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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Character: Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V, Park Jimin (BTS), Min Yoongi |
Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM,
Park Bogum
Additional Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Smut,
Eventual Smut, Doctor Jeon Jungkook, Model Kim Taehyung | V, Model
Park Jimin (BTS), Model Kim Seokjin | Jin, Doctor Min Yoongi | Suga,
Doctor Kim Namjoon | RM, Doctor Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Jeon
Jungkook is Whipped, Top Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V & Park
Jimin are Best Friends, Kim Taehyung | V is Whipped, Bottom Kim
Taehyung | V, Adorable Kim Taehyung | V, Tsundere Jeon Jungkook,
Mutual Pining, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Jeon Jungkook is Bad at
Feelings, Slow Burn, Sassy Kim Taehyung | V, Explicit Sexual Content
Collections: Taekook Enemies to Lovers Fest
Stats: Published: 2021-03-02 Completed: 2021-04-04 Chapters: 3/3 Words:

by regalkv


Forcing a quiet, reserved doctor and a sassy, bubble-of-energy model to live under the same
roof is a bad, bad idea. The worst.

Jungkook and Taehyung agree - but only at first.


Hello! I've put the prompt at the ending notes of the last chapter in order to avoid spoilers
of any kind! To the prompter, thank you! I hope I did justice to the story and that you like
it! ♡

I hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as I did writing it. ♡

My Twitter is here!
Chapter 1

chéri - adjective (french)

- beloved, darling.

The phone rang.

It kept ringing until the line was cut off. Then Jungkook called again, and one more time. When his
call went unanswered for a third time, he knew he had been screwed over. His brows were drawn
together in confusion and his grip tightened over the steering wheel, as he glared ahead. The view
from his car windshield was baffling, and slightly infuriating to say the least.

But he had been through med school and survived. Putting two and two together wasn't hard for

It was supposed to be a major day in Jungkook's life. At the young age of twenty six, he had
worked his ass off for a year as a resident doctor, right after graduating, and had saved just enough
to finally get his own place. He was hell bent on not accepting any money from his rich, also
doctor parents, no matter how much they offered. The apartment was located uptown, made for an
easier commute to the hospital, and was posh but still within his budget. But the day was quickly
turning into something else entirely, after he realized what was unfolding in front of his eyes.

There was already another car parked by his new place, with cartons all around it and inside, small
fancy decorations all around the windshield. He could see some people clad in uniforms, moving
stuff around and into his new home. His home.

The other major thing he saw, was a mop of silvery-blonde hair adorning the top of a lean, delicate
looking body who directed the movers, with their back facing Jungkook, and no, the bare waist, the
curves and the figure hugging jeans weren't distracting at all.

Jungkook was ninety nine percent sure he had been scammed by the realtor. He unfastened his seat
belt, muttering curses under his breath and stepped out of his car, resting his elbows on the window
before proceeding to walk over and talk.

"Umm, excuse me?" Jungkook said as he approached the other person, a little taken aback when
said person turned around.

A guy, similar in build, and probably around the same age as himself, was now facing him, eyeing
him up and down as he took off his tinted shades and cocked a brow. "Yes?" A very deep voice fell
from his lips.

"I don't know how to say this but..." Jungkook bit his lips as he cracked his knuckles. "I just bought
this house."

The other guy stared at him with a blank expression for at least a minute, not saying a word.
Jungkook noticed his feline, piercing eyes and the impeccable bridge of his nose. After a while, he
spoke. "Nonsense."

He turned around and perched his sunglasses back on his nose, as he resumed instructing the
movers. Jungkook tapped on his shoulder one more time, his patience running thin. "What?" Said
the guy, seemingly irritated.

"I don't think you understand." Jungkook said, annoyed himself. "Did Kwon Minsoo sell you this

There was now a stir in the other's features, obvious that he recognized the name and was
beginning to really think about the situation. He wasn't bad to look at. In fact, Jungkook thought he
was stunning, too pretty. But his mind was occupied by other issues at the time. "Yeah? How do
you know?" He said, chewing on his plush lips that glimmered with gloss against the sun rays.

Jungkook pulled out a few sheets of paper stapled together and handed them over to Taehyung. His
face went from exasperated to furious to panicky. "No way, I'll fuck him up."

"Yeah well, he won't pick up his phone." Jungkook said. "And I really don't have the time or
energy to take this to court. So, I'll give you a good deal."

"No no no!" The other guy's hands flew up, a sarcastic chuckle coming out as a huff at best.
"Listen, I'm not leaving this place. I paid for it."

Jungkook wasn't trying to hide his anger anymore. "And I? Did I get it for free? I'm not going

"Yeah well neither am I." He spat out, crossing his arms and leaning against his car. His features
were so beautiful that even contorted, they made for a pretty picture.

"I'm not sharing this place with you." Jungkook gave him a once over, and huffed. "I can't believe
this is happening. This was supposed to be the best day of my life."

The other boy looked offended, and slightly in disbelief. "Listen, kid. I'm not dying to live with you
either. And by the way, do you even know who I am?" He said, salty.

"Don't know, don't want to know." Jungkook looked the other way, trying to ignore how gorgeous
he was, because it didn't change the situation or the fact that he was being obnoxious. "And by the
way, I'm not a fucking kid. I'm twenty six."

"Still a kid. Got two years on you." The pretty guy said, now half smiling in amusement. "I'm Kim
Taehyung, by the way. You can Google me if you want."

"I don't want to." The younger rolled his eyes at how incredibly snobbish the other was, before he
sighed and threw his head back. "I can't believe this is happening."

"What are you looking at?" Taehyung deadpanned at the movers. "Show's over, keep moving my
stuff. I'm staying here, a random boy can't make me leave."

"Well a complete snob, aren't you?" Jungkook said in disbelief. "Fine, I'll share, but stop fucking
acting like you're some kind of demigod. I don't care who you are, I don't know what you do, but
stop acting like you're better than everyone. I'm not going anywhere either."

Saying so, he tore his eyes away from Taehyung, walking back towards his car as his head
throbbed from anger. The audacity of this guy was unbelievable, Jungkook thought. And then he
paused, and turned to speak again. "And fyi, I'm Jeon Jungkook, a doctor at Seoul Main Hospital. I
save lives everyday, and I don't know what you do or how it's better, but I'm fucking proud of who
I am."

Taehyung clenched his jaw and stared. He had started to plot ways to make Jungkook leave in his
head already. There was no way he wouldn't spend every moment trying to make the other's
experience hellish after what had just gone down. Maybe it was an exaggeration and he wouldn't
ever do something extreme, but right then, he was bubbling with rage.

Sure, he wasn't blind. He noticed how handsome Jungkook was. Watched his tall, strong stature
walk back towards his car, earrings dangling in his ears, the hint of a tattoo on his knuckles and a
really pretty face. But no, that didn't mean he could stay.

Both the boys moved in, and after all the stuff was inside and the movers Taehyung had hired left,
new drama was starting to go down.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Taehyung almost screamed, as his legs hit a carton full of
skeletons. "What the fuck, what kind of a creep are you?"

Jeongguk tongued the inside of his cheek in irritation. He could only take so much more that day.
He got up from where he was digging into one carton, to turn around and face Taehyung until they
stood neck to neck. "These are educational. I needed them in med school. All doctors do, what's
your point?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, throwing a hand up. "Listen, you doctor Jin-geum-"

"It's Jungkook, you fucking asshole." He really couldn't take anymore. "Don't even say my name!
You know what?"

Jungkook pressed his lips into a thin line. Taehyung saw how his round bambi eyes went all wide
and little dimples appeared on his cheek, as he angrily spoke. "Let's just make a fucking partition in
the house."

Taehyung crossed his arms. "I'm taking the room on the left."

"Why do you get to choose?" Jungkook wondered out loud, but instead of arguing further, he
exhaled in frustration and surrender. "Whatever. Don't ever set foot into my bedroom."

"Don't intend on it."

"Good. I'd rather die than have you in my space." Jungkook muttered under his breath. "And never,
ever even try. Don't even knock because I won't open up. And never steal my food. Top half of the
fridge is mine."

"I'm calling dibs on the sofa."

"Oh?" Jungkook asked, shocked. "Sure, because I love watching Netflix splayed out on the damn

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "We can share the living room."

