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e GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU 2003 MANUSCRIPT SERIES FINANCE (PENSION) DEPARTMENT G.0. No.269, DATED 6" August, 2003 (Subhana, Jod-20, Thiroaltesar Aan 2954) Pension — Pension Scheme _ fnsdaction of Contsbuiocy Pension Schetne to Tari Nal Sate Govemoien: employees with eet fon 14.2003 — Amiencinest co Tal sion Rules, 1978 issue, ORDER: td ge a a, Gv ie eget es ate east orecre su wucicueme cs ee eee oe en Son au Sic rates) ser oslo Gvatoes ota Sed Count cat Tie sy thang, oar Chel Sony ce (Goverment of Kemataka as Chairman to go into pension ceform with the specitic ho Bee ee ais 2 The Government of Tamil Nad YoU announced in the Budget Speech 2003-2008 16 naodage 5 new Pension Schetwe based on dened conteTbutions fer the euployees oF this Stile, who are newly reeruited afte 14.2003. Under the ten Comnsibutory Psion Sete, a:8 exoploye> hus to contribute ¢ cenain amount aud Goverement my onlebute ceri amount A. Necontingl, the fllowing ondows are issued = i) A now Contribatocy Passion Scheme fased on defined contributions sl be intrdoed fo the rely recruited ermpioyees Tis will apply to all employes who are reoruted on or ater 16.2008 15) The exsployee’s contribution and the Governaient contribation, if sn, towns the sehome shall be spel! out separately ji) Aker issxe of detailed onters: ftom Government of led Introdveing sew schente to their emplayees, the State Govemrent Will. 1 aecessry, modity these orders and issue roles art Fepulaliors for te Conisbulory Pension Scheme Gr State Government enplosees reertied on or alter 14.2003. 4. The following aotifcation will be published inthe Tamil Neda Government Gazette NOTIFICATION In exereise oF the powers conferred by the proviso 6 Amielee 309 of the Consuaion of India, the Governor of Tamil Nada hereby makes the following aendmeat to the Tamil Nada Pension Rules, 1978. 2. Thc antendient hereby made shall be deenied to have came ino force on the Apait of 2008 AMENDMENT ln the sad Rives, in Cheaper I tho flowing provieo shall be al to rate 2 Provided thst tbese tales shalt not apply to Goverment servanis appointed fn afer the 1 April 2903, to services and pes in connection withthe airs of the Sete which are torte on peusionable estabishinens, whether Cemperary o¢ permanent” (BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR) N. NARAYANAN, DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONER ge SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT ts Metagiiaive Asemntly Secretarat, Chews 9808. Poe ee om erm Ieteceh eno mtn Ries eaten ‘The Actountant Gener CAB) Cea10 00 Peis ect ti cence eee ona FS oe inet tisoe gar fuseruaerseomenr “tiaewsioe ¥ Or JOP 0/e /iIPC Bguren, Came ea iat ones Dees he Owe al Eun) Audi Ce 40 198 Soe le Seen Fersanded By orkect! MANUSCRICT SERIES COVPRAMESPOF TAMIL NADU 2004 FINANCE DEPARTMENT G0. No 0h, DATED 27° Atay, 2008 arvana fetid 233) Covibeiney Henson Scheme to Tamil Nada Stale Goveamnent omployees ith tort frum {42008 - Nemes he Gal Proven! Fad (Jam Nach) Rules 19 thre whe ane reenitl on Her 42002 - Amerinnt o> Gevmral Prvilcet Fis (ami Nato) Ras tend (GO Ms 0259. FinanceqPemson) sparen led ©2005 coupe fi tle Government Onis real above. Governsnent awe tec! he Covsibitoay Pession Solan 19 the Tatal Not Siac Goxctmtent employees ho are io thr LA.2D, Unc a te Cnibaery Pension Sei tec 09 Gowsmiresi