IPU - Chemistry Preparatory Paper 2 - IIT - Q + Soln

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Class I PU 2022-23 Max. Marks 70

Solution to Preparatory Paper 2 Duration 3 hrs. 15 min.
Date February, 2023
1. The question paper has four parts. All the four parts are compulsory
PART - A carries 20 marks, each question carries one mark.
PART- B carries 8 marks. Each question carries two marks
PART - C carries 12 marks. Each question carries three marks
PART - D carries 30 marks. Each question carries five marks
2. Write balanced chemical equations and draw diagrams wherever necessary Use log table and simple calculators if
necessary (use of scientific calculator is not allowed)

I. Select the correct option from the given choices. [15 × 1 = 15]
1. Law of multiple proportions is illustrated by taking the example of
(A) NaOH and KOH (B) NaCl and NaBr (C) SO2 and SO3 (D) H2CO3 and CO2
Ans (C)
2. Ionic radii is
(A) inversely proportional to effective nuclear charge
(B) inversely proportional to square of effective nuclear charge
(C) directly proportional to effective nuclear charge
(D) directly proportional to square of effective nuclear charge
Ans (A)
3. The electronic configuration of L, M, X and Y is
L = 1s2 M = 1s22s22p2 X = 1s22s22p5 Y = 1s22s22p6
The tendency to form electrovalent compound is greater in
(A) L (B) M (C) X (D) Y
Ans (C)
4. A gas does not exist at
(A) 0 °C (B) any temperature (C) STP (D) absolute zero
Ans (D)
5. Among the following, an intensive property is
(A) Enthalpy (B) Entropy (C) Specific heat (D) Volume
Ans (C)
6. Chemical equilibrium is attained when
(A) mass of the reactants is equal to the mass of the products
(B) the number of moles of reactants is equal to the number moles of the products
(C) the ratio of rate of forward reaction to the rate of backward reaction is one
(D) the quantity of the substance consumed is equal to the quantity of the products formed
Ans (C)
7. Bleaching action of chlorine in the presence of moisture is due to
(A) reduction (B) oxidation (C) hydrolysis (D) substitution
Ans (B)


8. Hydrogen may be prepared by heating a solution of caustic soda with

(A) Mg (B) Zn (C) Fe (D) Ag
Ans (B)
9. The electronic configuration of Rb is represented as
(A) [Ar] 4s1 (B) [Kr] 5s1 (C) [Xe] 6s1 (D) [Xe] 5s1
Ans (B)
10. The element which does not show allotropy is
(A) C (B) Si (C) Sn (D) Pb
Ans (D)
11. In diborane molecule (B2H6), there are two boron atoms. The correct statement among following is
(A) Boron atoms are not hybridised
(B) Both the boron atoms are sp2hybridised
(C) Both the boron atoms are sp3hybridised
(D) One boron atom is sp2hybridised and the other atom is sp3hybridised
Ans (C)
12. The number of sigma (σ) and pi(π) bonds in are
(A) 7σ and 14π (B) 14σ and 7π (C) 7σ and 7π (D) 14σ and 14π
Ans (B)
13. The IUPAC name of isopentyl group is
(A) 2-methylbutyl (B) 3-methylbutyl (C) 1, 1-dimethylethyl (D) 3, 3-dimethylpropyl
Ans (B)
14. The most stable conformation of ethane
(A) eclipsed (B) gauche (C) staggered (D) boat form
Ans (C)
15. BOD5 implies
(A) water decomposed in 5 days (B) oxygen consumed by microorganisms in 5 days
(C) microorganisms killed in 5 days (D) dissolved oxygen left after 5 days
Ans (B)

II. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets:
[5 x 1 = 5]
(increases, decreases, 2, 3, candela)
16. The SI unit of Luminous intensity is ____________
17. The atomic size of an element _______ down the group
18. The value of PH of 0.001 M HCl is __________
19. The number of π-bonds present in ethyne are _________
20. In 13th group elements, density _________ from B to Al