Jungkook nodded, not meeting eyes with Taehyung. "Do you bring a lot know, people in

Taehyung smirked. "None of your business, babyface."

"It's not, just asking. And wait, babyface?" Jungkook put a hand up. "Anyway, just wanted to let
you know that sometimes I come home really late from the hospital so please keep all the funny
business to your bedroom. I don't want to walk in on you doing the deed."
"As if." Taehyung dragged his cartons across the floor to what was apparently his side of the
house. "You'd be lucky to see--"

"Oh God, stop!" Jungkook groaned. "I wouldn't watch if you paid me. Now zip it."

And Taehyung did. They moved their stuff in silence for the rest of the afternoon, and by the time
they had loosely rearranged their stuff into their new space, it was well into the evening.
Thankfully, none of their stuff was cramped due to lack of space, even with two people, the
apartment was enormous.

And that night, when Jungkook couldn't sleep, he did in fact Google Taehyung. The name sounded
familiar but he couldn't pinpoint to anything specifically. But when Google told him that he was a
high profile model in one of Seoul's biggest fashion houses, he hadn't really scorned at his phone
screen. And when he had navigated to the images section of Google search for Kim Taehyung, the
results may or may not have hitched his breath a little. As annoying he was, he was beautiful.

But that didn't change the fact that Jungkook had a horrible first impression of him, and that he just
knew he wouldn't vibe with the guy in a thousand lifetimes. It only made it a little bit harder.

Taehyung stretched his arms out as he yawned after getting a surprisingly good night's sleep. The
soft bedding and filtered sunlight made a wave of laziness surge through his body even though he
was almost fully awake. It took him a few seconds to register that he was now at his new place, a
little less fancy than his last one, but good enough, and way closer to Samyang & Co., the fashion
house he worked for.

He sat up in bed, eye-mask long displaced and cradled in his silvery blonde waves, a pout sitting
pretty upon his lips. It was a little past 9 am, and he needed to leave for work in under an hour.
Taehyung mentally cursed at the thought of having to get out of bed, and then the
acknowledgement of something even worse came crashing down upon him.


"Ah fuck!" He groaned, almost whispered. "Why is this happening to me?"

After a minute of whining to himself, he reluctantly dragged himself across his bed and into his
bathroom. He thanked God that this place had two separate ones. He showered and got ready, and
stepped out of his room, taking slow, alert steps, as if Jungkook was some kind of predator who'd
pounce on him any moment.

The house seemed awfully quiet. He told himself that maybe Jungkook was a deep sleeper, as he
moved around the kitchen and making himself some eggs and toast, when he suddenly saw the tiny
note stuck to the fridge.

I'm leaving, don't touch my food in the fridge or I will cut your head off.

I also have a night shift, don't touch any of my stuff while I'm gone.

Scribbled in a barely legible handwriting, on a piece of sticky note was this piece of information
from Jungkook that sounded more like a death threat. Taehyung rolled his eyes. "What a fucking

He couldn't believe how ridiculously annoying his new roommate was. He didn't even want to call
him his roommate, maybe Satan was a better word, and yet he thought of him all throughout his
drive to work. Thought of how he had never met a doctor who was good looking and had helix
piercings or tattoos. Thought of how he always thought doctors were cool, but could never look
like they had walked out of a movie scene. And somehow, his satanic roommate did all of those

He shook off the thoughts, reminding himself how despite everything, Jungkook was the devil
incarnated, and when he finally arrived at the fashion house, he was met with the wrath of his best

"Yah! Taehyung-ah!" Park Jimin's small figure exuded a shrill but angry voice. "You're late! I've
been waiting for an hour."

"I'm not late." Taehyung rolled his eyes at his best friend. "You came early. Which..." Taehyung
checked his watch. "Is shocking. How are you early today?"

"What? I can't be early?" Jimin placed a hand on his hips, but then his figure slouched a bit. "Fine,
Seokjin hyung gave me an earful last night for always being late."

Taehyung chuckled. "Knew it."

"Okay so tell me about this guy." Jimin said, a smirk on his lips.

"He is an asshole."

"Yeah but I clearly remember you gushing over how hot he was last night on the phone?" Jimin
quirked a brow. "How even with a baby face he could totally be a daddy? How his muscles flexed
under his--"

"Ugh, shut up!" Taehyung cut him off as he placed his palm against Jimin's pouty lips. "Do you
know what note he left me this morning?"

He pulled the small piece of paper out of his bag and showed it to Jimin. The latter gasped,
verbalised how rude he thought this guy was and then gave Taehyung a tight hug.

"If you ever need someone to beat the shit out of him." He looked up at Taehyung. "I'm right here

"He looks rock solid, I'm not kidding." Taehyung pouted and leaned into Jimin. "If he was a little
nicer, I might even have let him fuck me."

"I really want to see what he looks like now." Jimin giggled. "You seem a little too into his looks
for someone who claims to despise him."

Taehyung huffed out. "I do not. One of these days I might just kill him."

"Okay." Jimin smiled. "If you need someone to bail you out of jail, I'm right here baby."

Taehyung smiled. "Okay."

"So the housewarming party is off." Jimin sighed.

"What?" Taehyung swatted his arms away. "No way in hell. The party is on. And I'll invite
Jungkook too. You know how?"

Jimin arched a brow at him, arms crossed and a smirk playing across his luscious lips. "How?"

"By leaving a note on the fridge." Taehyung grinned.

"Jungkook?" Namjoon waved a hand in front of his face, smiling, as two dimples sat on either side
of his smile. "What's up buddy? You seem..lost."

Jungkook shook his head. "I'm just angry, hyung."

"For the seventh time since the morning." Yoongi said. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" A cheerful Hoseok was pouting now, four cups of latte being carried tactfully
in his hands.

"I forget we're doctors, sometimes." Yoongi grabbed his coffee from Hoseok. "Watching you do
that makes me feel like we're running a damn circus."

"Don't be rude, hyung." Hoseok still smiled. "Jungkookie, what's up?"

Jungkook threw his head back against his chair and sighed. "Fine."

His hyungs looked at him expectantly. When he didn't say anything, Namjoon tugged him by the
stethoscope that was snaked around Jungkook's neck.

"Aaa, hyung." Jungkook tried to stop him. "Fine, it's my roommate."

"You have a roommate?" They spat out in unison, clearly shocked.

"Yeah, even I didn't know I did, until yesterday." He exhaled in frustration. "I hate him."

He narrated all the unfortunate events of the last day to them, watching their eyes go wide and
mouths open in shock, while Yoongi sat with a grin on his face, clearly enjoying the story.

"What the fuck?" He laughed. "This is hilarious!"

"Your sense of humor must suck then." Jungkook deadpanned. "Oh, he's a model by the way. Kim

Hoseok spat out his coffee. "What did you say?"

"Ewww, hyung." Jungkook tried to pay off the droplets of coffee from his sleeve. "You know

"You don't?" Hoseok slapped Jungkook's arm.

"Umm.." Namjoon said. "Neither do I."

"That's because you're both losers who have no life outside of work." Yoongi said, and then turned
to Hoseok. "So who is he?"

Jungkook and Namjoon side eyed Yoongi, before turning to Hoseok.

"He's really hot." Hoseok said with dreamy eyes. "He models for all the major brands in Seoul,
often with his best friend Jimin. They're both really popular."

The other three nodded, as if amused with the new information.

"So Jungkookie is now roommates with a model?" Namjoon raised his brows. "That's fancy."

"It's not." Jungkook retaliated. "He's arrogant, snobbish, irritating and stupidly, ridiculously good
looking. I hate him. Even though he's really pretty."

His hyungs stared at him. "Yeah so." Yoongi got up, not sounding convinced. "Let's get back to
work and let Jungkook evolve into his Romeo phase--"

"What part of I hate him did you not get?" Jungkook scoffed.

"The part where you called him stupidly, ridiculously good looking?" Namjoon pressed his lips
together, trying to suppress a smile.

"That doesn't make him any more likeable!" Jungkook protested. "I shouldn't have told you guys. I
don't like the guy at all. I left a note asking him not to touch any of my stuff or eat my food."

"Typical." Hoseok patted his shoulder. "So when are we meeting him?"

"Huh?" Jungkook raised his brows. "We don't even get along and you think I'll introduce him to
my friends?"

