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10. The basic smallest

unft of
ftcatlons Is
(2) Spectes
concept of species: (1) Genus
which type of
1. Mayr proposed (4) A of the
(1) Static concept
(2) Blological concept (3) Order
species is
Suffix forsub
(4) Genetic concept 11.
(3) Typological concept (1) Phytina (2) Oideae

Artificlal system of
classification classtfies plants
(3) Ineae (4)None
Term taxon for plants
was glven by
the basts of 12.
(1) Darwin (2) Linnaeus
(1) One or two characters (4) Bentham
(3) H.J.Lan
(2) Phylogenetic trends 13. Morphologically simillar but productlvely s
(3) Many naturaly existing characters speciesare called
(4) None of the above (1) Synchronic species (2) Sibling specles
The term new systematics was introduced by : (3) Allopatric species (4) Sympatric spesle
Plant nomenclature means
(1) Linnaeus (2) Bentham 14.
without any rles
(3) Hutchinson (4) Huxley (1) To give names to plants
(2) Nomenclature of plants under the intemalm
Group of organisms that closely resemble each rules
and freely interbreed in nature, constitute a (3) Nomenclature of plants in local language

(2) Genus 4) Nomenclature of plants in english langag

(1) Species
(4) Taxon 15. Taxonomy refersto
3) Family
(1) Plant classification (2) Plant nomencatre
5. ICBNwas first published in (3) Plant affinity (4) All the abowe
(1) 1961 (2) 1964 16. Which of the following is a correct name
3) 1975 (4) 1753
(1) Solanum tuberosum
6. The term taxon refers to
(2) Solanum Tuberosum
(1) Name of a species (3) Solanum tuberosum Linn.
(2) Name of genus (4) All the above
(3) Name of family 17. Systematics deals with
(4) A taxonomic group of any rank (1) Classification (2) Nomenclature

(3) Plant description (4) ldentification

7. The herbarium specimen on whose basis a new
18. Scientific name of Mango plant is Mangifera i
species is described for the first time is called as
Linn. in the above name Linn. refers to
(1) Lectotype (2) Holotype
(1) Variety of Mango
(3) Syntype (4) None the pre
(2) A taxonornist who proposed
The scientific naming of plants begain with nomenclature in honour of linnaeus

publication of Linnaeus book 3)A sclentist who for the first tmedescribe
(1) Genera plantarum (2) Systema naturae plant

(3) Species plantarum (4) Charaka sanhita 4) A scientist who changed the name prop
Linnaeus and proposed present nam
9. Which book most Impressed the opinion of
19. Type specimen selected from the orkgina
taxonomists in case the holotype is missing, is called
(1) Enqutry into plants (2) Origin of lIfe (2) Neotype
1) Lectotype
(3) Genera plantarum (4) Orgin of specles (3) Syntype (4) Type specne

Note Ouplicae Hololee callud otype

116 N L o l e i H o l a
Jhul taEir fan nlaaktia
har plar s a
lot an ye iean
aac cetled ey
enyrefers to
Blochemical resemblances are used in the
2Evohutionary classfication
(1) Protistan specles
Evolutionaryhistory (2) Moneran specles
ofalgae (3) Fungal species
4 (4) Higher plants
concept of species is given by 31. Who is regarded as "Darwin of 20th
(2) Bentham century"
(1) John Ray 2) Lamarck
4) Mayr
9 Koch
(3) Emst Mayr (4) Darwin
the first step is 32. A divsion is
ntaxonomy formed by combining several -
( )kdentthication (2) Nomenclature (1) Orders (2) Familles
(3) Classtfication (4) Affnites (3) Classes (4) Trbes
33. An International code of botanlcal nomenclature
The sftbx-inae signifies th rank
was first proposed in the year
(1) Tribe (2) Subtribe
(1) 1930 (2) 1830
(3) Suborder (4) Sub family
(3) 1913 (4) 1813
M. Specles
living in ifferent geographical areas are
34 For declaration of new species of higher plants what
called characters are used:
( Albchronic (2) Allopatric
(1) Floral character of new species
(3) Sympatric (4) Siblings
(2) Anatomical characters of new species
15. Alarge number of unknown species of plants and (3) Physiological character of new species
animals are
believed to be present in (4) Character of endosperm
(1) Temperate forests (2) Antarctica 35. The standared size of herbarium sheets is
(9) Taiga (4) Tropical forest (1) 11.5"x 16.5"

6. Whowrote systema naturae (2) 15.5" x 16.5"

(1) Linnaeus (2) Mayr (3) 18.5" x 10.5"

