Activity 1 - What Pandemic Made Me (Tricia S.M.) PDF

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NAME: Mendoza, Tricia S.

DATE: February 12, 2022

YEAR/ SECTION: 1st year/BSBA-1201 COURSE: Understanding the Self

Activity No. 1: Make an essay (consisting of 500words minimum) by expounding on the

title below.

(google images)

Life is tough. “You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated”,
quoted by Maya Angelou, an American poet.


The Novel Corona virus (COVID -19) onset has changed the world, a modest
representation of the truth. It is said that this widespread or pandemic declutter us from
our normal day to day routine from the past. It is so pitiful for us human beings that there
are parts of things that we got to give up fair to spare us from this virus because this
widespread isn’t something we’ve ever lived through some time recently or we’ve never
expect this to happen, so there’s a part of uncertainty. I concurred that this pandemic
brought us lot of problems but we must not continuously keep in mind that we ought to
not let this infection to cut our dreams and the God-given life. In constantly living amidst
pandemic where lockdown may proceed longer than we need to, it is quite a good
opportunity for us to reflect on ourselves too. I have realized numerous things since the
few months of isolation had begun.

Pandemic made me to ‘become more prayerful’

Building spiritual life during pandemic become a powerful tool to save me from
anxiety and depression. My faith is one who reinforces me this time of our global battle
with invisible enemy called Covid-19. It keeps me steady as I wake every morning
knowing that starting a day with prayers is a sense to consistently be strong because I
knew that God is always with us no matter what fight our life lead us to be. The bible study
that I have been contacted every Saturday refreshes my soul and it really enlighten me
because of the God’s word I have receiving. I know that everybody nowadays is losing
hope, but we must always remember how God is powerful.
John 14:6 “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”.

Pandemic made me ‘value the communication between family’

The Covid-19 pandemic made me value more the connection between my family.
I realized that the sense of isolation or quarantine in some ways is an opportunity to build
closer construction of better family communication. Opening an issue or problem may be
an extraordinary way to reduce the uneasiness that we may bring to our self. The
widespread made me realized how vital time in our family. It truly offers a parcel of
direction to each and every family member in our life. We may able to communicate
without faltering. We moreover make a solid bond amid isolate periods up until presently.
We see widespread as a misfortune of trust but flip that shame out of our intellect since
widespread may brought us a parcel of opportunity like investing time in our family will
alter us from being tricky to cheerful kid.

“In time of test, family is best.”, Burmese Proverb

Pandemic made me ‘become more health conscious’

Health is wealth. Healthy practices during Covid-19 pandemic become my one of

the top priorities. We are always facing the health protocols nowadays; this becomes
global rules since Covid-19 is a disease that is destructive in our health. A lot of health
and safety protocols imposed everywhere and every time we go, even at our own home.
Due to difficult times, I became more conscious especially in my day to day hygiene, I
became more clean this time of pandemic knowing that virus is impossible to see, I always
bring alcohol whenever I go to public places. In our house we are also practicing to eat
lots of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, also exercises in available schedule
of our day.
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in.”, Jim Rohn

Pandemic made me ‘productive’

In times of pandemic where people are struggling to earn money for the family it is
better to be productive than nothing. I am a part timer student. I made online class during
our schedule and do tutor during my free time. To be able to help my family financially, I
decided to take a part time work even studying. Being a tutor to my grade schooled
second cousin every free day of my online class become my source of income for the
past two years. I have to be productive in times of uncertainty because I don’t want to be
lenient only to my father who’s struggling to his work just to earn money for the family. My
part time job helps a lot, especially online schooling needs an internet connection.
Everybody can be a productive in life if you just see the overlaying light in our life. Time
management is also a key to being productive in life.

“Focus on being productive instead of busy.”, Tim Ferris

Pandemic made me ‘become better person’

I am thankful for the positive impact of pandemic into my life. Yes, I know in myself
that I changed a lot, many proved it also. I become more optimistic in life to the point that
I always received positive aura and a lighter vibe every day I wake up. I use to let go of
the anger that I had before because I learn to forgive. I became more helpful to the others
even though I showed it in little ways but they said it mean great to them a lot. I improved
myself also by being respectful and kind to others. I learn to show big support to the
people who supported me too. I always obey the rules just like obeying my parents. I also
love to listen to others opinion not just like before. Most importantly, I am myself. I
establish my goals, beliefs and build courage to be unstoppable because life is too short,
I always make the best out of it and be the person that God intend us to be.
“To become the best possible you, you must first focus on becoming a better you.”,

Germany Kent

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