Chapter 1 HCB With Revisions

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This chapter includes the background of the study, research objectives,

statement of the problem, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and

delimitation and definition of terms of the study.

The Problem and its Background

Emotional, psychological, and social well-being are all included in the realm of

mental health. It influences our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It also influences how

we interact with people, manage stress, and make good decisions. From childhood

and adolescence through maturity, mental health is crucial at every stage of life

(About Mental Health, 2021). Our entire health is constituted of both physical and

mental well-being. As an indication, depression raises the risk for a variety of

physical health issues, especially chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and

stroke. The risk of mental disease can also rise in the presence of chronic disorders.

Mental health concerns usually emerge during the secondary level. Research

has shown that mental health has a detrimental effect on academic performance and

vice versa. Thus, an aspect of career success is dependent on well-being (C. Clarke,

M. Mullin, D. McGrath, and N. Farrelly, 2021).For young adults’ mental health

concerns, academic routines, particularly study habits, are said to be a crucial coping

mechanism. In addition, studies show that integration in physical social networks is

critical for success in academic settings. Academic performance is not solely

because of bad study habits, but rather because they miss out on the network of

supportive social connections, since most students do better when they collaborate

(C. Clarke, M. Mullin, D. McGrath, and N. Farrelly, 2021).

Numerous studies have been conducted to discuss productive study

techniques. Researchers like (Adeyamo, 2015) believe that study habits have a

substantial connection to students' academic achievement. They also argue that

students with certain types of study habits will perform better than those students

who follow several sets of methods. It is believed that learners who don't have

effective and efficient study methods are likely to have weak foundations as a result.

Teachers become perplexed and attempt or push too hard when students don't have

the same grades even though they are being taught equally. 

The impact of good study habits on completing their assignments on time,

participating actively in class, managing their time, being focused, and working hard

showed a substantial favorable impact on their academic success. Studies show that

students cannot perform and enhance their academic performance until they create

good study habits. Furthermore, good academic performance helps lessen students’

academic stress which could affect one’s mental health (Tus, 2020).

Furthermore, mental health and study habits are crucial indicators of

academic success. Faulty study habits press students into mental health concerns.

Hence, this study will assess the impact of study habits in preventing mental health

concerns of Holy Cross of Babak, Grade -0 students.

Research Objectives
Title: Impacts of Study Habits to prevent mental Health concerns of Grade 10

Students of Holy Cross Babak, Inc.


The main purpose of this study is to identify the Impacts of Study Habits to prevent

mental Health concerns of Grade 10 Students of Holy Cross Babak, Inc.


Specifically, this study aims to:

a. To identify the relationship between student’s academic performance towards

mental health concerns.

b. To understand the relationship between the student’s study habits and mental

health concerns.

c. To provide academic interventions in addressing the concerns.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the following questions:

1. What are the Impacts of Study Habits in preventing mental health concerns?

2. What is the relationship between study habits and academic performance


3. What is the relationship between good academic performance towards mental

Research Hypotheses

The study focused on Impacts of Study Habits to prevent mental Health concerns

among the Grade 10 HCB students. The following hypotheses were made:

1. There is a significant effect of Study Habits in preventing mental health

concerns of grade 10 students of Holy Cross of Babak, Inc.

2. There is a significant relationship between study habits and academic

performance academic?

4. There is a significant relationship between good academic performance

towards mental health?

Significance of the Study

This study will provide necessary information that would be beneficial to the


Students – This study provides students with the details and information to know

the impact of study habits on their mental health. Thus, preventing poor academic


Teachers – This study provides instructors with knowledge and ideas on how to deal

with students having mental health concerns. 

Parents - This study provides instructors with knowledge and ideas on how to deal

with their children having mental health concerns.

Future Researchers – This study will serve as their reference in their future studies

and can be re-conducted for enhancement, which would widen the field of

knowledge of the said study.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The focus of this study is to identify the Impact of Study habits to prevent

mental health concerns of Grade-10 students of Holy Cross of Babak, Inc. The

respondent must be an enrolled Grade-10 student from Holy Cross of Babak, Inc. in

the school year 2022-2023. The researcher will provide survey questionnaires

approved by the research adviser to the chosen respondents. These survey

questionnaires will contain several questions that need an answer from the

respondents to meet the objectives of this study.

Definition of terms

In order to provide a consistent framework for analyzing the topic, the key

terms used throughout the study will be defined;

 Mental Health – In this study, mental health pertains to the emotional,

psychological, and social well-being all contribute to our mental health. It

has an impact on how we think, feel, and act. It also influences how we

deal with stress, interact with people, and make decisions. Mental health is

essential throughout life, from childhood and adolescence to maturity.

 Study Habits – In this study, study habits refer to the student’s routines

they likely use to help them study and learn. Students with strong study

habits are more likely to attain and/or keep good marks.

 Academic Performance – In this study, academic performance refers to

the extent to which a student has met their short-term or long-term

educational objectives.

 Academic Stress – Academic stress may be the single most important

stressor affecting students' mental health occur when the student's current
capacity to handle and adjust to a set of academic-related expectations

exceeds these academic demands.

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