Declamation Piece

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Declamation Piece- died. . . . and I cried vengeance, vengeance, vengeance!

Everything went black. The next thing I knew I was

Vengeance is Not Ours, nursing my poor invalid mother.

It’s God’s One day, we heard the church bell ringing “ding-dong,

ding-dong!” It was a sign for us to find a shelter in our
hide-out, but I could not leave my invalid mother, I tried
JUN 1Alms, alms, alms. Spare me a piece of bread.
to show her the way to the hide-out.
Spare me your mercy.  I am a child so young, so thin,
Suddenly, bombs started falling; airplanes were roaring
and so ragged. Why are you staring at me?  With my overhead, canyons were firing from everywhere. “Boom,
eyes I cannot see but I know that you are all staring at boom, boom, boom!” Mother was hit. Her legs were
shattered into pieces. I took her gently in my arms and
me. Why are you whispering to one another? Why? Do cried, “I’ll have vengeance, vengeance!” “No, Oscar.
you know my mother? Do you know my father? Did you Vengeance, it’s God’s,” said mother.

know me five years ago? But I cried out vengeance. I was like a pent-up volcano.
“Vengeance is mine not the Lord’s”. “No, Oscar.
Yes, five years of bitterness have passed. I can still Vengeance is not ours, it’s God’s” these were the words
remember the vast happiness mother and I shared with from my mother before she died.
each other. We were very happy indeed.
Mother was dead and I was blind. Vengeance is not
Suddenly, five loud knocks were heard on the door and a ours? To forgive is divine but vengeance is sweeter. 
deep silence ensued. Did the cruel Nippon’s discover our That was five years ago, five years. . . .
peaceful home? Mother ran to Father’s side pleading.
“Please, Luis, hide in the cellar, there in the cellar where Alms, alms, alms. Spare me a piece of bread. Spare me
they cannot find you,” I pulled my father’s arm but he your mercy. I am a child so young, so thin, and so
did not move. It seemed as though his feet were glued to ragged. Vengeance is not ours, it’s God’s. . . . It’s. . . .
the floor. God’s. . It’s…

The door went “bang” and before us five ugly beasts

came barging in. “Are you Captain Luis Santos?” roared
the ugliest of them all. “Yes,” said my father. “You are
under arrest,” said one of the beasts. They pulled father
roughly away from us. Father was not given a chance to
bid us goodbye.
We followed them mile after mile. We were hungry and PIECE- A GLASS
thirsty. We saw group of Japanese eating. Oh, how our
mouths watered seeing the delicious fruits they were OF COLD WATER
Everybody calls me young, beautiful, wonderful.
Then suddenly, we heard a voice call, “Consuelo. . . . Am I? Look at my hair, my lips, my red rosy cheeks
Oscar. . . . Consuelo. . . . Oscar. . . . Consuelo. . . . Oscar. and a pair of blinkering eyes.
. . .” we ran towards the direction of the voice, but it was
too late. We saw father hanging on a tree. . . . dead. Oh,
it was terrible. He had been badly beaten before he
I remember, somebody says that I look like my
mother that I look like my mother. But that when
she was young.

Now, I am much lovelier than she is. I’m a mortal

Venus. Oops! What time is it? I must get ready for
the party!

Beep-beep…!A-huh! Here they are! Yes, I’m


“Child, are you still there?”

“Hmp! That’s my mama”

“Child, are you still there? Will you please get me a

glass of cold water?”

“Mama, I’m in a hurry!”

“Please child, try to get me a glass of cold water.”

“Mama, please, try to get it on your own.”

“Please child, try to get me a glass of cold water!”

At the party, I danced and danced the whole night.

You see, I can’t leave the party at once. I have to
dance with everybody who proposed to me.

At last, the party is over. I’m very tired. Very, very

tired. So, I went home to tell mama what happened.

“Mama, I’m home! It’s very quiet. “Mama, I’m

home!” Nobody answers. Where is she? I look for
her in the sala, but she’s not there. Where is she? A-
huh! In the kitchen!

I saw my mama, lying down on the floor, dead. With a

glass on her hand. I remember, she tried to get it.

Oh, God, just for the glass of cold water! Mama!

Mama! Oh, Mama!

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