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Subject: Title -Engineering

Renewable Energy 1
Chapter : Solar Energy and its application
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Topic : Calculation of Day length and
• Comic Sans MSNumerical

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Prof. Vishal T Patel

GaTtU Bhai
SUBJECT : REE Hour Angle
Hour angle is defined as the angle of the Sun from the local MERIDAN
measured along the celestial equator in the westerly direction. As the Earth
rotates this angle increases by 15 degrees every hour
SUBJECT : REE Hour Angle
And hour angle is considered from 12:00 noon for both sides.
For West direction it is considered Positive and For East direction It is
considered Negative
SUBJECT : REE Hour Angle
• And hour angle is considered from 12:00 noon for both sides.
• Means for 6:00 AM to 12:00 noon it will rotates 90 degree angle.
• Means 1 hr = 150 hour angle

• So If the value of hour angle is ω then hours will ω/15

• So total day hours in a particular day Td = 2× ω/15

• ω = cos −1 (− tan Ø × tan 𝛿 )
SUBJECT : REE Latitude Angle
Latitude is an angle which ranges from 0° at the Equator to 90° (North or South) at the
poles. Lines of constant latitude, or parallels, run east–west as circles parallel to the
equator. Latitude is used together with longitude to specify the precise location of
features on the surface of the Earth.

Ø = Angle of Latitude

Example : Latitude Angle of INDIA is

• The Republic of India is located on the geographic coordinates of 21.0000°

N latitude and 78.0000° E longitude in Asia. For the country of India the latitude of
22° 00' N and longitude of 77° 00' E denote its geographical alignment. The
specific latitude of India suggests its position in Northern Hemisphere
SUBJECT : REE Calculation of Day length
1. First Step: Find the value of N from given date and year (If year is not given
then assume it is a non leap year

2. Second Step: From the value of N, find the value of 𝛿 (Declination angle)

3. Third step: Find the value of ω by putting the value of 𝛿 and the value of
Ø given .

4. Forth step: Now find dal length by using equation Td = 2× ω/15
SUBJECT : REE Calculation of Day length
Find the day length of 17th April at Gujarat (23 N) and also for the 22nd

Step 1: N = 31 + 28 + 31 + 17 = 107 days

Step 2: δ = 23.45 * sin [360 / 365 * (284 + N)]

= 23.45 * sin [360 / 365 * (284 + 107)]
= 23.45 * sin [ 385.64 ]
= 23.45 * 0.4327
= 10.146

Now ω = cos−1 (− tan 23 × tan 10.146 ) = cos−1 ( − 0.4244 ∗ 0.1789)
SUBJECT : REE Calculation of Day length
Find the day length of 17th April at Gujarat (23 N) and also for the 22nd

Now ω = 94.39 degree

Now, Td = 2× ω/15
= 2 * 94.39/15
= 12.585 hrs
= 12 hr 35 minutes (For 17th April)

For 22nd December, N = 356

So δ = 23.45 * sin [360 / 365 * (284 + 356)]
δ = - 23.45
SUBJECT : REE Calculation of Day length

Find the day length of 17th april at gujarat (23 N) and also for the 22nd december.

Now ω = cos−1 (− tan 23 × tan −23.45) = cos−1 ( − 0.4244 ∗ −0.4337)

= 79.39

td = 2× ω/15
= 2 * 79.39/15
= 10.585 hrs
= 10 hr 35 minutes (for 22nd december)
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