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● What are the similarities and differences?

- Both groups, India and Netherlands shared almost similar hobbies and spent their
spare time in similar ways. Yet I observed from our interactions that the students
in the Netherlands are much quieter than the students in India. We can also
observe that both countries have experienced tragic events that have left big
impacts on the minds of the interviewees who are mostly in the first or second
generation. Most of the firstand second generations in both countries have had
joint families in their teenage years. There is a change in all generations seen in
both countries. The first generation has better access to knowledge and accessto
the news about the world and happenings in the country.

● What have you learned about the changing roles of thegenders in Europe and in
a) When your grandparents were teenagers.
- When the Indian, grandmothers were teenagers, theyhad more chores to do and
family was their priority.
Even though they went to school and studied hard, theynever spent their spare
time as freely as they wanted to.
b) When your parents were teenagers.
- When the Indian parents were teenagers, there was notmuch of a difference seen
in the freedom of spending time. Both genders were active people who were
allowed to spend their time as they wished. For both genders, education was an
important aspect. Family was not the only priority in the female’s life anymore.
Yet men were considered to be tougher and more ablethan women.

c) Now that you are a teenager.

- In our generation, women are considered to be the same as men. Education has
now become the priority for everyone, no matter the gender. Both genders have
lesser chores and more school work to do. Family is important, but so is the
future of teenagers. The same can be said for both countries, India and
The problem we faced while comparing was that proper information about the Netherlands was
not made available to us and we had to try and make comparisons with the unrelated information
that we got. We had to understand things indirectly from the general information we were
provided with and the interactions with the intercultural peer group were not as fruitful aswe
hoped it would be. Hence we could not draw detailed comparisons.

Reflection- Sanvy

● What was your task and how did you contribute to the groupwork (interviews, writing
texts, communication, etc.)?

- All of us did combined work, we split the work equally. Iwas told to record
audios of the interview and do two comparison reports between the families we
interviewed. We communicated with each other and ourgroup leader.

● What was your most memorable learning experience?Which competencies did

you develop further?

- My most memorable learning experience was recordingvideos for our interview. I

not only learned how to correctly articulate questions and be precise with the way
I respond but I also learnt the amount of effort it takes to piece together just one
interview. Right from recording the audio and the video to re-recording them to
avoid any errors in questions, to editing them to make them concise. It also
helped me improve my language skills by being able to write comparisons in
short words. All of this could not have been done without teamwork which is
another critical skill I was given the opportunity to develop.
● What went well? What would you have done differently?Think about: methods,
group work, technical aspects, collaboration with the partner school, etc.

- The whole interview process went quite smoothly however I would have liked to
interview both families online as it was inconvenient for a lot of us to travel that
far to interview a family on a school night. The group I got to work with was
great. I would have liked to communicate more with the students from the
Netherlands but whatever interaction I had with them was really nice. Moving
forward, I think planning out a task would help things go even more smoothly
than they went but overall, I believe everything was decentlymanaged and I had a
lot of fun.

Reflection - Aanya

● What was your task and how did you contribute to the groupwork (interviews, writing
texts, communication, etc.)?

- Since I was the group leader, my main job was to makesure everyone in the group
contributed and their ideas and opinions were heard. I also tried to make sure that
the tasks were submitted on time and there was no delay in the submission of the
documents. Being a leader, I also had to deal with the relaying messages tothe
group and splitting tasks between group members. Other than this I helped in the
translation and contributed in the making of the required documents.

● What was your most memorable learning experience? Whichcompetencies did you
develop further?

- The most memorable experience for me was when wetook the interviews
together. It was quite exciting to listen to the stories of different age groups of
people and how their perceptions were different from each other. EUMIND has
given me an opportunity to learn many things about people and how to
communicate with them. It has helped me to learn what a leader is and has
helped me to learn time management and many such skills that I require as a
● What went well? What would you have done differently?Think about: methods,
group work, technical aspects, collaboration with the partner school, etc.

