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Nabeel Ghifari Fasya


Drama Analysis Final task essay

The interpretation of Id, Ego, Superego in drama “A+D” by Eko Rudjito

This drama tells of a child named Sheba who has a dream containing a message from God
that he will die in the next 3 months. Hearing this, he feels anxious and panicked. in his dream, god
told him to prepare himself for the death he would face. in the midst of his confusion over the
incident, an angel came. The angel brought messages of kindness to Sheba, brought warnings about
her death and told her to prepare herself for God and show her loyalty to God. he also told her to do
good, pray, read scriptures and various other good deeds, so she can go to the heaven peacefully.
however, sheba did not immediately agree to the suggestion.
in the middle of the debate suddenly came satan. there was a small talk between satan and the
angel, then satan explained the purpose of his arrival to sheba and then he made an attractive offer to
sheba that he would promise to grant all of sheba's requests in the remaining 3 months of his life,
everything except an extension of time. he is free to do whatever he wants, without rules, obligations,
and other old-fashioned things. heard the offer from satan, sheba was very interested. according to
him spending the rest of his life having fun is much more fun than having to be "shackled" by various
kinds of rules. there was a debate between satan and angels to recruit sheba so that she would follow
satan's path or the angel's path. they debated the principles and ideologies of life after death and the
concept of worship of a god. I think the most interesting part in this drama is this part. because here
we can see 2 different perspectives on the concepts of "worship" and "devotion".
From the brief synopsis, the topic I want to raise is the interpretation of the Id, Ego, Super
Ego based on Sigmund Freud's theory. In my opinion, the three characters in this drama reflect 3
aspects of the human unconsciousness.
1. Sheba
Sheba reflects the ego itself, operating on the reality principle within the conscious realm. sheba's
position is also in the middle "between evil (satan) and good (angel). as mentioned at the end of the
"Did you hear that? I am not dying! I am not going to die! Oh, thanks God [She is fully absorbed in delight] It's
almost morning. I've got to welcome a new day. I am enlightened! [Pause. To ANGEL and SATAN who are now
in awe]. You are free to leave now. And oh. Maybe you're right. At least partly right. I am created for good, and
for evil. I am not either of you. I AM both of you. I make angels sometimes. I make evil at other times. But that's
what makes me human, right? That's what makes me complete. And I guess you both envy me. Envy my free
will! [Laughs]"

"I am both of you. I make angel sometimes. I make evil at other times" in my opinion, this part is the
clearest reflection. It is the ego that determines we will become "Angel" or "Satan". because the ego is
the arbiter just like Sheba herself.
2. Angel
The angelic character here is a reflection of the super ego itself, operating on the morality principle at
all levels of consciousness. throughout the story this angel is in charge of warning, instructing Sheba
to do good and serve God and other good recommendations in order to get a reward later, namely
heaven. he also always argues with satan who is also an embodiment of the Id (I will discuss it later).
It is the angels who always advise Sheba not to be influenced by Satan's whispers. the role of angels
here is exactly like that of the Super ego, operating on the morality principle.
“Human are created to obey God’s will. There’s no excuse to do the opposite. You are God’s image. There’s
God’s light in you. You are not free. You are God’s child. He lives in you. You are bound to do God’s work on
earth. All goodness come from Him.”

The angelic character here is a reflection of the super ego itself, operating on the morality principle at
all levels of consciousness. throughout the story this angel is in charge of warning, instructing Sheba
to do good and serve God and other good recommendations in order to get a reward later, namely
heaven. he also always argues with satan who is also an embodiment of the Id (I will discuss it later).
It is the angels who always advise Sheba not to be influenced by Satan's whispers. the role of angels
here is exactly like that of the Super ego, operating on the morality principle. being a person who
always obeys the rules, obeys the norms and morals that apply in a society makes us become "angel"
figures. on the other hand, this will make our thinking logic dull as depicted in this drama when
angels seem overwhelmed in answering questions from satan which really sound logical.
ANGEL : Nobody escapes your trick, Luc. And they are all burnt in Hell, even after they regret having signed a
contract with you.
SATAN : Everything comes with a price, my old friend. A price. At least the price is worth the price [Laugh].
SHEBA : What is it good for me? The contract?
ANGEL : Of course, nothing’s good in….
SATAN : Sssshhhhhhh! I think it’s my turn now. You have had yours, Angie. Besides, your time is up. You
should’ve gone by now [Little bit annoyed.
ANGEL holds back and shrinks. Back to SHEBA]. So, what is it child?
SHEBA : I said, how it benefits me? Your contract?
SATAN : Well, I think I’ve told you that. You have three months to do whatever you want, and I’ll grant anything
you wish, except a time extension. No rules. No prohibition. No limit. No nothing. Unless, you really want to
have three miserable months. What do you say?
ANGEL : Remember Faustus.
SATAN : What about him?
ANGEL : You granted his wishes and reaped his soul.
SATAN : He knew what he was doing, Angie. I told him the contract. See? I am always fair. I am a fair guy
[Laugh]. Besides, Faustus was a fool. No one can bear such power. He was just too greedy.
ANGEL : Now you talk about greed. Superb!
as I said before that this satan is a reflection of the id itself. he tends to do everything based on natural
instincts regardless of the rules or norms that exist. like in the part when he promises the sheba to
grant all his wishes in the last 3 months freely without any rules, obligations, etc.
“When you seek the power beyond limit I am the one and only whom you shall meet I will grant you a thousand
wish All luxuries or disease All you have to do, all you need to say, all you have to do Is just call my name.
If you want all the world within your hand I am the one and only you should command I will grant you thousand
wish Happiness shall not perish All you have to do, all you need to say, all you have to do Is just call my name”

