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( Lêi nãi ®Çu )

Cuèn s¸ch nµy ®îc biªn so¹n ®Ó d¹y cho häc sinh chuyªn nghiÖp kü thuËt. Néi
dung v¨n ph¹m dùa trªn c¬ së cña ch¬ng tr×nh Streamlines Departures, ch¬ng
tr×nh tiÕng Anh dïng cho häc sinh, sinh viªn trêng kü thuËt, ch¬ng tr×nh tõ vùng
chuyªn ngµnh c«ng nh©n kü thuËt...
Môc ®Ých cña cuèn s¸ch nµy gióp cho häc sinh chuyªn nghiÖp kü thuËt ®¹t
®îc tr×nh ®é tiÕng Anh cÇn thiÕt lµ c¬ së ®Ó häc sinh häc tiÕp c¸c ch¬ng
tr×nh cao h¬n cho t¬ng lai theo chuyªn ngµnh kü thuËt vµ cã kh¶ n¨ng ¸p dông
tiÕng Anh mét c¸ch thµnh th¹o nh mét ph¬ng tiÖn giao tiÕp trong c¸c t×nh huèng
®Æc trng ®èi víi ho¹t ®éng nghÒ nghiÖp trong t¬ng lai.
Néi dung ch¬ng tr×nh gåm 25 bµi häc. Mçi bµi ®îc chia theo c¸c phÇn: tõ vùng
c¬ b¶n ( céng tõ kü thuËt ), cÊu tróc ng÷ ph¸p theo néi dung bµi kho¸, luyÖn tËp
thùc hµnh, bµi tËp.
Qua ®ã häc sinh cã thÓ sö dông c¸c tõ kü thuËt b»ng tiÕng Anh ®Ó ®Æt
c©u hoÆc diÔn ®¹t c©u ®¬n gi¶n.
Trong qu¸ tr×nh biªn so¹n ch¾c ch¾n sÏ kh«ng tr¸nh khái thiÕu sãt, rÊt mong
®îc sù ®ãng gãp cña c¸c ®ång nghiÖp vµ quý b¹n ®äc ®Ó néi dung cuèn s¸ch
®îc phong phó hoµn thiÖn h¬n trong lÇn biªn so¹n sau.
Xin ch©n thµnh c¶m ¬n .

tæ m«n tiÕng anh

Key to phonetic symbols
(HÖ thèng ký hiÖu phiªn ©m)

Stt Ký Thi dô Stt Ký Thi dô

hiÖ hiÖ
u u
1. i sit, is, lid 1. b bad, job, but

2. i: see, eve, be 2. p pen, type, poor

3. e ten, end, men 3. t tea, put, mate

4. æ hat, gas, man 4. d did, die, window

5. a arm, car, far 5. k cat, kid, take

6. ‫כ‬ got, hot, not 6. g got, dog, give

7. ‫כ‬: saw, horn, all 7. t∫ chin, chair, teach

8. u put, look, pull 8. dʒ job, june, large

9. u: too, crew, boot 9. f fall, cuff, life

10 Λ cup, run, bus 10 v voice, love, vice

. .

11 ∂ ago, over, an 11 θ think, truth

. .

12 ∂: fur, word, sir 12 ð this, then, bathe

. .

13 s so, set, cease


13 ei page, ate, day 14 z zoo, busy, noisy

. .

14 ∂u go, no, home 15 ∫ she, wash, nation

. .

15 ai five, ice, high 16 ʒ vision, leisure

16 au now, out, pound 17 h how, ahead, he
. .

17 ‫כ‬i toy, noise, boy 18 m man, more, aim

. .

18 i∂ near, hear, beer 19 n nice, nine, no

. .

19 e∂ hair, wear, fair 20 ŋ sing, drink

. .

20 u∂ tour, poor, sure 21 l leg, low, line

. .

22 r red, drive, mirror


23 j yes, yard, year


24 w wet, word, swim


The English Alphabets

(B¶ng ch÷ c¸i)

A/ei/ B /bi:/ C /si:/ D /di / E / i: / F / ef / G /dʒi:/

H /eit∫ / I /ai/ J /dʒei/ K /kei/ L /el/ M /em/ N /en/
O /∂ u/ P /pi: / Q /kju:/ R /a:/ S /es/ T /ti:/ U /ju:/
V /vi:/ W /'dΛblju:/ X /eks/ Y /wai/ Z /zed/

C¸c ch÷ viÕt t¾t cña c¸c tõ lo¹i

adj. adjective TÝnh tõ

adv. adverb Tr¹ng tõ
conj. conjunction Liªn tõ
interj. interjection Th¸n tõ
n. noun Danh tõ
prep. preposition Giíi tõ
pron. pronoun §¹i tõ
v. verb §éng tõ

C¸ch chµo hái

- Hello /h∂'l∂u/ ( interj) Xin chµo
- Good morning / gud'm ‫כ‬:niŋ / Xin chµo ( s¸ng )
- Good afternoon / guda: ft∂'nu:n/ Xin chµo ( chiÒu)
- Good evening / gud 'i:vniŋ / Xin chµo ( tèi )
- Good bye / gud’bai / Chµo t¹m biÖt
- Good night / gud' nait / Chµo t¹m biÖt ( tèi )
Chóc ngñ ngon

Unit one : Hello

- fine / fain/ ( adj. ) tèt, khoÎ
- from / From/ ( Prep.) tõ ( ®©u tíi )
- how? / hau / ( adv.) nh thÕ nµo, thÕ nµo?
- no /n∂u/ (interj.) kh«ng
- student / 'stju:d∂nt/ (n.) sinh viªn, häc sinh
- teacher /'ti: t∫∂ / (n.) gi¸o viªn
- very /'veri/ (adv.) rÊt
- well /wel/ (adj.) khoÎ ( nghÜa trong bµi )

- where ? /we∂/ (adv.) ®©u,ë ®©u?
- yes /jes/ (interj.) v©ng, d¹, õ
- and /ænd/ (con) vµ, víi
- worker / ‘w∂:k∂/ (n) c«ng nh©n, ngêi thî

- And you ? Cßn b¹n th× sao ?
- To be from Tõ (®©u ®Õn, quª ë ®©u)
- Hello Xin chµo, chµo b¹n
- How are you ? B¹n cã khoÎ kh«ng ?
- Thanks c¶m ¬n
- Thank you

Geographical names
- Agentina /a:dʒ∂n'ti:n∂/ Níc Achentina
- England / 'iŋgl∂nd/ Níc Anh
- Greece / gri:s/ Níc Hy l¹p
- Holland / 'hol∂nd/ Níc Hµ lan
- Turkey /'t∂:ki/ Níc Thæ nhÜ kú
- Spain / spein/ Níc T©y ban nha
- Canada /’kæn∂d∂/ Níc Cana®a

A - Hello ! I'm Alan.
S - Hello ! I'm Sally.
A - Are you a student ?
S - No, I'm not.
A - Are you a teacher ?
S - Yes, I am.
A - Where are you from ?
S - I'm from Canada.

John - Hello, David !

David - Hello, John !
How are you ?
John - I'm very well, thanks
and you ?
David - I'm fine, thank you.

Exercise 1
- Hello, I'm……………… I'm from………………………

- Hello, I'm………………. I'm from………………………

Exercise 2
………………a student ? ………….from England ?
No, ……………………. No, ……………………..
……………a teacher ? Where are you from ?
Yes,,…………………… I'm from……………….

Exercise 3
DÞch sang tiÕng Anh
1.Anh cã ph¶i lµ gi¸o viªn kh«ng ?
Kh«ng, t«i kh«ng ph¶i.
2. B¸c cã ph¶i lµ c«ng nh©n kh«ng ?
V©ng, ®óng vËy.
3. ChÞ tõ ®©u ®Õn ?
T«i tõ níc Anh ®Õn.
4. ThÕ cßn anh th× sao ?
T«i tõ níc Hµ lan ®Õn.
5. ChÞ cã ph¶i lµ sinh viªn kh«ng ?
V©ng, ®óng thÕ.

Unit two : Excuse me

- excuse me / ik'skju:zmi:/ (v) xin lçi
- English / ‘iŋgli∫ / (n) ngêi Anh, tiÕng Anh
- pardon? /'pa:dn / (v) g× c¬ ¹?
- engineer / endʒi'ni∂/ (n) kü s
- electrician / ilek'tri∫n / (n) thî ®iÖn
- please / pli:z / (interj ) xin vui lßng, xin mêi
- sit down / sit daun/ (v) ngåi xuèng
- tea /ti:/ (n) trµ
- sugar /'∫ug∂/ (n) ®êng( ¨n)
- mechanic /mi'kænik/ thî m¸y
- stand (up) / stænd /v ®øng ( ®øng lªn )
Nations / nationalities
- America /∂’merik ∂/ - American /∂’merik ∂n / Níc/ NgêiMü
- Argentina /a:dʒ∂n’ti:n∂/ - /a:dʒ∂n’ti:ni∂n/ Níc /Ngêi Achentina
- Brazil /br∂’zil/ Argentinian /br∂’zili ∂n / Níc /Ngêi Braxin
- Canada /’kæn∂d∂/ - Brazilian /k∂’neidi∂n/ Níc /Ngêi Cana®a
- China /’t∫ain∂/ - Canadian /t∫ai’ni:z / Níc /Ngêi Trung quèc
- Holland / ’h ‫כ‬l∂nd/ - Chinese /dΛt∫ / Níc /Ngêi Hµ lan
- France /fra:ns/ - Dutch / frent∫ / Níc /Ngêi Ph¸p
- Greece /gri:s/ - French / gri:k / Níc /Ngêi Hy l¹p
- Italy /‘it∂li/ - Greek / i’tæli∂n / Níc /Ngêi ý
- Japan /dʒ∂’pæn/ - Italian Níc /Ngêi NhËt
- Mexico / ‘meksik∂u / -Japanese Níc /Ngêi Mehic«
/ ‘meksik∂n /
- Spain / spein/ -Mexican Níc /Ngêi T©y ban nha
/ ‘spæni∫ /
- Russia / ‘r∧∫∂/ -Spanish Níc /Ngêi Nga
/‘r∧∫∂n /
- Turkey /’t∂:ki/ -Russian Níc /Ngêi Thæ nhÜ kú
- Cambodia /kæm’b∂udi∂/ -Turkish /’t∂:ki∫/ Nuíc /Ngêi Kampuchia
- Laos - / kæm’b∂udi∂n/ Níc /Ngêi lµo
Cambodian / ‘la:‫∫כ‬n /
- Laotian

A - Excuse me !
B - Yes?
A - Are you English ?
B - Pardon ?
A - Are you English ?
B - Oh, yes, we are.
A - Oh, I'm English
Are you engineers ?
B - No, we aren't.
We are electricians.

B - Please, sit down.

A - Thank you
B - Tea ?
A - Yes, please
B - Sugar ?
A - No, thanks

B - Where are you from ?
A - I'm from London.
B - Are you a teacher ?
A - No, I'm not.
I'm a mechanic.

Look at this

1 One /wΛn/ 6 Six /siks/ 11 Eleven /'ilev∂n/ 16 Sixteen /siks'ti:n/

2 Two /Tu:/ 7 Seven /’sev∂n 12 Twelve /twelv/ 17 /sev∂n'ti:n/
3 /θri: 8 Eight / 13 Thirteen /θ∂:'ti:n/ Seventeen /ei'ti:n/
Three /f ‫כ‬:/ 9 Nine /eit/ 14 /f ‫כ‬:'ti:n/ 18 /nain'ti:n/
4 Four /faiv/ 10 Ten /nain/ Fourteen /f×f'ti:n/ Eighteen /'twenti/
5 Five /ten/ 15 Fifteen 19
20 Twenty

Exercise 1. Exercise 2.
1 - He/New York/ American. 15: fifteen
Where is he from ? 1. 9:................... 6.
He's from New York 2. 19:................. 7. 8:..................
He's American 3. 16:................. 8.
2 - She /Paris / French 4. 13:................. 9.
3 - They /Russia/ Russian 5. 11:................. 10. 12:...............
4 - You / Japan/ Japanese
5 - He / Mexico/Mexican
6 - She / Canada/ Canadian
7 - They / China/ Chinese
8 - It / Turkey/ Turkish
9 - We / Argentina/ Argentinian
10 - You /Spain/ Spanish

Unit three What is it ?
- a hammer / 'hæm∂/ n c¸i bóa
- a saw / s ‫כ‬:/ n c¸i ca
- a file / fail/ n c¸i giòa
- a knife / naif/n con dao
- a chisel / t∫isl / n c¸i ®ôc
- a socket / 's ‫כ‬kit / n æ c¾m
- a switch / swit∫ / n c«ng t¾c ®iÖn
- a lamp /læmp / n c¸i ®Ìn
- a fan / fæn / n c¸i qu¹t m¸y
- a drawer / dr ‫כ‬: ∂/ c¸i ng¨n kÐo
- a table / teibl/ n c¸i bµn
- a chair / t∫e∂/ n c¸i ghÕ
- a ladder / 'læd∂ / n c¸i thang
- a screw / skru: /n c¸i ®inh vÝt, bu l«ng
- a screwdriver / 'skru:draiv∂ / n c¸i tuèc n¬ vÝt
- a pencil / 'pensl /n c¸i bót ch×
- a pen / pen/ n c¸i bót mùc
- a ruler /'rul∂ / n c¸i thíc kÎ
- a bench / bent∫/ n c¸i ghÕ b¨ng
- a box / b ‫כ‬ks /n c¸i hép
- a shelf / ∫elf / n c¸i gi¸, c¸i kÖ
- a man / m∂n / n ngêi ®µn «ng
- a woman / 'wum∂n / n ngêi ®µn bµ
- a child / t∫aild / n ®øa trÎ
- an engine / 'endʒin / n ®éng c¬
- a desk /desk/ n bµn giÊy
- an ice-cream /’aiskri:m/ n kem
- an overman / '∂uv∂m∂n / n ®éi, tæ trëng
- an umbrella / Λm'brel∂ / n c¸i «, c¸i dï
- a battery / 'bæt∂ri / n b×nh ¾c quy
- an apple /’æpl/ n qu¶ t¸o
- a lorry /’l ‫כ‬ri/ n xe t¶i
- a stray /strei/ n c¸i khay
- What? / w ‫כ‬t/ n g×,c¸i g×?

look at this
box lamp

hammer / saw / ruler / screwdriver / ladder / screw / knife / pencil

ladders / screws / pencils / saws / screwdrivers / knives / hammers / rulers

Exercise 1
look : a - b / c / d / f / g / h / j / k / l / m/ n / p / q / r / s / t / v / w / x / y / z
an - a / e / i / o / u
It's a pen. It's an umbrella
……………file …………bench ……………box
……………ice-cream …………engine …………….apple
……………orange …………..table …………….chisel

Exercise 2

apple - apples stray -

car - plate -
woman - door -
knife - window -
city - watch -
lorry - child -

bush - glass -
overman - box -

Exercise 3
That/ hammer What is that ?
That's a hammer.
These / files What are these ?
These are files
1 - This / orange 6 - They / pencils
2 - These / sockets 7 - These / boxes
3 - That / fan 8 - That / chair
4 - Those / switches 9 - Those / shelves
5 - It / ice-cream 10 - This / engine

Unit four: What's your name ?
name / neim / n tªn
number / 'nΛmb∂ / n sè
policeman / p∂'lism∂n / n c¶nh s¸t ( sè Ýt )
policemen / p∂'lismen / c¶nh s¸t ( sè nhiÒu )
room / ru:m / n phßng ë
driver / 'draiv∂ /n l¸i xe
cook / kuk / n ®Çu bÕp
manager /' mænidʒ∂ / n qu¶n lý ®iÒu hµnh
job / dʒ ‫כ‬b / n nghÒ nghiÖp
helmet /'helmit / n mò b¶o hé
Mr / 'mist∂ / n «ng, ngµi
Mrs / misiz / n bµ, c« ( cã gia ®×nh )
Miss / mis / n c« ( cha cã gia ®×nh )
here / hi∂ / adv ®©y, 뮩y
there /ðe∂ / adv kia, ë kia
over there ( nhÊn m¹nh ) ë ®»ng kia
sorry / 's ‫כ‬ri / (adj) xin lçi, tiÕc
Good morning / gud'm ‫כ‬:niŋ / xin chµo (buæi s¸ng)
Good afternoon / gud a:ft∂'nu:n / xin chµo ( buæi tra chiÒu )
Good evening / gud'i:vniŋ / xin chµo ( buæi tèi )
metal - worker / 'metl w∂:k∂ / n thî nguéi
metallist / 'metlist / n thî c¬ khÝ
welder / weld∂ / thî hµn
iron - worker / 'ai∂n'w∂ :k∂ / n thî s¾t
workshop / 'w∂:k∫‫כ‬p / n xëng, ph©n xëng
pliers / plai∂z / n c¸i k×m
busy / bizi/ adj bËn rén
glove / gl∧v /n g¨ng tay
boot / bu:t /n ñng, giµy cao cæ
case / keis /n c¸i va ly
goggles / 'g ‫כ‬glz /n kÝnh b¶o hé
scissors / 'siz∂z /n c¸i kÐo

worker : Good morning, sir.
Manager : Good morning, what's your name ?
W : Oh! My name is Carlos.
M : Ah, yes……..Mr Carlos. Is this your helmet ?
W : No, it isn't.
M : Oh, Is that your helmet ?
W : Yes, it is. That's my helmet.

