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Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

1987 CONSTITUTION In turn, Sec. 1, Art. IV of the 1935 Constitution provides that the
following are citizens of the Philippines:
ARTICLE IV – CITIZENSHIP 1. Those who were citizens of the Philippines at the time of the
adoption of the Constitution of the Philippines;
SECTION 1. The following are citizens of the Philippines: 2. Those born in the Philippines of foreign parents who, before
the adoption of said Constitution, had been elected to the
(1) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time public office in the Philippines;
of the adoption of this Constitution; 3. Those whose fathers are citizens of the Philippines;
(2) Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the 4. Those whose mothers are citizens of the Philippines, and upon
reaching the age of majority, elect Philippine citizenship;
5. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.
(3) Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino
mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon
SECTION 2. Natural-born citizens are those who are citizens
reaching the age of majority; and
of the Philippines from birth without having to perform any
(4) Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.
act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship. Those
who elect Philippine citizenship in accordance with
Notes: The citizens referred to in par. 3 are those considered Filipino
citizens under the 1973 Constitution at the time of the effectivity of paragraph (3), Section 1 hereof shall be deemed natural-born
the new Constitution on February 2, 1987. citizens.

Sec. 1, Art. III of the 1973 Constitution provides that the following are Note: The right of election must be exercised within a reasonable
citizens of the Philippines: period after reaching the age of majority. The phrase “upon reaching
1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the the age of majority” has been construed to mean within a reasonable
adoption of this Constitution. period after reaching the age of the majority, which election should be
2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizen of the Philippines. made within three (3) years after reaching such age. (Opinion of SOJ No.
3. Those who elect Philippine citizenship pursuant to the 129, s. 1948) But where the election was made five (5) years after
provisions of the Constitution of 1935. attaining the age of majority, the Supreme Court held that petitioner
4. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law. had lost his right to claim Philippine citizenship. (Lim Teco v.
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

Commissioner of Customs) The election must be expressed and cannot REVISED PENAL CODE
be implied. (Cu v. Republic)
ARTICLE 2. Application of Its Provisions. — Except as
SECTION 3. Philippine citizenship may be lost or reacquired provided in the treaties and laws of preferential application,
in the manner provided by law. the provisions of this Code shall be enforced not only within
the Philippine Archipelago, including its atmosphere, its
SECTION 4. Citizens of the Philippines who marry aliens interior waters and maritime zone, but also outside of its
shall retain their citizenship, unless by their act or omission jurisdiction, against those who:
they are deemed, under the law, to have renounced it.
1. Should commit an offense while on a Philippine ship
SECTION 5. Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the or airship;
national interest and shall be dealt with by law. 2. Should forge or counterfeit any coin or currency note
of the Philippine Islands or obligations and securities
Notes: Dual citizenship is a result of the concurrent application of the issued by the Government of the Philippine Islands;
different laws of two or more states; a person is simultaneously 3. Should be liable for acts connected with the
considered a national by the said states. Such situation may arise when introduction into these islands of the obligations and
a person whose parents are citizens of a state which adheres to the securities mentioned in the preceding number;
principle of jus sanguinis in a state which follows the doctrine of jus soli. 4. While being public officers or employees, should
Dual citizenship is involuntary. (Mercado v. Manzano) commit an offense in the exercise of their functions; or
5. Should commit any of the crimes against national
Dual allegiance, on the other hand, refers to the situation in which a
security and the law of nations, defined in Title One of
person simultaneously owes, by some positive act, loyalty to two or
Book Two of this Code.
more states. Dual allegiance is the result of an individual’s volition. (Ibid.)
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES whatever may be the nature of the property and regardless of
the country wherein said property may be found.
Notes: With respect to property, be it personal or real, it is subject to
ARTICLE 14. Penal laws and those of public security and the law of the country where it is situated. This is the principle of lex
safety shall be obligatory upon all who live or sojourn in rei sitae. It is a principle that real or immovable property is exclusively
Philippine territory, subject to the principles of public subject to the laws of the country or state where it is located. The
international law and to treaty stipulations. reason is found in the very nature of immovable property — its
immobility. Thus, all matters concerning the title and disposition of real
ARTICLE 15. Laws relating to family rights and duties, or to property are determined by what is known as the lex loci rae sitae,
the status, condition and legal capacity of persons are binding which can alone prescribe the mode by which a title can pass from
upon citizens of the Philippines, even though living abroad. one person to another, or by which an interest therein can be gained
or lost.
Notes: The Civil Code follows the nationality rule, to the effect that
Philippine laws relating to family rights and duties, or to the status, ARTICLE 17. The forms and solemnities of contracts, wills,
condition and legal capacity of persons are binding upon citizens of the and other public instruments shall be governed by the laws of
Philippines, even though living abroad. (Lavadia v. Heirs of Luna, 2014) the country in which they are executed.