(3) John Ray (4) De Candolle (4) 20.5" x 21.5"

7. Forhigher plants, flowers are chiefly used as a basis 36. Which statement is true
ofclassification, because (1) Tautonyms are not allowed in plants

(1) These show a great variety in colour (2) Tautonyms are not allowed in animals
2) It can be preserved eaisly (3) Tautonyms normaly allowed in animals and some
time allowed in plants
5 Reproductive parts are more conservative than
(4) Tautonyms allowed only in bacteria
egetative parts 37. Trinomial nomenclature of classification was

4) None of these proposed by

24.Who wrote species plantarum (1) Linneaus
(1) Llnnaeus (2) Mayr (2) Huxley and Stricklandt
13) Bentham (4) Aristote (3) John-Ray
29. The binomial system of nomenclature was initialy (4) Theophrastus
names are drawn from the
38. Most of the botanical
proposed by- following language
(1) Magnus (2) Bauhin (2) Greek
(1) German
3) Caesalpinno (4) Discondes (4) Spanish
(3) Latin

40. Which of the following statements
Evolutionary classification is called nomenclature is correct
nts regara
(1) Artificial system
(2) Natural system (1) Generic name always begins with capltal
(3) Phylogenetic system whereas specific name with small letter
(4) None of the aboe (2) Scentific name should be printed In talg
(3) Sclentific name when typed or handr
should be underlined
4) Al the above
diid d plant kingdom 11. Embryophyta includes
(2) Four divisions (1) Algae
(a)T u od i v s i o n s

(2) Fungl
(4) Ten divisions
P d u s i o n s

(3) Bryophyta (4)Allof these

Embryophyta includes :
12. Whittaker is
pAnglospermsonly (2) Algae and fungi famous for
(1) Two kingdom classtfication
3Bryophyta & Pteridophyta

(2) Four kingdom clastfication
All plants (3) Pve kingdom classification
BGA are inchuded in
(2) Protista (4) Distinguishing tn Bacterta & blue gree Algae
(Mycota 13. Arst phylogenetic system of plant clasification was
(4) Monera
( Plantae

Hooker placed how many families in given by

Bentham (1) Engler and Prant (2) Elchler
(2) 88 (3) Ostwald Tippo (4) Bentham& Hooker