MissLinda : Good evening

Mr Brown : Good evening
Miss Linda : Are these your pliers ?
Mr Brown : Yes, they are.
Miis Linda : What's your job ?
Mr Brown : I'm an electrician.

Exercise 1

A - Excuse me
B - yes ?
A - Is this your helmet ?
B - Oh, yes, it is, thank you.

1A……………………………….. 2A………………………………....
B………………………………... B…………………………………
A…….............that…………saw ? A…………these…………chisels ?
B…………………………………. B…………………………………

3A……………………………….. 4A…………………………………
B………………………………... B…………………………………
A…………those..……….boxes ? A…………......this..………… file ?
B……………………………….. B…………………………………

Exercise 2
This is a file. Is this a file ?
Yes, it is.

1. That's her case.
2. Those are gloves.
3. These are his boots.
4. They are my helmets.
5. It's their room.

Exercise 3
- Are you a teacher ?
No, I'm not
- What's your job ?
I'm a mechanic

1A………………they students ? 2A……….he………welder ?

B…………………………… B……………………………
A…………………………… A……………………………
B……………………workers B………………..iron worker.

Exercise 4

- Excuse me !
Yes ?
- What’s your name, please ?
My name’s John.
- Where are you from ?
I’m from England.
1 - his/ David/ he/ Holland.
2 - her/ Suzzan/ she/ America.
3 - their/ Mike and Peter/ they/ Spain.
4 - your/ Mark and Joe/ you/ Greece.

unit five : Is it heavy ?
heavy /'hevi/ (adj) nÆng
light / lait / ( adj ) nhÑ
wide / waid / ( adj ) réng
narrow / 'nær∂u / ( adj ) hÑp
long / l ‫כ‬ŋ / ( adj ) dµi
short / ∫‫כ‬:t / ( adj ) ng¾n, thÊp
high / hai / ( adj ) cao (chØvËt)
deep / di:p / (adj ) s©u
thick / θik / (adj ) dµy
thin / θin / ( adj ) máng, gÇy
beautiful / 'bju: tifl / ( adj ) ®Ñp
ugly / 'Λgli / ( adj ) xÊu
good /gud / ( adj ) tèt
big / big / ( adj ) to, lín
old / ∂uld / ( adj ) cò, giµ
new / nju / ( adj ) míi
full / ful / ( adj ) ®Çy, no, ®ñ
empty / 'empti / ( adj ) c¹n, trèng rçng
strong / str ‫כ‬ŋ / ( adj ) m¹nh
weak / wi:k/ (adj ) yÕu
young / jΛŋ / (adj ) trÎ
automatic / ‫כ‬:t∂'mtik / (adj) tù ®éng
cheap / t∫i:p / (adj) rÎ
expensive / ik’spensiv/ (adj) ®¾t
tall / t ‫כ‬:l/ (adj) cao (chØ ngêi)
hungry / ‘h∧ŋgri / (adj) ®ãi
angry /’æŋgri/ (adj) tøc giËn
happy / ‘hæpi / (adj) h¹nh phóc, vui vÎ
sad / sæd / (adj) buån
bad / bæd / (adj) tåi, dë, kÐm
small / sm ‫כ‬l / (adj) nhá
fast / fa:st/ (adj) nhanh
slow / sl∂u/ (adj) chËm
far / fa:/ (adj) xa
near / ni∂/ (adj) gÇn
house / haus / n ng«i nhµ
cable / 'keibl / n d©y c¸p ®iÖn
road / r∂ud / n con ®êng
metre / 'mi:t∂/ (n) mÐt
kilometer / 'kil∂mi:t∂ / kil«mÐt, c©y sè
pound / paund/ (n) c©n Anh (= 0,45kg )

Main text
A - Is that your camera ?
B - Yes, it is
A - Is it good ?
B - oh. Yes, it is. It's very light and automatic.

C - This road is very long.

D - Ah, yes………How long is it?
C - It's ten kilometres long.
D - How wide is it ?
C - It's ten metres.

E - Is this a workshop ?
F - Yes, it is.
E - How high is it ?
F - It's five metres high.
E - Is it wide ?
F - Yes, it is.

Exercise 1
book / thick gloves / new
- Is the book thick ? - Are the gloves new ?
yes, it is No, they aren't
1 - case / heavy 4 - cable / long
2 - cameras / automatic 5 - boots / thick
3 - saw / new 6 - engine / good

Exercise 2
Heavy / light
1 - wide/…………….. ……….. 6 - big /………………………..
2 - long/………………………. 7 - new/……………………….
3 - high/………………………. 8 - full/………………………..
4 - thin/……………………….. 9 - strong/……………………...
5 - ugly/………………………. 10 - young/…………………….

Exercise 3
Heavy/ the hammer/ 6pounds (lb)
- How heavy is the hammer ?
It’s 6 pounds heavy.
1 - Wide/ the workshop/ 15 metres (m)
2 - High/ the house/ 20 metres (m)
3 - Long/ the cable/ 10 kilometrs (km)
4 - Deep/ the well/ 16 metres (m)
5 - Far/ it/ 13 kilometres (km)

unit six : places

wall / w ‫כ‬l / n têng, têng ch¾n
classroom / 'kla:sru:m / n phßng häc
on / ‫כ‬n / prep trªn, ë trªn
in / in / prep trong, ë trong
under / Λnd∂ / prep díi, ë díi
top / t ‫כ‬p / trªn,®Ønh
bottom / 'b ‫כ‬t∂m / díi,díi ®¸y
right / rait / ph¶i,bªn ph¶i
left / left / tr¸i,bªn tr¸i
middle / midl / gi÷a,ë gi÷a
tool - box / ‘tu:lb ‫כ‬ks / n hßm dông cô
toolholder / ‘tu:lh∂ud∂ / n gi¸ dông cô
toolcabinet / 'tu:lkæbinit / n tñ dông cô
bottle / b ‫כ‬tl / n c¸i chai
wrench / rent∫ / n ch×a vÆn, cê lª
vice / vais / n ª t«
machine / m∂'∫in / n m¸y,m¸y mãc
lathe / leiθ / m¸y tiÖn
drilling machine / ‘driliŋ m∂'∫in / n m¸y khoan
handdrill / 'hændril/ n khoan tay
school / sku:l / n trêng häc
large / la:dʒ / adj réng, lín
erection shop / i'rek∫n ∫‫כ‬p / xëng l¾p m¸y
welding shop / weldiŋ ∫‫כ‬p / xëng hµn
mechanical tool / mi'kænikl ‘tu:l / dông cô c¬ khÝ

planing machine / ‘plæniŋ m∂'∫in / m¸y bµo ( ph¼ng )
cutting and piercing machine / 'p∂siŋ / m¸y c¾t ®ét
drop-hammer plant / dr ‫כ‬p 'hæm∂ pla:nt/ bóa m¸y
conveyor / k∂n'vei∂ / b¨ng chuyÒn,b¨ng t¶i
feed hopper / ‘fi:d 'hop∂ / phÔu tiÕp liÖu
belt / belt / ®ai,b¨ng,d¶i,b¨ng chuyÒn
bowl / b∂ul / con l¨n
steel frame / ‘sti:l ‘freim / khung, giµn thÐp
electric engine / i'lektrik 'endʒin / ®éng c¬ ®iÖn
electric box / i'lektrik ‘b ‫כ‬ks / tñ ®iÖn,tñ ®iÒu khiÓn
measuring instrument /'mez∂riŋ 'instrum∂nt / dông cô ®o
all right / ‘‫כ‬l rait / v©ng,®îc (®ång ý )

Main text
A: This is an erection shop and those are welding shops.
B: Oh, yes. They are very large.
A: In the erection shop there are a lot of mechanical tools and machines.
B: Is there a lathe here ?
A: Yes, there is. There's a planing machine. There's a cutting and piercing
B: Is this a conveyor ?
A: Yes, it is.That's a feed hopper.This is a belt.There are some bowls under
the belt.There's a steel frame. There's an electric engine and there's an
electric box on the steel frame.
B: Are there any measuring instruments ?
A: Yes, there are. They're in the toolcabinet.
B: Where are the mechanical tools ?
A: They're on the toolholder.
B: All right.

Exercise 1
Complete the sentences
1 - There………some mechanical tools………the toolbox.
2 - The file………under the table.
3 - There………a drop-hammer plant………the shop.
4 - There………a lot of bowls.
5 - ……..there……students in the classroom ?
6 - ………….there………helmet on the wall ?

Exercise 2
Lamp. There's a lamp on the desk
Helmet. There isn't a helmet on the desk
Write sentences with : knife, file, pencil, ruler.
1………………………….. 3………………………..
2………………………….. 4………………………..

Exercise 3
Bottles. There are some bottles on the shelf
Tools. There aren't any tools on the table
Write sentences with : chisels / table; wrenches/toolholder
vices / workshop ; drilling machines / workshop
1…………………………… 3……………………………
2…………………………… 4……………………………

Exercise 4
Where's the lamp ? Where are the saws ?
It's on the desk. They are under the table.
1……………………handdrills ? 3……………………….fans ?
………………………… . table. ……………………
2……………………… ..desk ? 4………………………..ruler ?
…………………… .classroom. ………………………..desk.

Exercise 5

At the top

on in the
the middle

At the bottom

Look at the toolboard !

Where’s the file ? 1 - chisel
It’s at the bottom 2 - goggles
Now you do the same 3 - scissors
4 - pliers

unit seven : How much is there ?

a lot / ∂l ‫כ‬t / (pron ) nhiÒu
beer / bi∂ / n bia
wine / wain / n rîu
cheese / t∫i:z / n pho m¸t
oil / ‫כ‬il / n dÇu
vinegar / 'vinig∂ / n dÊm
meat / mi:t / n thÞt
rice / rais / n g¹o
fruit / fru:t / n tr¸i c©y
fridge / fridʒ / n tñ l¹nh
jar / dʒ a: / n c¸i lä

jug / dʒΛg / n c¸i b×nh
salt / s ‫כ‬lt / n muèi
bread / bred / n b¸nh m×
poison / 'p ‫כ‬izn / chÊt ®éc
air / e∂ / n kh«ng khÝ
liquid / 'likwid / n chÊt láng
gas / gæs / n chÊt khÝ
solid / 's ‫כ‬lid / n chÊt r¾n
glue / glu: / n keo, hå d¸n
energy / 'en∂dʒi / n n¨ng lîng
milk / milk/ n s÷a
coffee / ‘k ‫כ‬fi:/ n cµ phª
glass of coffee / 'gla:s∂v'k ‫כ‬fi:/ ly cµ phª
butter / ‘b∧t∂/n b¬
packet of butter / 'pækit∂v 'bΛt∂ ? gãi b¬
petrol / 'petr∂ul/ n x¨ng
litre of petrol / 'lit∂r∂v 'petr∂ul / lÝt x¨ng
water / 'w ‫כ‬:t∂ / n níc
bottle of water / 'botl∂v 'w ‫כ‬:t∂ / chai níc
can of oil / 'kæn∂v ‫כ‬il / can dÇu
jug of gas / 'dʒΛ g∂v gæs / b×nh ga
supermarket / 'su:p∂ma:kit/ n siªu thÞ
living-room / 'liviŋru:m /n phßng kh¸ch
bedroom / 'bedru:m /n phßng ngñ
flat-file / 'flætfail /n c¸i giòa ph¼ng
round-file / 'raundfail /n c¸i giòa trßn


- There's a living-room in the house. - There's some rice in the jar

- There's a bedroom in the house. - There's some oil in the bottle
- There's some sugar in the jar
- There are some bottles on the shelf. - There's some wine in the bottle
- There are some flat-files in the tool
cabinet. - There isn't any cheese
- There isn't any oil
- There isn't a round-file on the - There isn't any glue
- There isn't a handdrill under the desk. - Is there any cheese in the fridge ?
- There aren't any wrenches on the table Yes, there is
- Are there any desks in the office ? - Is there any gas in the jug ?
Yes, there are. No, there isn't
- Are there any vices in the office ?
No, there aren't.

- Butter
A - There's some butter in the fridge
B - How much butter is there ?
A - There's a lot
- Wrenches
A - There are some wrenches on the table.
B - How many wrenches are there ?
A - There are a lot

1 - There's some water.
There are some knives.
Write six sentences
2 - There isn't any sugar.
There aren't any chairs.
Write six sentences
3 - Is there any milk ? Yes, there is.
Are there any students ? No, there aren't.
Write four sentences
4 - How many pencils are there ?
There're a lot.
Write two sentences
5 - How much wine is there ?
There’s a lot.
Write two sentences

Unit eight : What shape is it ?

length / leŋθ / n chiÒu dµi
width / widθ / n chiÒu réng
depth / depθ / n chiÒu s©u
height / hait / n chiÒu cao
thickness / 'θiknis / n bÒ dµy
diameter / dai'æmit∂ / n ®êng kÝnh
radius / 'reidi∂s / n b¸n kÝnh
radii (plu.) / 'reidiai / n
circumference / s∂'kΛmf∂r∂ns / n ®êng chu vi
area / 'e∂ri∂ / n diÖn tÝch
volume / 'v ‫כ‬lju:m /n thÓ tÝch,khèi lîng
cubic metre / 'kjubik 'mi:t∂ / n mÐt khèi
triangle /'traiæŋgl / n h×nh tam gi¸c
square / skwe∂ / n h×nh vu«ng
rectangle / 'rektæŋgl / n h×nh ch÷ nhËt
circle / 's∂:kl / n h×nh trßn
shape / ∫eip / n h×nh, h×nh d¹ng
well / wel / n giÕng níc
bridge / bridʒ / n c¸i cÇu
wire / wai∂ / n d©y kim lo¹i
rope / r∂up / n d©y thõng
clock / kl ‫כ‬k / n ®ång hå treo têng
coin / k ‫כ‬in / n ®ång tiÒn xu
book / buk / n quyÓn s¸ch
plug / plΛg / n phÝch c¾m
blackboard / 'blækb ‫כ‬:d / n b¶ng ®en
truck / trΛk / n xe t¶i
square metre / 'skwe∂'mi:t∂ / mÐt vu«ng (m2)
tank / tæŋk / n bÓ, thïng ( chøa níc )
cylinder / si’lind∂/ n h×nh trô
pyramid / ‘pir∂mid / n h×nh chãp
trapezium / tr∂’pi:zi∂m / h×nh thang
parallelogram / pær∂’lel∂græm / n h×nh b×nh hµnh
object / ’‫כ‬bdʒekt / n vËt, vËt thÓ
garden / ‘ga:dn/ n vên
pipe / paip / n èng, èng dÉn
billet / ‘bilit / n ph«i(chi tiÕt cha gia c«ng)

Sentence patterns
1 - What is it ? What is the object called ?

- What are they ? What are the objects called ?

well / road / bridge / wire / rope / coin / clock / truck / book / plug / blackboard

2 - How many metres is the depth of this well ?

It's 20 metres
How many square metres is the area of this blackboard ?
It's two square metres
How many cubic mettres is the volume of the tank ?
It's 5 cubic metres
3 - What shape is the object ?


a trapezium / a pyramid / a square / a circle

a triangle / a rectangle/ a cylinder / a parallelogram
- What shape is it ?
It's a circle

Exercise 1
Make sentences
Wall / long
A - How long is the wall ?
B - It's ten metres long
Now you do the same
1 - House / high 2 - box / thick
3 - well / deep 4 - bridge / wide

Exercise 2
a - Complete this
length - long
b - wire / length
How many metres is the length of the wire ?
It's twenty metres
Now you do the same
1 - truck / height 2 - pipe / diameter 3 - well / circumference
4 - road / width 5 - garden / area 6 - tank / depth

Unitnine: What colour is it ?

black / blæk / adj mµu ®en
blue / blu: / adj mµu xanh ( da trêi )
green / gri:n / adj mµu xanh ( l¸ c©y )
brown / braun / adj mµu n©u
colour / 'kΛl∂ / n mµu s¾c
grey / grei / adj mµu x¸m (tro)
orange / ’‫כ‬rindʒ / adj mµu da cam
pink / piŋk / adj mµu hång
red / red / adj mµu ®á
violet / 'vai∂lit / adj mµu tÝm
yellow / 'jel∂u / adj mµu vµng
white / wait / adj mµu tr¾ng
family / 'fæmili / n gia ®×nh
wife / waif / n vî
husband /'hΛzb∂nd /n chång
friend / frend /n b¹n bÌ
intimate / 'intim∂t /n b¹n th©n
grandson / 'grænsΛn / n ch¸u trai
shirt / ∫∂:t / n ¸o s¬ mi
T- shirt / ti:∫∂:t / n ¸o thun céc tay
trousers / ’trauz∂z / n quÇn
shorts / ∫‫כ‬:ts / n quÇn soãc
shoe / ∫u: / n giÇy
sock / s ‫כ‬k / n tÊt
come in / kΛm in / v vµo
how do you do / haudu:ju:du / chµo (gÆp nhau lÇn ®Çu)
It's me / its mi: / t«i ®©y, ch¸u ®©y
dress / dres / n v¸y ®Çm, ¸o ®Çm
skirt /sk∂:t / n v¸y
jacket /'dʒækit / n ¸o vÐc
jeans / dʒi:nz / n quÇn jin
blouse / blauz /n ¸o c¸nh n÷
Mrs Turner : Who's that ? Who's that?
Tom : It's me……Tom
Mrs Turner : Tom ?
Tom : Yes, Tom…..your grandson.
Mrs Turner : Oh, Tom ! Come in !
Tom : This is my wife, Mary
Mrs Turner : Oh, how do you do ?
Tom : ……..and these are our children.
Jimmy and Ethel.
Mrs Turner : Hello, Jimmy. Hello Ethel.