ARTICLE 16. Real property as well as personal property is When the acts referred to are executed before the diplomatic
subject to the law of the country where it is situated. or consular officials of the Republic of the Philippines in a
foreign country, the solemnities established by Philippine
However, intestate and testamentary successions, both with laws shall be observed in their execution.
respect to the order of succession and to the amount of
successional rights and to the intrinsic validity of Prohibitive laws concerning persons, their acts or property,
testamentary provisions, shall be regulated by the national and those which have for their object public order, public
law of the person whose succession is under consideration, policy and good customs shall not be rendered ineffective by
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

laws or judgments promulgated, or by determinations or 5. Philippine law (Arts. 816-817 for aliens; Art. 15, applying to
conventions agreed upon in a foreign country. Filipinos by analogy).

Notes: Par. 1 of Art. 17 is reflective of the principle of lex loci The provisions of Arts. 815-817 refer to the formal validity of wills
celebrationis. Par. 2 is an exception to the said principle. executed by persons outside of their own state or country. With
respect to the intrinsic validity of the provisions of the will, Art. 16 of
SUCCESSION the NCC provides that the national law of the deceased shall apply.
The place of execution does not affect the intrinsic validity of the
ARTICLE 815. When a Filipino is in a foreign country, he is contents of the will (Tolentino).
authorized to make a will in any of the forms established by
the law of the country in which he may be. Such will may be Re: Art. 817: If an alien executes a will in the Philippines, not in
conformity with our law, but in conformity with the law of his own
probated in the Philippines.
state or country, the will can be probated in the Philippines (In Re
Estate of Johnson).
ARTICLE 816. The will of an alien who is abroad produces
effect in the Philippines if made with the formalities
The Code did not mean to invalidate the will of a Filipino, executed in
prescribed by the law of the place in which he resides, or
a foreign country, when it is made in conformity with our law and not
according to the formalities observed in his country, or in
in conformity with the law of the place of execution. Under Arts. 816
conformity with those which this Code prescribes.
and 817, an alien who makes a will in a place other than his country is
permitted to follow the laws of his own country; Art. 816 even allows
Notes: Every testator, whether a Filipino or alien, wherever he may be,
an alien executing a will in a foreign country other than his own, to
has five (5) choices as to what law to follow for the form of his will:
follow the formalities prescribed by our law. It cannot be assumed that
1. The law of his citizenship (Arts. 816-817 for aliens; applying to
the Code places the Filipino citizen in a worse position than the alien
Filipinos by analogy, Art. 15)
in relation to our own law.
2. The law of the place of execution (Art. 17)
3. The law of his domicile (Art. 816 for aliens abroad; applying to
aliens in the Philippines and to Filipinos by analogy)
4. The law of his residence (same basis as 3)
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

ARTICLE 818. Two or more persons cannot make a will Rules on Joint Wills:
jointly, or in the same instrument, either for their reciprocal 1. If executed by Filipinos in the Philippines - void (Art. 819)
benefit or for the benefit of a third person. 2. If executed by Filipinos abroad - void, even if authorized by the
law of the place of execution (Art. 819) This is an exception
Notes: A joint will is one where the same instrument is made the will to the permissive provisions of Arts. 17 and 815.
of two or more persons and jointly signed by them. Such a will 3. If executed by aliens abroad - governed by Art. 816
contained in a single instrument is the will of each of the makers, and 4. If executed by aliens in the Philippines - controverted:
at the death of one may be probated as his will, and be again probated a. One view: void because of public policy
at the death of the other as the will of the latter. Such wills are usually b. Other view - Art. 817 governs
executed to make testamentary dispositions of joint property 5. If executed by a Filipino and an alien - as to the Filipino, always
(Tolentino). void; as to the alien, number 3 or 4 would apply.

