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MARCH 17-18, 2023, NEW DELHI

Theme: Industrial Relations for a Self-Reliant & Developed Business World

9.00 a.m. – 10.00 a.m. REGISTRATION
10.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. INAUGURAL SESSION

- Opening Address – Mr. Arun Chawla, Director General, FICCI

- Welcome Address – Mr. Alok Shriram, President, AIOE & Sr. MD & CEO,
DCM Shriram Industries Ltd

- Address by – Mr. Virjesh Upadhyay, Chairman, Dattopant Thengadi

National Board for Workers Education and Development

- Summit overview and setting the Context- Ms. Veena Swarup,

Chairperson IR Summit & Former Director -HR, Engineers India Ltd

- Keynote Address – Mr. Satoshi Sasaki, Deputy Director & Officer-In-

Charge, ILO, Country Office of India

- Release of Souvenir

- Vote of Thanks – Mr. Jasbir Singh, Vice President, AIOE & Chairman &
CEO Amber Enterprises India Ltd

11.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. Tea/Coffee Break

11.30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Session 1: Plenary Session

Theme: Industrial Relations - The Indian Landscape
o Industrial Relations as it has evolved in India
o It's relevance
o It's Impact
o The Government’s perspective and plan

Address by: Mr. Rameswar Teli, Hon’ble Minister of State, Ministry of Labour &
Employment, Government of India
Address by: Anurag Malik, Partner & National Leader – Workforce Advisory
Services, EY

12.30 p.m. – 1.30 p.m. Session 2: CEO’s Panel

Theme: Industrial Relations Key to Organisational Productivity & Sustainability
o Role & Relevance of Industrial Relations in a Company
o Opportunities & Challenges
o Initiatives taken
o Impact on Industry

Moderated by: Mr. Sanjay Bhatia, Past President, AIOE & Managing Director,
Hindustan Tin Works Ltd

− Mr. Rakesh Kumar, Ex – CMD, NLCIL & Ex – Chairman, SCOPE

- Mr. Jasbir Singh, Vice President – AIOE & Chairman & CEO, Amber
Enterprises India Ltd
- Ms. Kanika Shriram, President, Shriram Rayons (Unit of DCM Shriram
Industries Ltd)

1.30 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. Session 3: Plenary Talk

Theme: Industrial Relations and The Pandemic (The New Normal—Hybrid work,
Digitization etc.)
o The New Normal-- Hybrid Work , Digitalisation
o Role of Collectives during the turbulence
o Challenges faced
o New emerging Industrial Relations

- Mr. Roberto Suaraz Santos, Secretary General, IOE

- Mr. Shoyo Yoshida, General Secretary, ITUC – Asia Pacific (TBC)

2.00 p.m. – 2.45 p.m. LUNCH

2.45 p.m. – 3.45 p.m. Session 4: Panel

Theme: The Global Canvass on Industrial Relations—Practices and Perspectives
o Concept of Industrial Relations in different countries
o Types and Roles of Trade Unions
o Position they hold vis-a-vis Employer
o Best Global Practices

Moderated by: Ms. Veena Swarup, Chairperson IR Summit & Former Director – HR,
Engineers India Ltd

- Y.Bhg. Datuk Hj Shamsuddin Bardan, Secretary General, Malaysian

Employers Federation
- Mr. Ravi Peiris, Sr. Specialist – Employers Activities, International Labour
- Dr. Deepti Chandra, Program Head – HRM, Institute of Public Enterprise,
- Mr. Vajira Ellepola, Director General & CEO, The Employers' Federation of
3.45 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. Session 5: Master Class
Theme: Effective Negotiations & Communication Skills—Imperative for successful
Industrial Relations
o Role of Negotiations and Communication with Collectives
o Types of Negotiations and their relevance
o Types of Communication
o Nuances of successful Negotiations
o Nuances of effective Communication
o Cases

- Dr. Rajen Mehrotra, Former Sr. Specialist - Employers Activities,

International Labour Organisation
- Prof. Shailendra Nigam, International Management Institute, New Delhi

5.30 p.m. onwards HIGH TEA

10.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Session 6: Panel
Theme: Industrial Relations Reforms & Labour Codes—The Road Ahead
o High lights of the Labour Codes
o Changing IR Scenario
o Issues & Challenges
o Opportunities
o Preparation for implementation

Moderated by – Mr. Puneet Gupta, Partner-People Advisory Services, EY

- Dr. R.G. Meena, Dy. Chief Labour Commissioner(C) Ministry of Labour &
Employment, Government of India
- Ms. Elena Gerasimova, Labour Law and Labour Standards Specialist,
International Labour Organisation
- Mr. Srinageshwar, Sr. Vice President -Industrial Relations, Simpsons & Co
- Mr. Michael Dias, Secretary, The Employers Association of Delhi
- Adv. Ramapriya, Trade Union

11.00 a.m. – 11.15 a.m. Tea Break

11.15 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. Session 7: Panel
Theme: Employer—Employee Relations—A Cordial play—The provisions that
strengthen it
o Importance of Cordial Employer -- Employee Relations
o How to ensure it.
o Type of Environment required
o Regulations that facilitate
o Experience sharing

Moderated by – Dr. Pravin Sinha, Secretary General, Indian Industrial Relations


- Mr. Ashok Das, Director – HR, Oil India Ltd

- Mr. Rajeev Yadav, Global CHRO, PGP Glass Pvt Ltd
- Dr. Sushmita Srivastav, SP Jain Institute of Management and Research
- Mr. Rajan Asthana, Executive Director, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
- Mr. Dharam Rakshit, Sr. GM – HR & Lead (ER), Hero Moto Corp

12.00 p.m. – 12.45 p.m. Session 8: Panel

Theme: Reimagining Industrial Relations in Turbulent times—Leveraging
Technology (Impact of exponential technology on workers—challenges &
o Future of Industrial Relations in India & Overseas
o what would be It's role & relevance
o Impact of exponential technology on functioning of IR
o Preparation for combating challenges
o Using Technology for effective IR

Moderated by – Ms. Pooja Bhandari, Partner, People Advisory Services, EY

- Mr. Satish Anand, President – HR, Hindalco Industries Ltd

- Mr. S K Dev, CHRO, VE Commercial Vehicles Ltd. (A Volvo Group and Eicher
Motors joint venture)
- Mr. Syed Sultan U Ahmmed, Specialist on Workers' Activities, International
Labour Organisation
- Mr. N R Mani, Corporate Head – IR, Lucas TVS Ltd

12.45 p.m. – 1.30 p.m. Valedictory Session

- Valedictory Address by: Mr. Alok Shriram, President, AIOE

- Summit Overview by: Ms. Veena Swarup, Chairperson IR Summit & Former
Director -HR, Engineers India Ltd
- Address by – Mr. Shailesh Pathak, Secretary General, FICCI
(Distribution of Awards – Paper Writing Competition)
− 4 Award Winning Presentations on Paper (5-7 mins each)
- Vote of Thanks: Mr. Jasbir Singh, Vice President, AIOE

1.30 p.m. LUNCH

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