(4) 3 14. System of classification proposed by Linnaeus was


Genera Plantarum" was

written by (1) Artificlal (2) Natural

Engler and
Prantal (2) Hutchinson (3) Sexual (4) (1) and (3) both
Bentham& Hooker (4) Bessey 15. Inwhich of the following systems, plantsaredassied
and Hooker's classification in geneological order
Chlef merit of Bentham
(1) Artificlal (2) Natural
s that
system mostly based on evalutionary (4) Nonphylogenetic
(1) t is a
(3) Phylogenetic
concepts 16. Which book is the starting polnt for phylogenetic
of all groups
2tisa natural systems of classification system
o plants (1) Orlgin of species
are based on actual
(3 The description of the taxa Pflanzen familien
observation of the specimen (2) Die Naturlichen
of flowering plants
4) t also considers the phylogenetic aspects (3) The phylogenetic taxonomy
into (4) Historia plantarum
1. Bantham and Hooker classified dicots Whittaker
proposed by
gamopetalae and glumiflorae 17. The group "Plantae"
2 Polypetalae, gamopetalae and monochlamydae includes:
(2 Gymnosperms
metachlamydae (1) Ferns
3) Achlamydae, diclamydeae and
4) Al the above
4 Archlchlamydae, sympetalae &apetalae
(3) Anglosperms
Bentham nWhittaker's fve kingdom classtfication,
he system of classification porposed by 18.
were assigned to
andHooker is
(1) Arthiclal (2) Natural (1) All the fve kingdom
fve kngdoms
3 Phylogenetic (4) Numerical
(2) Only four of the
based on
e cificaton of Linnaeus was mainly (3) Only three kingdom
) Sepals (2) Steam
(4) Only one kngdom contains the
(3) Petals (4) Stamens plantarum whlch
The book genera
classificaton of seed plants
was wrote by
Kingdom nera comprises the
2) De Jusleu
Plants of economlc Importance (1) LInnaeus
4 All the pleants studied in botany and Hooker (4)
(3) Bentham
13) Prokaryotc organisms
4 Plants of
Thallophyta group
Pre-Medical Systema Naturae" book was
the book|30. written by
0Theorie elementaire de la botanique" is (1) Angler and prantle (2) Darin
of: (2) De Candolle
(3) Linnaeus 4) Oswald &
(1) Takhtajan to Elchler
(4) Linnaeus According cryptogamia
(3) Elchler
Carolus Linnaeus classified plant kingdom
on the
(1) Gymnosperm and Anglosperm inctudes
basis of (2) Thallophyta and Gymnosperm
(1) Aoral morphology
(2) Overall morphology of plants 3) Thallophyta, Bryophyta and Pteridk
(3) Type of sexual reproduction 4) Only anglosperm
(4) Anatomical
Which of the character
following book was written by 32. According to Whittaker kingdom mone
(1) Unicellular eukaryotes
(1) Enquiry in to plants (2) Prokaryotes
(2) Causes of Plants (3) Slime molds & protozoa
(3) Historia plantanum
(4) All the above (4) Multicelluar & eukaryotes
23. Oswald-Tippo included how many divisions in sub 33. Linnaeus proposed an outine of plant cheet
kingdom thalophyta: in
(1) 20-divisions (2) 10-divisions (1) Genera Plantarum
(3) 7-diviskons (4) 2-divisions
(2) Species Plantarum
24. First plant classification was given by :
(1) Linneaus (2) John-Ray (3) Systema Naturae
(3) Aristotle (4) Darwin (4) Philosophia Botanica
25. Division "Tracheophyta" includes-
34. The earliest serious efforts to classily the iMingt
(1) Bryophyta
(2) All vascular plants were made by-
(3) Al non-vascular plants (1) Greek philosophers
(4) All nonvascular and vascular plants (2) Latin Amerícan scientist
26. Which group of plant have embryo but not vascular
(3) British herbalists
(4) Indian Hakims
(1) Cyanophyta (2) Tracheophyta
(3) Bryophyta (4) Chlorophyta 35. Classification proposed by Bentham and Hoc
27. According to Benthum & Hooker total families of mainly based on
real flowering plants- (1) Embryological characters
(1) 202 (2) 199 (2) Floral characters
(3) 34 (4)85 (3) Vegetative characters
28. The word Cryptogamia was colned by
: (4) Phylogenetic characters
(1) Theophrastus (2) Linnaeus 36. The separation of living beings into fe krg
(3) Benthum& Hooker (4) John-Ray
29. is based on
According to Oswald Tippo Angiosperms are placed
under (1) Complexity of cell structure
(1) Atracheata (2) Thallophyta (2) Complexity of organism's body
(3) Tracheophyta (4) Spermatophyta (3) Mode nutrition
HISTORY OF TAXONOMY 14) Allthe above
2 3 4
4 4 56789 10 15
A34 3 2 2 4
11 12 13
1617 3
18 19 20 21 22 23| 32 s Is 2
24| 25 26 27 28
31 32 33 34 35 3 2 3 2 |23
A. 3 2 3 1 2 4
occurs at
10. Trichodesmtum erythrium which hmparts red cokour
I nblue g r e e n

to sea water of red sea is a

( )Chromatophore

(1) Cyanobacterium (2) Red Algae

( 2 )C h l o r o p l a s t

lamellae or thylakolds (3) Diatom (4) Red Coral

4 )C h r o m o p l a s t
11. Archaebacterial cell lacks
(1) Peptidoglycan (2) DNA
bloom is
(2) Blue green algae (3) Ribosomes
(1) Green algae
(4) Branched Chain Lipids
(4) Hydrilla
(3) Bacteria
12. Which enzyme specificaly occurs in Heterocyst of
included in- blue green Algae
(2) Actinomycetes (1) Cytochrome oxidase (2) Nitrogenase
() Fungi (4) Peptidyd transferase
(3) E u b a c t e r i a l e s
(4) Vinus (3) Zymase
13. Most common method of reproduction
walls of
is present in cell
Muramic acid procaryotes
(2) Green algae (2) Binary fission
(1) Bacteria (1) Budding
(4) Conjugation
(4) All fungi (3) Transduction
(3) Yeast character of
is a
14.W h i c h of the following
membrane in bacteria are

Infoldings of plasma prokaryotes:

called as: membrane bound cel organelles
(2) Plasmid (1) Presence of
(1) Episomes
(4) Mesosomes Presence of distinct nucleus
(3) Pili (2)
distinct and cell wall 's
most actively in nitrogen
(3) Nucleus is not
The organisms participating of mucopeptide
nature are
cyclein Cytoplasm contain 80s ribosomes
(2) Legumes algae is
(1) Bacteria Harmful activity of
Blue green
15. (2) Water bloom
3) Parasitic algae (4) Fungi (1) Denitrification

which is associated with Increase alkalinity of soil

Heterocyst is a structure (3)
Decrease fertility of
(1) Reproduction
(2) Respiration in prokaryotes is
The function of