III. Answer any FOUR of the following. Each question carries two marks. [4 × 2 = 8]
21. What is density? Write its SI unit.
The density of a substance is mass per unit volume. [1]
kg m−3 [1]
22. Define the terms:
(i) Critical temperature (ii) Critical pressure
(i) The minimum temperature above which the gas cannot be liquefied however high the pressure may
be. [1]
(ii) The minimum pressure required to liquefy 1 mole of the gas at its critical temperature. [1]
23. What is the hybridisation of nitrogen in NH3? Predict its geometry.
Hybridisation-sp3 [1]
Shape-pyramidal [1]
24. Why Na metal is always stored under kerosene? Name the oxide formed by Na metal when burnt in air.
Sodium reacts with air as well as with moisture. [1]
Sodium peroxide or Na2O2 [1]
25. Write the composition of borax and bauxite.
Borax - Na2B4O7 ⋅ 10H2O [1]
Bauxite - Al2O3 ⋅ 2H2O [1]
26. What are electrophiles? Give an example.
Any species which can accept one or more electrons is an electrophile.
Electrophiles are electron deficient species and they are either positive ions or neutral molecules with
incomplete octet. [1]
+ + + + +
Example: H , H 3O , NO 2 , R , NH 4 BF3 , AlCl 3 , SO 3 , FeCl 3

Positively charged Neutral

electrophiles electrophiles

[Any one example one mark]

27. Explain Wurtz reaction with an example.
When alkyl halides are treated with sodium metal in dry ether medium, higher alkanes are formed. This
reaction is known as Wurtz reaction. [1]
dry ether
CH3 Br + 2Na + Br CH3 CH3 CH3 + 2NaBr
Bromomethane Ethane [1]


28. What is meant by Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)? Give the BOD value of pure water.
It is a measure of the oxygen utilized by micro-organisms during the oxidation of organic material
present in water. [1]
The BOD of pure water is < 5ppm. [1]
IV. Answer any FOUR of the following. Each question carries three marks [4 × 3 = 12]
29. (a) Define ionisation enthalpy. How does it vary along a period?
(b) Write the IUPAC name of an element whose atomic number is 108. [2 + 1]
(a) Ionization enthalpy of an element is defined as the energy required to remove an electron from an
isolated gaseous atom in its ground state.
M (g) M+ (g) + e−
∆iH increases across the period since the atomic size decreases and ∆iH decreases down the group as
the atomic size increases.
(b) Unniloctium [1]
30. (a) Write the electronic configuration of He2 molecule. Calculate its bond order.
(b) Why Helium molecule does not exist? [2 + 1]
(a) Electronic configuration of He2 molecule: σ1s 2 σ1∗s 2 [1]
Bond order = ( 2 − 2) = 0 [1]
(b) Helium molecule does not exist since its bond order is zero. [1]
31. Explain the formation of BeCl2 using hybridization.
Solution 1s 1s 2p
Be (in the ground state)
(in the excited state)

Undergo sp hybridization

2 sp hybrid orbitals

Linear, 180° [1 + 1]
singly filled p orbitals of Cl

sp Be sp

sp-p overlap [1]

Be-Cl σ bonds
32. Give any three postulates of valence bond theory of covalent bonding.
• A covalent bond is formed due to the overlapping of atomic orbitals of the two combining atoms,
each of them containing one unpaired electron.


• The new orbital formed due to the overlapping of the two atomic orbitals is called a bond orbital
which is common to both the atoms. The shared pair of electrons occupy the bond orbital.
• The strength of the bond depends on the extent of overlapping of the atomic orbitals. Greater the
degree of overlapping, stronger will be the bond formed.
• The two electrons involved in bond formation must have opposite spins.
• Covalent bond is directional in nature and lies in the direction of the maximum overlapping of
atomic orbitals.
• Depending upon the manner in which overlapping takes place, covalent bonds are of two types,
namely (a) sigma bond or σ-bond and (b) pi bond or π-bond
[Any three postulates each one mark]
33. Balance the following chemical equation by oxidation number method.
Cr2 O 72− (aq ) + SO32− → Cr(aq
3+ 2−
) + SO 4 (acid medium)


+6 −2 +4 −2 +3 +6 −2
Cr 2 O 72− (aq) + S O32− (aq) → Cr 3+ (aq) + S O 24− (aq)