If there are separate documents, each serving as one independent will ARTICLE 829. A revocation done outside the Philippines, by
(even if they are written on the same sheet), they are not “the joint a person who does not have his domicile in this country, is
wills” prohibited by Art. 818 (Balane; Tolentino). valid when it is done according to the law of the place where
the will was made, or according to the law of the place in
ARTICLE 819. Wills, prohibited by the preceding article, which the testator had his domicile at the time; and if the
executed by Filipinos in a foreign country shall not be valid in revocation takes place in this country, when it is in accordance
the Philippines, even though authorized by the laws of the with the provisions of this Code.
country where they may have been executed.
Notes: Although the general rule is that a will may be made by a 1. If revocation is made in the Philippines, follow Philippine law.
Filipino, who is abroad, in accordance with the formalities prescribed 2. If revocation is made outside the Philippines:
by the law in the country where the will is executed (Arts. 817 and a. If testator is not domiciled in the Philippines:
815), the present article creates an exception to that rule. A joint will i. Follow the law of the place where the will was
is against the public policy of the Philippines. (Tolentino) made; or
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

ii. Follow the law of the place where the testator COMMON CARRIERS
was domiciled at the time of the revocation.
b. If testator is domiciled in the Philippines (governed by ARTICLE 1753. The law of the country to which the goods are
Art. 829) to be transported shall govern the liability of the common
i. Follow PH law; or carrier for their loss, destruction or deterioration.
ii. Follow the law of the place of revocation (lex
loci celebracionis under Art. 17)
iii. Follow the law of the place where the will was
made (by analogy with the rules on revocation
where the testator is a non-PH domiciliary)

ARTICLE 1039. Capacity to succeed is governed by the law

Art. 10. Marriages between Filipino citizens abroad may be
of the nation of the decedent.
solemnized by a consul-general, consul or vice-consul of the
Republic of the Philippines. The issuance of the marriage
license and the duties of the local civil registrar and of the
solemnizing officer with regard to the celebration of marriage
ARTICLE 1319. Consent is manifested by the meeting of the
shall be performed by said consular official.
offer and the acceptance upon the thing and the cause which
are to constitute the contract. The offer must be certain and
Art. 21. When either or both of the contracting parties are
the acceptance absolute. A qualified acceptance constitutes a
citizens of a foreign country, it shall be necessary for them
before a marriage license can be obtained, to submit a
certificate of legal capacity to contract marriage, issued by
Acceptance made by letter or telegram does not bind the
their respective diplomatic or consular officials.
offerer except from the time it came to his knowledge. The
contract, in such a case, is presumed to have been entered into
Stateless persons or refugees from other countries shall, in
in the place where the offer was made.
lieu of the certificate of legal capacity herein required, submit
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

an affidavit stating the circumstances showing such capacity (6) Those subsequent marriages that are void under
to contract marriage. Article 53.