(4) Locomotion 16. Cell wal

3) Nitrogen fixation Aerobic respiration
(1) (4) N, fdxation
characterized by (1) and (2)
Procaryotic cell is plastids
organism whichfxes

Presence of nucleus, mitochondria

17. Symbiotic prokaryotic

4 Absence of cell wall, DNA

fibrils and plastids pheric N 2 ) Anabeena

fibrils and golgt (1) Spirogyra

Presence of spindle fibres, DNA (4) Slime-mokd

bodies bodies
(3) Cladophora
not a
character of
reticulum, golgi following is
4) A of endoplasmic Which of the
Absence 18.
and spindle fibres. prokaryote
the organized
Electtron microscopio observation
t (1) Lack of well
the cell of ribosome
abe membranes in of 70 s
absence of intracellular (2) Presence

of E.R
(1) Eucaryota (2) Mycota (3) Presence
Presence of
3) Thallophyta (4) Procaryota
(4) 121
Pre-Medical surface become
28. Moneran phylogeny is best evidencer
by se
ground of nucleotides in RNA of ribosomes
19. During the rainy season
On the
of this informatlon, the most
slippery due to
primitve mottee
(1) Fungi (2) Blue green are

(4) Slime molds (1) Archaebecterla

(3) Bryophytes
(2) Eubacterla
20. Photosynthesis of Blue green algae is
(3) Pilamentour bacteria
(2) Non oxygenic
(1) Oxygenlc
(4) Cyanobacteria
(3) Both oxygenic and non oxygenic

(4) None 29. Which of the following structure is not

of organisms prokaryotic cells

21. Which of the following is the only group (1) Plasma membrane
as source
capable of using inorganic compounds
(2) Ribosomes
of energy
(2) Chemolithotrophs (3) Nuclear membrane and membranou
(1) Fung
None of the above organelles
(3) Both the above (4)
(4) Hereditary substance
22. Link between procaryotes and
30. Which of the following is an exception od me
(1) Cyanobacterla (2) Protista kingdom
(3) Fungt (4) Plants
(1) Bacteria (2) Vinus
23. Which structure of prokaryotes is analogous to (3) Cyanobacteria (4) Mycoplasma
31. Prokaryotic smallest cell is
(1) Mesosome (2) Genophore
(1) Mycoplasma (2) Cyanobactera
(4) Perinuclear space
(3) Periplasmlc space
(4) Bacilus
(3) Bacterla
24. True sexual reproduction absent in 32. Organisms which obtain energy by the cau
(1) Yellow green algae (2) Red algae caled
of reduced inorganic compounds are

(3) Green algae (4) Blue green algae

(1) Photo autotrophs
25. Which of the following performs respiration with (2) Chemo autotrophs
the help of plasma membrane (3) Saprozoic
(1) Bacteria (2) Mycoplasma (4) Coproheterotrophs
(3) Fungi (4) All the above 33. Which bacteria are utilized in Gober gas

26. Which of the following can utillze light energy for (1) Methanogens
the synthesis of ATP- (2) Nitrlfying bacteria
(1) Slime molds (3) Ammonifying bacteria
(2) Cephaleiros (4) Denitrfying bacteria
(3) Halophies 34. Plasmid are
(4) Thermoecdophils (1) Virus
27. Richest source of bacteria ls: (2) New types of micro organism

(1) Air (2) Soll (3) Extra chromosomal genetic


(3) Water (4) Mlk (4) Essential bacterial genetic

A ree
Iving aerobi
acteria capable of
nitrogenIs fixing 45. Cell memb
( 1Arotobactor

(2) Rhizoblum (1) ibacteria

Cellloee and lpld is made up of
ostrkditun botulinuml4) Streptomyces 2) Chtin
becasue of
Wine tums
(3)Lpid+ Protein
( )Heat (2) Aerobic bacteria 4) Protelin and
(S) An aeroblc bacteria (4) Exposure to the light 46. Which organism
is most
of the following fixes (1) Algae useful for'soll
Which one
CO, in to carbo- fertility
hydrates (2) Fung
(1) Rhiaoblurn (2) Nitrobactor (3) Bacterta
3) Bacilus (4) Rhodospirillum (4) Bacterio phage
Anttbiotics cure disease by 47. Triple antigen DPT is meant for
() Compettive Inhibition (1) Vaccine agalnst
malaria, typhold and cancer
2 Pghting with the disease
causing organism (2) Mbxture of viruses that
caused tetanus, diptherta
) Turning the pathogen out of the body and whooping cough

