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Josef Barcelo Set B

HUMSS 12- St. Catherine 3/13/2023

Performance Task 1

1. Analyze the scene based on the following elements.

A. Situation
In this particular moment of Romeo and Juliet's story, Romeo secretly
enters the Capulet's garden to reunite with Juliet. Despite his family's name being
an obstacle to their love, they share tender words of affection and vow to marry
each other. Juliet assures Romeo that she will send someone to discuss their
wedding plans the following day. As they bid each other farewell for the night,
they both express their sadness about parting, and Romeo remains in the
orchard lost in his thoughts of love, gazing up at Juliet's balcony.

B. Characters
Romeo: He is the male protagonist and is from the Montague family.
Juliet: She is the female protagonist and is from the Capulet family.

C. Plot

Introduction: This scene from Romeo and Juliet begins with Romeo secretly
entering Juliet's garden to see her, and they both express their love for each

Rising Action: As they continue talking, they discuss the challenges they face
due to their families' feud and decide to get married.

Climax: The climax of the scene is when they exchange vows of love and plan
their future together.

Falling Action:The falling action involves them discussing practicalities

Resolution: the resolution is when Juliet goes back inside, but not before Romeo
promises to arrange their wedding and communicate with her the next day.
2. Which details from the scene would show the love between the

Romeo enters the Capulet's garden secretly to meet Juliet, fully aware of
the risks and consequences he may face. He expresses his profound love for her
and proposes marriage, despite the obstacles. Despite the forbidden nature of
their love, Juliet courageously responds to Romeo's proposal.

3. Why does Romeo say “My name, dear saint is hateful to myself? Does
Juliet have the same concern?

Romeo tells Juliet that he hates his own name because it's the reason
they can't be together. Their families are enemies, and Romeo thinks his name
represents the conflict between them. He wishes he could be someone else so
they could be together without any problems.

4. What request are the characters making for each other?

Romeo asks Juliet to tell him that she loves him, and to leave her family to
be with him. He also asks her to marry him and promises to make it happen soon.
Juliet asks Romeo to tell her that he loves her and to be serious about it. She
also asks him to be honest about his promise and not use the moon as a symbol
of his commitment, because it changes all the time.

5. In what ways are Romeo and Juliet similar and different from
contemporary couples?

Romeo and Juliet had a hard time being together because of their families'
issues, which was a bigger deal back then than it is now. Today's couples have
more freedom to choose who they want to be with and how they show their love,
but they still face challenges like work and other responsibilities. Like Romeo and
Juliet, modern couples also feel strong emotions and want to be with each other

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