- The functioning of the process was slightly chaotic and Ihad to pull all-nighters
sometimes to ensure that the documents and tasks did not cross the deadline.
There were many last minute decisions I had to make for the group and all the
group members had to put in a lot of effort to get the work done fast. Yet I am
quite satisfied with the way things turned out and am glad that the group was able
to finish all the tasks. Moreover, the experience of working as a group was very
exciting andmeaningful. The only thing I would want to change is how we
communicated with the intercultural peer group and would've tried to get more
information about them and their culture.
Reflection - Maynard

● What was your task and how did you contribute to the groupwork (interviews, writing
texts, communication, etc.)?

- Each one of us asked questions in the interview and all of us participated in the
activities. Personally I helped write the comparison for the questions I had asked
during the interview and everybody helped write the summary. For the interview I
coordinated with the familybeing interviewed via text and so did the other

● What was your most memorable learning experience? Whichcompetencies did you
develop further?

- I really loved doing the interview and everything thatcame along with it.
During the whole ordeal I learnt many things. Firstly how each generation
differed forthe others, not only in their livelihoods but even theirspeech
patterns and the language used by them.
Secondly, I learnt how to ask the right questions and how I could follow up on
those questions. I found this tobe quite a useful lesson that was incredibly
practical and will come in handy in real life situations.
● What went well? What would you have done differently?Think about: methods,
group work, technical aspects, collaboration with the partner school, etc.

- The activities were incredibly perfect and I doubt our group could have done
something different. Howeverour interactions with the partner schools were
not as expected. There seemed to be a sense of awkwardness due to the
language barrier and a difference in interests. These were also new people
which personally seemed a bit overwhelming. I definitely could have
improved this and I should havebeen more outgoing and extroverted
Reflection - Saisha

● What was your task and how did you contribute to the groupwork (interviews, writing
texts, communication, etc.)?

- The work in our group was divided relatively evenly although we depended
heavily on our leader. The work assigned to me was to ask a question to each
interviewee to contribute to the research. Furthermore, Iwrote a segment of our

● What was your most memorable learning experience? Whichcompetencies did you
develop further?

- In my opinion, the interviewing process was the most enriching. I heard

intriguing stories from each generation and was able to note significant
differences which i hadn't previously. It enhanced my analytical abilities,
allowing me to observe the changes and delvedeeper to figure out what could
have caused the same.

● What went well? What would you have done differently?Think about: methods,
group work, technical aspects, collaboration with the partner school, etc.

- The interviewing process was smooth while still beinginteresting, thus leading
me to believe it went well.
However, if given more time, we could have emphasized on collaboration more,
looked further into each other’s perspective rather than having to divide
work amongst ourselves. Nevertheless, overall, in myopinion this project was
successful and aided me in learning more.
Reflection - Aishwarya

● What was your task and how did you contribute to the groupwork (interviews, writing
texts, communication, etc.)?

- Since this was a group project, we had divided our workamongst the group
members so that we could all contribute to the group. I helped communicate with
the interviewees, edit the final video, and transcript the interviews. We all also
equally divided and wrote the reflections and comparisons, however our group
leader did a fantastic job of coordinating and delegating work.

● What was your most memorable learning experience? Whichcompetencies did you
develop further?

● I enjoyed doing the interviews, and seeing how life haschanged for people over
the years. It was really interesting how three people from virtually the same
background and culture can lead completely different lives and live in completely
unique environments. I learnt a lot about communicating with people, and we
even managed to overcome the language barrier with one of our interviewees. I
also learned a lot about comparing data from interviews, and using it effectivelyto
answer our questions. What went well? What would you have done differently?
Think about: methods, group work, technical aspects, collaboration with the
partner school, etc.

- I think we carried out the interviews very well, and managed to

bridge the age and language gap and connect with our
interviewees. However, I think we could have worked better as
a team, and delegated tasks more efficiently. We also could
have researchedmore thoroughly, and interviewed more families
if we had more time to carry out the project. Overall, however, I
think the project went quite well, and considering we had never
worked in this group before,the results of the project were good.

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