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Pros (Talking points that supports the vaccination)

Vaccine available for vaccination:

The only vaccine available at the moment for children from 5-11 to take is the
Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine. There are also many other vaccines currently being tested before
they are available to children from 5-11.
Eventually leading to vaccination of children when they are very young.
-> By then, Covid-19 would be like the flu.
Schedule of doses:
The second dose of vaccine should be 3 weeks after the first. The first two doses are usually
required and the third is optional. For moderately and severely immunocompromised
individuals, the third dose can be administered 4 weeks after the initial 2 doses.
-> Doses are administered quickly and effectively.
How the vaccine is administered:
Injection in the deltoid muscle(shoulder)
-> Conventional method of injection.
Effectiveness of vaccination:
Trials in children aged 12-15 years showed a vaccine efficacy of 100% from 7 days after the
second injection. Trials for children aged 5-11 also yielded results similar to young adults.
The vaccine does affect the spread of the virus but not by a lot. But, they are to prevent the
severeness of Covid-19 as only 2% of vaccinated individuals are hospitalized after being
-> Moderately effective against Covid-19
Side effects:
Side effects can include: fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, chills, joint pain, and possibly
some fever. These side effects last around 24-48 hours.
Severe side effects are not unheard of, but are extremely rare.
-> Not so enticing side effects, but they are worth it for the vaccine.

Cons(Talking points against the vaccination)

Side note: Having the position against vaccines is a disadvantage in a debate, so the
“information” presented is to make life as hard as possible for the opposing side. Ultimately,
the “talking points” are far too easy to rebut against and the team in this position will always
lose. Everyone should take the vaccine.

Vaccine available for vaccination:

The only vaccine available at the moment for children from 5-11 to take is the
Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine. There is not sufficient evidence that supports the safety of the
vaccine. If it is really safe, why is Pfizer the only vaccine to have been given the green light?
-> Not enough information and clinical trials
Schedule of doses:
The 2 dose method increases the chance of side effects by 2 times.
-> Increasing chance of side effects
Effectiveness of vaccination:
You can still be infected after taking the vaccine, what’s the point of taking it?
-> Not effective
Side effects:
Side effects can include: Fatal blood clots,vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and
thrombosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, inflammatory heart conditions myocarditis and
pericarditis, erythema multiforme, nephrotic syndrome, etc.
-> Numerous dangerous and life-threatening side effects

Side note: These side effects are extremely rare, they are one-in-a-million possibilities.
Getting these side effects is like winning a lottery and the chance of risking it is worth it to
take the vaccine as Covid-19 as a higher chance of fatality.


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