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The genuineness of not a few of the specimens

spirant. Whether the form fefaked was ever good Latin

the Conseil d'Etat should be private, was held to show

Baltimore & Ohio, the Chesapeake & Ohio, the Southern and the

region. In answer to inquiries addressed to the Portuguese

until 1892 that the almost simultaneous discovery was made

to the shallowness of the Herault. The fishing industry

United States of America.--In America the institution similar

the most ordinary transaction of purchase brings into contact

have aesthetic value, including those ``modifications of the

became a devoted admirer and adherent of Mr Gladstone; but he

his success by founding in the university an Adams prize, to

affairs of a corporation in which he was interested, and

of its salts. On oxidation with potassium permanganate it

goods must be mordanted before dyeing with it (see DYEING.)

residence, a massive two-storied structure pierced with small

and the boundaries of the Russian possessions were permanently

some 230 m., then turned south, and with various indentations

The most productive are those of iron and zinc. Lignite is

was entrusted first to Prince Napoleon, and afterwards to

Boniface, and, in return, admitted the right of the pope

See Boullee, Histoire de la vie et les ouvrages de

(1871), had in it much of the spirit of the wild land, the

south of the Mareb, Belesa and Muna rivers was restored to

In America the internal revenue tax on denaturized alcohol

lake that has the longer course and the greater volume of

much struck with the result, and so heartily applauded the idea

earth, as it performs its yearly course about the sun. It

experiment station was organized by that institution in

he wrote treatises on Asia, Europe and The Red Sea.

The nucleus of the town lies within the innermost crescent

and dominant in its own geographical area throughout the

the Greeks call schistos. It forms in white threads upon

of Fetterneir in Aberdeenshire, and brother of Francis

forward through the object-glass, and through a train of

the battle against the conservative reaction which made head

and schools, and reduced the strength of the army to 9000

said of him that he left behind not a single enemy, all his

the Judicature Acts 1873 and 1875. And the Irish court has

There are several factories for ginning and pressing cotton.

(1832), are merely new names for de Blainville's Ornithoides

``Le veritable Amphitryon est l'Amphitryon ou l'on dine''

derived from moneys given or bequeathed for this purpose,

two accents is so different, and could easily be devised by

by the sovereign whom the ambassador represents to the

Sardis, who came as a slave to Sparta, where he lived in

still retained. In Scotland damages may be recovered against

circumstances to the floating habit. (See DIATOMACEAE.)

with Henry Clay and Albert Gallatin, he negotiated (1815)

fields so that in every year one of them was fallow. In

spite of its enormous dimensions the roof is unsupported by

'Anatho (Isidore Charax), Anatha (Ammianus Marcellinus) by

celebrated in the open area of the agora. At Athens the

Nile ( '' fully 4000 m.) . . 1,082,0004 ''

Ganges canal, which is navigable. The chief trading centre is

Arbeiter Zeitung at Chicago, and the Anarchist at Boston,

ground. The early explorers of the great Southern Sea cheered

underwent great hardship to accomplish her object, proving

centralization applied to intellect, as a high literary

and the countries to the north--Gurunsi (Grusi), Mossi and

heating cause an accident). It is necessary to stir the whole

enemies. Distrust of all mankind, and readiness to strike

Minimum Maximum Mean

yielded an enormous harvest. Tobacco in Sweden, raised

the Service geographique de l'Armee, Paris). (F. R. C.)

(K). The kitchen with its offices (V) lies behind the

body cavity of some invertebrate, most often an insect or

Col. F. G. Burnaby (see EGYPT, Military Operations.)

powers. The poet now followed her to Rome, but the friendship

imitated Glaisher in making high ascents for meteorological

French feudal romance, Li Romans d'Alexandre, was written

alto-relievo in the world, the two principal figures being

A settlement existed here before the end of the Mexican

that the Scaligerana, particularly the second, detracted

to great structures their solemn and quieting aspect.29

f.). Each hieromnemon was accompanied by two pylagori,

times are ``Tarquinius Superbus'' (1867), ``Phidias and the

styles in which the Arabian authors have treated their

rhizoids, which are retained within the gelatinous wall of the

rebuilt by Mansur in 758, and during subsequent centuries

as their spiritual head. Napier held his Moslem ally in great

view of removing these difficulties. The harmony between

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on the 29th of November 1832.

Western Europe. The fragment of a bronze bowl discovered

historical notice of the Kings of Granada, by P. de Gayangos.

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