eriployees. General Prosdent end Scherne fot avalaie (0 the nev acer erployees The Gaventint have ixarnined the meue in respect of Ste anemia eaptoyees ad nest tate exstins Gener Provident Fund Scheme ‘ell aot be applicable te the wely recta eaployees ho ane coveret under Contntory Pension Selene itouch fest nn 120. lion’ ele ule in tho Ts somieication In exercise of the pases eanlivel by the psian t Acile 309 of the Cannes oF Inga. be Gowenne of Tamil Node Berehy. weaker tbe follwing invention he Ger Paved Fad (Fa Rac i 2 "Theanine iecby mide shal be dso ly have eon no force on ‘hee pil 2083, AMENDMENT Ir ue Sai 8 rate, thse i in= olowing suet {QT tes sal! pot apply (0 Govern xen sppoa wor ale dhe 1 Apri 2003 w services anit pote fm eornceton with ne asics of the Sore ther eporeily or remanent (Y ORDER OF THE GovERNOH) N. NARAYANAN DEVELOPRENT COWMSSIONER AND SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT Te The Diector of Stationery and Friving, Anna Salai,Chenni 609 002 (@ copies for pubieaton in tne Tamil Wadu Goverment Geseite) All Secretarios\o Goverment ‘Tus Secretary, Legisilive Aasombly Secretariat, Chennal 2 The Complies Governors Housshold, Raj Bhavan, hennahi2 ‘The Secretary tote Governor, Chonnai32 The Governors Secretariat Raj Bhavan, Guindy, Channat-92, AG ‘Al Departrents of Secretariat (OPIS ve All Sectons im Finaneo Depertment. Al Meads of Departments, Al colectors/ ll District Judges Alletvof Asiosl Magistrates The Prinepal Accountant General (Acceuns and Entlements), Chen 18. (oy rane) The Pancinal Accountant-Goneral (ARE), Chernati8, ‘The Accountant-General (Audit), Ghennot 35 The Accounteri-Gereral (Audits), Channai36 (2y name) Tho Accountont-General (Audi), Chenra-5 “The Acroun‘ant.Gonoral Audi}, Chennai (By name) ‘The Accoxiant-Cenoval (CA), Chenras-9/ Mevural ‘The Commissioner of Teassi0e and Accounts, Chennai-13, ‘The Pay and Accounis Ostna: (E2et) Chennai § ‘The Pay ane Acccunis Olficer (Secretarial) Chennat, Tha Pay and Accounts Officer (South) Chennai Tha Fay and Accounts Offiar (North) Oherai79, ‘The Fay ard Accounts Ofiser, Macurai-€25 001 All Treastry Oticers/ Al sub-Troacucy Officers Toe Chairman, Tail Nacu Pubic Service Commission, Chennak2 The Commissioner of Tritural for Discipinary Prossedinge, No.8 Manickeswari Road, Chennai 0 The Regsirar, High Cour, Chennai 104, ‘The Reatsieats of all Univorstios/Agpicullural Universtiy, Coimoatore ‘Al Site Goveinment Owned Coiporations ond Staktory Boor, The Commissioner. Compératins of ChownaiMaduraidCouatitonsl TiruchirappaSalnoyTuasreven ‘Al Diveiona! Davelypinain Glfcers / Al Bonk Newel nent Orie ‘All Taheidars All Municioa! Comicionersf All Revarse Divisionot Ol AChiet Educators! Offeore, ‘The Piciect Co-ordinaic, Tarall Nadu ntagrcted Navition Project, 570, Ana Sala. Chenrs-13, All Recagnisad Service Associations Someto: ‘The Pivate Secretary to the Chiet Secretary to Gavocenént, Creanats The Privale Secretar io the Secretary 1 Government Fitanes Beperini Chennai 9 Tha Sacretary to Chief Minster. CrennatS Te Sectelary to Gowsrnment of inci, Mirietry of Heme Alas, NeW Det Thee Seccelaty o Government of cia, Misty of Finance. (Bepartnent o! Economic Attats), New Dei Tho Secretary to Government of incia, MiNsity of Finance (Genatrent of Espancitura), New Delhi The Sactetary lo Govermort ol incha, Miniry of Exernal Affair, Now Bub The Senios Research Oiicor, Pay Fagorch — Uni, Minghy of