English 2 Review2 PDF

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English II
Vocabulario relacionado con el clima y vacaciones
Unit Vacatin Gramátcaa Connectnn ideas with but or and so oossessive adjectves
oossessive pronouns belonn to

Vicabulary A Vicabulary B

Grammar A Grammar B
Oral Test 2a

In pairsa
Think about a place you want to no on vacaton.
Answer the questons and write a text then present it to the class.

1.-Where are you noinn?

2.-Where is it?
3.-What’s this place like?
4.-Where are you stayinn?
5.-How lonn are you stayinn?
6.-How’s the weather?
Vocabulario relacionado con profesiones interesantes y personajes admirables
Heries Gramátcaa The simple past tense with be The simple pasta affrmatve and nenatve

Vicabulary A Vicabulary B

Grammar A Grammar B
Team wirk iral test 2
The heri if the year award
Every year there are three choices for the Hero of the Year award. Read About this year’s three choices.

With a partnera
1. Choose one person
2. What did he/ she do?
We admire Lonan
3.Explain your choice? Why?.
because he was very
brave and…
Vocabulario relacionado con descripción de experiencias y hábitos de sueño
The Mind Gramátcaa The simple pasta affrmatve and nenatve statements (irrenular verbs) The simple
past tensea queston forms
Vicabulary B
Vicabulary A

Grammar A Grammar B
Oral test 2
The birthday party
 The picture shows a busy day
for Jane. She is preparinn a
surprise birthday to her
husband and she has lots to
In nroups of 3
 Write and practce the story of the birthday
party usinn the simple past (15 minutes)
 Tell the story in class.
Vocabulario relacionado con descripción de una ciudad y sus lunares de interés
City Life
Gramátcaa orepositons of place Questons and answers with How much / How many

Vicabulary A Vicabulary B

Grammar A
Grammar B
Unit: city

• What shops are there? (there is/are)

• Where can I fnd them? (prepositons of
Vocabulario relacionado con deportes actvidades recreatvas y atributos personales
All About You
Gramátcaa Verb + infnitve verb + noun How ofen….? frequency expressions

Vicabulary A Vicabulary B

Grammar A
Grammar B
Vocabulario relacionado con deportes actvidades recreatvas y atributos personales
All About You
Gramátcaa Verb + infnitve verb + noun How ofen….? frequency expressions

Vicabulary A Vicabulary B

Grammar A
Grammar B
Vocabulario relacionado con deportes actvidades recreatvas y atributos personales
All Abiut Yiu
Gramátcaa Verb + infnitve verb + noun How ofen….? frequency expressions

Vicabulary A Vicabulary B

Grammar A Grammar B
Unita all about you
Jasin’s Riutne Lisa’s Riutne

How ofen ___________ ________?

He ………………………………….
Vocabulario relacionado con deportes actvidades recreatvas y atributos personales
All About You
Gramátcaa Verb + infnitve verb + noun How ofen….? frequency expressions

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