Art. 26. All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines, in Art. 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the time
accordance with the laws in force in the country where they of the celebration, was psychologically incapacitated to
were solemnized, and valid there as such, shall also be valid comply with the essential marital obligations of marriage,
in this country, except those prohibited under Articles 35 (1), shall likewise be void even if such incapacity becomes
(4), (5) and (6), 3637 and 38. manifest only after its solemnization. (As amended by
Executive Order 227)
Art. 35. The following marriages shall be void from the
beginning: Art. 37. Marriages between the following are incestuous and
void from the beginning, whether relationship between the
(1) Those contracted by any party below eighteen years of parties be legitimate or illegitimate:
age even with the consent of parents or guardians; (1) Between ascendants and descendants of any degree;
(2) Those solemnized by any person not legally and
authorized to perform marriages unless such (2) Between brothers and sisters, whether of the full or half
marriages were contracted with either or both parties blood.
believing in good faith that the solemnizing officer had
the legal authority to do so; Art. 38. The following marriages shall be void from the
(3) Those solemnized without license, except those beginning for reasons of public policy:
covered the preceding Chapter;
(4) Those bigamous or polygamous marriages not failing (1) Between collateral blood relatives whether legitimate
under Article 41; or illegitimate, up to the fourth civil degree;
(5) Those contracted through mistake of one contracting (2) Between step-parents and step-children;
party as to the identity of the other; and (3) Between parents-in-law and children-in-law;
(4) Between the adopting parent and the adopted child;
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

(5) Between the surviving spouse of the adopting parent situated in a foreign country whose laws require
and the adopted child; different formalities for its extrinsic validity.
(6) Between the surviving spouse of the adopted child and
the adopter;
(7) Between an adopted child and a legitimate child of the RULES OF COURT
(8) Between adopted children of the same adopter; and RULE 4 – VENUE OF ACTIONS
(9) Between parties where one, with the intention to marry
the other, killed that other person’s spouse, or his or Section 2. Venue of personal actions. – All other actions may
her own spouse. be commenced and tried where the plaintiff or any of the
principal plaintiffs resides, or where the defendant or any of
Art. 80. In the absence of a contrary stipulation in a marriage the principal defendants resides, or in the case of a
settlement, the property relations of the spouses shall be nonresident defendant where he may be found, at the election
governed by Philippine laws, regardless of the place of the of the plaintiff.
celebration of the marriage and their residence.
This rule shall not apply: PLEADINGS

(1) Where both spouses are aliens; Section 6. Judgment. – In pleading a judgment or decision of
(2) With respect to the extrinsic validity of contracts a domestic or foreign court, judicial or quasi-judicial tribunal,
affecting property not situated in the Philippines and or of a board or officer, it is sufficient to aver the judgment or
executed in the country where the property is located; decision without setting forth matter showing jurisdiction to
and render it. An authenticated copy of the judgment or decision
(3) With respect to the extrinsic validity of contracts shall be attached to the pleading.
entered into in the Philippines but affecting property
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

Notes: Under this provision, the jurisdiction of the court a quo is transmit by mail a copy of such summons or other legal
presumed, but the amended Section 6 requires that an authenticated process to the corporation at its home or principal office.
copy of the judgment or decision be attached to the pleading. 2. If a foreign banking corporation has no agent or head or no
person was authorized to receive summons, processes, and all
On May 14, 2019, the Apostille Convention on authentication of legal notices, they may be served upon the Bangko Sentral
documents took effect in the Philippines. Under this Convention, in Deputy Governor In-Charge of the supervising and examining
countries and territories which are Apostille-contracting parties, there departments. The said Deputy Governor shall register and
is no need for authentication of the relevant judgment or decision, as transmit by mail to the president or secretary of the bank at
it is sufficient to have the same Apostillized in the place where the its head or principal office a copy, duly certified by him, of the
document originates. summons, process, or notice.
3. If a foreign insurance company, ceased to transact business in
RULE 11 – WHEN TO FILE RESPONSIVE PLEADINGS the Philippines or has no resident agent on whom any notice,
proof of loss, summons or legal process may be served, they
Section 2. Answer of a defendant foreign private juridical may be served upon the Insurance Commissioner who shall,
entity. – Where the defendant is a foreign private juridical within 10 days, transmit by mail, postage paid, a copy of
entity and service of summons is made on the government summons or other legal process to the company at its home
official designated by law to receive the same, the answer or principal office.
shall be filed within sixty (60) calendar days after receipt of
summons by such entity. RULE 14 – SUMMONS

