stays away from repetition and
0–5 Vocabulary vagueness
(1 point each ☐ correct use of vocabulary based on the context
aspect) ☐ use of vocabulary from the studied units shows comprehension and
understanding of its meaning
☐ use and choice of vocabulary help to transmit a clear message
☐ use of strategies to compensate for the lack of specific words

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

12.2. Virtual Platform AprendeU

Ingreso al campus virtual de su asignatura

La UNED cuenta con tres campus virtuales EducaU, EstudiaU y AprendeU, pero esta
asignatura se ofertará en el Campus Virtual AprendeU, dentro de esta podrá llevar a cabo
los procesos educativos, organizarse y comunicarse con sus compañeros y el profesor.

Requerimientos para el uso de los Campus Virtuales

Para una buena experiencia de uso y navegación dentro del Campus Virtual usted debe
tener, como mínimo, lo siguiente:

PC de escritorio o portátil

• Hardware
✓ Computadora de escritorio o portátil con pantalla de 13 pulgadas o superior con
capacidad mínima para visualizar video HD (resolución de 1280 x 720 píxeles).
✓ Espacio de almacenamiento libre en disco: 1GB mínimo - 5GB o superior es
recomendado para descargar y almacenar archivos.
✓ Procesador: 1 GHz (mínimo), se recomienda 2 GHz doble núcleo o superior.
✓ Memoria: 4 GB (mínimo), 8 GB o superior es recomendado.
✓ Conexión de red física (cable de red) o inalámbrica (WiFi) con velocidad igual o
superior a 5 Mbps de descarga y 1 Mbps de subida.
✓ Utilice un medidor de velocidad en línea para conocer su velocidad real:

• Software
✓ Sistema operativo
▪ Windows 8,1 (hasta enero 2023), Windows 10, Windows 11 o superior.
▪ MacOS 10.12 (Sierra), 13 (High Sierra), 10.14 (Mojave), 10.15 (Catalina),
11.0 (Big Sur), 12.0 (Monterrey) o superior.

✓ Navegador web: Chrome, Firefox, Safari o Edge actualizado a su última versión.

Cabe señalar que no se soporta navegador Internet Explorer. Puede verificar su
versión de navegador en:

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

✓ Contar con acceso a dos navegadores web de los indicados anteriormente,

actualizado a la última versión, para que en caso de que tenga dificultad con uno de
ellos pueda hacer uso del otro.
✓ Un micrófono, audífonos o parlantes y cámara compatible para su uso en navegador
✓ Una cuenta de correo institucional, la cual esta visible desde el Entorno Estudiantil,
ya que la requerirá para recuperar su contraseña en caso de que la olvide.
✓ Habilitar las ventanas emergentes en el navegador web cuando la plataforma en
línea lo requiera.
• Seguridad
✓ Verifique que el sitio URL al que está accediendo sea el correcto. (Por ejemplo sin letras o caracteres especiales adicionales).
✓ Verifique la autenticidad y privacidad del sitio en el símbolo de candado al inicio de
la URL, compruebe que la dirección URL es la correcta, que la conexión está segura
y que el certificado es válido:

Dispositivo móvil

• Hardware:
✓ Dispositivo tableta o teléfono inteligente con capacidad mínima para visualizar video
HD (resolución de 1280 x 720 píxeles).
✓ Espacio de almacenamiento libre en disco: 1GB mínimo - 5GB o superior es
recomendado para descargar y almacenar archivos.
✓ Procesador: 1 GHz (mínimo), se recomienda 2 GHz doble núcleo o superior.
✓ Memoria: 4 GB (mínimo), 8 GB o superior es recomendado.
✓ Conexión de red inalámbrica (WiFi) o datos móviles (3G o superior) con velocidad
igual o superior a 5 Mbps de descarga y 1 Mbps de subida.
Utilice un medidor de velocidad en línea para conocer su velocidad real:

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

• Software:
✓ Sistema Operativo
▪ Android 10, 11, 12, 13 o superior.
▪ iOS 11.x, 12.x, 13.x, 14.x o superior.
▪ iPadOS 13.x o superior.
✓ Navegador web comprobado: Mobile Safari o Google Chrome.
Puede verificar su versión de navegador en:

✓ Contar con acceso a los dos navegadores web indicados anteriormente, actualizado
a la última versión, para que en caso de que tenga dificultad con uno de ellos pueda
hacer uso del otro.
✓ Micrófono, altavoces y cámara integrada en dispositivo.
✓ Una cuenta de correo institucional, la cual esta visible desde el Entorno Estudiantil,
ya que la requerirá para recuperar su contraseña en caso de que la olvide.
✓ Habilitar las ventanas emergentes en el navegador web cuando la plataforma en
línea lo requiera.
• Seguridad
✓ Verifique que el sitio URL al que está accediendo sea el correcto. (Por ejemplo sin letras o caracteres especiales adicionales)
✓ Verifique la autenticidad y privacidad del sitio en el menú del navegador móvil en
opción “Información del sitio web”, compruebe que la dirección URL es la correcta,
que la conexión está segura y que el certificado es válido:

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

¿Cómo ingreso al Campus Virtual AprendeU?

