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Nama : Isna Fauziah

NIM : 012223100

Kelompok : 2 (Dua)

Kelas : B Sore

A : “Hi! What is your name?

B : My name is Isna Fauziah,you can call me isna or de isna

A : Would you tell me where do you live?

B : I’m from Garut

A : What’s your activity?

B : I’m currently taking a college in Stikom Bandung

A : How long have you been studying?

B : Just in the second semester studying at Stikom Bandung

A : How many Siblings do you have?

B : I have Six Brothes,four older sisters and two older brothers

A ; What do you like to do in your free time?

B : I really like Read books, play volleyball, badminton and playing the guitar

Fun Fact
A : tell me 1 fun fact of yours?

B : I don't like balloons because I'm traumatized and said my friends when I was in high school, my laugh was

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