"But I am a fan!" Hoseok hit Jungkook on the shoulder. "What kind of a friend are you?"

He didn't say anything.

"Okay, but you're throwing a housewarming party right?" Namjoon asked. "It's been a while since
we've met up outside of place that doesn't smell like spirit and blood."

Hoseok nodded vehemently. "Yes, that's absolutely necessary. You have to invite us. Then maybe I
could meet Taehyung!"

Jungkook sighed.He put on his apron, got up from his chair and huffed out a breath. "I'll think
about it."

Jungkook didn't know what he was expecting when he reached home that night.

He was dead tired after being on call almost the entire night, eyebags prominent and hair all
disheveled. His body ached and his eyes were bloodshot from the exhaustion. He really didn't
know what awaited him at the other side, when he turned in the key, rotated the knob and opened
the door.

He definitely wasn't expecting the living room to be so eerily quiet, like nobody was even home.
He didn't quite feel like calling out Taehyung's name, so he quietly trodded his way to the fridge,
opening the door to grab some cold water. He would need something to eat as well, so he started
looking around the kitchen, but before he could proceed, his eyes fell on the pink sticky note on the
fridge, replacing the yellow one he had placed their earlier.

Listen dipshit, I'm having a housewarming party tomorrow @7pm. I hope you don't throw a fit
or something. Come if you want, or you're welcome to spend your night at the hospital or
whatever if it bothers you. :-*

Love, KTH.

Jungkook's blood was boiling. He was seething with anger upon seeing the note. How could he
decide upon a whole ass party without even discussing it first? After all, it was Jungkook's house
too. He almost dashed across the living area into Taehyung's room, but he stopped himself before
another fight could commence.

He stopped, and thought. If Taehyung wanted to play dirty, Jungkook would play right back. The
cold water in his hand and the food on the kitchen shelves was long forgotten, his entire focus now
on his smartphone which he grabbed out of his pocket. He unlocked it and pulled up his messages,
tapping into the group chat with his hyungs.

JK - Tomorrow. 7pm. Party. My place.

He was bombarded with immediate replies.

Yoongi Hyung - Thank God, I need a break ffs.

Namjoon Hyung - Awesome! :)

Hoseok Hyung - Yoooooooooo I'm already deciding what to wear!!! :-* :-) ;) :D <3

He tongued the inside of his cheek, glancing over at the door of Taehyung's bedroom. Fucking
asshole, he thought to himself. He'd show Taehyung how to throw a party. He had been to plenty
of them back in his med school days. Contrary to Taehyung's assumptions about him being boring
just because of his profession, Jungkook liked to think that he was plenty fun.

He grabbed his sticky notes from on top of the fridge, and scribbled something on the top page. He
then tore it apart from the stack and pasted it flat onto the fridge door. Grabbing a cup of instant
noodles, he looked at his note once again, satisfied. He smirked to himself and went back into his

Jungkook was a good doctor. He saw lots of different people every day, different stories, different
problems. He interacted with them, healed them, saved their lives. You'd think he was the biggest
social butterfly, a people's person, if you saw him in action.

But if there was one thing Jungkook sucked at, it was at being amidst a lot of people. Crowds, big
gatherings, queues. Smiling when you cross people in the corridor, small talk, eye contact - he
hated all of them. He was good with his patients, he was good around his hyungs, he managed
being around his family. But with everyone else? Someone better get the boy out of there. He
valued space and privacy, he valued solace and silence, he valued close knit small circles, and
anything that deviated from those was a huge no-no in Jungkook's books. Even one stranger would
be enough to make him feel uneasy.

He sat in their living room, eyes fixated on the dial of his expensive watch, waiting for it to strike 7
o'clock and for his hyungs to show up. Taehyung was still in his bedroom, probably dressing up all
fancy for this supposed fun (and completely unnecessary) party, and Jungkook, after sleeping the
whole day post a tedious night at work, didn't understand how someone could be so invested in
trivial things like these. While he was immersed in his thoughts, rolling his eyes at every despising
thought he had of the older, the key to their main door suddenly turned.

His eyes went wide and ears shot up. He was on the couch, his roommate was in his room. Why
was anyone else able to turn a key in their door? He immediately alerted himself, and refusing to
take any help from Taehyung, he grabbed the nearest item he could find - in his case, a tall metal
vase - and slowly tiptoed towards the door. He waited, breathing slow and heart racing, for the
door to open so he could launch his attack.

The door opened, a head of blond hair now visible and the sound of "Tae I'm here--" followed by a
horrified expression and then, a loud scream, ringed in the entire house. Jungkook stilled, retracted
his arm which almost slammed the huge metal vase against the intruder's head, and put it down.
Wide, round and terrified eyes were now staring at him.

"Tae?" Jungkook questioned, brows furrowed, and relief surging through his chest. "You're a
friend of Taehyung's?"

"You must be Jungkook?" The short male retorted with one brow cocked up, eyeing Jungkook up
and down. "I now understand why he doesn't like you despite the fact that you look like that."

"Huh?" Jungkook scoffed. "Why the fuck do you have a key to my house?"

"Our house." Taehyung smiled from where he was now emerging from inside his room. His pretty
face was all made up, eyes smokey and lips pink and glossy, and a figure hugging jumpsuit
adorned his body. Jungkook tore his eyes away after looking for a few seconds.

"Jiminie!" He exclaimed and ran to the shorter boy, who Jungkook noticed was really pretty as
well. Jungkook reckoned he must be a co-model or something.

"Say, Tae. Aren't doctors supposed to save lives?" He then looked at Jungkook. "Why is this one
trying to take mine, then?"

Jungkook didn't say anything, just stood there waiting for an explanation, jaw clenched and tongue
poking shapes into his cheek. Jimin was just as vile as, if not more, than Taehyung himself.

"Sweet Jimin here, is my best friend. He has been since we were practically babies." Taehyung
shoots at Jungkook. "He's like a sibling, perhaps even more, and anything unkind said to him, I will
not take well."

Jungkook still glared. Still silent.

"We have always had keys to each other's apartments." Taehyung scoffed. "What, do you not have
close friends or what?"

Jungkook huffed out a breath of air he was holding. "My close friends don't feel the need to intrude
into my habitat whenever they want. They're busy with their own lives."

"So, boring like you?" Two sets of feline eyes gave him a sharp look.

Jungkook decided the argument wasn't worth his time, so he sighed and started retreating to the
living area. He didn't see the way Taehyung rolled his eyes at him, or how Jimin whispered in his
ears in displeasure. All he wanted was for his hyungs to arrive and get this shit done with. Apart
from the grand array of drinks and sides Taehyung had prepared for his guests, Jungkook had made
some small arrangements too, but seeing the amount lapped up on Taehyung's side, he wondered
just how long his guest list was.

The doorbell rang. Jungkook ran to get it, while Taehyung and Jimin were still in the living area.
He saw three familiar faces and relief coursed through him.

"Thank goodness you made it." Jungkook said, paused and then took a jab. "That's how decent
people visit other people's houses."

Taehyung's eyes narrowed.

"Do decent people leave their guests standing at the door?" Yoongi scoffed, arms crossed.

Jimin choked on the cookie he was biting into, his mouth turning into a smile. "I like that one,
whoever he is."

"Let us in." Yoongi whined and pushed Jungkook aside, barging in, and soon as he did, his eyes fell
on the other two occupants of the room.

"Which one of these is Taehyung?" Namjoon asked curtly, dimples flashing. Hoseok, who was
currently losing his shit slapped his arm and gestured with his eyes in a certain direction.

Jungkook's jaw ticked. "Not the short one."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "I'm not much shorter than your friend." He turned his gaze to Yoongi.
Platinum blonde hair, black rimmed glasses and a perfectly tucked dress shirt on the other male
caught his eye. Yoongi had suddenly gone a little quiet, and didn't even retort.

"Me." Taehyung flashed his brightest smile at Jungkook's friends. "I am Kim Taehyung. It's so nice
to meet you. Please come inside."
Hoseok almost leaped out from the back. "Big fan, Taehyung." He smiled. "I can't believe our
Gukkie is roommates with you."

"Ggukkie?" Taehyung giggled, side eyeing Jungkook. He turned to Hoseok and returned his
sweetest smile. "Yeah, a little weird, that one. And thank you so much, it's my pleasure."

