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Back & Cervical program us.physiapp.

PhysiApp code: rrzihqvu
Matthew Pretorius

1. "Wall angels" Scapular stabilization, standing

1 Set / 10 Reps / 1 s hold

Stand with your back against a wall and bend your knees a little.
Your shoulders and head should be touching the wall.
Start with your upper arms at your side with your elbows bent.
Your wrists and forearms should be touching the wall.
Bring your arms up as high as you can get them, without any of your body parts coming away from the wall.
When you reach as far as you can, slide the arms back down to the start position.
Remember to keep your chin tucked in.
Place a towel behind your head for support

Back & Cervical program (assigned on 17/02/2023) Page 1 of 3

Assigned by Carmen Austin, printed on 17/02/2023
2. "Thread the needle" Upper trunk rotation/scapular mobility - forward/backward
1 Set / 10 Reps / 1 s hold

Start on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips
Take one hand off the floor and reach in and through between your other arm and your legs.
Allow your body and head to follow, moving your shoulder down towards the floor as your hand reaches
You should feel a stretch down your side, your shoulder blade and neck.
Hold this position, and then return to the starting position.
Reach your arm out to the other side, and then up towards the ceiling.
Follow the movement of your hand with your head, twisting in the other direction to look up towards the ceiling.
Hold this position, and then repeat the sequence.

10 reps each side

3. Upper trapezius to levator scapulae stretch, sitting

1 Set / 2 Reps / 15 s hold

Start in a seated position/standing

Take you hand, place it on your head and gently pull your ear towards your shoulder and hold.
Then angle the head looking down towards the knee and gently pull the head with comfortable tension.

Back & Cervical program (assigned on 17/02/2023) Page 2 of 3

Assigned by Carmen Austin, printed on 17/02/2023
4. Cervical extension ROM, mobilization with movement (segmental), sitting
1 Set / 10 Reps / 1 s hold

Sit up tall with a towel behind your neck.

Hold the ends in each hand.
Look up towards the ceiling, extending your neck, whilst simultaneously pulling forwards on the ends of the
You can move the towel up and down your neck to find different points to stretch at.

5. Thoracic extension stretch, over back of sturdy chair, hands behind head
1 Set / 10 Reps / 3 s hold

Sit upright in a chair.

Slide your buttocks to the back of the chair.
Clasp your hands behind your head.
Gently lean backwards over the back of the chair.
Hold this position before your return to the upright position.

Back & Cervical program (assigned on 17/02/2023) Page 3 of 3

Assigned by Carmen Austin, printed on 17/02/2023

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