Notes: Section 12. Service upon domestic private juridical entity. –

1. If foreign corporation has ceased to transact business in the When the defendant is a corporation, partnership or
Philippines or has no resident agent in the Philippines, the association organized under the laws of the Philippines with
service of any summons or other legal process may be made a juridical personality, service may be made on the president,
upon the Securities and Exchange Commission in any action managing partner, general manager, corporate secretary,
or proceeding arising out of any business or transaction which treasurer, or inhouse counsel of the corporation wherever
occurred in the Philippines. The SEC shall, within 10 days,
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

they may be found, or in their absence or unavailability, on do with the legal papers served on him. (Delta Motor Sales Corp. v.
their secretaries. Mangosing, 1976)

If such service cannot be made upon any of the foregoing Section 14. Service upon foreign private juridical entities. –
persons, it shall be made upon the person who customarily When the defendant is a foreign private juridical entity which
receives the correspondence for the defendant at its principal has transacted or is doing business in the Philippines, as
office. defined by law, service may be made on its resident agent
designated in accordance with law for that purpose, or, if
In case the domestic juridical entity is under receivership or there be no such agent, on the government official designated
liquidation, service of summons shall be made on the receiver by law to that effect, or on any of its officers, agents, directors
or liquidator, as the case may be. or trustees within the Philippines.

Should there be a refusal on the part of the persons above If the foreign private juridical entity is not registered in the
mentioned to receive summons despite at least three (3) Philippines, or has no resident agent but has transacted or is
attempts on two (2) different dates, service may be made doing business in it, as defined by law, such service may, with
electronically, if allowed by the court, as provided under leave of court, be effected outside of the Philippines through
Section 6 of this Rule. any of the following means:

Notes: It is an exclusive enumeration of the persons authorized to (a) By personal service coursed through the appropriate
receive summons for domestic private juridical entities. The officer court in the foreign country with the assistance of the
upon whom service is made must be the one who is named in the Department of Foreign Affairs;
statute; otherwise, the service is invalid. (DOLE Phils., Inc. v. Quilala, (b) By publication once in a newspaper of general
2008) The purpose is to render it reasonably certain that the circulation in the country where the defendant may be
corporation will receive prompt and proper notice in an action against found and by serving a copy of the summons and the
it, or to ensure that the summons is served on a representative so court order by registered mail at the last known
integrated with the corporation that such person will know what to address of the defendant;
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

(c) By facsimile; Section 16. Service upon defendant whose identity or

(d) By electronic means with the prescribed proof of whereabouts are unknown. – In any action where the
service; or defendant is designated as an unknown owner, or the like, or
(e) By such other means as the court, in its discretion, may whenever his or her whereabouts are unknown and cannot be
direct. ascertained by diligent inquiry, within ninety (90) calendar
days from the commencement of the action, service may, by
Notes: leave of court, be effected upon him or her by publication in a
1. If a foreign corporation has a license to do business, then newspaper of general circulation and in such places and for
summons to it will be served on the resident agent designated such time as the court may order.
by it for the purpose or otherwise in accordance with the
provisions of the corporation. Any order granting such leave shall specify a reasonable time,
2. If the foreign corporation has not designated a resident agent, which shall not be less than sixty (60) calendar days after
summons shall be served upon the government official notice, within which the defendant must answer.
designated by law, or on any of its officers, agents, directors or
trustees within the Philippines. (See Notes on Rule 12, Sec. 2) Notes: As an exception to the preferred mode of service, service of
3. If a foreign corporation actually doing business in the summons by publication may only be resorted to when the
Philippines has not applied for a license to do so and has not whereabouts of the defendant are not only unknown, but cannot be
designated an agent to receive summons, then service of ascertained by diligent inquiry. (Express Padala S.P.A. v. Ocampo, 2017)
summons on it will be made pursuant to the provisions of the Summons by publication under the circumstances described in Sec. 16,
Rules of Court, particularly Rule 14, Section 14. Rule 14 applies to any action, whether in personam, in rem or quasi in
rem. (Santos v. PNOC Exploration Corp., 2008)
Section 15. Service upon public corporations. – When the
defendant is the Republic of the Philippines, service may be The service of summons by publication is complemented by service of
effected on the Solicitor General; in case of a province, city or summons by registered mail to the defendant’s last known address.
municipality, or like public corporations, service may be This complementary service is evidenced by an affidavit “showing the
effected on its executive head, or on such other officer or deposit of a copy of the summons and order for publication in the
officers as the law or the court may direct.
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