"Oh, Seokjin hyung is here!" Jimin chirped, looking at his phone screen, simultaneously as a tall,
impossibly pretty guy walked in through the already open door. Jungkook wondered if he was a
model too, he certainly did look like one.

"Uhh, hello?" Seokjin said, before Jimin and Taehyung crashed into him and the next moment, his
friends were actually conversing with them. He huffed out a breath at that, tonguing the inside of
his cheeks in exasperation. He was about to chide them, but suddenly there were more people
coming in like packs of wolves, infiltrating the whole apartment, creating too much commotion and
a whole mess, and this was the last thing he wanted or was expecting.

Because if there was one thing Jungkook sucked at, it was at being amidst a lot of people. And
right now, he'd do anything to be anywhere but in his own home. There was even a moment when
he couldn't even locate his friends anymore. The whole room was packed with inebriated bodies
swaying themselves to the loud music that made Jungkook's head throb. And when he finally saw
them, Namjoon was too engrossed in a conversation with Seokjin, Jimin was literally sucking
Yoongi's face off and Hoseok was just vibing with a bunch of random friends of Taehyung.

He couldn't believe this was happening.

"I thought you were here at my party." Jungkook frowned. His friends all turned their attention to

"Yeah, what do you want us to do?" Hoseok asked, having stopped in the middle of delivering
some killer move. "Dance with you? Because you're totally the life of every party."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'm off to my room, it's too loud in here."

He sighed and was about to go back to his room, when someone grabbed him by the wrist. He
stopped in his tracks, half turned his body, and saw slender fingers wrapped around his hand,
touching him softly but firmly. He let his eyes trace the arm and then land on the person they
belonged to, and there he was, in all his silver haired glory, smirking at Jungkook like he had won
at life and was about to throw the younger out or something.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "What is it?"

Taehyung's smirk grew into a grin, as he cocked his head to the side. He was stirring, and
Jungkook could tell he was drunk. "Is babyface sad because all his friends are busy?"

"Asshole." Jungkook spat out, trying to shake his wrist out of Taehyung's grip, but the older was
surprisingly adamant. "Let go of me."

"Why?" Taehyung said. "Is hyung not pretty enough to hold your hand?"

"You're drunk." Jungkook said, pulling his hand out of Taehyung's grip. "I'm going into my room, I
don't feel comfortable here right now."

"Why?" Taehyung tapped on his shoulder, the soft touch turning into a grip again, as Taehyung
lost his balance for a moment. "Don't you like to dance? Every-everyone is dancing."

Jungkook felt irritated, and Taehyung wasn't backing down. He turned, a frown on his face, and
took a good look at Taehyung this time. In the soft yellow lighting of their apartment, his skin
looked golden, cheeks a little flushed and his body a little too killer in the body hugging garment
he wore. Jungkook cleared his throat. "I don't like..crowds."

"Oh." Taehyung let go of Jungkook. "You're one of those."

Jungkook frowned, followed by a roll of his eyes and a scoff. "What do you mean?"

"You hate parties. You'd rather-" Taehyung giggled. "You'd rather avoid it any cost. You hate the
loud music, you--"

"Do you expect everyone to be the same?" Jungkook retorted. "Ever heard of being reserved?
Introverted? Liking privacy and seclusion?"
Taehyung put his hands up. "Whoops, hit a nerve there."

"Whatever, leave me alone." Jungkook shook his head and turned on his heel, ready to head into
his room.

"Rude." Taehyung pouted as he watched Jungkook walk away. "Mad hot, but rude."

However, he shrugged it off and started to move his body to the beats of the music. He grabbed
another red cup and gulped in some more alcohol. Taehyung was a very light drinker, but that
night, he wanted to up the ante a little bit. It may or may not have had anything to do with the
rejection he had faced less than a minute ago.

Jungkook was sure he had signed up for sound proof walls, but judging by the music traveling
through them, it seemed like anything but. He sighed out in frustration. He wanted to just go to bed
and sleep it all out but it seemed impossible. So instead, he decided to grab some snacks and water,
tell his friends goodnight because they were having a good time without him anyway, and then
come back and catch a movie or something - all by himself.

He grunted in frustration as he lifted his body off of the bed and walked to his door. The knob felt
extra cold against his palm when he turned it, and then the loud music engulfed him again. He
cursed and proceeded towards the living area first.

"Since you guys are settled, I'm going to my room until this shit is over." He spoke loudly over the
music to his friends who had all found seemingly perfect company'for the night. Not that Jungkook
was dying to party or anything, but his words still came off salty.

"Jungkook." Yoongi said. This time, Jimin wasn't snogging his face up. "We all know that your
room is where you'd rather be."

"Whatever." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "G'night, see you guys tomorrow." He quickly hugged
Hoseok and Namjoon, avoided hugging Yoongi because they didn't really ever communicate via
physical affection, and then made his way to the kitchen, but not before sending a dirty look
Jimin's way and receiving a glare right back.

"Asshole." He muttered under his breath as he tried to navigate through drunk strangers to his side
of the kitchen. It was quieter here, and he was lowkey thankful for that. Jungkook had barely just
opened the door of the fridge to grab some water when he heard a voice he had been hearing a lot
for the last two days.

"No hyung." Taehyung's muffled voice came from somewhere in the back, little giggles in
between. "I'm not- not in the mood today."

Jungkook immediately alerted again. He stopped and tried to listen some more. This time, he heard
another male voice.

"Come on, Tae." A chuckle, followed by something that sounded like a body hitting against
something. Jungkook panicked.

"I'm... I'm drunk." Taehyung's voice came again.

And that was it. Jungkook left the bottle on the kitchen counter and followed the voices. They
seemed to be coming from the store room right behind Taehyung's bedroom, and when Jungkook
slowly pushed the door open, he was right.

Taehyung was leaning against a wall, tipsy and trying to get a hold of himself, while another guy
rubbed his head, as he seemed to have hit it or something. Both of them immediately looked to
Jungkook when he entered, and while Taehyung's face remained bored and unchanged, the other
guy was just in utter surprise, and not the good kind.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung pouted. "I-I thought you were sleeping."

"What's going on in here?" Jungkook asked, assuming the worst, with clearly no knowledge that it
was just Taehyung with, his fuck buddy, the latter trying to get dicked down as Taehyung politely
refused. "Is he... bothering you?" He asked Taehyung.

Even though he hated his ass, Jungkook didn't have it in him to watch something wrong happening
without trying to help out or stop it. So even if it was Taehyung on the other end, he'd still do what
he would for anyone else.

"What? Him?" Taehyung looked to the other guy and giggled. His cheeks were redder now, eyes
more lidded than earlier. "No, don't worry. He's Bogum hyung, we fuck sometimes."
Jungkook cringed, wanting to un-hear the sentence. "That is information I didn't ask for."

Taehyung giggled. "Why? Are you jealous?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "But I thought I heard someone getting pushed?"

"No, that was just him being a klutz." Taehyung said, talking about Bogum but eyes only on
Jungkook. "He hit his head against a cabinet. Probably in utter disappointment because I'm not in
the mood tonight."

"I just thought..he.." Jungkook fumbled with his words. "I thought you needed help. Whatever, I'll
just go."

"This the roommate?" Bogum finally spoke, crossing his arms. "The one you hate?"

Taehyung nodded, like Jungkook wasn't just standing there listening to everything. Jungkook
seethed a little. "Umm, I'll get going. You guys can do whatever the hell it is you do."

And he stepped out. Jungkook immediately cursed himself for misreading the situation and coming
across as wanting to help Taehyung. He did, he wanted to, but just as a fellow human being, maybe
as a roommate, and nothing else. As he was coming out, he saw Jimin heading towards the
basement, exchanging brief glares before breaking eye contact. Jungkook just grabbed water, some
snacks, and went into his bedroom to spend the rest of the night and hopefully get some sleep
before he could go to work again the next day.

Jimin entered the small store room and his eyes widened. "Oh, Bogum hyung!" He broke into a
smile. "I can't believe I didn't see you at the party earlier."

"You would have." Taehyung giggled. "Had you not been---"

"Uh, haha, shut up Tae, so what are you guys doing here?" He motioned his hands around. "I mean,
any plans tonight?" Jimin wiggled his brows.