4) Removing the paln

(3) Vaccine against polio rabis and
(4) Vaccine against Diptheria, Pertusis and
.Pure cuture of bacteria was first obtained by
48. Bacterial flagella are made of
() R. Koch (2) L.Pasture
(1) Carbohydrate (2) Lipkd
3) A. Leeuwenhock (4) J.Lister (3) Protein (4) Amlde
. When milk is heated at 62°C for 30 minute and 49. The mode of the nutrition of
then cooled the process is called
bacteria is usualy
(1) Photo autotrophic
(1) Sterilisation (2) Pasteurization
(2) Chemo autotrophic
(3) Nitrification (4) Freezing (3) Heterotrophic and autotrophike

. Antblotic mostly obtained from (4) None

50. Fertilty of soil is Increased by
(1) Bacteria (2) Viruses
3) Fung (4) Angiosperm (1) Nitrogen fixing
(2) Denitrifying bacteria
L Themain difference between gram and gram
(3) Plasmalemma

, resides in the composition of (4) Cellmembrane

(1) Cila (2) Cell-wall bacteria are
51. Mostly parasitic
3) Cell-membrane (4) Cytoplasm (1) Intracellular
(2) Intercelular

(4) None
A3, Fre bacteria are found in- (3) Obligate
found in -

(1) Air (2) Soil 52. nif gene is

(2) Salmonell
above (1) Pseudomonas
59 Root nodules 4) None of (4) Mycobacterum
(3) Rhizoblun inhkb
Pneumococus mcrobe and
ansformation" expertments using Chemlcals
produced by one
bacterla led to hypothesis that 53.
microbes are
growth of (2) Aflatoxin
DNA is genetic materal (1) Antibiotics
(4) Phytoalexcin

acterla have sexual reproduction (3) Antbodles

(3 Chromosomes are made up
of DNA

4RNA s atransfer link

Oati rla are not
56. At Whlcn plaCe
4. Plant pathogenic bacterla are
(1) Soil (2) lce
(1)Gram (2) Gram
(3) Both (4) None
(3) Sea
Distlled wate
55. Souring of milk is due to 57. Which of the following Involves the direct
of genetic materlal from one bacteriato trand
(1) Aeroblc bacterla to andhe
(1) Conugation
(2) Anaerobic bacterla
(2) Transformation
(3) Both
(3) transduction
(4) None


Qaue 1 2 3 4 56 9910 11 7 8 1213 14
Ans.3 2 2
I 4|1 3 22
Que. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25|26 27 28
Ans. 3 2 3 2 1 |2 3 4
Que. 3132 33 1 3 |2 1
34|35 36 37|38 3940 441|2|
1 42

Ans. 1 1|3 1 2 2 4 1 |2 2
Que. 46 4748 49 50 51| 52 53 54 55 56 L57
Ans. 3 4 3 3 1 2
I3 241
modium Is characteristic of

Acelalar slme molds

10. he dlatomao
and steam haceous
earth ls useved to
(1) The wall because Insulate bole
D l e t o m s

of dlatoms
Caluier silme molds 2) The ls
depolted wth
enAlgae is the common name of (3) t is adlatomacaous earth is chesp calctum
alongtng to
Algae (4) The well of conductor of heat
(2) Pyrrophyta 11. Shel of
dlatoms ls made ol

diatoms ls made of
aglenophyta (4) Cyanophyta (1) Sllca up
d cell wall and blflagellated cell are (2) Calclum carbonate
duracterlstic of (3) Keratn
( Choywophyta (2) Pyrrophyta (4) Calclum oxalate
Eaglenophyta (4) Cyanophyta 12. "Diatomite" (Katselgurh) ls
Herotrophic nutritlon is characteristlc of which
(1) Myxophyceae obtained from
goup (2) Becilarnophycene
(3) Phaeophyceae 4) Rhodophyce
(0 Xanthophyta (2) Chrysophyta
13. Which one of the
Euglenophyte (4) Cyanophyta following is not a dlatom ?
Olsand Leucosine are characteristic stored food (1) Nostoc (2) Navicula
n 3) Cyclotella (4) Pinnulari
0 Dnolagelates (2) Euglenolds 14. Most characteristic feature of
dlatoms is
Dlatoms (4) None (1) Pigments (2) Stored food
Armoured algae are (3) Cell wal
( Dinoflagelates (2) Fuglenoids (4) Non oxygenic photosynthes
Red algae (4) Cyanobacterla 15. Taxonomically the most controerslal group is
The dlatoms do not easily decay like most of the (2) Dlatoms
(1) Dinofliagellates
dber Algee becauser (4) Prokryate
(3) Euglenolds
They have water proof cells Decomposer protistsare
4 Thelr walls are (2) Dinofiagelat
mucilagenous (1) Dlatoms
4) Buglerold
9 They have
highly sliceous wall (3) Slmemouds