Reduction half reaction Oxidation half reaction
Cr2 O72− → 2Cr 3+ ............. … (1) [1] SO32− → SO42 − … (2) [1]
Decrease in oxidation number per atom = 3 Increase in oxidation number per atom = 2
Total decrease in oxidation number = 2 × 3 = 6
Eqn (1) × 1  Cr2 O72− → 2Cr 3+ … (3)
Eqn (2) × 3  3SO32− → 3SO 24− … (4)
Eqn (3) + (4)  Cr2 O + 3SO → 2Cr + 3SO42−

Balancing with respect to oxygen

Cr2 O72− + 3SO32− → 2Cr 3+ + 3SO42 − + 4H 2 O
Balancing with respect to hydrogen
2− 2− + 3+ 2−
Cr2 O 7(aq ) + 3SO 3(aq) + 8H (aq ) → 2Cr(aq) + 3SO 4(aq ) + 4H 2 O ( l ) [1]

34. (a) What is the cause for temporary hardness of water? Explain how temporary hardness of water is
removed by boiling.
(b) Name the isotope of hydrogen which contains one proton and two neutrons in the nucleus. [2 +1]

(a) Presence of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium causes temporary hardness in water. [1]
Boiling: On boiling hard water, soluble bicarbonates are converted into insoluble Mg(OH)2 and
CaCO3. The precipitate can be removed by filtration. [1]
(b) Tritium [1]
35. Explain the manufacture of washing soda by Solvay’s process.
Carbon dioxide gas is passed through a concentrated solution of sodium chloride saturated with
ammonia, where ammonium carbonate followed by sodium hydrogen carbonate are formed. [1]


2NH 3 + H 2O + CO2 
→ (NH 4 )2 CO3.
Ammonium Carbonate

(NH 4 ) 2 CO3 + H 2O + CO2 

→ 2NH 4 HCO3
Ammonium bicarbonate

NH 4 HCO3 + NaCl 
→ NaHCO3 ↓ + NH 4 Cl
Brine Sodium (ppt.)
Sodium bicarbonate having low solubility gets precipitated. The precipitated sodium bicarbonate is
filtered and dried. It is ignited to give sodium carbonate.
2NaHCO3  Heat
→ Na 2CO3 + H 2O + CO2
Sodium Carbonate
36. (a) How is diborane prepared in the laboratory?
(b) Complete the following equation
HCOOH Conc. H 2 SO 4 /373 K
→ [2 + 1]
(a) Laboratory method
Oxidation of sodium borohydride with iodine gives diborane.
2NaBH4 + I2 → B2H6 + 2NaI + H2
(b) CO [1]

V. Answer any FOUR of the following. Each question carries five marks. [4 × 5 = 20]
37. (a) An amino acid contains 36.1% C, 5.26% H, 10.52% N and rest O. If molecular weight of the
compound is 133, determine the molecular formula of the compound.
(b) Define molality. [4 + 1]
No. in previous
% % compound Simplest
Elements column
compound atomic mass ratio
Least no.
36.1 3
C 36.1 =3 4
12 0.75
5.26 5.26
H 5.26 = 5.26 7
1 0.75
10.52 0.75
N 10.52 = 0.75 1
14 0.75
48.12 3
O 48.12 =3 4 [2]
16 0.75
Empirical formula C4H7NO4 [1]
Empirical formula mass = 133
molar mass 133
n= = =1
Empirical formula mass 133
Molecular formula = n × Empirical formula
= 1 × C4H7NO4 = C4H7NO4 [1]
(b) Molality is the number of moles of the solute dissolved in one kilogram of the solvent. [1]


38. (a) Write the postulates of Bohr’s theory.