"No, Tae says he's not in the mood." Bogum smiled. "By the way, I just met his roommate. He's
not as bad as you guys said."

Jimin huffed. "Well he didn't almost kill you with a blow on the head thinking you're a thief or
something." He rolled his eyes and took a good look at his nails.

Bogum chuckled. "No, I mean, he just came in here."

"He thought Bogum hyung was doing something to me." Taehyung smiled. "Forcibly. And he
wanted to help. He's so cute."

"He did?" Jimin's face softened. "Huh."

"Yeah, also, he's pretty hot." Bogum winked.

"Hey!" Taehyung exclaimed. "If anyone gets to nail him, it should be me. I'm his roommate."

"Maybe I shouldn't have judged him so fast." Jimin bit his lips. "His friends are actually sweet

"Yeah, you just pretty much tasted one for hours." Taehyung huffed. "You speak from experience."

"Ahh, stop!" Jimin playfully smacked Taehyung's arm. "I think we should try and be nicer."

Taehyung shrugged. "I guess."

Chapter 2

Taehyung woke up the following morning with no recollection of half the last night. He clearly
remembered dressing up, Jimin coming in and surviving an attack by his roommate, followed by
loads of people rushing in. The next thing he remembered was drinking one cup, then two and then
a few more, for whatever reason. And then, it was all just blank.

His head hurt like a bitch, but he shouldered the responsibility because he had always been a
lightweight and yet, he downed God knows how many glasses of liquor. He sat in bed for a good
few minutes, just existing with a pout adorning his features and the unwillingness to do anything
but. He reluctantly grabbed his phone and shot Jimin a text.

Jimin, I can't come in today. I feel like my head is going to explode and I feel so nauseous.

When the reply didn't come immediately as usual, he pouted, took an anti-emetic and got out of
bed, heading to the bathroom. After he was done, he tiptoed outside, and made sure he didn't create
any noise. He looked around, and it was eerily quiet. Maybe Jungkook had left for work already, he
thought. His shoulders slumped, and he waddled across the living room, rubbing circles over his
stomach that was rumbling. He was feeling slightly better now and wanted to eat something.

He pulled the door of the fridge apart, but before he could grab something, he realized that
Jungkook's side looked much more tempting. He spent a whole minute just staring at all the stuff
he had, neatly stacked up and much more organized than his side.

Who the fuck organizes even food?

There was a lot of healthy stuff, including veggies and a variety of assorted fresh fruits, coupled
with meat here and there, and Taehyung licked his lips. It was grandiose compared to his side of
processed foods. He knew it was off limits, but the rumbling of his stomach edged him on.

He decided to replace Jungkook's food as soon as possible and just give in to temptation, but as
soon as the tip of his finger even touched the food, a doorknob behind him turned, followed by a

"I thought I told you not to touch my food." Jungkook stood tall behind him, arms crossed across
his broad chest.

Taehyung was startled to say the least, and he almost jumped in place. He turned around. "I was
going to replace it. What do you think I am?"

"Why were you even touching it?" Jungkook scoffed, half smirked. "You can't even stand me, why
bother with my stuff?"

Taehyung's blood boiled. It wasn't even eight in the morning, and this was the last thing he needed
when his head already threatened to split apart from the pain.

"Listen, Jungkook."

The younger didn't respond, just rolling his eyes.

"I have a bad hangover. My head hurts really bad." He continued, and before he could say he was
hungry, his stomach made a loud sound. He pouted and clutched his gut in response, a little
embarrassed. He suddenly looked really small, and not like a full grown man who was the same
height as Jungkook himself, what with the oversized hoodie that engulfed his whole figure and his
bare legs capped by socks at his feet.

Jungkook's expression immediately softened a little, but it was so subtle and so transient that
Taehyung didn't even notice. "Fine, whatever, did you take medicines?"

Taehyung nodded. "Why do you care?" He rolled his eyes. Jungkook ignored it.

"Have what you like." Jungkook said, walking away without sparing Taehyung a second glance.
"Just avoid the oranges in there. Don't have coffee, not even juice."

"Wow, you're so rude." Taehyung said, plump lips parted in anger. "I don't want your food if you
don't even want me to-"

"Oh my God, shup up!" Jungkook almost pulled his hair out. "I'm asking you to avoid them
because they will make your hangover worse."

"Oh." Taehyung said bashfully. "Sorry. You're... you're the doctor here. Right."

"Have you never been hungover before?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung stood in place, all timid, shaking his head. "I mean, I'm a lightweight. So I don't really
drink often, or a lot."

Jungkook narrowed his eyes. "Why did you drink so much then? You're a strange person."

Jungkook started to walk into the kitchen area, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks as he came in
the proximity of Taehyung. Why the fuck would he roam around the house with his legs bare like

"I'll... I'll make you some ginger tea." Jungkook said, so low that Taehyung almost didn't catch it.

"You'll what?" He gasped. When Jungkook didn't respond, he shrunk himself into a chair,
watching the younger work in the kitchen. "Is this some sort of hidden scheme? You helping me,
so later on you can ask me for a favor?"

Jungkook immediately stilled. He turned around, an annoyed expression plastered across his face.

"I'm just saying." Taehyung tilted his head, a frown on his forehead from genuine confusion."Why
are you...helping me?"

"I'm a doctor, Taehyung." Jungkook said. "And you're fucking sick." He almost wanted to leave it
there and then, he was so angry at what Taehyung had just said, but he figured it would be the last
time he'd ever help. Enough with the humanity bullshit, the prick didn't deserve any help.

He handed over the cup to him, boiled two eggs and prepared some more food before he turned to
go back to his room. "I'll be heading out."

"Umm." Taehyung began. "I'll replace everything as soon as I'm feeling better."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, almost stopped in his tracks. How hard was it to utter a simple thank
you? "That won't be necessary."

"He did what?" Taehyung's eyes went wide as Jimin narrated the previous night's events to him.
His best friend decided to drop by after work and they were sitting on Taehyung's bed right now.

"Yeah." Jimin nodded. "You can ask Bogum hyung too."

"Oh my God, he wanted to help me?" Taehyung's voice softened. "And you know Jimin, when I
was hungover this morning, he made me breakfast..and...I...I didn't even say thank you."

"Are you serious?" Jimin's eyes widened. "I'm connecting the dots Tae."

"Shit, I'm an idiot." Taehyung smacked his face with his palm. "Now it's going to be even more

"It's fine, just be nicer." Jimin rubbed his arms. "I think we misjudged him. If you're nice, he'll
come around."

"Oh my God I feel like an asshole." Taehyung covered his face in his hands. "He already hates

"He won't. Maybe try to be a better roommate."

Taehyung just nodded. And later that night, Jungkook found a basket of fruits by his side of the
fridge, complete with a note on top.

I got you the best fruits I could find. Let's start over again? :)

He may or may not have stared at it for longer than necessary. He definitely didn't think about it
until he fell asleep later. And he didn't bite back a smile at all, when he took the fruits and jotted
down on the piece of paper in response.

Ok whatever. Let's.

And so a month passed. The condescending notes on the refrigerator stopped. They were able to
have small, necessary talk without needing to look each other in the eyes, and were more or less
managing to live together without biting each other's heads off. It helped that their working hours
varied greatly and they didn't even have to see each other a lot.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that once the hatred had started to wean off, they had subconsciously
started to acknowledge that the other was definitely attractive. But they weren't even friends yet,
just two roommates who barely interacted. So they thought it was best to not to think too much of
it. For the meantime Taehyung was just happy that Jungkook had at least taken to calling him
hyung now.

But that didn't mean he wouldn't ogle every time Jungkook came into sight all sweaty after
working out, his sculpted body on display, his tattoos inviting Taehyung every time, or that
Jungkook didn't lose his mind every time Taehyung roamed the house in his tiny shorts with his
voluptuous ass and never ending legs.

It was on Seokjin's birthday that Taehyung's friends came over again. Jungkook was surprised to
learn that his own friends had been invited to party with them (by Jimin, of course.) It wasn't a
party per se, but a small, cosy get together. Jungkook was even more shocked when after an initial
invitation from Taehyung, which he brushed off as courtesy since inviting him was kind of like a
given, he received a text from an unknown number while at work.