post office, postage prepaid, directed to the defendant by registered likewise stipulate the time and place of the deposition, but not the
mail to his last known address.” (Express Padala S.P.A. v. Ocampo, 2017) manner of taking depositions which should be in accordance with the
rules. They may stipulate that the questions and answers are to be
RULE 23 – DEPOSITIONS PENDING ACTIONS taken down directly on a typewriter, computer or in handwriting.
(Noche, p. 659)
Section 11. Persons before whom depositions may be taken in
foreign countries. – In a foreign state or country, depositions Section 12. Commission or letters rogatory. – A commission
may be taken (a) on notice before a secretary of embassy or or letters rogatory shall be issued only when necessary or
legation, consul general, consul, vice-consul, or consular convenient, on application and notice, and on such terms and
agent of the Republic of the Philippines; (b) before such with such direction as are just and appropriate. Officers may
person or officer as may be appointed by commission or be designated in notices or commissions either by name or
under letters rogatory; or (c) the person referred to in Section descriptive title and letters rogatory may be addressed to the
14 hereof. appropriate judicial authority in the foreign country.

Notes: Leave of court is not required when the deposition is to be Notes:

taken before a secretary of embassy or legation, consul general, consul, 1. A commission is an instrument issued by a court of justice or
vice-consul, or consular agent of the Republic of the Philippines, and other competent tribunal to authorize a person to take
the defendant’s answer has already been served. However, if the depositions, or do any other act by authority of such court or
deposition is to be taken in a foreign country where the Philippines tribunal. (Dasmariñas Garments, Inc. v. Reyes, 1993)
has no secretary of embassy or legation, consul general, consul, vice- 2. A letter rogatory is an instrument sent in the name and by
consul, or consulate agent, it may be taken only before such person or authority of a judge or court to another, requesting the latter
officer as may be appointed by commission or under letters rogatory. to cause to be examined, upon interrogatories filed in a case
(Dulay v. Dulay, 2005) pending before the former, a witness who is within the
jurisdiction of the judge or court to whom such letter is
Sec. 14, Rule 14, mentioned in Sec. 11(c) provides that the parties may addressed. (Id.)
stipulate in writing the person before whom depositions may be taken.
Such person must be authorized to administer oaths. They may
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

Commissions are directives to officials of the issuing jurisdiction; letters Notes: A foreign judgment is presumed to be valid and binding in the
rogatory are requests to foreign tribunals. Commissions are taken in country from which it comes, until a contrary showing, on the basis of
accordance with the rules laid down by the court issuing the a presumption of regularity of proceedings and the giving of due notice
commission, while in letters rogatory, the methods of procedure are in the foreign forum. (Arca, et. al. v. Javier, 1954) The presumption of
under the control of the foreign tribunal. (Dulay v. Dulay, 2005) validity of the foreign judgment shall apply only after it has duly been
presented and admitted in evidence. Our courts cannot take judicial
RULE 39 – EXECUTION, SATISFACTION AND EFFECT notice of foreign laws and judgments. Like any other fact, they must
OF JUDGMENTS be alleged and proved.