(b) State Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity. [4 + 1]
(a) (1) The electrons in an atom move around the nucleus in only certain fixed, closed circular paths
called orbits without emitting any radiation.
(2) Each orbit is associated with a definite amount of energy. Hence, these orbits are called energy
levels or stationary states.
(3) Energy is emitted or absorbed when an electron jumps from one orbit to another. Energy
absorbed or emitted is equal to the difference in the energy of the two orbits
i.e., ∆E = E2 − E1 = hv where h is Planck’s constant.
(4) Electrons can revolve only in those stationary states in which their angular momentum is equal to
h h
an integral multiple of a constant , i.e., mvr = n where m = mass of the electron,
2π 2π
v = velocity, r = radius of the orbit, n = an integer (1, 2, 3, …) called the principal quantum
number and h = Planck’s constant.
(b) In the orbitals of the same sub-shell, pairing of electrons begins only after each available orbital gets
one electron (or)
most stable arrangement of electrons in the sub-shells is the one with maximum number of parallel
spins. [1]
39. (a) Write one significance of quantum numbers.
(b) Give de Broglie equation. [4 +1]
(a) The set of four numbers which gives the complete description of an electron in an atom i.e., energy,
orbital, size, shape and orientation of that orbital and the direction of electron spin are called
quantum numbers.
1. Principal quantum number (n)
Principal quantum number gives the average distance of the electron from the nucleus and
corresponds to the main energy level to which the electron belongs.
2. Azimuthal quantum number (l)
This is also known as orbital quantum number (as it describes the shape of an orbital). It is
represented as l. It determines the number of sublevels in a main energy level.
3. Magnetic quantum number (m)
It indicates the orientation of orbitals in space under the influence of magnetic field and it is
denoted by m.
4. Spin quantum number (s)
Spin quantum number describes the spin of the electron on its own axis.
(b) λ =
where λ-wavelength, h-planck’s constant, m-mass of electron, c-velocity of light. [1]


40. (a) Write three assumptions of the kinetic molecular theory of gases.
(b) At what temperature (in celsius scale) will the volume of a gas at 0 °C double itself, pressure
remaining constant? [3 + 2]
• A gas consists of a large number of tiny particles of identical size, shape and mass known as
• The volume of gas molecules is negligible compared to the total volume of the gas.
• Molecules of a gas are always in constant random motion and the molecules collide with each other
and also with the walls of the container.
• The pressure exerted by the gas is due to the collision of the gas molecules with the walls of the
• The collisions are perfectly elastic and there is no loss in energy during collisions.
• The average kinetic energy of the gas molecules is directly proportional to the absolute temperature
i.e., average kinetic energy ∝ absolute temperature.
There is no force of attraction between the molecules of the gas at ordinary temperature and
pressure. [Any three points, each carry one mark]
V1 V2
(b) Applying Charles law, = [1]
T1 T2
V 2V
273 T2
T2 = 546 K
Temperature (in celsius scale) = 546 − 273 = 273 0C [1]
41. (a) Explain Born Haber cycle for the formation of one mole of NaCl crystal.
(b) Define isolated system. Give an example. [3 + 2]
(a) The formation of sodium chloride crystal can be considered to take place in the following steps:
1 ∆fΗ
Na(s) + 2
Cl2(g) NaCl(s)

∆subΗ 2

Na(g) Cl(g) ∆latticeΗ

∆iΗ ∆egΗ

Na+(g) + Cl (g)
According to Hess’s law, the enthalpy change during a process is same whether the process is
carried out in one step or in a number of steps.


Therefore, ∆fH = ∆subH + ∆iH + ½∆dissH + ∆egH + ∆latticeH

∆latticeH = ∆Hf − (∆Hsub + ∆HIE + ½∆disH + ∆egH)
∆latticeH = ∆Hf − (+q1 + q2 + ½q3 − q4)
∆latticeH = −411.2 − (+108.4 + 496 + 121 − 348.6) = −788 kJ mol−1
[Any one, 1 mark]
(b) In an isolated system there is neither exchange of mass nor energy between the system and the
surroundings. [1]
Example: water in a closed Dewar flask [Thermostat flask] [1]
42. (a) State and explain Hess’s law of heat summation.
(b) What are thermochemical equations? Write thermochemical equation for combustion of ethyl
alcohol. [3 + 2]
(a) The enthalpy change accompanying a reaction remains the same whether the reaction is carried out in
one step or several steps, as long as the initial and final states remain the same. [1]
Example: (i) C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g); ∆H = − 393.5 kJ
(ii) C(s) + 1/2 O2(g) CO(g); ∆H = −110 kJ
CO(g) + 1/2 O2(g) CO2(g); ∆H = −283.5 kJ [1]
C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g); ∆H = −393.5 kJ [1]

