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Grade level: 1st Taylor Rae Rogosic

Unit: Geography Lesson Title: Ireland

Materials/Resources: carpet, projector, white board, globe, Scholastic News booklet, Ask and
Answer “Ahh, Ireland!” Worksheet

Duration: 45 minutes

Standard: 7.3B Identify the human characteristics of places and regions by their cultural

(10 min.) Anticipatory Set: Prior to the lesson teacher asks, “What do you know about
Ireland” Teacher then records students’ answers on white board. Using the globe, teacher
asks students their present location and the land of Ireland.

Objective: Students will be able to listen to/read aloud “Ahh, Ireland” Scholastic News story
while showing 100 percent mastery of worksheet reading assessment.

(5 min.) Model/ Input: Teacher reads to students Scholastic News booklet.

(5 min.) Guided Practice: Students brainstorm within each table team and create questions
based on information from the reading.

( 5 min.) Independent Practice: Students reread the story, and then answer the other tables’

(5 min.) Check for Understanding: Teacher walks around to circulate classroom through
discussion and reading. Students complete page 4 on Scholastic booklet.

(15 min.) Closure: Students complete Ask and Answer “Ahh Ireland!” Worksheet.

Accommodations for target students: Proximity, visual with projector, talking slowly and
clearly, give appropriate wait time for student

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