Section 48. Effect of foreign judgments or final orders. – The Fraud to hinder the enforcement within this jurisdiction of a foreign
effect of a judgment or final order of a tribunal of a foreign judgment, must be extrinsic, i.e., fraud based on facts not controverted
country, having jurisdiction to render the judgment or final or resolved in the case where judgment is rendered, or that which
order is as follows: would go to the jurisdiction of the court or would deprive the party
against whom judgment is rendered a chance to defend the action to
which he has a meritorious case or defense.
(a) In case of a judgment or final order upon a specific
thing, the judgment or final order is conclusive upon
the title to the thing; and
RULE 73 – Venue and Process
(b) In case of a judgment or final order against a person,
the judgment or final order is presumptive evidence of
Section 1. Where estate of deceased persons settled. — If the
a right as between the parties and their successors in
decedent is an inhabitant of the Philippines at the time of his
interest by a subsequent title.
death, whether a citizen or an alien, his will shall be proved,
or letters of administration granted, and his estate settled, in
In either case, the judgment or final order may be repelled by
the Court of First Instance in the province in which he resides
evidence of a want of jurisdiction, want of notice to the party,
at the time of his death, and if he is an inhabitant of a foreign
collusion, fraud, or clear mistake of law or fact.
country, the Court of First Instance of any province in which
he had estate. The court first taking cognizance of the
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

settlement of the estate of a decedent, shall exercise abode, which may not necessarily be one’s legal residence or domicile
jurisdiction to the exclusion of all other courts. The provided one resides therein with continuity and consistency. (San Luis
jurisdiction assumed by a court, so far as it depends on the v. San Luis, 2007)
place of residence of the decedent, or of the location of his
estate, shall not be contested in a suit or proceeding, except in The CFI in the above provision now refers to the RTC or MTC
an appeal from that court, in the original case, or when the depending on the gross value of the estate of the decedent. Under
want of jurisdiction appears on the record. R.A. No. 11576 (amending BP 129), the jurisdictional amount was
raised to P2,000,000. If the gross value of the estate is below P2 million,
Notes: it is cognizable by the MTC; otherwise, the petition for reprobate shall
1. If the decedent is an inhabitant of the Philippines at the time of be filed before the RTC.
his death, whether a citizen or an alien, his will shall be proved,
or letters of administration granted, and his estate settled, in RULE 77 – Allowance of Will Proved Outside of
the Court of First Instance in the province in which he resides Philippines and Administration of Estate Thereunder
at the time of his death, and
2. If he is an inhabitant of a foreign country, the Court of First Section 1. Will proved outside Philippines may be allowed
Instance of any province in which he had estate. here. — Wills proved and allowed in a foreign country,
according to the laws of such country, may be allowed, filed,
While S1 R73 speaks of “jurisdiction” what it actually refers to is venue. and recorded by the proper Court of First Instance in the
In order to determine the proper venue in estate proceedings, one Philippines.
looks into the fact of residency in the Philippines and not the fact of
citizenship. If the decedent was residing in the Philippines at the time Notes: Reprobate is a special proceeding to establish the validity of a
of death, regardless of whether the decedent is a citizen or alien, the will proved in a foreign country.
estate must be settled in the decedent’s place of residence. Conversely,
if the decedent was not a resident at the time of death, estate • It is not necessary that wills executed abroad be first probated
proceedings may be commenced in any place where any of the and allowed in the country of its execution before it can be
decedent’s properties are located. In determining venue, residence probated in the Philippines. While there is a proceeding for
refers to actual or physical habitation, or actual residence or place of reprobate provided for in Rule 77, it does not mean that a will
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

not probated abroad cannot be probated in the Philippines. value of the property of such minor or incompetent exceeds
Rule 77 should be read in conjunction with Article 816, which that jurisdiction of the justice of the peace or municipal court,
provides that the will of an alien who is abroad produces effect the proceedings shall be instituted in the Court of First
in the Philippines if made in accordance with the formalities Instance.
prescribed by the law of the place where he resides, or
according to the formalities observed in his country. In the City of Manila the proceedings shall be instituted in the
Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.
• The probate and allowance of a will in a foreign country is not
sufficient to authorize the distribution of the testator’s Notes:
property located in the Philippines. The will must be 1. The RTCs have jurisdiction over guardianship proceedings
reprobated in the Philippines in accordance with R77. This is under the ROC, with respect to incompetents who are not
because the powers and processes of a probate court cannot minors.
ex proprio vigore (by its own inherent force) have any effect a. Where the ward is a resident, the proceedings should be
beyond the limits of the state in which it was granted. (Collector filed in the RTC in province where such ward resides.
of Internal Revenue v. Fischer, 1961) b. If the ward resides in a foreign country, the petition must
be filed in the RTC of the province where his property is
RULE 92 – Venue 2. In case of guardianship over minors, it is the Family Courts who
have jurisdiction over the proceedings. (Rule on Guardianship of
Section 1. Where to institute proceedings. — Guardianship of Minors)
a person or estate of a minor or incompetent may be instituted
in the Court of First Instance of the province, or in the justice RULE 131 – BURDEN OF PROOF, BURDEN OF
of the peace court of the municipality, or in the municipal EVIDENCE AND PRESUMPTIONS
court chartered city where the minor or incompetent persons
resides, and if he resides in a foreign country, in the Court of Section 3. Disputable presumptions. – The following
First Instance of the province wherein his property or the presumptions are satisfactory if uncontradicted, but may be
party thereof is situated; provided, however, that where the contradicted and overcome by other evidence:
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