Look at this!
Look at Mrs Turner Her skirt's black. 20 twenty
Her blouse is white. 30 thirty
Look at Tom His jacket's brown 40 forty
His trousers are grey. 50 fifty
Look at Mary Her dress is pink. 60 sixty
Her shoes are orange. 70 seventy
Look at Jimmy His T - shirt is red. 80 eighty
His shorts are green. 90 ninety
Look at Ethel Her shirt is yellow. 100 one hundred
Her jeans are blue. 101 one hundred and one
115 one hundred and fifteen
252 two hundred and fifty-two
Exercise 1
Queen Elizabeth / Britain A/ Who is she ?
Mohammed Ali / The USA She is Queen Elizabeth
Britigitte Bardot / France Where's she from ?
Paul Mc Cartney / Britain She's from Britain

B……………………...? C…………..………….? D………….…………..?

……………………….. ……………………….. …………………………
……………………….? ………………………..? ………………………..?
……………………….. ………………………… …………………………
Exercise 2
Now write about your clothes
Now write about your teacher
Exercise 3
Rewrite the numbers in letters.
23………………….. 65……………………. 752………………………
48………………….. 39……………………. 89………………………..
96………………….. 186…………………... 521………………………
72………………….. 354…………………… 455………………………
51………………….. 824…………………… 983………………………

Unit ten : Whose is it ?

Vocabulary :
- bicycle / 'baisikl / n Xe ®¹p
- boss / b ‫כ‬s / n «ng chñ
- brother / ’brΛð∂ / n anh, em trai
- sister / 'sist∂ / n chÞ, em g¸i
- father / 'fa:ð∂ / n bè
- mother / 'mΛð∂ / n mÑ
- son / sΛn/ n con trai
- daughter / ’d ‫כ‬:t∂ / n con g¸i
- match / mæt∫ / n diªm
- packet / 'pækit / n gãi
- glasses / ' gla:siz / n kÝnh ®eo m¾t
- goggles / 'g ‫כ‬glz / n kÝnh b¶o hé
- scissors / ’siz∂z/ n c¸i kÐo
- bulb / bΛlb / n bãng ®Ìn ®iÖn
- adjustable spanner / ∂’dʒ∧st∂bl'spæn∂ / c¸i má lÕt
- pincers / 'pins∂z/ n c¸i k×m ( ®Ó h·m )
- factory / 'fækt∂ri / n nhµ m¸y
- whose? / hu:z / pron. cña ai?
- millionaire / 'mili∂ne∂ / n nhµ triÖu phó
- grandfather / ’grændfa:ð∂/ n «ng néi, ngo¹i
- grandmother /'grænd mΛð∂ / n bµ néi, ngo¹i
- uncle / 'Λŋkl / n b¸c, chó, cËu
- aunte / a:nt / n b¸c, c«, mî..
- nephew / 'nevju:/ n ch¸u trai
- niece / ni:s / n ch¸u g¸i
- shovel / ’∫∧v∂l/ n c¸i xÎng
- hoe / h∂u / n c¸i cuèc
- iron square / ’ai∂nskwe∂/ n c¸i thíc s¾t
- scriber /’skraib∂ / n mòi v¹ch dÊu
- floor / fl ‫כ‬:/ n nÒn nhµ
- bin / bin/ n c¸i thïng
- aerator / ’e∂reit∂/ n m¸y, qu¹t thæi giã

Main text

What is it ?
It's a bulb
What are they ?
They are glasses

goggles / spanners / bulb / glasses / factory / pliers / scissors / pincers.

Look at this !

Look at Dick !
He's Anne's husband.
He's Mike's father.

Look at Anne !
She's Dick's wife.
She's Sue's mother.
Look at Mike!
He's their son.
He's Sue's brother.
Look at Sue!
She's their daughter.
She's Mike's sister.

Exercise 1
David / bicycle.
A - What is it ?
It's a bicycle
B - Whose bicycle is it ?
It's David's
Now you do the same
1 - Bally / glasses 3 - Mr Green / goggles
2 - Richard / spanners 4 - Newman / truck
Exercise 2
William Hazel
Victoria Mark
William is Hazel's husband
William is Victoria's father
William is Mark's father
Write sentences about Hazel, Victoria, Mark

A - Hazel B - Victoria C - Mark

1…………………….. 1……………………… 1…………………….
2…………………….. 2……………………… 2……………………..
3…………………….. 3………………………. 3……………………..

stop and Check
I. Correct the mistakes.
1. Where is you from ?
2. The knifes are very good.
3. He’s my chilrend.
4. Are there an engine on the steel frame ?
5. It’s a car expensive.
6. There isn’the any pliers in the box.
7. Peter is English, His from London.
8. How much children are there there?
9. The area this classroom fifty square metres.
10. This is a Marry of umbrelar.
11. What is your colour of trousers ?
12. That’s a helmet his.
13. The coin is a triangle.
14. How many bread is there ?
15. How are you ? I’m twenty and one.
II. Pronunciation.
Match the words and sounds
1. one /u/ 2. sing / ks /
do / i: / thin /ð/
here /Λ / well / t∫ /
there / ei / deep /z/
house /æ/ she
/ dʒ /
high /i/ wrench
your they /ŋ/
/ u: /
good boz /w/
/ ai /
big book /j/
/ au /
cable large /∫/
rope whose / θ/
/ ‫כ‬/
chair /u/ year / ʒ /
her / ‫כ‬: / vision / d /
coin / a:/  
an /e/
tour /∂/
tall / e∂ /
strong / ∂u /
shelf / ‫כ‬i /

III. Vocabulary
Put the words into the correct column
Eleven, screwdriver, ninety, welder, watch, knife, mechanic, twenty, battery,
man, engine, sixty, scissors, driver, helmet, thirteen, engineer, plug, fourteen,
metallist, socket, spanner, child, seventy, ladder, saw, teacher, file, chisel,
student, scriber, eight, switch, piners, twelve, lamp, hammer, five, shovel,
Objects People Tools Numbers

IV. Translate into Vienamese

1. This object is very heavy. It’s under the table.
2. There’s some petrol and there some bottles of oil here.
3. The board is rectangular. Its area is two square metres.
4. Mr David’s car’s English. He’s Nam’s friend.
5. The new goggles are welders’.

IV. Translate into English

1. ChÞ Êy lµ kü s, chÞ Êy tõ níc Ph¸p ®Õn.
2. Trong tñ dông cô cã nhiÒu c¸i giòa.
3. Phßng häc nµy réng, phßng kia hÑp.
4. C¸i mò b¶o hé cña ngêi thî ®ã mÇu g× ?
5. C¸i kÝnh b¶o hé cña t«i to, nhng nã nhÑ.

Unit eleven : dothis! don't do that !

- close / kl∂uz / v ®ãng l¹i
- give / giv / v ®a cho
- open / '∂up∂n / v më ra
- go (out ) / g∂u (aut ) / v ®i ( ra )
- walk / w ‫כ‬:k / v ®i ( bé, d¹o …)
- laugh / la:f / v cêi to
- smile / smail / v mØm cêi
- look at / luk∂t / v nh×n vµo
- look into / luk' int∂ / v nh×n vµo trong
- move / mu:v / cö ®éng, di chuyÓn
- run / rΛn / v ch¹y
- put on / put ‫כ‬n / v mÆc vµo
- start / sta:t / v b¾t ®Çu khëi ®éng
- take / teik / v cÇm , n¾m lÊy
- take off / teik ‫כ‬f / v cëi, th¸o ra
- turn on / t∂:n ‫כ‬n / v bËt ( ®Ìn, ®µi …)
- turn off / t∂:n ‫כ‬f / v t¾t ( ®Ìn ®µi )
- touch / tΛt∫ / v ®ông, sê vµo
- push (in) / pu∫ / v ®Èy, kÐo ( vµo )
- smoke / sm∂uk / v hót thuèc
- loosen / lu:zn / v níi láng
- pick up / pikΛp / v nhÆt lªn
- eye / ai / n m¾t
- hand / hænd / n tay
- warning / 'w ‫כ‬:niŋ / n lêi c¶nh b¸o
- tight / tait / adj chÆt, khÝt, bã
- tighten / ‘taitn / v xiÕt chÆt, th¾t chÆt
- director / di’rekt∂ / n ngêi ®¹o diÔn
- actor / ‘ækt∂ / n nam diÔn viªn
- actress / ‘æktris / n n÷ diÔn viªn
- filmstar / film sta: / n ng«i sao ®iÖn ¶nh
- studio / ‘stju:di∂u / n trêng quay
- everybody / ‘evrib ‫כ‬di / (pron) mäi ngêi
- be quiet / bi’:kwai∂t /v (xin) h·y yªn lÆng
- kiss / kis/ v h«n
- light / lait / n ®Ìn
- action / ‘æk∫∂n / v quay
- ask / a:sk / v hái
- meazure /’meʒ∂/ v ®o

Sentence patterns

- Tighten the nuts ! - Don’t touch it !

- Take the file ! - Don’t turn the lights off !
- Close your eyes ! - Don’t smoke here !

Exercise 1
It's my pen Give it to me
You do the same
1 - They're my pliers………………………........................
2 - It's his iron square……………………………………..
3 - It's our book……………………………………………
4 - They're their gloves………………………………
5 - It's her blouse…………………………………………..

Exercise 2
Turn the lights off! Turn them off!
Put your shirt on! Put it on!
You do the same.
1 - Put your socks on!
2 - Take your shoes off!
3 - Turn the T.V on!
4 - Push the door in!
5 - Push the windows out!
6 - Turn the radio off!

Exercise 3
Make these sentences
Ex. (a) + (5) The tank is empty, please fill it.
(a) The tank is empty. (1) Please loosen it.
(b) The door is open. (2) Please open them.
(c) The belt is tight. (3) Please empty it
(d) The windows are closed. (4) Please pick it up
(e) The screws are loose. (5) Please fill it
(f) The bin is full. (6)Please open it.
(g) The bottles are empty. (7) Please tighten them.
(h) The lights are on. (8) Please switch them off.
(i) The saw is on the floor. (9) Please close it.
(j) The box is closed. (10) Please fill them.

Unit twelve : Can you do it ?

- electric / i’lektrik / (adj) (thuéc) ®iÖn
- electricity / ilek'triks∂ti / n ®iÖn, ®iÖn lùc
- use /ju:z / dïng, sö dông
- cut / kΛt / v c¾t
- clean / kli:n / v lµm s¹ch
- dry / drai / v lau kh«
- speak / spi:k / v nãi
- drive / draiv / v l¸i xe
- mark out / ma:k aut / v v¹ch dÊu, ®¸nh dÊu
- washer / 'w ‫∫כ‬ / n vßng ®Öm, gio¨ng
- valve / vælv / n van (kho¸)
- bolt / b∂ult / n bu l«ng
- nut / nΛt / n ª cu
- gear / gi∂ / n b¸nh r¨ng
- (at ) home / ∂t h∂um / n (ë) nhµ
- intelligent / in'telidʒ∂nt / adj th«ng minh
- really / 'ri∂li / adv thËt, thËt vËy
- weld / weld / v hµn
- make / meik / v t¹o ra, lµm ra
- make machines / meik m∂ ’∫i:n / v chÕ t¹o m¸y
- erect / i'rekt / v l¾p ®Æt, l¾p r¸p
- athletik / æθ'letik / adj chuéng thÓ thao
- sport / sp ‫כ‬:t / n thÓ thao
- football / 'futb ‫כ‬: l / n bãng ®¸
- volleyball / 'v ‫כ‬lib ‫כ‬:l / n bãng chuyÒn
- table - tennis / 'teibl tenis / n bãng bµn
- language / 'læŋgwidʒ / n tiÕng, ng«n ng÷
- play / plei/ v ch¬i
- mend / mend / v söa ch÷a (xe, m¸y…)
- system / 'sist∂m / n hÖ thèng
- understand / Λnd∂’stænd / v. hiÓu, lÜnh héi
- question / ‘kwest∫∂n / n c©u hái
- answer / ‘a:ns∂ / v (n) tr¶ lêi, c©u tr¶ lêi
- tolerance / ‘t ‫כ‬l∂r∂ns / n dung sai
- technical drawing / ‘teknikl’dr ‫כ‬:iŋ / n vÏ kü thuËt
- plan drawing / ‘plæn‘dr ‫כ‬:iŋ / n. b¶n vÏ s¬ ®å
- detail drawing /’di:teil‘dr ‫כ‬:iŋ / n. b¶n vÏ chi tiÕt
- assembly drawing / ∂’sembli’dr ‫כ‬:iŋ / n. b¶n vÏ l¾p
- working drawing / ‘w∂:kiŋ ‘dr ‫כ‬:iŋ / n. b¶n vÏ thi c«ng

Main text :

Jane : Sally. Is your husband at home ?

Sally : No, he isn't
Jane : Where's he ?
Sally : He's in the workshop
Jane : Can he mend this car ?
Sally : Yes, he can. He's very intelligent.
Jane : Really ? Is he ?
Sally : Yes, he can drive, weld, erect an electric system
Jane : Oh, my husband can't mend a car. But he's athletic.
Sally : Which sports can he play ?
Jane : He can play football, volleyball, table tennis…
Sally : Is he big and strong ?
Jane : Yes, he is
Sally : Can he speak French ?
Jane : Yes, he can.
Sally : Which languages can he speak ?
Jane : He can speak French, Chinese.
Sally : My husband can't speak French. But he can speak Russian.
Jane : Oh!

Exercise 1
I can play football. I can't dry this gear.
1 - ………………………………………..use the measuring intrument.
2 - ……………………………………….cut the pipe.
3 - ………………………………………drive.
4 - ………………………………………clean the washer.
5 - ………………………………………take the gear off.
6 - ………………………………………tighten these nuts
7 - ……………………………………….make machines.
8 - ………………………………………speak Chinese.
9 - ………………………………………play volleyball.
10 - …………………………………….weld this pipe

Exercise 2
Can you play football ?
Yes, I can or No, I can't
1 - Can you weld ?
2 - Can you erect an electric system ?
3 - Can you cut the pipe ?
4 - Can you clean the washers ?
5 - Can you use the engine ?
6 - Can you speak French ?

Exercise 3
Using : Can, is, are
1 - He..................a welder
2 - They...................mend the engines
3 - We.........................strong
4 - French
5 - We....................file

Unit thirteen : What have you got ?

- engineer / endʒi'ni∂ / n kü s
- manager / 'mænidʒ∂ / n nhµ qu¶n lý, qu¶n ®èc
- enginework / 'endʒinw∂:k / n xëng c¬ khÝ
- good / gud / adj tèt, lµnh (nghÒ)
- tool / tu:l / n dông cô
- mechanical tool / mi'kænikltu:l / n dông cô c¬ khÝ
- blade / bleid / n lìi ( dao, kÐo…. )
- handle / hændl / n c¸n cÇm tay
- head / hed / n ®Çu ( ngêi, vËt …)
- leg / leg / n ch©n ( ngêi, vËt…)
- safe / seif / adj an toµn
- guard / ga:d / n c¸i b¶o vÖ, c¸i ch¾n
- dangerous / 'deindʒ∂r∂s / adj nguy hiÓm
- cover / 'kΛv∂ / n vá bäc, vá b¶o vÖ.
- roof / ru:f / n m¸i (nhµ), mui (xe)
- wheel / wi:l /n b¸nh xe
- tyre / tai∂ / n lèp xe
- pair / pe∂ /n cÆp, ®«i
- pair of goggles / 'pe∂r∂v'goglz / cÆp kÝnh b¶o hé
- pair of shoes / 'pe∂r∂v'∫u:z / ®«i giÇy
- pair of pliers / 'pe∂r∂v'plai∂z / c¸i k×m
- flat / flæt /n c¨n hé
- lathe / leiθ /n m¸y tiÖn
- drilling - machine / 'driliŋ / n m¸y khoan
- grinding machine / 'grindiŋ / n m¸y mµi
- pipe - cutting - machine (n) m¸y c¾t èng
- welding machine (n) m¸y hµn

Hello ! My name's Tom Atkins.
I'm from London.
I'm an engineer and a manager.
I' ve got an enginework.
I' ve got a lot of good workers.
I haven't got a flat,
But, I've got a house in London.
I've got a new Rolls - Royce.
I've got a wife, but I haven't
got any children.

Look at these tools

- This tool has got a head and a handle.