They are non living The dead remalns of

dlatoms known as
dletoms are known as -

a heat resistant materlal is obtained| (1) Coenoblum
(2 Sporangla
4) Sporocarp
(3) Kleselgurh
Red Alga (2) Brown Algae
Euglenoldls can
Besides the
Datoms (4) Fungl 18
also pertom


oa ke to five kngdom system the unicelu

Incuded in

oflagellates, Dlatoms and Euglenolds (2) Metazoa

hduded in kingdom (1) Monere

(4) Protista

Monere (2) Protista (3) Metaphyta

(4) Animalia
"Naked fungi" (Sime moulds) are
are naked
Pre-Medical classification of
19. Taxonomists feel dificulty in (1) When they are reproducing
(2) When they are not reproducinoa
(1) Procaryotes
(2) Unlcelluler eucaryotes (3) Always naked

(3) Plants (4) Never naked

(4) Antmals
20. Which of the followng unlcellular algae reproduce 29. Dinofiagellates are called fire algae d e to w
and store
by have sihctfied cell wall
auxospores, character
leucosine and (1) They appear like fire due to pigmes
food in the form of fats,
chrysolamlnarin (2) They produce fire due to friction
(1) Diatoms (3) They occur on burnt places
(2) Yellow green algae
(4) They show bloluminiscence
(3) Dinofiageletes
4) Euglenolds 30. Toxins (Saxitoxins) secreted by some
1. Dinoflagellates glow during dark because : enter the body of human beings through
and result in
( Their body contalns large amount of phosphorus
(2 Their body is covered by luminlscent layer (1) Madness (2) Paralysis
(3) They absorb light and emit some part of it (3) Syphlis 4) Plague
(4) Of presence of photogenlc granules Diatoms float in water due to :
2. ParamyBum is stored food of (1) Stored fats (2) Gas Vacuoles
(1) Dinoflagellate (2) Euglenold (3) Flagella 4) Air chambers
(3) Diatom (4) Slilme mould
The most efficdent locomotion in protista is through -
82. Dead remains of Diatoms at sea bed are cal
(1) Pseudopodia 2) Flagela (1) Keiselgurh (2) Prustule
(3) Cilia (4) Tentacles (3) Coral reefs (4) None
A dinoflagellete which is also known as sea
ghost. 33. Protists should be better termed as
(1) Euglena (2) Cerattum (1) Acellular (2) Cellular
(3) Noctiluca (4) Gonyaulax (3) Multicellular (4) Coenocyte
Organlsm of whlch kngdom feed like anlmals and
perform photosynthesis ke plants - 34. Whlch of the following eucaryotes are devo
(1) Monera (2) Protista histone proteins
(3) Mycota (4) Animalla (1) Golden algae (2) Euglenoids
"Pire algae belongs to group
(3) Fire aigae (4) Slime Moud
(1) Pyophyta 35. Which of the
(2) Chrysophyta following algae secrete SaxTou
(1) Gonyaulax (2) Oscllatorla
(3) Euglerophyta
(3) Noctiluca 4) Pyrocystis
(4) Rhodophyta
36. The diatomaceous earth is used for
In euglencids, the stored food is paramylum whlch and steam
is a plpes because
(1) Converslon product of () The diatomaceous earth is very che
(2) Converslon product ot starch (2) It is a good conductor of heat
(3) A type of Ipld (3) It is a bad
conductor of heat
(4) A type af protein (4) It is coniposed of calclum carbonae
Kelelgurh" s 42. Auospores are formed by -
of Dlatoms
(1) Sliciied deposts (1) Dlatoms (2) Euglenoids
of Dilatoms
(2) Calcthed depostts (3) Dinofiagelates (4) bacteria
(3 Plgments of Diatoms 43. Protists which are dplotd reproduce seualy by the
(4) Deposlts of calkclum oxalate in uglenokds process
I n whlch of the following, the body ls an aggregation (1) Zygotic metosts
of amoebold cells (2) Cyst formation
( Acelular sime molds (3) Binary fission
(2) Celhilar sime molds (4) gametic melosis.
(3) Diatoms
44. Photosynthetc protists are mainly -

