Historical Foundation L4-7

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Military education -only for the sons of the nobles

PRIMITIVE EDUCATION/PRIMITIVE SOCIETIES (7000 B.C.- Education for public administration- for those who
5000 B.C.) aspired for positions in the government because the
pharaoh needed many assistants to implement his
• Educational Goals desires.
–To teach group the survival skills--- protection from the Methods of Instruction
destructive forces of nature, both human and divine -Apprenticeship
–to cultivate group cohesiveness/ social security –Observation
•Curriculum –Imitation
–Practical skills of hunting, fishing, food gathering •Agents
–Theoretical through stories, myths, songs, poems, –Family
dances –Temples- centers of advanced learning
•Agents •Influences on Western Education
–Family/Parents –Importance of Apprenticeship
–Tribal Elders –Education on Different Disciplines
–Priests/ Leaders of Worshippers
•Influences on Western Education HINDU EDUCATION (3000 B.C.)
–Emphasis on role of informal education in transmission •Educational Goals
of skills and values –Intellectual
SUMERIAN EDUCATION (5000 B.C.-4000 B.C.) –Cultural
“He whose eyes are not open enters it, •CURRICULUM
He whose eyes are wide open comes out of it” Religious, Vocational, Literature, Law, History, Medicine,
•Educational Goals Mathematics and Military education
–Train the learners to be good •Agents
•Curriculum –Home
–Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Vocational, –Monasteries
Professional and Art Education, Law •Gurukula System
•Agents •Outstanding Contribution in Education
–Home –Decimal System in Arithmetical Notation
–Temples (Edduba) Teacher (Ummia)
•Methods of Instruction CHINESE EDUCATION
Imitation and copying the students just imitated copying Educational Goals
what the teacher had written. Followed by minimal –Ideological and Moral Learning
explanation –Cultural Development
Preparation of tablets dealt with their lessons –Civil Services and Military
Flogging the penalty of the pupil who failed to prepare •Curriculum
his tables –Maxims and Doctrines, Civic and Military Education
•Outstanding Contribution to Education Agents
–Cuneiform Writing –Home, Schools, Teachers of rich pupils
-Sexagesimal (base 60) is a numeral system with sixty as •Methods
its base. –Confucian Method, Memorization
•Outstanding Contribution to Education
EGYPTIAN EDUCATION (3000 B.C.-300 B.C.) –Civil Service Administration
•Educational Goals
–Cultural--To preserve their culture GREEK EDUCATION
–Utilitarianwriting and account keeping Educational Goals
•Curriculum –To cultivate civic responsibility and identity with city-
–Domestic Training state
–Religious and Vocational-Professional *In Athens
Types of Education –To develop a well rounded person
Religious education – predominant as the priests wanted -Reading, writing, arithmetic, drama, music, physical
to inculcate in the mind of the learners proper respect for education, literature, poetry
the gods, moral conduct, and a preparation for life after Agents
death Private Teachers and schools, Sophists/philosophers
Vocational-professional education also predominant Influences to Western Civilization
because they wanted perpetuate the artistic skills that •The concept of well-rounded, liberally educated person
embellished their temples and other buildings and their
–Christian Education
* in Sparta –Monasticism
-To develop soldiers and military leaders Curriculum –Scholasticism
•Drill, military songs and tactics •Christian Education
Agents –Educational Aim
•Military Teachers, Drill Sergeants •Moral regeneration of the individual
Influences to Western Civilization Content
–The concept of military state –Basic Elements of Church Doctrines, Church Rituals and
morals virtues taught by Christ
• Educational Goals –Church, Cathechumenal Schools/ CatecheticalSchools
–To develop sense of civic responsibility for republic and Monasticism
then empire –School of Monks
–To develop administrative and military skills •Aim- salvation of human souls, moral and physical
–To develop the “vir bonus”- the good citizen, the good discipline
soldier and the good worker Monasticism
• Curriculum Content
–Reading, Writing & Arithmetic, Laws of Twelve Tables, –4Rs, Trivium (Grammar, Rhetoric and Dialectic)
Law and Philosophy, Roman History –Quadrivium (Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy and
•Agents Music)
–Family, elementary teacher (ludi magister), grammar •Scholasticism
teacher (gramaticus), in the school of rhetorics, teachers Aim- Doctrines of the Church by rational judgment
were called the rhetors MEDIEVAL EDUCATION
Two of the most influential teachers and thinkers in Rome •SCHOLASTICISM
were Cicero and Quintilian. –Rise of Medieval Universities in Europe Guild Approach
Cicero- The Orator to Education
–He exposed the wide practical experience on the art of The Crusaders brought the Rise of Social Class
leadership Rise of Appenticeship
Quintilian-Institutes of Oratory Two Types of Guilds
–He suggested competition and awards as a basis for –Merchant guild and Craft Guild
motivation in place of corporal punishment. Influences to Western Education
• Influences on Western Civilization –Organization of the University
–Emphasis on the ability to use education for practical –Institutionalization and preservation of Knowledge
administrative skills; relating education to civic
responsibility. Renaissance Education
–Romans were the first to study foreign languages to put Aim
women in schools. –To cultivate humanist who was expert in the classics-
–Regulation of the school was under the support of the Greek and Latin
state. –To prepare courtiers for service to dynastic leaders
ARABIC EDUCATION –Latin, Greek, classical Literature , poetry and art Agents
Educational Goals –Court Schools- for the nobility
–To cultivate religious commitment to Islamic beliefs –Classical secondary Schools
–To develop expertise in Mathematics, medicine and –Gymnasium
science. Influences to Western Education
Curriculum –Emphasis on literary knowledge, excellence and style
–Reading, Writing, –Two track system of schools
Mathematics, Religious Literature, Scientific studies.
Mosques, Court Schools Educational Goal
Influences on Western Civilization –To cultivate a sense of commitment to a particular
–Arabic Numerals and Computation religious denomination
–Classical Materials on Science and Medicine Educational –To cultivate general literacy
Goals Curriculum
–4r’s, catechism, Latin and Greek Theology
Medieval Education Agents Vernacular elementary schools for the masses
–To develop religious commitments knowledge, and ritual Classical schools for the Upper class
–To reestablish social order • Influences to Western Education
–To prepare persons for appropriate roles Components –Commitment of universal literacy to the masses
–Origins of schools systems -National support for elementary education
-Compulsory education enrolled in grade 1
-Adoption of one teacher one class