- This tool has got a blade and a handle.
- This tool has got a blade and two handles.
- This tool has got two blades and two handles.
- These tools have got blades and handles.

Exercise 1
Make full sentences.
(a) + (3) A car has got four wheels.
(a) A car has got…… (1)…….four legs.
(b) A table has got…… (2)…….two legs.
(c) A hammer has got…. (3)……four wheels .
(d) A man has got…….. (4)……walls, window doors.
(e) A house has got…… (5)……a handle and a blade.
(f) A chisel has got…… (6)……a handle and a head.
(g) A pair of scissors has got…… (7)……two handles and two blades.
(h) A knife has got…… (8)……a handle and a blade.

Exercise 2
Make sentences.
a - These fans are safe. They have got guards.
c - This plug is dangerous. It hasn't got a cover.

Exercise 3
Have you got a knife ?
No, I haven't. or yes, I have.
1………………………………a sister ?
2………………………………a pair of pliers ?
3………………………………a saw ?
4………………………………a plug ?
5………………………………a pair of goggles ?

Exercise 4
Make sentences.
- How many brothers have you got ?
I' ve got two brothers.
- How much wine have you got ?
I' ve got a bottle.
1………………………….liters of petrol……………...........?
5………………………….bottle of oil……………....……..?
7………………………….glasses of beer………….......…..?
8………………………….pairs of shoes…………………...?

Unit fourteen : Which one?
- more / m ‫כ‬:/ pron h¬n thªm
- glass / gla:s / n c¸i ly, cèc
- empty / 'empti / adj rçng, trèng
- lovely / lΛvli / adj ®¸ng yªu, tuyÖt têi
- evening / 'ivniŋ / n buæi tèi
- coat / k∂ut / n ¸o choµng ngoµi
- shears / ∫i∂z / n kÐo ( c¾t s¾t )
- anvil / 'ænvil / n c¸i ®e
- anvil - chisel / 'ænvil t∫isl / ®ôc chÆt s¾t
- smoothing hammer / 'smu:θiŋ / n bµn lµ ph¼ng
- peen /pi:n / n bóa nhän ®Çu
- forge / f ‫כ‬:dʒ / n lß rÌn, lß luyÖn kim
- forge tongs /’f ‫כ‬:dʒ t ‫כ‬ŋz / n k×m rÌn
- forge hammer / 'hæm∂ / n bóa rÌn
- grinding machine / 'grindiŋ / n m¸y mµi
- protective clothes / pr∂' tektiv kl∂uðz / n quÇn ¸o b¶o hé
- safety - wire / ' seifti wai∂ / n d©y an toµn
- folding - rule / ’f∂uldiŋ ru: l / n thíc gËp
- tape - rule / ’teip ru:l / n thíc d©y
- protractor / pr∂'trækt∂ / n thíc ®o ®é
- D.C engine / di:si:’endʒin / n ®éng c¬ ®iÖn mét chiÒu
- A.C engine / ei si:’endʒin / n ®éng c¬ ®iÖn xoay chiÒu

- explosive engine / ik’sp l∂usiv’endʒin / n ®éng c¬ ®èt trong
- stator / ‘stæt∂ / n phÇn tÜnh ( xtato )
- rotor / ‘r∂ut∂ / n phÇn ®éng (r«to )
- how about? / hau ∂baut / cßn vÒ× sao ?
- back frame / ’bæk freim / n khung, sên ( xe m¸y )
- which / wit∫ / adj .(n) nµo ?
- good night / gud' nait / chµo t¹m biÖt ( tèi )
chóc ngñ ngon

George : How about some more wine ?
Charles : Please.
George : Which glass is yours?
Charles : That one's mine.
George : Which one ?
Charles : The empty one !

George : Well, good night…

Charles : Good night…thank
you for a lovely evening.
George : Now, which coats are yours ?
Charles : Oh, those coats are ours.
George : Which ones ?
Charles : The black one and the
grey one.
George : Ah, yes…I've got them.
Charles : Good. The grey one's mine
and the black one's hers.

Look at this
A/ I'd like a chisel, please.
B/ Which one ?
A/ That anvil-chisel.
B/ Yes, O.K

C/ Are those your protective clothes ?

D/ No, they aren’t.
C/ Which ones are yours ?
D/ The blue ones are mine.
E/ Are there any engines in the workshop ?
F/ Yes, there are.
E/ Which ones ?
F/ The D.C engine, the A.C engine and the explosive engine.

Exercise 1
Look at this
It's my spanner. It's mine.
It's your anvil-chisel. It's yours.
It's his safety-helmet. It's his
It's her car. It's hers.
They're our shears They're ours
They're their houses They're theirs.
Write the same.

1 - They're your folding rules.

2 - It's his forge-hammer.
3 - It's their tape-rule.
4 - It's John's glass.
5 - They're her shoes.
6 - It's my coat.
7 - Those are our helmets.

Exercise 2

I/ car/ old/ new

I' ve got an old car, but I'd like the new one.
1 - They/ house/ small/ big.
2 - We/ television/ black and white/ colour.
3 - He/ safety-clothes/ black/ blue.
4 - She/ watch/ English/ Swiss.

Exercise 3

He/ small/ ones

Which ones would he like ?
He'd like the small ones.
1 - They/ English/ ones.
2 - He/ green/ ones.
3 - You/ blue/ one.
4 - She/ new/ ones.

Unit fifteen : Everyday conversation

- show / ∫∂u/ v chØ, ®a xem
- expensive / ik'spensiv / adj ®¾t, ®¾t tiÒn
- cheap / t∫i:p / adj rÎ, rÎ tiÒn
- thousand / ’θauznd / n ngµn
- brandy / 'brændi / n rîu bran®i
- bring / briŋ / v mang ( ®Õn ®©y )
- of course / ∂vk ‫כ‬:s / tÊt nhiªn
- bill / bill/ n phiÕu tÝnh tiÒn
- be in a hurry / 'hΛri/ n sù véi v·
- take / teik / v ®a (®Õn n¬i kh¸c)
- airport / 'e∂p ‫כ‬:t/ n s©n bay
- luggage / 'lΛgidʒ / n hµnh lý
- get / get / v mang (®Õn)
- all right / '‫כ‬:lrait / adv ®îc, æn råi
- International / int∂'næ∫n∂l / adj (thuéc) quèc tÕ
- station / 'stei∫n / n nhµ ga
- bus-station / bΛs ’stei∫n/ n bÕn xe buýt
- forget / f∂ ’get / v quªn
- send / send / v göi
- address / ∂'dres / n ®Þa chØ
- postcard / 'p∂ustka:d / n bu thiÕp
- office / '‫כ‬fis / n c¬ quan, v¨n phßng

- post office / ‘p∂ust ‫כ‬fis / n bu ®iÖn
- hospital / ‘h ‫כ‬spit∂l / n bÖnh viÖn
- ball-bearing / b ‫כ‬:l'be∂riŋ / n vßng bi cÇu
- hand saw / ’hænds ‫כ‬:/ n ca (b»ng) tay
- nail / neil / n ®inh, c¸i ®inh
- clout nail / klaut neil / n ®inh mò
- certainly / ‘s∂:tnli / adv ®îc, tÊt nhiªn
- help / help / v gióp, gióp ®ì
- boyfriend / ’b ‫כ‬ifrend / n b¹n trai
- girlfriend / ’g∂:lfrend / n b¹n g¸i

O : Can you show me some
cameras, please ? £85/£92/£78/£63
P : Certainly, sir…this one's £47/£39/£26/£51
very good camea (Kodak)
O : Yes, it is…How much is it ? radio (Sony)
P : £85, sir. watches (Timex)
O : Oh, dear. That's very
expensive, sir.
P : Hmm, I see…that one isn't
O : What make is it ?
P : It's a Kodak….it's £ 47
O : Hmm…Can you show it to me, please ?

Q : Oh, excuse me ! tea

R : Yes, sir ? coffee
Q : Could you bring us some brandy
more tea, please ?
R : Of course, sir.
Q : … and could you bring me the
bill, please ? I'm in a hurry.

S : Taxi !
T : Where to, madam ? post office
S : Can you take me to the station
airport, please ? bus station
T : Certainly, madam… Have
you got any luggage ?
S : Yes. Can you get it for me? It's
over there.
T : All right….Oh ! It's very heavy.
S : Yes, it is…I'm very sorry.

U : Goodnight, Andrew at the office

V : Good night, Colin at school
U : Have a good holiday ! at work
V : Thanks here
U : Don't forget…send me a
postcard !
V : O.K…Oh, I haven't got your address.
U : That's O.K you can send it to
me at the office.
V : All right…Bye.
U : Bye.

Exercise 1
Look at this
1,000 one thousand. 2,135 two thousand one hundred and thirty-five
10,806…………………….. 16,472……………………………..
3,000……………………… 15,000……………………………..
4,000………………………. 35,471……………………………..
5,300………………………. 50,000……………………………...
6,720………………………. 99,147………………………………

Exercise 2
It's a nice camera. Can you show it to me, please ?
They're nice cameras. Can you show them to me, please ?
1 - It's a tape-rule.
2 - They're shears.
3 - They're good goggles.
4 - It's a long safety-wire.

Exercise 3
Send a postcard to me. Send me a postcard
1 - Bring the handsaw to me.
2 - Take the ball-bearing to him.
3 - Give the clout-nails to us.
4 - Get the luggage to her.
5 - Show the cameras to them.

Unit sixteen : What are they doing now ?

- do / du:/ v lµm
- work / w∂:k / v lµm viÖc
- read / ri:d / v ®äc
- write / rait / v viÕt
- cook / kuk/ v nÊu ¨n
- sleep / sli:p / v ngñ
- eat / i:t/ v ¨n
- drink / driŋk/ v uèng
- sing / siŋ / v h¸t, ca
- type / taip / v ®¸nh m¸y
- draw / dr ‫כ‬:/ v vÏ
- come / kΛm/ v ®i tíi, ®Õn
- swim / swim / v b¬i
- check / t∫ek / v kiÓm tra
- lift / lift / v n©ng
- weld / weld / v (n) hµn ( mèi hµn)
- file / fail / v giòa
- chisel / t∫isl / v ®ôc, træ, ch¹m
- forge / f ‫כ‬:dʒ / v rÌn
- drill / dril / v khoan
- process / ‘pr∂uses / v. gia c«ng
- repair / ri'pe∂/ v söa, söa ch÷a.
- homework / ‘h∂um w∂:k / n bµi tËp ë nhµ
- phone / f∂un / (v) gäi ®iÖn tho¹i
- meet / mi:t/ v gÆp. ®ãn
- practise / ’præktis / v thùc hµnh, thùc tËp
- stay / stei/ v ë, ë l¹i
- carry / ’kæri /v mang
- letter / ’let∂ / n ch÷, con ch÷, th
- learn / l∂:n / v häc
- teach / ti:t∫ / v d¹y häc
- dry / drai / v sÊy kh«, lµm kh«
- electrode / i'lektr∂ud / n que hµn
- today / t∂'dei/ adv (n) h«m nay

Mark : Hello, David. Is Jack here ?
David: Yes, he is.
Mark: Is he drying electrodes today ?
David: No, he isn't.
Mark : What's he doing ?
David: He's welding the steel frame.
Mark: What are you doing now ?
David : I'm checking the weld.

Look at the words:

work working smoke smoking
cook cooking dance dancing
read reading write writing
eat eating type typing
drink drinking
sing singing sit sitting
sleep sleeping run running
draw drawing swim swimming

Exercise 1
work - working 1/ stop……. 6/ weld………. 11/ lift……………
Smoke - smoking 2/ type…… 7/ check……… 12/ forge…………
Sit - sitting 3/ draw…… 8/ put……........ 13/ run……………
4/ eat……… 9/ drill……….. 14 sleep…………...
5/ cut…….... 10/ file………. 15 sing…………....

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

What are they doing ? chisel weld

They are lifting

loosen repair

Exercise 4
Answer these questions
1 - What are you reading ?
2 - Who is she speaking English to ?
3 - What are they repairing ?
4 - What is he writing ?
5 - What are you doing now ?
6 - Who is drilling in the workshop ?
7 - Are you forging a chisel ?
8 - Is he drawing ?
9 - What is he loosening ?
10 - Where is she working now ?

Unit seventeen : At the cinema

- because /bi'k ‫כ‬z / conj. bëi v×
- why ? / wai / adj. t¹i sao ?
- cinema / 'sinim∂ / n r¹p chiÕu bãng
- wait (for ) / weit / n ®îi chê
- late / leit / adj muén
- step / step / n bËc thÒm, bËc tam cÊp
- buy / bai / v mua
- ticket /'tikit / n vÐ
- cashier /'kæ∫i∂ / n quÇy vÐ
- people (s.n) /'pi:pl / n ngêi, d©n chóng
- moustache / m∂s'ta:∫ / n r©u mÐp
- lady / 'leidi / n ngêi phô n÷
- pipe / paip / n èng tÈu ( nghÜa trong bµi)

- unhappy / Λn’hæpi / n kh«ng vui
- smoke / sm∂uk / n khãi thuèc
- eye / ai / n m¾t
- scene / si:n / n c¶nh phim
- lie / lai / v n»m
- lines / lainz / n ®êng ray
- shout / ∫aut / v la, hÐt, kªu
- train / trein / n tµu ho¶, xe löa
- near / ni∂ / adj gÇn
- bend / bend / n khóc quanh
- lift / lift / n cÇu thang m¸y
- stadium / 'steidi∂m / n s©n vËn ®éng
- cat / kæt / n con mÌo
- dog / d ‫כ‬g / n con chã
- mouse / maus n con chuét
- mice (pl.) / mais / n.
- queue / kju: / v xÕp hµng
- car park / 'ka:pa:k / n b·i ®ç xe
- lion / 'lai∂n / n con s tö
- tree / tri: / n c©y cèi
- fall / f ‫כ‬:l / v ng·, r¬i

Prepositions giíi tõ
- across / ∂'kr ‫כ‬s / ngang qua
- along / ∂'l ‫ כ‬ŋ / däc theo
- behind / bi'haind/ phÝa sau
- between / bi'twi:n / ë gi÷a
- down / daun / xuèng
- in front of / in'frΛnt∂v / phÝa tríc
- in / in / trong
- inside / in'said / bªn trong
- into / 'int∂ / vµo trong
- on /‫כ‬n / trªn
- out of / aut∂v / ra khái
- outside / aut'said / bªn ngoµi
- round / raund / vßng quanh
- under / 'Λnd∂ / bªn díi
- up / Λp / lªn

Peter's standing outside
the cinema. He's waiting
for Lulu, his girlfriend,
and he's looking at his
watch because she's late.
An old man's coming out of
the cinema. A young man's
going into the cinema.
A boy's running up the steps.
A woman's buying a ticket
from the cashier. Some people
are queueing outside the cinema.

Where's Peter standing ?
Who's he waiting for ?
What's he looking at ?
Why is he looking at his watch ?
Who's coming out of the cinema ?
Who's going into the cinema ?
Who's buying a ticket ?
Where are the people queueing ?

Now Peter's in the cinema

with Lulu. He's sitting
between Lulu and a man
with a moustache. A lady's
sitting in front of him.
She's wearing a large hat.
Peter can't see the film.
A man's sitting behind Peter.
He's smoking a pipe. Lulu's unhappy
because the smoke's going into her eyes.

Where's Peter now ?
Who's he with ?
Where's he sitting ?
Who's in front of him ?
What's the lady wearing ?

Who's sitting behind him ?
What's the man smoking ?
Why is Lulu unhappy ?

This is a scene from the film.

In this scene, a beautiful young
girl's lying across the lines.
She's shouting ' Help! ' because
the train's coming along the
lines. It's very near.
It's coming round the bend now.

Where's the girl lying ?
What's she shouting ?
Why is she shouting ?
Is the train near ?
Can you see the train ?
Where is it ?

Look at this

on under in into out of up down along

across round inside outside between in fron of behind

Exercise 1

1 The first lift's going 3 The small car's 5 The 7 The car's coming
…………………………... going cat's………….. ……………the
2 The second lift's coming …………...the car the chair road
…………………………... park 6 The mouse is 8 The dog's
4 The big car's the chair running
coming ……………the
…………..the car road

9 The man's 11 A lot of people are 13 15 The lorry's

……………………the tree …………..the It's……….London coming
10 The lion's………..the stadium and Brighton ………….….the
tree 12 14 Gatwick Aiport's bend
John's…………..the ……………..Englan
stadium d

Exercise 2
Why's he closing the window ? Why can't she buy it ?
Because he's cold Bacause it's very expensive.
Now write answers using : She's married/ It's behind the sofa/ It's hot/ He can't
speak English/ He hasn't got her address.
1- Why's she wearing a ring ? 4- Why can't he send the postcard to her
…………………………….. ……………………………………
2- Why can't he understand? 5- Why's she opening the window ?
……………………………….. ……………………………………
3- Why can't she see it ?

Unit eighteen: What is it made of ?

