Science Lesson Feb

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Subject/Grade: Science, Grade ½ (gr. 2 objectives) Lesson/Date: Feb.

10 Time: 10:45 - 11:30

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson Lesson 5 with Boats and Buoyancy.
In this lesson we will be doing some review of terms we already know such as buoyancy,
density, absorbency, stability etc. We will then be learning about different types of boats and
the different parts of a boat and each part's function. Once we have a better idea around the
parts of a boat, we will be looking at different materials we could use to build our own boats.
Students’ will be planning and designing their own boats, while also labelling each part of the
boat, and planning what materials they will be using. This will be prep work for testing and
building our own boats.

GOs: 2-7 Construct objects that will float on and move through water, and evaluate
various designs for watercraft.

1. Describe, classify and order materials on the basis of their buoyancy.
Students who have achieved this expectation will distinguish between
materials that sink in water and those that float. They will also be aware
that some "floaters" sit mostly above water, while others sit mostly below
water. The terms buoyancy and density may be introduced but are not
required as part of this learning expectation.

2. Alter or add to a floating object so that it will sink, and alter or add to a
nonfloating object so that it will float.
3. Assemble materials so they will float, carry a load and be stable in water.
4. Modify a watercraft to increase the load it will carry.
5. Modify a watercraft to increase its stability in water.
6. Evaluate the appropriateness of various materials to the construction of
watercraft, in particular:
○ the degree to which the material is waterproof (not porous)
○ the ability to form waterproof joints between parts
○ the stiffness or rigidity of the material
○ the buoyancy of the material.
7. Develop or adapt methods of construction that are appropriate to the
design task.
8. Adapt the design of a watercraft so it can be propelled through water.
9. Explain why a given material, design or component is appropriate to the
design task.

Objectives Students will:
● Review terms and previous knowledge around boats and buoyancy
Subject/Grade: Science, Grade ½ (gr. 2 objectives) Lesson/Date: Feb. 10 Time: 10:45 - 11:30
● Identify the different parts of a boat and each parts function
● Discover different types of boats
● Analyze different materials
● Plan and design their own boat, labelling the parts of a boat, and planning what materials
they will use

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Students’ participation in discussion Summative Students labelling boat parts on their
Assessment and classwork will help assess their Assessment designs and overall completion of
understanding. their plans will help me assess their

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to - Have slides prepared Resources:
Lesson: - Have materials prepared
- Have example prepared
- Prep kahoot
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/

Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning:

Students’ can be at the board or their desks for this discussion - I will decide
what appears easiest at the time

Begin with review discussion:

- What is buoyancy?
- What is density?
- What is absorbency? Waterproof?
- Stability?
- What did you notice in our last experiment? Did the shape of your boat
affect its stability and buoyancy? Did it affect how many pebbles it could
hold? What did you observe? What about the height of the sides of your


If students’ are still at their desks we can transition to the board for the next
part of the lesson. If they are already at the board we can move straight into our
next part.


Learning Activity 1:

We will then discuss some different types of boats. Start by asking if students’
can name different types of boats
Subject/Grade: Science, Grade ½ (gr. 2 objectives) Lesson/Date: Feb. 10 Time: 10:45 - 11:30
- We can brainstorm on the slide together

After our brainstorm I will play the video also showing us some different kinds
of boats.

Then we will move on to the parts of a sailboat.

We will start by watching a video

- Afterwards we will switch to the parts of a boat to do together and learn
about what each part is for.
- I can have students’ tell me when I point to each part

Together we will then do a kahoot

- I will have to input the answers on my phone for us to be able to do this
as a class
- I will ask students’ to raise their hands for different answers and choose
the one that has the most hands
- We can do this more than once if needed so students’ learn the different
parts of the boat

We will then move on to a brain break to get students’ moving


After the brain break students’ will sit back down in front of the board while I
explain the next piece.

Learning Activity 2:

Next we will be discussing building our own boats.

I will explain that we will be designing our own boats today and making a plan
for boat building
- Together we will go through the materials available to them and I can
write them on the board to help with spelling
- Explain that on large paper we will be drawing and designing our boats,
and that students’ must also label the parts of their boat that we learned
- Students’ boats must be able to hold the weight of 5 dominoes, and also
move by sail when blown with a fan
- Students’ boats must have all the elements we spoke about today except
a rudder: bow, stern, hull, keel, sail, mast.
- Students’ will make a list of materials or labels in their drawings.

After explanation - I will explain that we are working with our teacher pick
partners - and that everyone will design their own boat, but if needed they can
help their partner with spelling or designing.

Someone will help me hand out the paper and students’ will grab a pencil and sit
Subject/Grade: Science, Grade ½ (gr. 2 objectives) Lesson/Date: Feb. 10 Time: 10:45 - 11:30
with their partners.

Students are able to browse and touch materials to give them ideas if they would
like - but we are not building anything yet.

Students’ will have until 11:30 - 11:45, or a bit longer if needed to design their


Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:

These designs will be used later to build and test our own boats in another

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