El acceso al campus virtual se puede realizar desde un navegador web o empleando la
aplicación móvil Campus Virtual UNED.

Desde el navegador web

En caso de acceder desde un navegador web debe digitar:, puede hacerlo
de dos opciones diferentes.
Opción 1
En el menú principal de la página de UNED, ubique la opción Estudiantes, ahí encontrará
el enlace directo para acceder a AprendeU.

Opción 2
En la página principal de la UNED, ubique la sección Zona U, ahí encontrará el enlace
directo para acceder a AprendeU.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

Desde la App Campus Virtual UNED

También puede acceder desde la aplicación móvil Campus Virtual UNED, la cual está
disponible para dispositivos móviles con sistema operativo iOS y Android. Para conocer
como descargarla consulte:
• Manual para sistema operativo Android:
• Manual para sistema operativo iOS:

Se recomienda el uso de esta aplicación para:

• Recibir notificaciones de la actividad de la asignatura.
• Revisar los materiales e instrucciones de actividades de la asignatura.
• Verificar anuncios y calendarización de entregas.
• Comprobar calificaciones.
• Mantener una comunicación con profesores y compañeros de clase.
• Descargar los elementos del curso para consulta sin conexión a internet (offline).

¿Cómo ingresar a la sesión?

Para ingresar a la sesión se requiere la siguiente información:

Usuario. Es su número de cédula con formato de diez dígitos, sin guiones ni espacios.

Si número de identificación tiene 7 dígitos (1-234-567) deberá digitar: 0102340567

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

Si su número de identificación tiene 8 dígitos (1-1456-052) deberá digitar:

Sin embargo, si usted es un estudiante extranjero o residente, su Usuario se
conformará por el número de identificación que usó al hacer la matrícula
Contraseña. A partir de las siguientes premisas, ejecute lo que se indica según sea el caso:
• Estudiantes que utilicen por primera vez este Campus Virtual

Deben escribir la palabra Uned con la U en mayúscula seguida del símbolo punto (“.”).
Posteriormente, y sin dejar espacio, debe digitar su fecha de nacimiento, registrada en su
identificación; aplicando el formato: dos dígitos del día, dos dígitos del mes y los dos últimos
dígitos del año.
Si usted nació el 7 de febrero de 1985, deberá digitar:
Al ingresar se le solicitará que cambie su contraseña, tome en cuenta que para ello debe
ajustarse a los requisitos que se le indican en pantalla; posteriormente esta será la que
debe utilizar. Cabe señalar que esta acción deberá hacerla desde un navegador web,
ya que la aplicación no permite realizarla.
• Estudiantes regulares

Son todos aquellos estudiantes que ya han utilizado AprendeU durante el I Cuatrimestre
2022, para ello coloque la contraseña que ha venido utilizado, en caso de que no la recuerde
consulte el siguiente apartado.
• Estudiantes que olvidaron su contraseña

En caso de tener problemas con el acceso u olvidó su contraseña para ingresar, debe
utilizar la opción: ¿Olvidó su contraseña? (Ubicada en la página principal de la plataforma).
Desde donde podrá generar una nueva.
Para una mejor visualización de cómo ingresar a la plataforma,
puede consultar el video tutorial que se encuentra en el
siguiente enlace: o bien,
utilice el siguiente código QR.

¿Dónde visualizar las asignaturas que matriculó?

Al ingresar a AprendeU ubique la sección “Vista general de
curso”, que muestra el nombre de todas las asignaturas en las que está inscrito, en este
Campus Virtual. Para acceder al entorno virtual de esta la asignatura, haga clic sobre el
nombre de esta.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

¿Cuándo tiene disponible el acceso a su asignatura en línea?

El acceso a los entornos de la UNED está disponible a partir del primer lunes del inicio
oficial de cada período académico. Para este I Cuatrimestre la fecha de ingreso será a
partir del lunes, 6 de febrero del 2023.

¿Qué apoyo se brinda para aprender a usar este Campus Virtual?

La UNED pone a disposición tres medios oficiales en los que puede aprender a utilizar el
campus virtual, a continuación, se describen:
1. Webinar sobre uso de la plataforma el martes 7 de febrero del 2023.
2. En la página web del Programa de Aprendizaje en Línea (PAL)
( puede encontrar en el menú Estudiantes, las
opciones: Manuales, Consejos y Preguntas frecuentes sobre el campus virtual,
visítela en el bloque de Recursos Didácticos ubicado en la página principal de la
3. En el canal de YouTube de Aprendizaje en Línea, se encuentran video tutoriales
que los orientará en cuanto al ingreso y el uso técnico de las diferentes herramientas
que hallará en el campus virtual. Puede acceder a través del enlace
4. La página de la red social Facebook “Aprendizaje en Línea”, para estar al tanto
de avisos y comunicaciones respecto al campus virtual.
Adicionalmente, el Programa Aprendizaje en Línea pone a disposición de los estudiantes el
correo con el fin de que puedan canalizar sus consultas
con respecto al uso técnico del Campus Virtual AprendeU.

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura
Conversación Inglesa I Código: 05009

12.3. Information about the Library 2527-2261 / 2527-2262 / 2527-2407

Amgv / I-2023

UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura

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