- wood / wud / n gç
- wooden / wudn / adj b»ng gç
- plastic / 'plæstik / n nhùa ( dÎo…)
- rubber / 'rΛb∂ / n cao su

- glass / gla:s / n kÝnh, thuû tinh
- metal / 'metl / n kim lo¹i
- metallic / m∂'tælik / adj b»ng kim lo¹i
- iron / 'ai∂n / n s¾t ( gang thÐp )
- cast iron / ka:st'ai∂n / n gang
- steel/ steely / sti:l / n /’sti:li/ adj thÐp, b»ng thÐp
- alloy steel / 'æl ‫כ‬i sti:l / n thÐp hîp kim
- high speed steel / hai spi:d sti:l / n thÐp giã
- stainless steel / 'steinlis sti:l / n thÐp kh«ng gØ
- gold/ golden / g∂uld/ n /g∂uldn/ adj vµng, b»ng vµng
- copper / 'k ‫כ‬p∂/ n ®ång
- brass / bra:s / n ®ång thau
- bronze /br ‫כ‬nz / n ®ång ®á
- silver / 'silv∂ /n b¹c
- lead/leaden / led /n / 'ledn/ adj ch×, b»ng ch×
- tin / tin / n thiÕc
- zinc / ziŋk / n kÏm
- diamond / 'dai∂m∂nd / n kim c¬ng
- aluminium / ælju'mini∂m / n nh«m
- leather / 'leð∂ / n da thuéc
- nylon /'nail∂n / n ni l«ng
- cotton / 'k ‫כ‬tn / n v¶i c« t«ng
- wool / wul / n len, ®å len
- woollen / 'wul∂n / adj b»ng len
- ring / riŋ / n nhÉn ( ®eo tay )
- earring / 'i∂riŋ / n hoa tai
- belt / belt / n d©y lng
- wear / we∂ / v mÆc, ®eo, ®éi…
- circular / 's∂:kjul∂ / adj trßn, cã h×nh trßn
- rectangular / rek'tæŋgjul∂ / adj cã h×nh ch÷ nhËt
- be made of / bi:meid∂v / adj ®îc lµm b»ng
- insulating material / ’insjuleitiŋ ’m∂ti∂ri∂l/ vËt liÖu c¸ch ®iÖn

Look at Julia !
She's wearing a white cotton blouse,
and a black nylon skirt.
She's wearing a golden ring,
and carrying a brown plastic handbag.
She's wearing orange leather shoes.
Look at Godfrey !
He's wearing blue trousers and
a brown woollen jacket. He's wearing
a yellow cotton shirt and a red tie.

Look at this

copper glass wood steel

iron rubber

- This object is made of copper. It's long.

- This object is made of glass. It's rectangular.
- This object is made of wood and steel.
- This object is made of steel. It's very good.
- These objects are made of rubber. They are circular.

Exercise 1
Long / skirt / black / nylon.
a long black nylon skirt.
1 - ball/ small / blue / rubber.
2 - leather / brown / shoes / big.
3 - table / wooden / circular / green.
4 - iron / grey / long / pipe.
5 - white/ knife / steel / short.

Exercise 2
Make a question and answer.
The scissors / steel.
- What are the scissors made of ?

The scissors are made of steel.
1 - The pipe / copper.
2 - The table / wood.
3 - The tyres / rubber.
4 - The vice / cast iron.
5 - The ring / silver.
6 - The earrings / gold.
7 - The boxes / tin.
8 - The shoes / leather.

Exercise 3
Change these sentences.
This is a metallic box. ⇒ This box is made of metal.
1 - This is a wooden ruler.
2 - This is a steely blade.
3 - This is a glass bottle.
4 - This is a rubber handle.
5 - This is a plastic guard.
6 - This is a cast iron vice.

Exercise 4
Make sentenses.
spoon - metallic.
- wooden
Don't use the metallic spoon! Use the wooden one.
1 - Goggles - glass 4 - Pipe - copper
- plastic - tin
2 - Box - metal 5 - plug - rubber
- plastic - plastic
3 - Ruler - wooden 6 - Nails - iron
- steely - steely

Unit nineteen : What's the date today ?

- date / deit / n ngµy th¸ng
- month / mΛnθ / n th¸ng
- after / 'a:ft∂ / prep sau, sau khi
- before / bi:’f ‫כ‬/ prep tríc, tríc khi
- news / nju:z / n tin tøc
- home / h∂um / adj vÒ nhµ
- programme 'pr∂ugræm / n ch¬ng tr×nh
- quarter / 'kw ‫כ‬:t∂ /n 15 phót
- half (halves) / ha:f / n nöa, ba m¬i phut
- time / taim / n thêi gian, giê
- year / ji∂ / n n¨m
- birthday / 'b∂:θdei / n ngµy sinh nhËt
- National Day 'næ∫n∂l dei / n ngµy Quèc kh¸nh
- a.m (= ante meridiem) / ei’em / adv giê ( s¸ng )
- p.m (= post meridiem) / pi:’em / adv giê ( chiÒu, tèi )
- second / ‘sek∂nd / n gi©y
- minute / ’minit / n phót
- hour / au∂ / n giê, tiÕng
- weather / ’weð∂ / n thêi tiÕt
- day / dei / n ngµy, ban ngµy
- night / nait / n ®ªm, ban ®ªm
- noon / nu:n / n tra, buæi tra
- season / si:zn / n mïa
- spring / spriŋ / n mïa xu©n
- summer / ‘s∧m∂ / n mïa hÌ
- autumn / '‫כ‬:t∂m / n mïa thu
- winter / 'wint∂ / n mïa ®«ng

The days of a week ( c¸c ngµy trong tuÇn )

- Monday / ‘m∧ndei / n thø hai
- Tuesday / ’tju:zdei / n thø ba
- Wednesday / ‘wenzdei / n thø t
- Thursday / ‘θ∂:zdei / n thø n¨m
- Friday / ‘fraidei / n thø s¸u
- Saturday / ‘sæt∂dei / n thø b¶y
- Sunday / ‘s∧ndei / n chñ nhËt

The months of a year ( th¸ng trong n¨m )

- January / 'dʒænju:∂ri / n th¸ng giªng
- February / 'febru∂ri / n th¸ng hai
- March / ma:t∫ / n th¸ng ba
- April / 'eipr∂l / n th¸ng t
- May / mei / n th¸ng n¨m
- June / dʒu:n / n th¸ng s¸u
- July / dʒu:'lai / n th¸ng b¶y
- August / '‫כ‬g∂:st / n th¸ng t¸m
- September / sep'temb∂ / n th¸ng chÝn
- October /‫כ‬k't∂ub∂ / n th¸ng mêi
- November / n∂u' vemb∂ / n th¸ng mêi mét
- December / di'semb∂ / n th¸ng mêi hai

Look at this! ( ordinal numbers )

1 st first 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-second
2nd second 13th thirteenth 23rd twenty-third
3rd third 14th fouteenth 24th twenty-fourth
4th fourth 15th fifteenth 25th twenty-fifth
5th fifth 16th sixteenth 26th twenty-sixth
6th sixth 17th seventeenth 27th twenty-seventh
7th seventh 18th eighteenth 28th twenty-eighth
8th eighth 19th nineteenth 29th twenty-ninth
9th ninth 20th twentieth 30th thirtieth
10th tenth 21st twenty-first 31st thirty-first
11th eleventh

Look at this

What time is it ?
It's seven o'clock

What time is it ?
It's five past twelve.

What time is it ?
It's twenty-five to one.

What day is today ?
Today is Monday
What date is today ?
Today is January 13th

Exercise 1
The news / 6.05
What time is the news on T.V ?
It's at 6.05
1 - the weather / 6.10 2 - the music / 6.30
3 - the International sport / 7.0 4 - the film / 8.15

Exercise 2
19/5/1980 May 19th , 1980
1 - 7/4/1999 6 - 28/2/1990
2 - 1/1/2000 7 - 2/9/1945
3 - 20/11/2001 8 - 15/5/1977
4 - 17/10/1971 9 - 5/7/1996
5 - 20/6/2000 10 - 8/3/1985

Exercise 3
My birthday's on March 23rd.
1 - My birthday's……………………………………..
2 - My father's bithday's…………….………………..
3 - My mother's birthday's……………………………
4 - The National Day of my country's………………
5 - New year's day's…………………………………..

Exercise 4
a football match /9 / Monday / 25th / January.
there’s a football match at 9 0’clock on Monday 25th January
1 - a good film/ 9.30 am / Saturday / 7th / March.
2 - a concert / 7 p.m / Thursday / 23th / May.
3 - a music programme outside / 20 0’clock / 25th / June.

Unit twenty: hobby

- need / ni:d / v cÇn
- want / w ‫כ‬nt / v muèn
- like / laik / v(n) thÝch
- love / lΛv / v yªu
- difficult / 'difik∂lt / adj khã, khã kh¨n
- help / help / n sù gióp ®ì
- example / 'igzæmpl / n thÝ dô
- classical / kla:sikl / adj cæ ®iÓn
- music / 'mju:zik / n nh¹c, ©m nh¹c
- date / deit / n ngµy th¸ng
- complete / k∂m'pli:t / v hoµn thµnh
- form / f ‫כ‬:m / mÉu ®¬n
- post / p∂ust / n ®êng ( bu ®iÖn )
- age / eidʒ / n tuæi
- surname / 's∂:neim / n hä (tªn)
- chess / t∫es / n cê (gi¶i trÝ)
- roast beef / r∂ust bi:f / n thÞt bß r« ti
- potato / p∂'teit∂u / n khoai t©y
- interviewer / int∂'vju: ∂ / n ngêi pháng vÊn
- occupation / ‫כ‬kju:'pei∫n / n nghÒ nghiÖp
- signature / 'signit∫∂ / n ch÷ ký
- fishing / 'fi∫iŋ / c©u c¸
- dislike / 'dislaik / v (n) kh«ng thÝch
- personal / 'p∂sn∂l / (adj) ®êi t, riªng t
- favourite / 'feiv∂rit / (adj) a thÝch
- heat - power plant / hi:t’pau∂pla:nt / (n) nhµ m¸y nhiÖt ®iÖn
- water - powerplant / 'w ‫כ‬t∂ / n nhµ m¸y thuû ®iÖn
- cement factory / siment'fækt∂ri / nhµ m¸y xi m¨ng

Look at this
Adverbs of frequency
Always /‘‫כ‬:lweiz / lu«n lu«n
Usually /‘ju:zli / thêng thêng
Often /‘‫כ‬f∂n / thêng, hay
Sometimes /‘sΛmtaimz / ®«i khi, ®«i lóc
Occasionally / ∂’keiʒn∂li / thi tho¶ng
Rarely /’ri∂li / hiÕm khi, Ýt khi
Never. /’nev∂ / kh«ng bao giê

Interviewer : Come in !
Mr Bull : Ah, good afternoon.
My name's Bull…John Bull.
Inter : What do you need ?
and can I help you ?
Mr Bull : Oh, yes, I need your help.
Now I'm looking for a girlfriend.
Inter : I think that it isn't very difficult.
But May I ask you some questions ?
Mr Bull : Oh, yes…..what about ?
Inter : Ah……music, for example
……..Do you like music ?
Mr Bull : yes, I do
Inter : What do you like music ?
Mr Bull : I like classical music.
Inter : Do you like pop music ?
Mr Bull : No, I don't…..and I don't like Jazz.
Inter : Do you like football ?
Mr Bull : Yes, I do. It's my favourite sport.
Inter : How old are you, Mr Bull ?
Mr Bull : What ! I don't like personal questions !
Inter : Oh, well…. You can complete
this form later, and send it by post !

Exercise 1 Exercise 2
I/ beer / film
I like beer . But I don't like film 1 - Do you like potatoes ?
1 - They / football / volleyball 2 - Do they like Jazz ?
2 - We / wine / butter 3 - Do you like
3 - I / classical music / pop cigarettes ? 4 - Do they
music like English ?

Exercise 3
1 - What do you like ?
2 - What do they do every day?
3 - Who do you love ?
4 - Where do they live ?
Exercise 4
you / the cinema. How often do you go to the cinema ?
1 - they/ clean / their room
3 - you / write / a letter.
2 - they / visit / heat-power plant.

4 - you / practise / the workshop.

Unit twenty- one : Every day

- farmer / 'fa:m∂ / n«ng d©n
- engineer / endʒi'ni∂ / (n) kü s
- live/ life / liv / v / laif/ n sèng/ cuéc sèng
- wake up / weikΛp / v thøc giÊc
- get up / get Λp / v ngñ dËy
- have breakfast / hæv'brekf∂st / v ¨n s¸ng
- have lunch / lΛnt∫/ v ¨n tra
- have dinner / 'din∂ / v ¨n tèi
- leave for work / li:vf∂rw∂:k / ®i lµm
- arrive home / ∂'raiv h∂um / vÒ nhµ
- start / sta:t / v b¾t ®Çu, khëi ®éng
- rest / rest / v nghØ ng¬i
- until / ∂n'til / prep cho ®Õn
- work / w∂:k / n c«ng viÖc
- morning / 'm ‫כ‬:niŋ / n buæi s¸ng
- afternoon / a:ft∂'nu:n / n buæi chiÒu
- evening / 'ivniŋ / n buæi tèi
- footballer / 'fub ‫כ‬l∂ / n cÇu thñ bãng ®¸
- newsreader / 'nju:sri:d∂ / n ph¸t thanh viªn
- newspaper /'nju:speip∂ / n b¸o, tê b¸o
- go out / g∂u aut / v ®i ch¬i
- stay at home / 'stei ∂t h∂um / v ë nhµ
- go to bed / g∂u tu:bed / v ®i ngñ
- stadium / ’steidi∂m / n s©n vËn ®éng
- (at) midnight / 'mid nait / n nöa ®ªm
- crane / krein / n cÇn trôc, cÈu trôc
- truck crane / tr∧k krein / n xe « t« cÈu
- company / 'kΛmp∂ni / n c«ng ty
- free time / fri:taim / thêi gian r¶nh rçi
- once / wΛns / (adv) mét lÇn
- twice / twais / (adv) hai lÇn
- time / taim / (n) lÇn, lît
- visit / 'vizit / v th¨m, th¨ml quan
- boarding school / 'b ‫כ‬:diŋ sku:l / n ký tóc x¸, néi tró
- BBC ( British Broadcasting Corporation ) ®µi BBC
- universal pliers /ju:ni’v∂:sl ‘plai∂z / k×m v¹n n¨ng
- pipe bender m¸y uèn èng
- thread-cutting machine m¸y c¾t(tiÖn) ren

- pipe-threading machine m¸y c¾t ren èng

Look at Mr Frenk.
He's forty years old
He's a mechanical engineer.
He lives in Oxford. He has got
a wife and two children. He loves
them. He works five days a week.
Every day he gets up at 5 a.m and
has breakfast at 6 0'clock. He likes
drinking coffee after breakfast.
He leaves for work at 7 0'clock.
His work starts at 7.30. He has
lunch in the canteen at 12 0'clock.
After lunch he rests until 1.30 p.m and
he does his work. He arrives home
from work at 5p.m .In the evening
he watches T.V or reads a newspaper.
He goes to bed at 10 o'clock.

1 - How old is he ?
2 - What does he do ?
3 - Who does he love ?
4 - How many days a week does he work ?
5 - What time does he get up ?
6 - What does he like after breakfast ?
7 - What time does he leave for work ?
8 - When does his work start ?
9 - Where does he have lunch ?
10 - What does he do after lunch ?
11 - What does he do in the afternoon ?
12 - What time does he arrive home from work ?
13 - Does he go out in the evening ?
14 - What does he do in the evening ?
15 - What time does he go to bed ?

Exercise 1
Look at Ann Gregor
1 - Newsreader for BBC TV.
2 - Live/ House in London.
3 - Get up / 900
4 - Read "The Guardian "
5 - Arrive at television centre / 1.30
6 - Have dinner / 6 0'clock.
7 - leave television centre / 11.15
8 - Go to bed / midnight.
Write questions and answers.
1 - What does she do ?
She's a newsreader
2 - Where does she live ?
She lives in a house in London.

Exercise 2
Note ; Stanley Walsh
1 - footballer for Liverton United
2 - Live / a new house near Liverton.
3 - Get up / 6.30
4 - Read " The Daily Mail "
5 - Arrive at the stadium / 8 0'clock.
6 - Leave the stadium / 2.30
7 - Have dinner / 5.30
8 - Go to bed / 9.30
Do the same exercise 1. Write questions and answers.

Exercise 3
Look at this !
1 - Student / of the TTC-1. - He's a student of the TTC-1.
2 - Stay / at the boarding school. - He stays at the boarding
3 - Get up / 5.00
4 - Have breakfast / 5.30
5 - Arrive at the workshop / 6.00

6 - Leave the workshop / 12.00
7 - Have lunch / 12.30
8 - Rest / until 3.30 p.m
9 - Play sport / 4.00 p.m
10 - Have dinner / 6.00 p.m
11 - Do his home works / after dinner.
12- Go to bed / 11 p.m.

unit twenty-two : well or badly ?

