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Lesson Plan

General Information

Grade: Kindergarten Unit Topic: Citizenship Length of Time: 45 minutes

Lesson Topic: Conserving

FS1: IEP Student FS2: Behavior Student FS3: Academically Advanced

Materials and/or Technology

Writing Journals, pencils, “Why Should I Save Water?” Book

How can we use our writing to convince people to conserve natural resources?

Alignment with Standards

W.K.1. Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces
in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and
state an opinion or preference about the topic or book..

Students will be able to use proper sentence structure to convince their reader why they should
conserve water.

● Sentence frames
● Sight words
● Alphabet chart.

Vocabulary/Literacy Skills
Listening, Speaking; Writing

Name of instructional model: Direct Classroom Management: PBIS


Room Arrangement: Flexible Seating Student Groupings:Whole group

A. Focus/Motivation (Open) (15 min)

Teacher Actions Student Actions

Teacher will show a video of a person leaving Students are watching the video.
the faucet on while brushing their teeth.

Teacher will pose the question: What do you Students use wait time to think and then
notice and what do you wonder about this partner share about what they saw in the
video? video.
Teacher gives wait time.
Teacher instructs students to share their Students will share our what they noticed and
thoughts in a Think-pair-share wondered about the video.

B. Development (Body) (25 min`)

Teacher Actions Student Actions

Teacher will read the book, “Why Should I Students will listen to the story.
Save Water?” written by Jen Green.

Teacher will ask students to think of the book Students will think of their reasons for saving
we read and think of what reasons they would water.
have for conserving water.

Teacher will instruct students to utilize a Students will watch as the teacher models
graphic organizer to write their opinion piece. how to use the graphic organizer.
Teacher models how to use the graphic

Teacher sends the students off to start writing. Students grab the graphic organizer, pencil
and head to their seats to begin writing.
Teacher walks around the classroom to
monitor students. Teacher helps students
sound out words and monitor students
sentence structure.

C. Closure (Close) (5 minutes)

Teacher Actions Student Actions

Teacher asks students to put their writing in Students put their writing folders away and
their folder whether they are finished or not come to the carpet.
and put their folder in the bin.

Teacher will use a rubric to assess the students sentence structure.

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