(4) Dinoflagllate (1) Multicellar, prokaryotc, photosynthetic

39. Dlatoms perform which type of movement in (2) Unicelular, prokaryotic. photosynthetc
water (3) Unicelular, eukaryotic, photosynthetic
(1) Swimming (2) Amoebokd (4) Muiticelhuiar, eukaryotc, photosynthetc
(3) Floating3 (4) Clary 45. Red tides' are produced byy
40. Protist used for the construction of sound proof (1) Red algae
rooms, is (2) Dinoflagellates
(1) Dinoflagelate (2) Diatomss (3) Diatoms
(3 Euglenolds (4) Zooflagellates (4) Brown algae
41. One of the following dinofiagelate is called night
(1) Cerattum (2) Noctilucaa
(3) Navicula 4) Gymnodiniur

1 2 3 4 s678 9 10 1112 13 1415
12 3 3 1 3 3 |2 4 1 2 1
16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 2425 26 2728 29 30
A 34
3 1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 5
1. One of the common fungal disease of human Is 11. Sexual cycle ls absent in
(1) Cholera (2) Plague (1) Phycomycetes (2) Deuteromycets
(3) Typhold (4) Ring worm (3) Ascomycetes (4) Besidiomycetes
2. Fungal hyphae penetrate hard cell wells of thelr 12. Penlcllum roquefortil and P. camemertl
hosts with the help ofi- In the preparatlon of cheese.
These fungare
(1) Enzymes (2) Hormones toclass bec
(3) Sharp tps (4) Suger Exudates (1) Zygomycetes (2) Oomycetes
3. A fungus completing ts life (3) Deuteromycetes (4) Ascomycetes
cycle on a single host Is
known as: 13. The fungl are -

(1) Dikaryotic (2) Autoecious (1) Autotrophie (2) Holotrophic

(3) Heteroclous (4) Heterothallilc (3) Chemotrophic (4) Heterotrophie
4. A flask shaped frulting body of Ascomycetes 14. All fungl are
called (1) With chlorophyll
(1) Sclerotium (2) Apotheclum (2) Without chlorophyill
(3) Cleistothecum (4) Pertheclum (3) With carotene
5. Which of the following secretes toxins during storage (4) Wall less
conditions of crop plants ICBSE-2002] 15. In class phycomycetes the mycelium is
(1) Aspergilhus (2) Penicillum (1) Coenocytic and aseptate
(3) Fusarium (4) Colletotrichum
(2) Coenocytc and septate
6. Which of the following characters Inddcate slmilarity (3) Uninucleate and aseptate
between fungl and animals
(1) Heterotrophic nutrition
(4) Multinucleate and septate
16. The Fungi whlch grow on dung is called
(2) Type of stored food
(3) Presence of chitin (1) Epbxyle (2) Coprophilous
(4) All the above (3) Keratinophlle (4) Xyllophllous
17. Coenocytie mycelum ls found In
7. The sac fungi belongs to
(1) Rhizopus (2) Mucor
(1) Ascomycetes (2) Bestdiomycetes
(3) Penicllum (4) Both 1 and 2
(3) Phycomycetes (4) Deuteromycetes
18. Stored food materlal of fungi
Neurospora, which is popularly known as
Drosophlla of plant kingdom, belongs to
(1) Cellulose (2) Stareh
(3) Glycogen and starch (4) Glycogen and a
(1) Phycomycetes (2) Ascomycetes
19. The cell wall of Fungt ls composed of
4)Bastcionmycetes (4) Deuteromycetes
The basidiomycetes includes
(1) Chtin (2) Cellulose

(1) Rusts
(3) Mucopeptide (4) Peeudomu
(2) Smuts
20. The chief characteristic of class Ascomycetes
(3) Mushrooms (4) All the above
(1) Formatlon of spores
10. Which of the following causes wheat rust dlsease
(2) Hyphae
(11A red Aigae (2) A green Algae
(3) Formation of ascospores
(3) A fungt (4) Myeoplasma
(4) Formation of zoospores

called "Drosophilla of plant31. Deuteromycetes are called Imperfect fung' as-
Which is commonly
kingdom" (1) They have no cell wall
(1) Morchell (2) Neurospora (2) No mycelium