i.e., whether CO2 is formed in one step or two steps from graphite, the enthalpy change remains the
(b) It is a balanced chemical equation in which the heat change and physical state (along with allotropic
change) of reactants and products are indicated. [1]
4C(s) + 2H2(g) + O2(g) → C2H5OH(l) [1]
43. (a) The equilibrium constant of a reaction is 0.009. Calculate the free energy change at 298K
(R = 8.314 J K−1 mol−1)
(b) State Le-Chatelier’s principle. Write Kc for the reaction :
Fe+3(aq) + SCN−(aq) → [Fe(SCN)]+2(aq) [3 + 2]
(a) ∆G° = − 2.303 RT log K [1]
= − 2.303 × 8.314 × 298 log (0.09) [1]
∆G° = 11.6 kJ mol [1]
(b) According to this principle, when a constraint is applied to a system at equilibrium, then position of
equilibrium shifts in such a way that the applied constraint is cancelled. [1]
 Fe ( SCN ) 
K c =  +3 [1]
[ Fe ][ SCN − ]


44. (a) Explain common ion effect with an example.

(b) Calculate pKa for a weak acid whose dissociation constant is 1.80 × 10−5. [3 + 2]
(a) The decrease in the degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte in the presence of a strong electrolyte
which gives a common ion is called the common ion effect. [1]
(i) The dissociation of weak acid, hydrogen sulphide is suppressed in the presence of a strong acid
like hydrochloric acid since H+ is common.
H 2S ↽ ⇀ 2H + + S2− [1]
HCl → H + + Cl− [1]
(b) pKa = − log Ka [1]
= − log (1.8 × 10−5)
pKa = 4.74 [1]

V. Answer any TWO of the questions (FIVE marks each) [2 × 5 = 10]

45. (a) Distinguish between inductive effect and electromeric effect.
(b) In the compound H2C=CH2,
(i) Identify the hybridization of each carbon
(ii) How many σ and π bonds are there?
(iii) Is the compound saturated or unsaturated? [2 + 3]
Inductive effect Electromeric effect
• Permanent polarity • Temporary polarity
• Due to partial displacement of the σ • Due to the complete transfer of π bond pair of
bond pair of electrons towards the more electrons towards one any one of the bonded
electronegative atom atoms in the presence of an attacking reagent
(b) (i) Each carbon is sp2 hybridised [1]
(ii) 5σ and 1π bond [1]
(iii) Unsaturated [1]
46. (a) How is sulphur estimated by Carius method? Write the formula for the calculation of percentage of
sulphur estimated by Carius method.
(b) Explain position isomerism. Write the structures of position isomer of C4H8 [3 + 2]
(a) A known mass of the organic compound is oxidized to sulphuric acid by heating it with fuming nitric
acid or sodium peroxide in Carius tube. The acid formed is then treated with barium chloride solution.
White precipitate of barium sulphate formed is filtered, washed, dried and weighed. [1]
S + HNO 3 → ∆
H 2 SO 4
H 2SO 4 + BaCl2 
→ BaSO 4 ↓ + 2HCl [1]

32 × w 100
% of sulphur in the given organic compound = × [1]
233 m


(b) Compounds with the same molecular formula but differ in the position of multiple bond or functional
group or substituent are called position isomers and the phenomenon is known as position
Example: C4H8 CH3 CH CH CH3 and CH3 CH2 CH CH2
But-2-ene But-1-ene
47. (a) Discuss the mechanism of electrophilic substitution reaction for chlorination of benzene.
(b) How is benzene obtained from decarboxylation of sodium benzoate? [3 + 2]
(a) (1) Formation of electrophile: The catalyst ferric chloride acts as a Lewis acid and accepts a pair of
electrons to give Cl+ electrophile.

Cl Cl + FeCl3 Cl + FeCl4

(2) Attack of electrophile: The electrophile (Cl+) attacks the π electrons of benzene to form
carbocation which is stabilised by resonance. This is rate determining step of the reaction as rate
of this reaction is minimum.

+ H
H slow
+ Cl
+ Cl
Intermediate carbocation

(3) Loss of proton by carbocation: The carbocation loses a proton to FeCl−4 to form the product

+ H Cl
Cl + FeCl + HCl + FeCl3

(b) When sodium benzoate is heated with soda lime, benzene is formed. [1]
+ NaOH + Na2CO3



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