Hey Jungkook. It's Jimin, Taehyung's friend. I want to apologize because our first meeting didn't
go too well, and I misjudged you. I hope we can be better friends. Me and Tae would love it if you
could be part of our birthday party for Seokjin hyung. Yoongi hyung and your other friends will be
there too. See you!

At least it wasn't going to be another night full of unknown, drunk people in his living room and for
that, Jungkook was thankful. He returned home that afternoon to a sight that he could only describe
as a disaster.

"What are you doing, hyung?" Jungkook asked, brows furrowed together.

For Taehyung was in the kitchen, flour all over his face and baggy oversized clothes, looking like
he wanted someone to rescue him out of there. Jungkook eyed him up and down, red creeping up
his cheeks because Taehyung looked unbelievably cute but of course, Jungkook couldn't care less,

"Oh? Is this funny to you?" Taehyung pouted as he pointed to himself with a wooden spatula. "I'm
trying my best, okay?" He rolled his eyes, which only made Jungkook want to laugh more.

"To?" He asked. "Burn down the house?"

"Stop being mean." Taehyung retorted. He resigned with a deep sigh. "I can't...I can't cook, okay?
But I'm still trying for Jin hyung."

Jungkook felt something in his stomach drop at how helpless and sad he sounded. There it was
again - the urge to help people, put them out of their misery. He sighed. "Let me change and
freshen up."

Taehyung turned and looked at him with quizzical eyes. "And? What does that have to do with

Jungkook huffed. "You're so annoying. Just sit down, and give me a few minutes. I'll handle it."

Saying so, he retreated to his room, closing the door behind him. Taehyung just stared at said door,
a smile on his lips and eyes wide. He knew Jungkook was helpful by now, but he had just offered
to cook for the party and Taehyung was feeling flustered, floored, impressed - you name it. He
dusted the flour off of his hands and pulled his phone out to text Jimin.

He is so fucking sweet I can barely keep it in my pants anymore.

Jungkook smelled like fresh strawberries after showering, Taehyung noticed. The smell was
suddenly so intoxicating that he almost didn't hear Jungkook speak.

"So what are we trying to make here?" He put his hands on his hips and looked around the kitchen,
raising his brows at the obvious mess.

"I..." Taehyung began, embarrassed. His hand flew up to the back of his neck. "I was aiming for
some pork ribs and japchae...but..."

"Alright. Go clean up the house." Jungkook waved a hand towards the living area. "I'll cook."
Taehyung stared for a moment, blank. This wasn't even the only shock he received. Because a
moment later, Jungkook started working like he hadn't just returned from a long day at work and
was some kind of a damn master chef. Taehyung just stared in awe as he absent-mindedly wiped
the furniture, his attention fully on Jungkook.

Needless to say, his friends loved the food. Jungkook, unlike last time, didn't lock himself up in his
room, and while he wasn't exactly chatty, he listened and occasionally took part in the

'Jungkook cooked." Taehyung said when Namjoon couldn't stop complimenting the homemade

"What?" Seokjin asked, amused. "No wonder the food tastes so good! Best birthday food ever."

"Yes." Taehyung smiled, then paused, and pouted. "Hey! I can cook too, given the right

"What right circumstances?" Jungkook scoffed. "You looked like you were going to pass out from
sniffing flour."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I was doing just fine. Maybe I'm not that skilled, but.."

Before he could completely his sentence, Jimin stuffed a slice of pizza in his mouth, and
Taehyung's eyes went wide. "Wmao, mis is good" he said, looking at Jungkook.

"I know. I'm an excellent cook." Jungkook smiled. He tried to ignore the way his heart fluttered a
little at the sight of Taehyung's puffed cheeks as he devoured the food.

"So are you going to tell us or...?" Yoongi asked as he sat across fron Jungkook. It was the
afternoon, and there weren't a lot of patients at this hour. They were bored.

"Tell you what?" Jungkook furrowed his brows, as he completed folding a paper plane.

"Ugh." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Don't think we didn't notice you giving your roommate heart

"Heart eyes?" Hoseok said, as he entered the room with Namjoon. "Are we talking about

Jungkook gave him a strange look. Why was everyone saying that?

"I thought you hated him?" Namjoon smiled teasingly.

"I don't hate him." Jungkook muttered. "But that doesn't mean I was giving him heart eyes, that's

"Jungkook, for God's sake, please, you haven't looked at anyone that way in a while." Yoongi
almost whined. "Your eyes were fucking soft."

"So you two boning?" Hoseok wiggled his brows.

"Eww no, what the fuck?" Jungkook threw the paper plane Hoseok's way and it hit the latter's
head. "We have barely just started to talk."
"Oooooh talking?" Hoseok wiggled his brows again and Jungkook wanted to kill him.

"Hey, stop!" Namjoon smacked Hoseok.

"He's not..." Jungkook started. "He's not that bad. He's an okay guy."

"Hmmmm." Yoongi crossed his arms. "And?"

"Do you want me to start talking about Jimin hyung?" Jungkook narrowed his eyes and clenched
his jaw.

"Yeah okay I think I have a patient waiting so..." Yoongi got up, grabbing his stethoscope and
white coat and was out before anyone could even blink.

Jungkook was past the stage of being annoyed by Taehyung. Sure, Taehyung was attractive, but he
didn't want to bang him like his friends thought he did. Although, he thought they were definitely
pushing towards friendship. His thoughts were cemented into reality when Taehyung knocked on
his door one evening.

"Jungkoooook!" Taehyung cooed, softly knocking on the door.

"Ugh." Jungkook got up from his chair where he was reviewing some old notebooks. He opened
the door, and rolled his eyes in feigned annoyance upon seeing Taehyung grinning. "What is it?"

"Umm..." Taehyung's grin turned a little bashful. "Jimin and Seokjin hyung are busy tonight. And
umm, Bogum hyung is out on a date."

Jungkook drew his brows together in confusion. "And...? It's not like he's the only one you can
hook up with."

Taehyung pulled at the rim of his oversized t-shirt. "I don't feel like hitting the club alone..."

"What?" Jungkook's eyes went wide. "I'm not accompanying you to the club so you can get laid!"

"Wait, no!" Taehyung grabbed the door before Jungkook could shut it. "We don't even have to go
to the club!"

Jungkook's eyes, this time, looked like they would pop out of their sockets. "Wh...what are you
suggesting, what the fuck hyung?"

It was Taehyung's turn to look confused. "What?" And then it dawned on him. "Noooooo..
Jungkook, no."

Jungkook's horrified face eased a bit. "No?"

"No, silly! I meant..." Taehyung bit his lip. "Do you, umm, maybe...want to watch a movie with
me? I'll make popcorn!"

Jungkook's heartbeat returned to normal. "Oh. Umm, sure. Why not." He said as he opened the
door again. "Let me just put my books away."

Taehyung walked back out with an excited smile, and it made Jungkook's heart warm. It wasn't his
fault that the older was cute as fuck, he thought. He shrugged off the thoughts, as he closed his
books shut and turned out the lights of his room (he was all about saving resources) before making
his way to the living room.

When he stepped out, Taehyung was sprinting all over the living area hilariously, as he heated
popcorn and rummaged through some DVDs at the same time. His bare, milky smooth legs carried
him around efficiently, and Jungkook caught himself staring. He cleared his throat and tore his
eyes away, even though Taehyung wasn't looking at him.

"So..." Jungkook started. "What movie are we watching?"

"I love rom-coms..." Taehyung half turned from where he was crouching on the ground, trying to
look for something Jungkook would enjoy. "But I get the feeling you wouldn't really like watching
those, so umm.."

"I like them." Jungkook nodded while chewing his lower lip and awkwardly tracing shapes on the
sofa for no reason. He didn't meet Taehyung's eye as he said. "I mean, they're cute."

"Really?" Taehyung asked, a little shocked. "I mean, that's amazing! What do you want to watch
then?" He excitedly got up, carrying his whole set with him until he was right in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook was forced to make eye contact then. "I don't know, whatever you like, I guess."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and pouted. "Please, Jungkookie?"

Jungkook contorted his features at the name. "Hyung, what? Don't call me that!"

Taehyung grinned even wider this time, as he playfully smacked Jungkook's shoulder. "Jung.
Kookieeee." He emphasized. "I will keep calling you that until you choose a movie."

"Ugh." The younger scoffed and crossed his arms. "Has anyone ever told you how fucking
annoying you are?"