(4) Claviceps (3) No sexual reproduction

(3) Rhizopus
are formed In an (4) No asexual reproduction
. Normally how many ascospores
ascus 32. Fungi which requdres two different hosts to complete
(2) 8-ascospores It's life cycle is called as
(1)4 ascospores
(1) Homothalle (2) Heterothallic
(3) 16 ascospores (4) 24 ascospores
(3) Heteroeclous (4) Autoecious
13. Edible partin mushrooms is
(1) Basidiospores (2) Mycellum 33. Acelospores of Puccinia are produced on
(1) Berberis leaves (2) Wheat leaves
(3) Pseudomycelum
(3) Mustard leaves (4) Raphanus leaves
(4) Complete basidiocarp
24. .Which scientist did work on rust dieease 34. Heterotrophic and absorptive mode of nutrition is

(1) Lederberg and tatum foundin-

(1) Algae (2) Fungt
(2) K.C. Mehata
(3) Bryophytes (4) Euglenolde
(3) Blakesle
35. Which of the following is called 'toad stools :-
(4) Wollman
(1) All mushrooms
25. A. Flemming isolated penicillin from
(2) Edlible mushrooms
(1) P. chrysogenum (2) P. notatum (3) Poisonous mushrooms
(3) Aspergllus fiavua (4) A. niger (4) None
6. Cell wall of Chitin Is found in 36. Yeast grows more quickly in
(1) Fungi (2) Bryophyta (1) Salt water (2) Sugar solution
(3) Bacteria (4) Anglosperms (3) Double distilled water (4) Marine water
7. The fungus
without mycelium Is 37. Which of the following Is a form class
(1) Phytophthora (2) Rhlzopus (1) Deuteromycetes (2) Basiciomycetes
(3) Seccharomyces (3) Rhodophyceae (4) Euglenophycese
(4) Microsporum
3 ndlan sclentist who worked on Pucctnla 38. Ergot fungil belongs to
(1) Ascomyoetes
(1J.C.Luthra (2) K.C. Mehta (2) Basiclomycetes
(3) C.V. Subramanlan (3) Phycomyeetes (4) Deuteromycetes
(4) K.G. Mukher 39. Professor K.C. Mehta is known for hls contribution
Poeudomycelum occurs In : In
(1) Muschroom (2) Mucor (1) Bryology (2) Plant phystology
(3) Bread mold (3) Virology (4) Plant pathology
(4) Yeast
40. Fungi are
Dollpoté septum" is the characteristic of ecolaogically important because
(1) Mypxomycetes (1 They yteld antblotcs
(2) Phycomycetes (2) They are used In genetc studbes
3) Deuteromycetes
(4) Basidiomycetas (3) They functton as decomposers
(4) All the above
41. Aleander Remming discovered penlcilin in 1928 46. Non-septate mycelum occurs in :
whle workng with (1) Phycomycetes (2) Ascomycetes
(1) Streptomyces (3) Bastdiomycetes (4) Deuteromycetes
(2) Bacteria (Staphylococcu
47. Clamp connectionssentin:
3) Perncitum notatum (1) Bastdiomycetes (2) Ascomycetes
(4)P.chrysogenum (3) Deuteromycetes (4) Phycomycetes
42. In fung lump of hyphae is refered to as
(1) Thailus
48. All fungl are:
(2) Haustortum (1) Symblonts (2) Parastes
(3) Mycelurm (4) Carpogonlum (4) Heterotrophs
(3) Saprophytes
43. The trectonalclas caton offungl ls basedon: 49. Aspergillosls is caused by :-
(1) Reserve food (1) Virus (2) Bacterla
(2) Sexual reproduction (4) Mycoplasma
(3) Fungt
(3) Flagella 50. Nucleated, spore bearing non chloro phyMo
(4) Structure of spores plants belong to-
Plarnt group which shows Heterotrophlc mode of (1) Monera (2) Thalophya
nutritlon s (3) Fungl (4) Bryophyta
(1)Algae (2) Fungi 51. Which fungal disease spreads by seed and
3) Bryophytes (4) Pterkdophytes
(1) Loose smut of Wheat
45. Sexual reproduction absent in SE-200
(2) Corn stunt
(1) Phycomycetes (2)Deuteromycetes (3) Covered smut of Barley
(3) Zygomycetes (4) Bastdiomycetes
(4) Soft rot of Potato

12s 4 s
A412414 |7
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12 4 32
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31 32 33 34
2224 2 21 3 2
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44|
ASS12 3
Q 46 47 48 49 50 51 |2|


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