• A public document, by virtue of its official or sovereign

(n) That a court, or judge acting as such, whether in the character, or because it has been acknowledged before a
Philippines or elsewhere, was acting in the lawful notary public (except a notarial will) or a competent public
exercise of jurisdiction; official with the formalities required by law, or because it is a
public record of a private writing authorized by law, is self-
Note: Where the record is silent, it will be presumed in favor of the authenticating and requires no further authentication in order
judgment that what ought to have been done was rightly done by a to be presented as evidence in court.
court or judge acting as such, whether in the Philippines or elsewhere.
Expediency of judicial proceedings is the reason for the presumption. • It is admissible even against a third person insofar as due
execution and the date of the document.
On the other hand, private documents are inadmissible in evidence
Section 19. Classes of documents. – For the purpose of their unless they are properly authenticated. A private document is
presentation in evidence, documents are either public or admissible only between the parties thereto or their privies.
Section 24. Proof of official record. – The record of public
Public documents are: documents referred to in paragraph (a) of Section 19, when
admissible for any purpose, may be evidenced by an official
(a) The written official acts, or records of the sovereign publication thereof or by a copy attested by the officer having
authority, official bodies and tribunals, and public the legal custody of the record, or by his or her deputy, and
officers, whether of the Philippines, or of a foreign accompanied, if the record is not kept in the Philippines, with
country; a certificate that such officer has the custody.

Notes: Whether a document is public or private is relevant in If the office in which the record is kept is in a foreign country,
determining its admissibility as evidence. Public documents are which is a contracting party to a treaty or convention to which
admissible in evidence even without further proof of their due the Philippines is also a party, or considered a public
execution and genuineness. document under such treaty or convention pursuant to
Conflict of Law Rules in the Philippines

paragraph (c) of Section 19 hereof, the certificate or its 3. A copy attested by an officer having legal custody of the
equivalent shall be in the form prescribed by such treaty or record, or his or her deputy, with a certificate that such officer
convention subject to reciprocity granted to public documents has custody, if the record is not kept in the Philippines.
originating from the Philippines.
Under the Apostille Convention on Authentication of Documents to
For documents originating from a foreign country which is which the Philippines is a signatory, where a foreign country which is
not a contracting party to a treaty or convention referred to in a signatory to the convention has affixed an apostille to a document,
the next preceding sentence, the certificate may be made by a that document need no longer be authenticated by a Philippine
secretary of the embassy or legation, consul general, consul, consular officer in order to be received in evidence in the Philippines.
vice-consul, or consular agent or by any officer in the foreign
service of the Philippines stationed in the foreign country in
which the record is kept, and authenticated by the seal of his
or her office.

A document that is accompanied by a certificate or its

equivalent may be presented in evidence without further
proof, the certificate or its equivalent being prima facie
evidence of the due execution and genuineness of the
document involved. The certificate shall not be required when
a treaty or convention between a foreign country and the
Philippines has abolished the requirement, or has exempted
the document itself from this formality.

Notes: Public documents in Sec. 19(a), Rule 132 may be proved by:
1. The original copy;
2. Official publication thereof; or

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