Taehyung nodded, indifferently and with a straight face. "Yes, Seokjin hyung says that all the
time." He said, completely serious.

"It was your idea, why should I choose..." Jungkook muttered.

"Because I want you to have a good time." Taehyung sighed. "We didn't really start off on the best
terms and...and I want to extend a hand of friendship towards you and I want it to be perfect..and I
think that we..."

"Let's watch Crazy Rich Asians."

"...what?" Taehyung said, then realized that Jungkook had just suggested a movie. "OMG, I love
that movie so much!"

A popcorn went off in the oven, distracting them both. Jungkook relaxed his body as he looked in
the direction of the kitchen. "I'll get that. Play the movie."

It didn't go bad for watching a movie with your not-exactly-friend-but-kinda-cute/hot-roommate

for the first time ever. Actually, it didn't go bad at all. Taehyung would go as far as to say that he
enjoyed it very much.

He actually saw Jungkook laugh out loud, and didn't even believe it at first. But when he laughed a
second time, Taehyung was sure that the dude could ease down if he wanted to. He didn't realize
how a smile slipped to his face too, because while Jungkook was enjoying the movie, Taehyung
was enjoying the expressions on his face.

He was right when he called him babyface.

At one point, their hands brushed each other while reaching out for popcorn at the same time.
Taehyung apologized in a very gentle voice, and let Jungkook have it first. He really, really did
want their movie night to go well.

They laughed at a lot of the same moments and said the same things at certain scenes. And believe
it or not, the remaining awkwardness dissipated into thin air. By the time the movie was over, they
may have shared a few jokes, playful jabs at each other and a hell lot of popcorn.

And Jungkook - Jungkook felt more relaxed than he had in a long time. He couldn't exactly express
it, but when Taehyung turned off the TV and put away the empty bowl of popcorn, he wished the
movie hadn't ended that soon.

"Umm, thank you." He started his awkward shape tracing again, this time on a cushion. "I was
really stressed because of work."

"Why did you choose to work as a doctor?" Taehyung asked him, still doing something in the

Jungkook shrugged. "Was always passionate about helping people."

Taehyung nodded. He couldn't agree more from what he had noticed so far. "That's nice."

"You?" Jungkook asked. "What made you want to be a model?"

Taehyung stopped whatever he was doing, took quick steps towards Jungkook until he was behind
the couch and then he stopped, cupping his face with both hands. "Because I'm pretty."

Jungkook couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped his mouth then.

"What?" Taehyung cocked his head to the side. "You don't think I'm pretty?"

"I didn't say that."

"So you think I'm pretty?"

"You're so fucking annoying." Jungkook shook his head and got up, but he was biting back a smile.
His roommate was annoying, sure, but certainly not the devil Jungkook had made him out to be.

Neither Jungkook, nor Taehyung realized when or how, but the movies became a weekly event
soon enough. Fridays turned into rom-com nights, and both of them found their little escape from
the stresses of real life in those two hours full of dramatic scenes, laughter, bickering and popcorn.
On days that they felt extra fancy, they would order takeout. And over popcorn and Chinese, the
two boys fell into the zone of friendship.

They talked more. Small talk was replaced by more relaxed, actual conversations. They knew each
other's little habits, home-coming hours and even favorite food now. They more than tolerated each
other, and could even go as far as to describe the other's company as pleasant. While Taehyung
frequently expressed how much he enjoyed movie nights, Jungkook would show how he felt by
choosing the movies a day or two in advance, or even bringing in a new movie on his way home.

"So you've got a new best friend huh?" Jimin teased, as Taehyung sat down, all sweaty from the

"Stop!" Taehyung threw his arms around the blonde. "You're my one and only."

Jimin suppressed a smile. "But I've invited someone over here today."

Taehyung retracted himself, frowning. "What, like a date?"

Jimin bit his lips, biting back a smile.

"What? Is it Yoongi hyung? Jungkookie's friend?" Taehyung said, and watched as Jimin's silence
confirmed it. "Oh my God, I thought you guys were just fucking!"

"I knowwww!" Jimin exaggerated his sentence. "Me too! At first I just thought he was hot because
he's got a sharp tongue and he's so smart and kinda scary? But..."

"But?" Taehyung crossed his arm in amusement.

"But he's so sweet, he is so good to me, Tae!" Jimin dreamily looked up at the ceiling. "So yeah
he's going to come over and then we're going out!"

Taehyung's jaw dropped. "Chim! It's Wednesday. It's Taetae and Jimin day, how can you do that?"

Jimin almost started to fake cry, wrapping his arms around Taehyung like he had done a while ago.
"Please Tae, I will love you forever!"

"So I'm spending tonight all alone?" Taehyung huffed. "Bogum hyung isn't even in Seoul. And you
know I don't like hitting clubs by myself."

"Take Jungkook?"

"Nooooo!" Taehyung raised a hand in defense. "Are you nuts? Jungkook? To a club? He'd rather
have his head dipped in boiling water."

"I'm so sorry, Tae. It's just...hyung is so busy, he specifically made time for me and asked me out
so sweetly, I just couldn't say no." Jimin looked at him with genuine puppy eyes.

Taehyung sighed. "Go. You deserve to go, I'm sorry, I sound like a selfish brat."

"No, I understand." Jimin hugged him. "I love you so much, Tae! I'm gonna give you all the

And then they exchanged evil smiles before getting back to work. In the middle of a photoshoot,
while Taehyung was dressed in all white, looking like a literal angel who had somehow lost his
way and had ended up on earth, Yoongi awkwardly walked in, looking all lost.

"What the fuck is this?" He muttered to himself as he looked around at all the flashy lights. It
reminded him a lot of the lights in the operation theaters, but it felt completely different. He pulled
out his phone and called Jimin.
"Hyung!" The younger picked up, all excited! "Oh, I can see you!"

Taehyung witnessed some (gross) PDA when Yoongi greeted Jimin, hugging him and pecking his
cheek, and was shocked, because frankly Yoongi didn't seem like that kind of a person. He would
have almost thought he was faking it if it wasn't for the way him and Jimin practically ate each
other's faces off the night of the housewarming party.

"Ahh, Taehyung, looking good!" Yoongi put up a thumb, and Taehyung couldn't figure out if he
was serious or being sarcastic. "Let me take a picture."

And he snapped. Taehyung was posing, and he barely had the chance to speak before Yoongi could
give him a reason. "You're weird, hyung." He rolled his eyes.

"I thought you fancy me?" Jimin fluttered his eyes dramatically before breaking into a smile.

Yoongi placed another peck on his cheek. "Of course sweetie."

Jungkook was bored. Namjoon and Hoseok were busy and Yoongi had taken off early to meet the
'love of his life', as he had quoted. He was off duty at this hour, and almost dozed off, but his phone
vibrated in the pocket of his white coat.

Yoongi hyung


Jungkook's heart almost skipped a beat. He knew his roommate was beautiful, but he didn't know
it was even possible for him to look better than he already did. But here he was, frozen in a picture,
looking like an angel with white draped around his body, and Jungkook swore it must have been
the lighting because why was Taehyung glowing?

He calmed himself down, chewed on his lips and typed a reply.

Good to see him working instead of just annoying everyone, lol. Tell him I said hi.

He then took a deep breath, chewed some more and hesitated before he sent the next text.

He looks good.

Yoongi's reply was instant, which was strange because neither Jungkook nor Yoongi were avid
texters. Yoongi really must have been invested in teasing Jungkook about his roommate to respond
that fast.

Does he make your heart flutter?

Jungkook blocked Yoongi for the rest of the evening.

"He said you look good." Jimin wiggled his brows as they sat in his apartment after his date with
Yoongi. They had gotten to the topic of Jungkook's text after Taehyung had made him spill every
little detail of his outing with Yoongi.
"He also said I'm annoying." Taehyung laughed it off, but he knew his heart did a thing when
Yoongi had shown him Jungkook's text.

"Come on, he was just trying not to come off as too eager." Jimin rolled his eyes. "Oh my God, you
two would be so cute together!"

"Jimin!" Taehyung chuckled. "I don't even know for sure if he likes me. He just said I look good."

Jimin cocked his head and narrowed his eyes. "Well, you've always looked gorgeous. Has he ever
told you that before?"

Taehyung shook his head. "I know, but still! He didn't say it to me."