Hnaite, (Deparinesi of Ener), Room Na 261, North Block. New Beth Stock FiarSpare Copies srboexude ty One! gion 08 278) plow 92 SECTION OFriCER, 4 © GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU 2004 NANUSGRIPT SELES, FINANCE [PENSION] DEPARTMENT G.0. No.430, DATED 6th August, 2004 Trharans, éadi-22, Triewallavar Aandu 2035) PENSION - Cortiibutory Pension Scheme ~ Intredces ith effect frern 14.2003 ~ Further ders Issue serene = tase READ the folowing paper: .0.Ms.No 259, Pane (Person) Deportert, dated 6.0:2003 08 onDER In the GO. read above, Government have inreduced 9 new Contributory Pension Sanne based bn defines Cootioations feral ta employees, who arg racruited on or after TA ao0s iy order to lmplemert the Cortnsuto~ Pension Scheme, the foFewing fares ors 9 ssid: (18 ceandstony for all tie new employees) wha are recrulced on or after 14.2003 to Decome meroers of Ue Scheme. Each employee wil pay 3 noithly contribution, of 10% ef Bscie Pay and DA from his salary to the Conznbusory Pensien Scherne (i) A etzhing the fect ef fling the namnation along with fame of reminse(s) shoul 9= noted In the Service Resistor. (oi) Recowary from Pay alg of the emaloyees should be move only alter obteining ‘ndex Nuumiser fram te Azcountant General foreach of the ernplayee. [on Seiedule of racswery ta be attached to the fy bil showing the Contribution to Perso Scheme has been preserived saparately. for Government emplayeas © Pp nnexure I gad the enloyaes of the Aided Educational Tnsttitions as in Rinoure Tt. Every. Beawing sod Disbursing Officers should) preaare Lis Schule ac encase slong: nit the Pay El Wei a = | Oe Se cee atd fom the Pay OH shal tected im wie ronowng nee | Saati, Ageount by the Pay ond Accounts, OMcee 7 mea oe ‘Sub-Treasuries ln tespact of pt emo cesnod hal Sings, Pow dent Funds we ' ant Ronson teres | 396other urance an Penson Funds - ‘A Gonenory Penson Scheme ts Tal ings Stata Goverewmene Employees” 81 Induidon! Contains [D2 Code 8011-00-118-a8-010F (Recep) {OP.cods 8011.00-106-4-c105) aed o2.Goverment caerbuton [OP Code 801. 00-106-an.02044) cRecsints) ___10.P.coue Bo ons des an e305} (are Tea Shaul MMe of emlovees of Aided Edveational (EY etker Accounts 5011. suns ie Pie fon, 160th: foutnce sl fein ede ‘8 Cortney Prato Share Tat Nh lad Eevcatonl ‘ston onpyeee ox inline {87 coce sil Ge h0:c (ec Dreads eottcn sass OeSee sven Corsini OND Pose 01199 05" c20) erat) [ eb s65 5-220 ar Coats ence chee aed 2 We Pay ble oy tha raving SU Daan oMters dhl ‘bs Tereve ond mended ete" Sean aa Husevenst, ee ofthe RGade), Genres it's copa aT “Treacy Oicers/Pay a Acros ews sony neta (4) The reasons for non-recevery from 6: particular emaloyee In any menth should | be fumed by the Drawing and Disbursing Otesrs contemed Ore ecovary schedule without fl tee CrP Sorenrer isiton an ne areas tion wil oe aaeee | or Ge ene cee meri Ge Ste eaagee sche fore femora nepgay Tae ge | fat any pene sthadse oy olann Roa wees et Berean auhray fr hie purse an rect Ge gua and Sevonee fon rath Find Reng ara Rovere ee a Perera cnt ete Shae Sho cana a he Ate ne ee 2074 Reston ana ote urement beni OL cl -809.Ur%er Exxercstyre- ‘A Contrtstion to CoertutaryPenscn Severe tha Tans Nody Sat “Government eployece 1p.Goatrinen = DL. Contrencn tw Specie Fund - (OPe2071-01 s00-aiv6) by Sook adiustmeat by the Accountant General with reference te the amount

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