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5/1/23, 11:55 How to Create or Restore Droplets from Snapshots :: DigitalOcean Documentation

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Create or Restore Droplets

How to Create or Restore Droplets from

Validated on 14 May 2020 •
Posted on 19 Jun 2018

Snapshots are on-demand disk images of DigitalOcean Droplets and volumes saved to
your account. Use them to create new Droplets and volumes with the same contents.

You can use any snapshot created from a Droplet to create new Droplets in any region
where the snapshot is available.

You can also use snapshots to restore a Droplet to the point in time when the snapshot
was taken. This can be useful for restoring files that were accidentally deleted or to revert
to a known-good Droplet to recover from accidental configuration changes.

Create New Droplets from a Snapshot

To create a Droplet from a snapshot, click the Create menu and select Droplets. On the
Droplet creation page, in the Choose an image section, click Snapshots, and then
click the snapshot you want to use. 1/3
5/1/23, 11:55 How to Create or Restore Droplets from Snapshots :: DigitalOcean Documentation

Continue creating the Droplet normally by selecting the Droplet size, region, and any
additional options.

You must select a disk size equal to or larger than the Droplet used to create
the snapshot.

Finally, click Create to create a Droplet based on the selected snapshot.

Restore a Snapshot on an Existing Droplet

To replace all the data on an existing Droplet with the image of one of its snapshots, click
Images from the top menu of the DigitalOcean Control Panel. This takes you to a list of all
the snapshots available in your account.

Find the snapshot you want to restore the Droplet from and open its More menu, then
select Restore Droplet. A Restore Droplet window confirms that the existing Droplet will
be replaced with the older snapshot image. 2/3
5/1/23, 11:55 How to Create or Restore Droplets from Snapshots :: DigitalOcean Documentation

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