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Learning Objectives
 Express one’s ideas, needs, and feeling creatively and effectively.
 Organize information through graphs and tables.
 Formulate meaningful sentences and conditional statements.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Peasant, the Buffalo, and the Tiger: A Tale of Strength and Wisdom
Reference: Learners Module 3rd and 4th Quarter
Materials: Laptop, projector, visual aids, marker, white board, tape and chalk.

III. Learning Tasks

A. Daily Routine
Checking of attendance
B. Activity
B1. Word Web
Give synonymous terms of each given word.


Do we need to posses these things as an individual? Why?

B2. Vocabulary

Direction: Decode the symbols (numbers) to know the meaning of unfamiliar words.
1. PEASANT – 18, 12, 22, 34, 24, 22 (farmer)
2. GRAZED – 98, 40, 33, 12, 69, 24 (scrape)
3. TOIL – 09, 12, 88, 11, 22 (labor)
4. SPECTACLE – 17, 01, 98, 69, 09, 12,71 (display)
5. TRAMPLE – 22, 23, 19 11, 82, 24, 22 (run over)
B3. Background of the lesson
 Location: Southeast Asia
 Capital: Hanoi
 Religions: Buddhist, Confucianism, Taoism, Muslim, and Christian
 Language: Vietnamese

C. Analysis

Read the Peasant, the Buffalo, and the Tiger: A Tale of Strength and Wisdom
C1. Questions to ponder:
1. Who are the characters in the story? Describe each.
2. Based on the story, who displayed strength? Wisdom?
3. How the tiger did have his black long stripes?
4. What is the theme of the story?

D. Abstraction
In what real-life situations are strength and wisdom important? Why?

E. Application
Group Activity
Divide the class in 4 groups. Each group will be given different tasks to do.


Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Creative delivery of The group presents The group presents The group did not
the output the output creatively. the output creatively present the output
but lack of creatively.
Application of the Apply the exact Apply some Did not apply the
information taken information taken information taken information taken
from the text. from the given text. from the text. from the text.
Time management Accomplish the task Accomplish the task Accomplish the task
ahead of time. on time. beyond time.

Group 1: Flower plot Accomplish the graphic organizer. Give the plot of the story
“The Peasant, the buffalo, and the tiger: A tale of strength
and wisdom”.
Group 2: Mr. and Ms. Opinion In what real-life situations are strength and wisdom
important? Why?
Group 3: Two Conditions Complete the given conditional statements.
Group 4: Sketch it Draw your favourite scene in the story. Explain why it is your
preferred scene.

IV. Evaluation. Read each sentence carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The young peasant took a rest under what kind of tree?
a. Apple b. mango c. orange
2. The tale is about what?
a. Honesty and wisdom b. bravery and kindness c. strength and wisdom

3. The tale originated from what country?

a. Vietnam b. Indonesia c. Korea
4. According to the tale, where did the young peasant left his wisdom?
a. Street b. house c. bedroom
5. What did the tiger realized?
a. Never trust humans. They will just hurt you.
b. Strength could never defeat man who has wisdom.
c. You cannot leave wisdom in your house.

V. Homework
On a one whole sheet of paper, write your own experiences about the importance of strength and

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