- paint / peint / v s¬n, vÏ (b»ng s¬n)
- teach / ti:t∫ / v d¹y, d¹y häc
- university / ju:ni'v∂:s∂ti / n trêng ®¹i häc
- accident / 'æksid∂nt / n tai n¹n
- against / '∂geinst / prep ®Êu víi
- bad / bæd / adj tåi, dë
- good / gud / adj giái, hay
- careful /'ke∂fl / adj cÈn thËn
- careless / 'ke∂ lis / adj cÈu th¶, bÊt cÈn
- hard / ha:d / adj vÊt v¶, ch¨m chØ
- noisy / 'n ‫כ‬izi / adj ån µo
- quiet / 'kwai∂t / adj yªn tÜnh
- team / ti:m / n tæ, ®éi
- walk / w ‫כ‬k / v ®i bé, ®i d¹o
- different / 'dif∂r∂nt / adj kh¸c
- exciting / ik'saitiŋ / adj nhén nhÞp
- easy / 'i:zi / adj dÔ dµng, nhµn h¹
- lucky / 'lΛki / adj may m¾n
- interesting / 'intr∂stiŋ / adj thó vÞ
- wonderful / 'w ‫כ‬nd∂fl / adj tuyÖt vêi
- match / mæt∫ / n rËn ®Êu ( thÓ thao )
- dark / da:k / adj tèi, ¶m ®¹m
- broken / 'br∂uk∂n / adj vì, háng, bÞ g·y
- pour / p ‫כ‬: / v rãt, ®æ, trót
- drill / dril / v khoan
- hammer / 'hæm∂ / v ®ãng b»ng bóa.
- gentleman /‘dʒentlm∂n / n. ngêi lÞch sù

There's an international football
match on television. England are
playing against Scotland. They are good teams.
They usually play well. But today
England are playing very well,
and Scotland are playing badly.
What's on television ?
Which teams are playing ?
Are they good teams ?
Do they usually play well or badly ?
How are England playing today?
How are Scotland playing today?

Tom Morgan often has accidents

This is his fourth accident this
year. He's a bad driver, because he's
a fast and careless driver. He drives
fast, carelessly and badly.

What's his name ?
Does he often have accidents ?
Is this his first accident this year ?
Is he a good or a bad driver ?
Does he drive well or badly ?
Is he a fast or a slow driver?
Does he drive carefully or carelessly ?

Bill Morris is a gentleman. He

always drives slowly, carefully
and well. All his friends say.
“Bill's a good driver ! He's very careful”

What's his name ?
Is he a gentleman ?
Is he a good driver or a bad driver ?
Does he drive well or badly?
Is he a fast driver or a slow driver ?
Does he drive carefully or does he
drive carelessly ?

Kevin's a good player. 1 You're a bad 4 They're hard workers
How does he play ? swimmer 5 He's a fast walker
He plays well 2 She's careful driver.
3 John's a slow learner

Look at this
bad badly happy happily good well
slow slowly busy busily fast fast
careful carefully noisy noisily hard hard
careless carelessly

Exercise 1
Write adverbs from adjectives
bad badly happy happily good well
slow…………. busy……………… fast…………………
careful………. noisy……………… hard………………..
careless………. lucky………………
beautiful……… angry………………
quiet………….. hungry……………..
wonderful…….. heavy………………
intelligent…….. lazy………………

Exercise 2
They play well. They are good players.
1 - He welds well
2 - She teaches carefully.
3 - They swim fast.
4 - He drives carelessly.
5 - They work badly.

Exercise 3
He / play. How does he play ?
He plays well.
1 - she / draw 5 - he / work
2 - he / file 6 - they / speak English
3 - they / repair 7 - she / drive
4 - you / swim 8 - he / chisel

Unit twenty-three : I'm going to…
- tomorrow / t∂'m ‫כ‬:r∂u / n (adv) mai,ngµy mai
- picnic / 'piknik / v ®i ch¬i, cuéc phÝc nic
- good luck ! / gudl∧k / chóc may m¾n
- here / hi∂/ adv ®©y, ë ®©y
- there / ðe∂ / adv kia, ®ã, ë ®ã
- service / 's∂:vis / v b¶o dìng, söa ch÷a
- press / pres / v bÊm, Ên, nhÊn
- ring / riŋ / n chu«ng, rung ( chu«ng )
- button / bΛtn/ n nót bÊm
- connect / k∂’nekt / v nèi, m¾c, ®ãng m¹ch
- turn / t∂:n / quay, vÆn
- wash / w ‫ ∫כ‬/ v röa, giÆt, t¾m röa
- buy / bai / v mua
- furniture / ‘f∂:nit∫∂ / n ®å ®¹c ( trong gia ®×nh )
- machinery / m∂'∫i:n∂ri / n m¸y mãc, thiÕt bÞ
- wardrobe / w ‫כ‬:dr∂ub / n tñ ®ùng quÇn ¸o
- cooker / ‘kuk∂ / n bÕp nÊu, nåi nÊu
- fridge ‘ / fridʒ / n tñ l¹nh
- rag / ræg / n giÎ lau
- shiny / ‘∫aini / adj bãng lo¸ng
- dull / d∧l / adj mê, xØn
- dusty / ‘d∧sti / adj bôi, cã bôi
- dirty / ‘d∂:ti / adj bÈn, d¬ bÈn
- broken / br∂uk∂n / adj vì, bÞ vì, g·y, háng
- loose / lu:z / adj láng, long ra, chïng
- wet / wet / adj Èm ít
- dry / drai / adj kh«, r¸o, c¹n, v« vÞ
- member / ‘memb∂ / n thanh, xµ
- alloy / ‘æl ‫כ‬i / n hîp kim
- clockwise / ‘kl ‫כ‬kwaiz / n theo chiÒu kim ®ång hå
- anti-clockwise / ‘æntikl ‫כ‬kwaiz / n ngîc chiÒu kim ®ång hå
- bus / b∧s / n xe buýt
- train / trein / n tµu ho¶
- plane / plein / n m¸y bay

John : Well.... tomorrow I’m not
going to work.
Mark : Where are you going to go ?
John : I’m going to picnic.
Mark : Oh, I’m going to go to London.
John : What are you going to do there ?
Mark : I’m going to work for a big factory.
John : What can you do ?
Mark : I can service machinery.
John : How are you going to come to London ?
Mark: By bus
John : How long does it take from
here to there by bus ?
Mark : About two hours.
John : Good luck !
Mark : Thank you.

Brenda : George ! The plug is broken.

George : Yes, I know.
Brenda : Well, will you do it today ?
George : Yes, I’ll do it now.
Where’s the screwdriver ?
Brenda : I don’t know.
George : Well, I can’t find it. I’ll do it tomorrow.

Exercise 1
He/ turn / the. screw
- What’s he going to do ?
He’s going to turn the screw
1 - She / check / the switches 4 - They / service / the machinery
2 - You saw / the wood 5 - She / wash / her car
3 - He / weld / the pipe 6 - You/ turn / the wheel anti- clockwise

Exercise 2
You are going to buy a new house, now you haven’t got any furniture. What are
you going to buy ?
bed; table; chairs; wardrobe ; cooker ; fridge.
- I’m going to buy a bed.
You do the same.

Exercise 3
Can you mend it now ? ( later )
No, I’ll mend it later
1 - Can he do it now ? ( tomorrow ).
2 - Can they help me now ? ( in a minute ).
3 - Can she ask him now ? ( at the weekend ).
4 - Can you buy it now ? ( Next week )

twenty - four : Where were you yesterday ?

- yesterday / 'jest∂dei / adv (n) h«m qua
- last / la:st / adj qua, tríc
- detective / di'tektiv / n th¸m tö
- be at home / h∂um / n ë nhµ
- central / 'sentr∂l / adj trung t©m, ë gi÷a
- centre / 'sent∂ / n trung t©m
- remember / ri'memb∂ / v nhí ( c¸i g× )
- prison / 'prizn / n nhµ tï
- wrong / r ‫כ‬ŋ / adj sai, kh«ng ®óng
- right / rait / adj ®óng, ph¶i
- sure / su∂ / adj ch¾c, ch¾c ch¾n
- lecture / 'lekt∫∂ / n bµi thuyÕt tr×nh
- lesson / 'lesn / n bµi häc, buæi häc
- world / w∂:ld / n thÕ giíi
- shop / ∫‫כ‬p / n cöa hµng
- mechanics / mi'kæniks / n c¬ häc
- mechanism / 'mek∂niz∂m / n c¬ cÊu, m¸y mãc
- mechanize / 'mek∂naiz / v c¬ khÝ ho¸, c¬ giíi ho¸
- tackle / tækl / n pa l¨ng
- exle / eksl / n trôc
- exle bearing / eksl be∂riŋ / n æ trôc, hép trôc
- ballbearing / b ‫כ‬:l’be∂riŋ / n æ bi
- level / ‘levl / n. ni v«
- brake / breik / n. phanh h·m
- flange / flændʒ / n. mÆt bÝch
- gear jack / gi∂ dʒæk / n. kÝch r¨ng
- carb winch / ka:b wint∫ / têi tay
- swing winch / swiŋ wint∫ / n. têi l¾c

Detective: Now, Mr Briggs….
Where were you yesterday ?
Briggs: Yesterday ? What time ?
Detective: at two 0'clock. Where
were you at two o'clock ?
Briggs : I was at home.
Detective : You weren't at home
you were in central London.
Briggs: No, I wasn't! I was at home !
Ask my girlfriend ! she was with me !
Detective: Well, we're going to
speak to her later. Where is she now ?
Briggs: Oh….I don't know…
Detective: O.k…now, where were you
on January 12th ?
Briggs: January 12th ?
Detective: Yes, it was a Wednesday.
Briggs: I can't remember.
Detective: You were in Manchester.
Briggs: Oh no, I wasn't
Detective: Oh yes, you were.
Briggs: Oh no, I wasn’t….. I was in prison in January.
Detective: Oh !
Look at this
this morning……….yesterday morning
this afternoon………yesterday afternoon
this evening………..yesterday evening
this week…………..last week
this month…………last month
this year……………last year
tonight……………..last night


mechanical musicing mechanical musicing mechanical musicing
ar tist Elton Kash artist The Rats artist Lorna Winter
World tours British concert tour Programme for visit to
( Last year ) ( Last week ) London. ( Yesterday )
January : California Monday : Liverpool 9 am at home
February : Brazil Tuesday : Manchester 10 am at the film studio
April : Argentina Wednesday : Sheffield 1 pm in a restaurant
June : Japan Thursday : Leeds 2 pm at the BBC
September : Europe Friday : Newcastle 5 pm at the Hilton hotel
December : Africa Saturday : London 8 pm at the Concert
12 pm in bed

Exercise 1 Exercise 2
Where was he in January ? Where were they on Monday ?
He was in California They were in Liverpool
1…………………………… 1………………………………….
…………………………… …………………………………
2…………………………… 2……………………………….….
……………………………. ………………………………….
3…………………………… 3……………………………….….
……………………………. …………………………………
4…………………………… 4……………………………….….
……………………………. …………………………………
5…………………………… 5……………………………….….

……………………………. …………………………………
6…………………………… 6……………………………….….
……………………………. ………………………………….

Exercise 3
Where was she at nine o'clock ?
She was at home.

Unit twenty - five : In the office

- have a holiday / ‘hæv∂’hol∂dei / v ®i nghØ
- have a birthday / ‘hæv∂’b∂:θdei / v tæ chøc sinh nhËt
- have a lecture / ‘hæv∂‘lekt∫∂/ v thuyÕt tr×nh, gi¶ng bµi
- have a lesson / ‘hæv∂’lesn / v cã giê häc, bµi häc, buæi häc
- have tea / ‘hæv’ti: / v uèng trµ
- get / got / get / got / v mua
- go / went / g∂u / went / v ®i
- come / came / kΛm / keim / v ®Õn
- see/saw / si: /s ‫כ‬: / v nh×n, th¨m quan
- finish / 'fini∫ / v lµm xong, hoµn thµnh
- arrive / ∂'raiv / v ®Õn
- photocopy / 'f∂ut∂uk ‫כ‬pi / v ph« t«, sao chôp
- post / p∂ust / v göi ( b»ng ®êng bu ®iÖn )
- repeat / ri'pi:t / v lÆp l¹i, nh¾c l¹i
- type / taip / v ®¸nh m¸y
- service / 's∂:vis / v phôc vô
- reserve / ri'z∂:v / v ®Æt tríc, gi÷ tríc
- sign / sain / v ký
- telephone / ’telif∂un / v gäi ®iÖn tho¹i
- stop / st ‫כ‬p / v dõng l¹i
- drop / dr ‫כ‬p / v ®¸nh r¬i
- study / 'stΛdi / v häc, nghiªn cøu
- enjoy / in'dʒ ‫כ‬i / v thÝch, thëng thøc
- dress / dres / v mÆc quÇn ¸o, ¨n mÆc
- park / pa:k / n c«ng viªn, b·i ®ç xe
- exam / ig'zæm / n kú thi
- afraid / ∂'freid / adj sî h·i
- hurry / 'hΛri / v véi vµng
- carry / 'kæri / v mang, khiªng
- reply / ri'plai / v ®¸p l¹i
- wait / weit / v chê, ®îi
- pull ( out ) /pul aut / v kÐo ( kÐo ra )
- rent / rent / v thuª
- ask / a:sk / v hái, ®Ò nghÞ
- move (to) / mu:v / v di chuyÓn (chuyÓn tíi...)

Secretary : Good afternoon, Mr Smith
Mr Smith : Good afternoon, Miss Wild
Did you finish those letters ?
Secretary : Yes, sir. I typed them
and signed them for you.
Mr Smith : Did you photocopy them ?
Secretary : Yes, sir I photocopied them
and posted them.
Mr Smith : Did Mr Jackson arrive ?
Secretary : Yes, sir.
Mr Smith : What time did he arrive ?
Secretary : About two o'clock, sir…but
he didn't stay. He didn't have time.
Mr Smith : What did he want ?
Secretary : Oh… I didn't ask, sir.
Mr Smith : Er…did you telephone Mrs Smith ?
Secretary : Yes, I did…but she wasn't at home.
Mr Smith : Hmm… and the table at
"Mario's " for tonight ?
Secretary : Yes, sir, I reserved
a table for two, at eight o'clock.
Mr Smith : Good. Did Lulu telephone ?
Secretary : Yes, sir.

The holiday of Alan

Alan went to Egypt last summer. He met a lot of people there. He wrote a
lot of letters and sent them to all his friends. The sun shone nearly every
day. It was very hot. He saw the Great Pyramid, and he rode on a camel.
He took a lot of photos. He came home by British Air ways. He brought a
lot of souvenirs with him.

Answer these questions

1 - Where did he go last Summer ?
2 - What did he write?
3 - Did he write any postcards ?
4 - What did he see ?
5 - Did he take a photograph ?
6 - How did he come back ?
7 - What did he buy ?
8 - Who went to Egypt last Summer ?

Exercise 1
Look at this finish…finished
look at these words. sign…signed
visit/ smile / look / study/ watch/ dictate post…posted
play/ like/ rest/ love/ carry/ start/ wash/ …………………………………
want/ listen/ need/ enjoy/ dress/ repeat/ rent …………………………………
Now write them in the correct place, …………………………………
in the same way as the examples. …………………………………
reserve…reserved stay…stayed photocopy…photocopied
………………………. ……………………. ……………………………
………………………. ……………………. ……………………………
………………………. ……………………. ……………………………
………………………. ……………………. ……………………………
Exercise 2
He wrote a letter. What did he write ?
1. She practised in the workshop. 4. We serviced the engines.
Where………………………...? What ………………………………?
2. He went to school 6 days a week. 5. He had a lesson last Saturday.

How many …………………...? When ……………………………….?
3. They started at 6 o'clock 6. Nam saw his friend yesterday.
What time…………………….? Who.…………………….............…?

Exercise 3
wait - waited speak - spoke
1 - pull 6 - drink 11 - carry
2 - fire 7 - shout 12 - fly
3 - move 8 - hurry 13 - meet
4 - come 9 - miss 14 - buy
5 - eat 10 - kill 15 – reply

Exercise 4
- He always has coffee at eleven o’clock.
So yesterday he had coffee at 11 o’ clock
- They never have a lesson on sundays
So last sunday they didn’t have a lesson.
1 - She never has a holiday in June.
So last June..............................................
2 - We always have lunch at 12.30
So yesterday.............................................
3 - They never have tea at noon.
So last noon..............................................
4 - He usually has a lecture on Saturday.
So last Saturday........................................

