Ponencia Sem

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The classroom is the ideal platform to acquire good communication skills, especially speaking
skills. That is why we believe that it is important that the student participate in the activities so
that they can put into practice what they have learned. For this to happen, the student must be
motivated to learn and integrate with the class.


9th-grade students at the San Jose school participate very little in the activities of the English area
when the teacher asks about a topic or tries to communicate with their students expecting an
answer and there is no participation. it is inferred that students are not motivated to participate
for reasons that we know of such as shyness, fear of making mistakes, fear of mispronouncing a
word, embarrassment, and lack of confidence. Many studies have also been published that talk
about how anxiety, lack of confidence, and lack of knowledge decrease the student's motivation to
participate and be interested in what they are learning and put into practice.


The purpose of this qualitative research is to explore the pedagogical strategies a teacher uses to
overcome 9th-grade students´ foreign language anxiety during speaking activities. This study will
generate insights concerning students´ experiences, and voices regarding their speaking
performance and causes that affect the good performance of their speaking during classes.


What are the pedagogical strategies a teacher uses to overcome 9th-grade students´

foreign language anxiety during speaking activities ? 

We are interested in knowing what strategies the teacher takes with those students who

cannot participate in class because they are afraid to speak, anxiety, lack of confidence,

among others.

Context and Participants

The participants of the study were eight 9th-grade students who were enrolled in classroom


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