•Education was unstructured, decentralized. -Make the people understand the East Asian Co-
•Informal education Prosperity Sphere
•Children were provided vocational training but lesser -Eradication of the idea of reliance upon Western States
academics. particularly the US and Great Britain
•Tribal tutors (Babaylan or katalonan) -Fostering a new Filipino culture based on the
Education during the Spanish Era consciousness of the people as Orientals
*Education was formal and organized. -Elevating the moral of the young people giving up over-
*Authoritarian emphasis on materialism
*Parochial Schools -Diffusion of the elementary education and promotion of
*Instruction was religious centered vocation education
*Christian doctrines, sacred songs and prayers -Striving for the diffusion of the Japanese language in the
*Ilustrados were accommodated in the schools Philippines and the termination of the use of English in
The Educational Decree of1863 schools.
*This law gave the Filipinos a complete system of -Developing in people the love of labor
education from elementary to the collegiate level. Post-Colonial Philippines
*Establishment of elementary schools in all -Education aimed at the full of realization of the
municipalities. Curriculum was focused on 3 r’s, Christian democratic ideals and way of life.
doctrine, Spanish language. -The Civil Service Eligibility of teachers was made
*Attendance in school was compulsory between the ages permanent Pursuant to R.A. 1079 in June 15, 1954
of 7-12 -A daily flag ceremony was made compulsory in all
Education During the American Regime (1898-1946) schools including the singing of National Anthem pursuant
*The Americans promoted democratic ideals and the to R.A. 1265 approved on June 11, 1955.
democratic way of life. -Curricular in all schools about the life of Jose Rizal
*A system of free and compulsory education was -Elementary education was nationalized and
established by the Malolos Constitution matriculation fees were abolished.
*Training was done through the schools both public and -Magna Carta for Teachers was passed into law by virtue
secular manned by Chaplains and Military Officers of the of R.A.4670
US Army Other Developments
*Thomasites arrived in the Philippines on August 23, -Integration of values in all areas
1901. The University of the Philippines was founded in -Mandates the use of English and Filipino separately as
1908. It was the first state school of university status. media of instruction
The Department of Public Instruction Education Act of 1982- created the Ministry of Education,
–1st level (4 year primary, 3 year intermediate or seven Culture and Sports
year curriculum) NCEE- National College Entrance
–2nd level (4 year junior college) -Examination introduced Executive Order No. 117-
–3rd level (4 year degree program President Corazon Aquino
Commonwealth Period (1935-1942) -Creation of the Board for Professional Teachers
*Free education in public schools -Replacement of PBET to LET
*Vocational education -Transfer of authority in administering LET CSC and DECS
*Education also emphasized nationalism to the Board of
*Goods manners and discipline Professional Teachers under PRC
*Establishment of private education -Trifocalization of Education System
*Formal adult education was also given CHED is responsible for higher education. R.A. 7722-
• Executive Order No. 134 of 1936–Designating Tagalog Higher Education Act of 1994
as the National Language R.A. 9155- transforming DECS to DepEd
Executive Order No. 217- Quezon Code of Ethics was -Values education is offered as a separate education NESC
taught in the schools R.A. 10157- Kindergartern Act
Commonwealth Period R.A.10533- K-12 program
Executive Order No. 263- teaching of Filipino was
Education Act of 1940- reduction of 7 year elementary
course to 6 years
-Fixing school entrance at the age of 7

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