Contents (Môc lôc)

TT Néi dung Trang

1. Bµi më ®Çu : HÖ thèng ký hiÖu phiªn ©m 2
2. Bµi 1 : Hello ! Xin chµo ! 4
3. Bµi 2 : Excuseme ! Xin lçi 6
4. Bµi 3 : What is it ? Nã lµ c¸i g× ? 8
5. Bµi 4 : What's your name ? Tªn b¹n lµ g× ? 11
6. Bµi 5 : Is it heavy ? Nã cã nÆng kh«ng ? 14
7. Bµi 6 : Places N¬i chèn 16
8. Bµi 7 : How much is there ? Cã bao nhiªu ? 19
9. Bµi 8 : What shape is it ? Nã h×nh g× ? 21
10. Bµi 9 : What colour is it ? Nã mµu g× ? 24
11. Bµi 10 : Whose is it ? Nã lµ cña ai ? 26
12. Stp and check 29
13. Bµi 11 : Do this ! Don’t do that ! H·y lµm c¸i nµy! §õng lµm c¸i 31
14. Bµi 12 : Can you do it ? B¹n cã thÓ lµm nã kh«ng? 34
15. Bµi 13 : What have you got ? B¹n cã g× ? 37
16. Bµi 14 : Which one ? c¸i/ ngêi nµo ? 40
17. Bµi 15 : Everyday conversation - §µm tho¹i hµng ngµy 43
18. Bµi 16 : What are they doing now ? Hä ®ang lµm g× ? 46
19. Bµi 17 : At the cinema - T¹i r¹p chiÕu bãng. 50
20. Bµi 18 : What is it made of ? Nã ®îc lµm b»ng g× ? 53
21. Bµi 19 : What’s the date today ? H«m nay lµ ngµy g×? 56
22. Bµi 20 : Hobby - Së thÝch riªng 58
23. Bµi 21 : Every day - Hµng ngµy 61
24. Bµi 22 : Well or badly ? Tèt hay dë ? 64
25. Bµi 23 : I’m going to... T«i dù ®Þnh... 67
26. Bµi 24 : Where were you yesterday ? H«m qua anh ë ®©u? 70
27. Bµi 25 : In the ofice - Trong v¨n phßng 73

Appendix (phô lôc)

NghÒ ®iÖn Trade of electricity

¸p dông apply
®å thÞ biÓu diÔn electric circuit
®ãng ®iÖn energized
®ång hå wattmeter
®ång hå ®o cos cos & clock
®ång hå A ammeter
®ång hå Mª g«m tay quay megohmmetter
®ång hå V volmeter
®ång hå v¹n n¨ng all - purpose clock
®ãng m¹ch to switch on
®éng c¬ ®iÖn 1 chiÒu D.C electric motor
®éng c¬ kh«ng ®ång bé 3 pha three - phase asynchronons
®i èt b¸n dÉn transistorized diode
®Ìn electric light
®Ìn ®iÖn tö electric light (valve)
®Ìn ®iÖn tö vacuum tube
®iÖn electricity
®iÖn ¸p voltage relay
®iÖn ¸p voltage
®iÖn ©m minus electricity
®iÖn 1 chiÒu glavanic elctricity
®iÖn c¶m øng induction electricity
®iÖn chØnh adjust
®iÖn d¬ng plus electricity
®iÖn kÕ galvanometer
®iÖn m«i die electric
®iÖn ma s¸t friction electricity
®iÖn tõ electromagnetic
®iÖn tö c«ng nghiÖp industrical electron
®iÖn trë resister
®iÖn tÜnh static electricity
®iÖn tÝch electrical charge
®iÖn tÝch ©m negative charge
®iÖn tÝch d¬ng positive charge
®iÖn tÝch electon electron charge
®iÖn tÝch ion ionic charge
®iÖn xoay chiÒu alternating electricity
®o ®iÖn n¨ng measuring electric power
®o¶n m¹ch ( ng¾t m¹ch) short circuit
®ui ®Ìn lamp holder
¾c quy accumulator
b¸n dÉn transistorized
b¶ng ph©n phèi ®iÖn electric distributor (board)
b¶o vÖ qu¸ t¶i overload protection
bé nèi ®iÖn cã nhiÒu æ c¾m adapter
bé phËn chèng rung vibration - proof part
bé phËn chèng sÐt lightning machine
biªn ®é amplitude
biÕn trë variable resister
c¸ch m¾c connection
c¸i kÑp crampons
c¸nh qu¹t propeller
c¸p cao thÕ high - tension cable
c¸p h¹ thÕ low - tension cable
c«ng t¾c t¬ contactor
c«ng t¾c xoay rotary switch
c¶m øng ®iÖn tõ electromagnetic induction
cÇu ch× cao ¸p hight - voltage fuse
cÇu ch× èng tube fuse
cÇu ch× h¹ ¸p low - voltage fuse
cÇu ch× tù r¬i explulsion dropout fuse
cÇu ch× xo¸y screwed / screw type
cÇu dao 1 ng¶ one - way switch
cÇu dao 2 ng¶ two - way switch
cÇu dao c¸ch ly knife switch
cÇu giao nèi ®Êt ( chèng sÐt) lightening switch
cÇu giao trung gian intermediate switch
cÊu t¹o contruction
chÊt ®iÖn ph©n electrolyte
chÊt nhên greasy material
chu kú cycle
chuyÓn m¹ch to switch over
d©y c¸p wine cable
d©y ch¶y trong cÇu ch× fuse wine
dËp t¾t extinguish
dông cô ®o measuring instrument
dông cô kiÓm tra checking tool
dßng circuit
dßng ®iÖn electric circuit ( current)
dßng ®iÖn 1 chiÒu direct current
dßng ®iÖn xoay chiÒu h×nh sin sin alternating - current
èng luån d©y solenoit
hÖ sè an toµn safe factor
hÖ sè c«ng suÊt power factor
hÖ sè phô t¶i load factor
hÖ thèng ®iÖn electric system
k×m ®o dßng ®iÖn current measuring pliers
khe hë ph«i ®iÖn spark-gap
khÝ cô ®iÖn electric instrument
kÑp ®Êu d©y connecting clamp
kÑp d©y wine clamp
lâi thÐp steel core
líi ®iÖn truyÒn t¶i electric transmission grid
lß xo spring
m¸y ®iÖn 1 chiÒu dynamo
m¸y ®iÖn xoay chiÒu 3 pha three phase altrenaling electric machine
m¸y b¬m ®iÖn electric pump
m¸y biÕn ¸p transformer
m¸y biÕn ¸p ®o lêng measuring transformer
m¸y biÕn ¸p dßng ®iÖn series transformer
m¸y biÕn ¸p hµn welding transformer
m¸y biÕn ¸p tù ngÉu autoformer
m¸y h¹ thÕ step -down
m¸y ng¾t ®iÖn ¸p switch off machine / cut out
m¸y ph¸t ®ång bé synchro transmitter
m¸y ph¸t ®iÖn electric generator
m¸y ph¸t ®iÖn ®ång bé synnchro
m¸y ph¸t ®iÖn 1 chiÒu constant-current generator
m¸y ph¸t ®iÖn xoay chiÒu AC genreator
m¸y ph¸t dßng ®iÖn current generator
m¸y t¨ng thÕ step - up transformer
m¾c nèi tiÕp series connection
m¾c song song paralell connection
m¹ch ®iÖn electric circuit
m¹ch ®iÖn xoay chiÒu 1 pha one - phase circuit
m¹ch ®iÖn xoay chiÒu 3 pha three phase circuit
m¹ch ®iÒu khiÓn control circuit
mËt ®é ®iÖn tö density of electrons
mËt ®é ®iÖn tÝch density of charge
nam ch©m magnet
ng¾t m¹ch to switch off
ngån ®iÖn h×nh sao star- delta sourse of current
nguån sourse
nguån ®iÖn sourse of current
nguyªn lý lµm viÖc principle of working
phãng hå quang ®iÖn flashover charge
r¬ le nhiÖt thermal relay
r¬ le thêi gian time relay
r·nh channel
sø ®êng d©y through insulator
sø ®ì base insulator
sø nguéi line insulator
sø treo live (adj) insulater
sø xuyÕn suspended insulator
sù t¶n nhiÖt heat dissipation
tæng sè aggregate
tÇn sè frequency
thanh c¸i bus bar
thêi gian chuyÓn m¹ch time limit switch
thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn electrical equipment
thiÕt bÞ ng¾t switching equipment
thiÕt bÞ ph©n phèi vµ ®iÒu khiÓn distribution and control eqipment
thuèc næ power charge
tiÕp ®iÓm point of contact
tô ®iÖn capacitor /condensor
tô ®iÖn capacitor
tõng phÇn apart
tr¹m biÕn ¸p tranformer station
tr¹m ph¸t ®iÖn central power station
tr¹m ph©n phèi distributing station
tÜnh ®iÖn electrostatic electricity
vá cover
vá c¸ch ®iÖn insulating cover
vËt dÉn conductor
NghÒ hµn Trade of welding
mèi hµn weld
hµn hå quang arc welding
hµn khÝ air welding
hµn ¸p lùc pressure welding
hµn h¬i, hµn x× oxyacetylene welding
sù hµn nguéi cold welding
dông cô hµn welding tool
k×m hµn pinch welder
c¸i kÑp, má hµn brazing clamp
que hµn electrode
dông cô phô trî auxilary instrument
thiÕt bÞ phô auxilariet instrument
bóa ®Çu nhän peen
bóa ®Çu trßn ball - peen hammer
bµn tr¶i thÐp wine brush
®ôc chisel
mÆt n¹ headshield
quÇn ¸o b¶o hé protective clothes
thiÕt bÞ hµn hå quang tay hand arc welding equipment
d©y c¸p cable
d©y hµn bead
m¸y hµn ®iÖn electric welding machine
mèi hµn hå quang kindle the arc
vÞ trÝ mèi hµn trong kh«ng gian weld position
hµn b»ng flat weld
hµn xÊp down hand weld
hµn ngang flat weld
c¸c lo¹i mèi hµn classes of welds
mèi hµn gi¸p mèi butt weld
mèi hµn gÊp mÐp flanged weld
mèi hµn chång pad weld
mèi hµn gãc corner / fillet weld
mèi hµn ch÷ T jump weld
hµn b»ng ngän löa khÝ gas weld
thiÕt bÞ kiÓm tra an toµn safety control equipment
¸p kÕ gasometer
n¾p ®Ëy obturator
van gi¶m ¸p gas reducing valve
má hµn soldering iron
má hµn h¬i gas burner
èng dÉn khÝ air pipe
thiÕt bÞ c¾t cut-out machine
má c¾t flame cut-out
m¸y c¾t cut-out machine
c¾t b»ng hå quang are cut-out
c¾t b»ng plasma plasma cut-out
biÕn trë hµn welding rheostat /welding resistor
hép ®iÖn ®iÒu khiÓn khiÓn electrical control box
khoÐt lç to bore
måi to fetch
ngän löa flame
mÉu sample
®òa hµn welding rod
®êng hµn weld bead
®iÖn cùc hµn welding electrode
®iÒu chØnh ngän löa to adjust the flame
hµn ®èt ch¶y fusion welding
hµn cung fercussion welding
khuyÕt tËt defect
lß furnace
lß ®iÖn electric furnace
mèi nèi joint
mèi nèi th¼ng straight joints
mèi nèi hµn welded connection
nguyªn tè element
vïng ch¶y melting bath
lµm nguéi cool (v)
hÖ thèng lµm nguéi cooling system
®Çu nèi pipe union
ngøa m¾t shock the eyes

NghÒ gia c«ng Trade of processing

®ôc nhän round chisel
®ai èc h·m lock nut
®ång ®en black bronze
®ång thau brass
®é bÒn kÐo tensil strongth
®é bÒn uèn bending strongth
®é bÒn xo¾n torsional strongth
®èi xøng qua t©m control symmetry
®èi xøng qua trôc axial symmetry
®éng c¬ 2 kú two-stroke engine
®éng c¬ khëi ®éng self-starter
®éng c¬ vÜnh cöu perpetual-motion machine
®iÓm chÕt díi bottom center
®iÓm chÕt trªn top dead center
®ôc b»ng flat chisel
æ dÜa roller bearing
æ trôc ghÐp spilit bearing
b¸nh r¨ng trung gian intermediate gear
b¸nh r¨ng xÝch sprocket
b¸nh trô th¼ng spur gear
bµn ª t« / khu«n dËp vice table /die
bª t«ng cèt thÐp reinforced concrete
bé b¸nh cãc ratchet
bé gi¶m tèc reduction gear
bé gi¶m xãc shock absorber
bíc sãng wave length
bóa t¹ sledge hammer
bóa tay hammer
c¸i cµo rake
c¸i cuèc chim pickaxe
c«ng t¾c lïi swich back
c«ng t¾c tiÕn switch forward
c©n bµn weighing machine
c¬ cÊu kho¸ liªn ®éng interlocking gear/ blocking mechanism
c¬ cÊu l¾p r¸p erecting mechanism
c¬ cÊu n©ng lifting mechanism
c¬ cÊu trôc khuûu crank mechanism
c¬ cÊu truyÒn ®éng thanh r¨ng rack and pinion mechanism
cét,trô stanchion
ch©n kh«ng vapour brake
chµy pestle
ch¹m chisel
chÊt b«i ch¬n dÇu nhên lubricant
chèt chÎ split pin
cöa xoay turnstile
cèi mortar
con cãc( trong c¬ cÊu b¸y cãc) pawl
®ång ®á copper alloy
dÔ d¸t máng ,dÔ cuèn malleable(adj)
dông cô ®o kiÓm tra measuring tool
dông cô t¹o h×nh forming tool
dông cô tæ hîp combine tool
gãc mÉu calÝp standard gauge
ghØ rust
giòa mÆt cong riffler
h¬i níc vapour
hîp kim ®ång copper alloy
hîp kim nh«m aluminiun alloy
khíp cac-®¨ng universal joint
khíp trôc clutch
k×m v¹n n¨ng universal pliers
kÏm zine
kim lo¹i ®en black metal / ferrous metal
lîng d gia c«ng surplus stock/ take out stock
m¸y gËp mÐp folding machine
m¸y n¾n thÐp tÊm 3 trôc three-shaft steel-staightening bender
m¸y ®ét m¸y ®ét lç puncturing machine
m¸y ®o measuring machine
m¸y c¾t ®ét cutting and piercing machine
m¸y c¾t ren bu l«ng bolt-screwing machine
m¸y c¾t ren èng pipe-threading machine
m¸y c¾t tiÖn ren thread-cutting machine
m¸y cuèn cuén d©y coiling/reeling machine
m¸y gia c«ng kim loai metal-working machine
m¸y hµn ®iÖn spot welding machine
m¸y tiÖn ren screw machine
m¸y tÕt d©y braiding machine
m¸y trén kneeding machine
m¸y uèn t«n roll-bending machine
m¸y uèn thÐp ®a n¨ng multifunction steel bending
m¸y uèn thuû lùc hydraulic bender
m¸y v¨n phßng clerical machine
m¸y ca lìi vßng circle blade sawing machine
m¸y n¾n thÐp stell-straightening machine
më contact open
mÉu, dìng profile form
mèi nèi chång lapjoint
mËt ®é tû träng density
miÔn phÝ free of chance
mòi ®ét punch
mòi khoan xo¾n twist drill
nªm wedge
nguyªn liÖu thiªn nhiªn starting materrial-fuel
nhÝp leaf spring
nót tiÕn forward
nót lïi backward
ph«i (chi tiÕt gia c«ng) worpiece
ph¹m vi ho¹t ®éng file of activity
ph¹m vi øng dông file of application
phô trî ancillart
r·nh groove
r·nh then spine
sîi däc warp
sîi ngang weft
sù gia c«ng ®Þnh h×nh forming tool
sù l¾p ghÐp c¬ häc mechanical fastoning
tay biªn connecting rod
thÐp c¸c bon carbon steel
thÐp dông cô tool steel
thÐp h×nh shape steel
thÐp hîp kim alloy steel/ composite steel
thÐp kÕt cÊu constractional steel
thÐp tÊm/èng plate steel /pipe steel
thêi gian b¶o hµnh guaranted time
thíc ®o ®é protractor
thíc ®o gãc angular anggle gauge set square
thíc cÆp van n¨ng universal gauge
Thíc th¼ng metal rule
thïng chum vat
thiÕc tin
thiÕt bÞ tù ®éng automaton
thô truyÒn ®éng propel shaft
tiÕp ®iÓm ®ãng contact close
trë kh¸ng impedance
trôc (xe ®¹p) spindle
trôc ®éng c¬ rim shaft
trôc dÉn ®éng driving shaft
trôc kÐo draw bar
trôc lÖch t©m eccentric shaft
trôc quay revolving shaft
trôc then hoa spined shaft
trôc gh¸ arbor, manded
vam v¹n n¨ng universal bender
vÝt cÊy set screw
xÐc m¨ng dÇu oil ring