The nature of this satan is exactly like the id, allowing all means so that its goals are fulfilled
regardless of the existing norms and regulations. being a person filled with id will make us like
animals. we don't care what people say, we don't care what the rules are, as long as our desires and
stomach affairs are fulfilled we will still pursue it. this is also reflected when sheba has started to be
instigated by Satan's enticements, when she is very tempted by the pleasures of the world's pleasures.
SHEBA : The only better news for me right now is if someone tells me I am not going to die!
SATAN : What if I tell you that you can do whatever you want during your remaining three months? Better still,
you may wish anything, except time extension. I will grant it. You can have my words. What about that?
SHEBA : Whatever I want?
SATAN : Yep!
SHEBA : Whatever I wish!
SATAN : Absolutely!
ANGEL : Bloody old trick!
SHEBA : And what is the treat? You don’t do this for free, right?
SATAN : Nothing serious. Just trade all of those with your soul.
SHEBA : What do you mean?
ANGEL : Means you will be forever burnt in Hell, Lady!
SATAN : But who cares? You’d die anyway. Life here is more important. Don’t you think so?
SHEBA : And what exactly should I do? S
ATAN : Nothing. Just do anything you want. I prefer the bad ones of course! [Laugh].
SHEBA : No praying? No reading Scriptures?
SATAN : Prayer is only for the weak. Reading Scripture is only for the idle.
SHEBA : But I will burn in Hell forever?
ANGEL : Forever! Longer than forever!
SATAN : It is a fair trade, is it not? You’ll have all the power others can only dream of. Imagine that!
In my opinion, the character of Satan is the driving force in this drama, because his presence
creates various kinds of interactions and conflicts throughout the story. One of the dialogues that I
find interesting is when Satan roasts and criticizes the concept of divinity. he said "that for what god
did all this? so he can show his greatness so he can do as he pleases?"

SATAN : I know you are in a bad mood. Three months is a short time, isn't it? And what's next? Die while still
young? What a pity! You know who is being annoying here? God of course. Why is He playing a hostile game
with you? what for? To show that He is “Almighty”, can do whatever He wants? Even for fun? And how does
this do good for you? He could just take your life whenever He wants. What is the point of giving you the leak?
SHEBA : That's what I thought.
ANGEL : God never do something for fun, you old skunk! There is a greater purpose in every of His will!
SATAN : And you can tell me “the greater purpose” for this meanness?
ANGEL : You know I can’t. It is only He who know.
SATAN : Well?
SHEBA : But he, or she, told me that I can be saved. My soul will be saved if I give my remaining time to serve

Satan's words are in line with Sigmund Freud's theory of religion. Freud theorized that
religious beliefs are essentially delusions, and also that turning away from these types of ideologies is
preferable because religion does not lead to happiness and fulfillment; in fact, it is a belief structure
not based on evidence. Freud felt that a person's religious views were, at least in part, a result of their
relationship with their father. He believed that people tend to depict their idea of a "God" based on the
qualities and traits of the father figure in their life and that these qualities changed as their relationship
with their father changed. It is believed that Freud's theory of religion was influenced by his
relationship with his own father. Freud had a Jewish upbringing, which he said he had no desire to
change, yet he also stated that he was "completely estranged from the religion of his fathers—as well
as from every other religion. Satan and Freud both criticized the concept of religion, worship, and the
concept of divinity
In conclusion, this drama contains many interpretations and philosophies that can be explored
from various perspectives. apart from all the viewpoints of Sigmund Freud's theory of psychoanalysis.
This A+D drama is a drama with unique comedic elements in which the depiction of Satan and Angels
are truly beyond the expectations of the readers and also the envy of these two creatures for human
freedom in choosing their way of life.

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