NghÒ èng Trade of pipe

®Çu èng nèi kiÓu bÝch flanged union
®Çu nèi union
®e ®Çu trßn anvil
®êng èng nèi junction line
®êng nèi tie line
®o¹n pipe portion/section
®Öm bÝch joint-packing
ª t« vice
b¸nh r¨ng ch÷ V herring-bone gear
b¸nh r¨ng hµnh tinh planetay wheel
bµn v¹ch scribing table
bÖ m¸y base
bé co gi·n elasticator/expension
bé phËn part
bíc ren pitch
bóa gç wood hammer
bóa kim lo¹i mater hammer
c¬ cÊu ®iÒu chØnh governor
cÆp slide gauge
cÇn sè gear lever
cê lª èng pipe wrench
chÊm dÊu point
chi tiÕt part
côm clump
dÉn ®éng ®ai belt drive
dông cô ®o measuring tool
dông cô gia c«ng processing tool
dông cô kÑp chÆt clamp tool
dông cô lÊy dÊu marking out instructment
èng ®Èy ascending pipe
èng ®ång copper pipe
èng bª t«ng concrete pipe
èng c«ng nghÖ technology pipe
èng cao su rubber pipe
èng ch× lead pipe
èng dÉn níc water pipe
èng d©n dông civil pipe
èng dÉn conduit pipe
èng dÉn chÝnh lead pipe
èng gang cast-iron pipe
èng hót uinduction pipe
èng khuûu v«ng gãc square elbow
èng lãt , b¹c lãt liner( bush)
èng mÒm hole
èng nèi mang s«ng sleeve
èng nh¸nh pipe branch
èng nh«m aluminium pipe
èng nhùa plastic pipe
èng thÐp steel pipe
èng x¶ exhaust pipe
ghÐp mèi joint
gß technique
hép sè gear box
hép trôc khuûu crank case
hÖ thèng èng níc plumbing
k×m cÆp tongs
khèi block
kÕt cÊu hÖ thèng ®êng èng pipe line system structuter
kü thuËt gß hammer into shape technique
m¸y cuèn t«n tay quay slip rool forming machine
m¸y ren c¾t èng pipe-theading machine
m¸y uèn èng pipe bender
mÆt bÝch flange/ pipe flange
mòi v¹ch dÊu scriber
n¾p cap
nam ch©m h×nh mãng ngùa horse shoe maganet
nóm ®Ó b¬m mì grease nipple
phanh trèng, phanh kiÓu tang drum brake
ruét gµ ( trong Êm ®Öm) kettle element
t¸n ®inh rivet
thíc ®o gãc angle gauge
thíc l¸ feeler gauge
trôc dÉn ®éng properller shaft
trôc khuûu crank shaft
tuyÕn èng pipeline
uèn gËp fold
van 1 chiÒu one-way valve
van kho¸ lock of valve
viÒn mÐp edge
vßng ®Öm gasket
VËt liÖu c¬ khÝ Engineering material
hîp kim alloy
kim lo¹i metal
¨n mßn corrosive
®ång copper
®ång thanh bar brass
®ång thau brass
®é ®µn håi springiness
®é bÒn strength
®é cøng hard (rigidity)
®é dÎo dai flecxible (adj) flexibility
®Þnh luËt law
®Þnh nghÜa definition
biÕn d¹ng deformation (n)/ deform(v)
c¸ch sö dông usage
c«ng dông use
ch× lead
chèng ¨n mßn anticorrosive
chèng va ®Ëp anti-collision
chÊt dÎo flexibility
da leather
dÇu ho¶ inlluminating oil
dÇu m¸y machine oil
dÇu má rock oil
dÇu nhên gearse oil
dÔ ch¶y fusible
dÔ uèn flexible
dung dÞch ®Æc strong solution
dung dÞch nhên l¹nh freezing geasy solution
gang dÎo malleable iron
gang tr¾ng white iron
gang x¸m black/grey iron
hiÖn tîng phenomenon
hîp chÊt ho¸ häc chemical compound
hîp kim alloy
hîp kim ®ång copper alloy
hîp kim cøng hard alloy
hîp kim mµu non-ferrour alloy
hîp kim nh«m aluminium alloy
kÏm zine
kim lo¹i mµu non- ferruos metal
ký hiÖu symbol
lo·ng dilute solusion
mì inedible fat
nãng ch¶y fusion
nguyªn nh©n cause
nguyªn tö atom
nh«m aluminium
nhiªn liÖu diªzen diesel fuel
nhuém dry
níc xµ phßng soap water
nøt crack
ph©n lo¹i classification
ph¬ng ph¸p method
phñ, m¹ electroplate
s¬n paint
sîi ami¨ng earth flax
søc bÒn vËt liÖu strength of materials
sù ¨n mßn corrosion
t¸c dông effect
t¸c h¹i damage
thµnh phÇn element
thÐp ®óc cast steel
thÐp cøng hard steel
thÐp mÒm soft steel
thÐp c¸c bon carbon steel
thÐp dông cô tool steel
thÐp gãc angle iron
thÐp hîp kim ®Æc biÖt special alloy steel/rustless steel
thÐp hîp kim dông cô tool alloy steel
thÐp hîp kim kÕt cÊu structural alloy steel
thÐp kh«ng rØ stainless steel
thiÕc tin
tÝnh chÊt c¬ b¶n key property
tÝnh chÊt c¬ häc mechanical property
tÝnh chÊt ho¸ häc chemical property
tÝnh chÊt lý physical property
tÝnh dÉn ®iÖn electric conductivity
tÝnh dÉn nhiÖt heat conductivity
tÝnh gi·n në nhiÖt heat expensibility
va ®Ëp collision/ impact
yªu cÇu demand
Dung sai Tolerance
®o lêng kü thuËt technical measurement
bÒ mÆt l¾p ghÐp fit -surface
c¨n mÉu gauge
dung sai tolerance
dung sai h×nh d¹ng shape tolerance
dung sai l¾p ghÐp fit tolerance
hÖ thèng lç hole system
hÖ thèng trôc shaft system
kh¸i niÖm c¬ b¶n basic notion
kÕt luËn conclusion
kÝch thíc size
kÝch thíc danh nghÜa nominal size
kÝch thíc danh nghÜa giíi h¹n limit size
kÝch thíc danh nghÜa thùc natural size
kÝch thíc l¾p ghÐp fit size
l¾p ghÐp fit
l¾p ghÐp chÆt tight fit
l¾p ghÐp láng clearace/easy fit
l¾p ghÐp trung gian transition fit
mèi ghÐp bu l«ng screw joint
mèi ghÐp chèt dowel jont
mèi ghÐp then key joint
mèi ghÐp then hoa spline joint
nh¸m bÒ mÆt surface rough
nhËn xÐt comment
s¬ ®å l¾p ghÐp fit diagram
sai lÖch giíi h¹n limit tolerance
thíc ®o vÝt panme gauge
thíc cÆp jaw gauge

VÏ kü thuËt Technical drawing

®¸y bottom
®äc b¶n vÏ read a drawing
®é c«n taper
®é nh¸m bÒ mÆt surface rough
®èi xøng symmetry
®êng biÓu diÔn representative line
®êng cong curved line
®êng cung curve line
®êng kÝch thíc mòi tªn arrow sine line
®êng nÐt line
®êng th¼ng ®øng vertical
®êng th¼ng n»m ngang horizontal line
®êng xiªn oblique line
®o¹n th¼ng straight section
ª ke set square
b¸nh r¨ng c«n conical gear
b¸nh r¨ng xo¾n helical gear
bµn ren die-stock
b¶n vÏ drawing
b¶n vÏ chi tiÕt detail drawing
b¶n vÏ chÝnh main drawing
b¶n vÏ gèc original drawing
b¶n vÏ l¾p assembly drawing
b¶n vÏ thi c«ng working drawing
bé b¸nh r¨ng gear train
bíc r¨ng tooth pich
bíc ren thread pich
c¸c dÊu hiÖu vµ ký hiÖu symbols
c¹nh side edge
chèt, ®inh gim pin
chØ dÉn trªn b¶n vÏ graphical note/ direction
chó ý note
compa compasses
dông cô vÏ drawing tool
dùng ®êng th¼ng song song parallel line
dung sai h×nh d¹ng shape tolerance
h×nh ®èi xøng symmetric axis
h×nh biÓu diÔn represntative view
h×nh c¾t cutting view
h×nh cÇu sphere view
h×nh chiÕu ®øng elevation view
h×nh chiÕu b»ng plan view
h×nh chiÕu c¹nh side view
h×nh chiÕu phô auviliary view
h×nh chiÕu trôc ®o axonometric view
h×nh chiÕu vËt thÓ vice of object
h×nh chiÕu vu«ng gãc rectangular view
h×nh chiÕu, h×nh vÏ view
h×nh l¨ng trô prism view
h×nh nãn cone
h×nh nãn côt truncated cone
h×nh trÝch cut-away view
khæ giÊy paper size
khèi h×nh häc geometric block
khung tªn name frame
khung vÏ drawing frame
kÎ ®êng t©m coascial line
kÎ ®êng trôc centrer line/ line of centrer
ký hiÖu symbol
kÝch thíc dimension
kÝch thíc chuÈn standard size
kÝch thíc cña chi tiÕt size of part
kÝch thíc trªn b¶n vÏ graphical size/ dimension
mÆt c¾t section
mÆt c¾t rêi cleavage plane/ detached section
mÆt ph¼ng plane of projection
mÆt ph¼ng chiÕu plane of projection
mòi tªn arrow
nÐt ®øt dashed line
nÐt g¹ch 2 chÊm m¶nh two dot-and-dash line
nÐt g¹ch chÊm m¶nh dot-and-dash line
nÐt liÒn ®Ëm solid line
nÐt liÒn m¶nh single line
ngò gi¸c haxagon
ph¸c rough sketch
ph©n tÝch c¸c h×nh chiÕu analyse views
phÐp chiÕu projection
quy t¾c chung common rule
quy t¾c vÏ drawing rule
ren vµ mèi ghÐp ren thread and thread joint
sè ®o demension
then dowel
thíc cong curve gauge/ drawing curve
thíc T T- gauge
tiÕp tuyÕn tangent
tiÕp xóc ngoµI out side contact
tiÕp xóc trong inside contact
tiÕt diÖn section
tø gi¸c polygon
tr×nh tù lËp b¶n vÏ drawing establishing order
chãp ®Ønh top
trôc ®èi xøng symmetric axis
tû lÖ ratio
v¸n vÏ drawing table/board
vÏ h×nh chiÕu projection
vÏ h×nh häc geometric construction
vÏ phèi c¶nh persperctive drawing
yªu cÇu kü thuËt technical demend

C¬ kü thuËt Technical mechanics

®a gi¸c pentagon
®é ®èc slope
biÕn d¹ng t¬ng ®èi relative deformation
biÕn d¹ng tuyÖt ®èi obsolute deformation
c¸ch biÓu diÔn lùc fore representation
c©n b»ng æn ®Þnh stabile balance
c¬ cÊu b¸nh ma s¸t friction gear mechanism
c¬ cÊu b¸nh r¨ng (tooth) gear mechanism
c¬ cÊu b¸nh vÝt worm wheel
c¬ cÊu trôc vÝt screw wheel
c¬ cÊu truyÒn ®éng transmission mechanism
c¬ cÊu truyÒn ®éng ma s¸t transmission mechanism of friction
c¬ cÊu truyÒn ®éng xÝch sprocket gear mechanism
c¬ cÊu xÝch chain mechanism
chèng ma s¸t friction- proof
con l¨n roller ( bowl)
con l¾c pendulum
dËp cut
giai ®o¹n stage
hÖ lùc ph¼ng ®ång quy concurrent plane system of fore
hÖ lùc system of force
hÖ lùc c©n b»ng blancing system of force
hÖ ngÉu lùc system of couple
hÖ sè æn ®Þnh stability factor
hÖ sè an toµn safety factor
lùc force
lùc hót attrative force
lùc ma s¸t force of friction
lùc va ch¹m force of impact
ma s¸t friction
ma s¸t l¨n rolling friction
ma s¸t trît sliding friction
mÆt c¾t section
néi lùc internal force
ngÉu lùc couple force
ngo¹i lùc ixternal force
øng suÊt stress
ph¬ng, chiÒu, híng direction
ph¶n lùc liªn kÕt linking counteraction
søc ®Èy impellent
to¹ ®é coordinate
träng lùc force of gravitation
träng t©m centre of gravity
uèn bend
vËt r¾n tuyÖt ®èi hard object
xo¾n twist
NghÒ l¾p m¸y Trade of installation
b¸nh r¨ng nãn bevel-gear
m¸y bµo planing machine
rßng räc di ®éng fall block
®å thÞ gaph
®ång hå so indicating gauge
®éng c¬ « t« auto engine
®éng c¬ ®iÖn electric engine
®inh t¸n rivet
æ ®ì trôc pillow block
æ chÆn /gèi chÆn thrust block
æ l¨n rolling bearing
æ trît sliding bearing
b¨ng chuyÒn cao xu rubber belt convoyer
b¨ng t¶i conveyor
b¸nh ®µ fly-wheel
b¸nh r¨ng vi sai differentinal pinion
b¸nh vÝt worm wheel
b¾t löa catch
b¹c lãt brush
ba trôc triaxial
bé chuyÒn b¸nh r¨ng gear transmission
bé r¬ le relayblock
bé v¹ch dÊu scribing block
biÓu ®å diagram
bóa m¸y drop hammer plant
bu l«ng bolt
c¸i chèt / mãc flatstener
c¸i nªm kÑp wedge clamp
c¸p bÖn brainded cable
c¬ cÊu kho¸ liªn ®éng co-operating block
cÇn trôc « t« auto crane / truck crane
cÇn trôc ®ª rÝch derrick crane
cÇn trôc c¸p cable crane
cÇn trôc th¸p tower crane
cÇu trôc travelling crane
cét l¾p r¸p assemble pillar
chi tiÕt part
con l¨n roller
con trît guide block
d©y c¸p thÐp wine cable
d©y kÐo khèi dßng däc block
d©y thõng rope
d©y xÝch chain
®ai chuyÒn vËn chuyÓn belt
dµn con l¨n roller-bed
dao tiÖn lethe tool
dông cô v¹ch dÊu scribing block
èng ®Çu dÑp flat head screw
èng ®Çu trßn rounded head screw
èng gi¶m xãc telescopipe absorber
èng lãt bush
èng x¨ng jet
ghÐp b»n ®inh t¸n rivit joint
ghÐp b»n hµn welded joint
ghÐp b»n ren thread assemble /screw assemble
ghÐp b»n then key joint
ghÐp b»n then hoa spline joint
gi¸ ®ì support / bracket
gi¸ ®ì holder
gi¸ trôc shaft bracket
guèc h·m shoes block
hè thÕ pale pit / stake pit
hép ®iÒu khiÓn control box
hép gi¶m tèc ( khíp nèi) speed reduction box
hÖ dßng däc tackle
hÖ sè an toµn safety fractor
hÖ sè biÕn thiªn variation
hÖ sè trît slip fractor
khèi puly pulley block
kho¸ dõng b¸nh cãc ratch stopping lock
kho¸ dõng con l¨n roller stopping lock
kho¸ kÑp ®Çu c¸p binder clamb
kho¸ nªm wedge clock
kho¸ rÌn forge clock
kho¸ sõng horn clock
kho¸ thêng dïng clock
khuûu crank
kÑp c¸p cable clamb
kÕt c¸p braid (v)
kÕt cÊu thÐp steel contruction/ contruction steel
kÝch r¨ng gear jack
kÝch thuû lùc hydraulic jack
kÝch vÝt screw shaft jack
l¾p ghÐp asembling
m¸y b¨m dòa file-cutting machine
m¸y b¬m níc water pump
m¸y bµo plaing machine
m¸y bµo gç wood-scraping
m¸y c¾t ®ét cutting and piercing machine
m¸y ca sawing machine
m¸y khoan drilling machine
m¸y nÐn khÝ air press machine
m¸y ñi bulldorer
m¸y phay lathermilling machine
m¸y tiÖn lathe
m¸y tiÖn ren threading lathe
m¸y trôc, m¸y n©ng lifting machine
m©m cÆp chuck
m©m khoan drill plate
ma s¸t l¨n sliding friction
ma s¸t trît rolling friction
n¾p æ bearing cap
nÐn xuèng/ Ðp xuèng depress
nèi c¸p cable connection
ni v« level
ni v« chÐo diagoal level
ni v« ngang horizontal level
ni v« th¼ng vertical level
nót knob/ button
ô ®éng staistock
pa l¨ng tackle
pa l¨ng ®iÖn electric tackle
pa l¨ng b¸nh r¨ng gear tackle
pa l¨ng chuyÒn ®éng thô vÝt duplex purchase
pa l¨ng tay gun tackle
pa l¨ng trôc vÝt screw shaft
pame ngoµi out side/ outer micrometer
pame ®o trong inner /inside micrometer
pha trén to mix, to blend
phanh ®ai band brake
phanh ®Üa disc brake
phanh h·m brake
phanh nãn cone brake
phô tïng accessories
phÔu funnel
qu¶ l« big roller
rßng räc cè ®Þnh fixed block
rßng räc/puly n©ng h¹ ginblock
tay quay hand crank
têi ®iÖn electric winch
têi l¾c swing winch
têi tay carb winch
thanh truyÒn connectng rod
thÐp dÑt flat steel
thÐp èng tube steel
thÐp gãc angled / square steel
thÐp I I steel
thÐp l¸ hoop steel
thÐp tÊm plate steel
thÐp U U steel
thî l¾p m¸y fitter
thíc ®o gãc v¹n n¨ng universal angle gauge all- purpose gauge
thíc nhÐt feeler gauge
tñ ®iÖn capacitor/condenser/ control box
trôc cam cam shaft
trôc chÝnh main spindle
trôc dÉn ®éng propeller shaft
trôc g¸ hiblet
trôc khuûu cramshaft
trôc m¸y machine spindle
trôc trung gian connecting middle shaft
trôc vÝt worm gear
truyÒn ®éng b¸nh r¨ng c«n level gearing
truyÒn ®éng b¸nh r¨ng trô spur gearing
truyÒn ®éng b¸nh vÝt worm gear
truyÒn ®éng trôc vÝt screw shoft
vam kÑp gripping jaw


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