Before Jimin could respond, Taehyung's phone screen lit up. He grabbed it to see who it was, and
his eyes went wide when he saw the letters across his phone screen.

"Oh my God, Jimin."

"What?!" Jimin scooted over closer to get a better look, and when he did, "Holy shit, Tae. See?"

Jungkook had sent him two texts. The second one sent after what seemed like a pause, some

When are you coming home? I'm bored.

Btw, you looked good at your shoot or whatever today haha.

"Are you convinced now?" Jimin asked, eyes round and almost about to yell. "See? He's
complimenting you."

"Yeah, but... " Taehyung covered his face with both hands to cover the blush on his face. "I have to
be completely sure first."

"Yeah, I know." Jimin nodded. "But it's a good start? Remove your damn hands from your face!"
He pulled at Taehyung's large hands with his tiny fingers.

"No!" Taehyung said. "I'm a little shy."

It was well past ten that Taehyung reached home. Before he turned the key in the door, he pulled
out a mirror and made sure he looked good. The moment he stepped inside, he forgot about how he
looked because Jungkook was sprawled across the couch wearing sweatpants and a sleevless tank,
his ripped arms flung across the back of the couch. He seemed really engrossed in something, and
didn't even notice when Taehyung came in.

And it was like Taehyung was suddenly hyper-aware of everything. He felt nervous, a little giddy
and super self- conscious. This was the first time, after all, that he stepped into Jungkook's vicinity
after he felt there could be a chance that the younger liked him. He usually never shied away in
these situations, but Jungkook was his roommate, his friend.

Taehyung cherished him.

And he didn't want to ruin anything by coming off too strong or too soon. So he decided to relax
and ease into it. He didn't want to make anything awkward either, so he acted like Jungkook's
compliment hadn't catapulted him into cloud nine - like his muscles didn't make him want to go
absolutely feral.

"Hey roomie!" Taehyung greeted with a smile. "I heard you called me annoying?"

Jungkook huffed. He tried not to look too nervous, and then said, in a low voice. "I also said you
looked good, why do you never see the good in me?"

"I'm kidding!" Taehyung ruffled Jungkook's hair as he passed by, and immediately regretted it. His
hair was so soft, Taehyung wanted to give in and keep his fingers tangled in it, but he bit back the
urge. "I got you some gross healthy food on my way back. It was on sale."

"Oh, thanks." Jungkook said, calming his heart as he watched Taehyung sashay his way around the
kitchen. He guessed him saying that the older looked good hadn't made anything awkward, and he
was thankful. Because Jungkook acknowledged that Taehyung was attractive - that maybe, maybe
Jungkook was a little bit attracted to him. But he was in no rush. All he wanted for now was to drop
small compliments here and there.

Because even though they'd never be enough to describe how gorgeous he was, it was the only way
he knew.

"Do you want to come along with me today?" Taehyung asked, a week later, when Jungkook
(finally) had a day off on a weekday. "You could get a glimpse into the world of glamour." He
smirked jokingly, and almost expected Jungkook to say no.

Because, he was Jungkook.

"Depends. Will you buy me food after?" The younger said, scratching the back of his head and
yawning, still looking at his phone. He had just woken up.

'Heck, I'm ready to be your food if you want.' Taehyung wanted say. "Yes, anything you want to
eat!" He said instead.

"Cool!" A bunny smile lit up Jungkook's face. "Give me ten minutes!"

And when they were at the fashion house Taehyung worked at, Jungkook, for the first time,
admitted to himself that he probably, maybe, possibly had some feelings for Taehyung. Because
when he posed for the camera, dressed in all black and a bare face, reminiscent of what he looked
like in the morning, Jungkook recognized the urge to walk up to him and kiss him.

It was scary, a little unfamiliar - the feeling, but he let it sink in, slowly, and let out a long sigh as
Taehyung switched expressions with ease, flirted with the camera, and Jungkook thought for a
moment he should have been a photographer instead.

God, was Taehyung really fucking beautiful.

"Did you like it?" The older asked, unable to contain his excitement, all his teeth out when he
flashed his boxy smile.

"Yeah, it was cool." Jungkook pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded sheepishly, shoving his
hands into his pockets. Taehyung noticed and recognized it as something he did whenever he got a
little nervous or awkward - he found something to do with his hands. It filled him up with warmth
and he just wanted to pinch Jungkook's cheeks.

For a large, intimidating guy, he really was ridiculously cute.

"Just cool?" Taehyung tipped his head to the side. "How did I look?"

"Umm, you looked nice, hyung." Jungkook bit on his lower lip. "I mean, you always do."

"Do I?" Taehyung smiled, bordering on a smirk. "Anyway, I'm done with my first shoot for the
day. Do you want to grab some lunch?"

And grab some lunch they did. Jungkook wasn't a picky eater as long as his food was healthy, so he
let Taehyung choose. The older seemed to be more than familiar with his food habits by now
anyway. They talked a lot over lunch, just like they did at home over dinner. It was rare - eating
with Taehyung during the day, because both of them were usually busy at work at this hour. It felt
nice to grab food with him while the sun shone down on his perfect hair and lit up his already
radiant skin.

Jungkook had trouble focusing on the food or what Taehyung was saying. Because he was
becoming a huge distraction.

He was lost in his thoughts when he suddenly saw a face he recognised making his way towards
their table, already throwing a hand out for Taehyung.

"Hey Tae! Where have you been?" He smiled as he neared. "You seem really busy this week!"

Bogum. Park Bogum. The guy who Taehyung introduced to him at their housewarming party as
'we fck sometimes.' Back then, Jungkook couldn't care less. Right now, he wanted to hold his face
and turn him back in the direction he came from. He wasn't really good at hiding what he felt, so
his face immediately turned sulky when he saw Bogum place a hand on Taehyung's shoulder,
letting it linger.

"Uhh, yeah, actually yes." Taehyung smiled brightly at him. "I have been a little busy." And then
he turned to Jungkook, who was looking at his plate with narrowed eyes, probably trying to fork it
into pieces.

"So are you free tonight?" Bogum asked.

"Well..." Taehyung didn't know why he looked at Jungkook again, and why he looked back. "No..
I've got plans actually, hyung..." He turned back to Bogum and made an apologetic face.

"Why?" Bogum leaned down. "You're busy even for me?"

Jungkook felt his blood boil. He didn't say anything, because he didn't feel like he was in the place
to, but he seriously hoped Bogum would stop bothering Taehyung. The latter kept saying no until
Bogum backed off, and left. He turned to Jungkook.

"Sorry about that, I..." Taehyung started.

"No, it's okay." Jungkook nodded, fiddling with his fork now, and still not meeting Taehyung's
eyes. " guys are close huh?"

"Me and Bogum hyung?" Taehyung asked, as if someone had just said a joke. "No! Like I said. We
fuck- used to fuck sometimes. That's about it."

"Used to? You uh..." Jungkook twirled his fork around the noodles. "You don't anymore?"

"Not in a few days, no." Taehyung expectantly looked at Jungkook for a reaction, some sort of

But Jungkook just nodded, and ran his tongue across the inside of his cheek. "I see."


"Just curious. You're my roommate, after all." Jungkook said. "Also... he's kind of pushy and
clingy. Every time I meet him, he's trying to persuade you to sleep with him."

"Oh. Yeah, he's a little clingy. And-" Taehyung faked offence. "I'm just your roommate?"

Jungkook smiled. "You should get back to work."

It was on a Friday a week later that Taehyung decided to surprise Jungkook by visiting him at his
workplace. Jimin said he planned on doing the same to Yoongi, so Taehyung wanted to tag along
as well. The thoughts of Jungkook's surprised face, maybe grabbing lunch together again, and then
their weekly movie night later that evening made him very excited.

As soon as he heard the door to their apartment click closed, he jumped out of bed. Jungkook had
left for work, and Taehyung was all set to get ready. He showered, ate breakfast hastily and half
heartedly because he was feeling nauseous.

Since when did he start getting so nervous? About dressing up? Before meeting people?

"Ridiculous." He huffed, half smiled to himself as he stood in front of the mirror, hair still wet. He
grabbed his phone and pulled up Jimin's chat.

I'm shit scared and I have nothing to wear Jimin.

............. you're literally a model...........

So what? I don't know if he'll like what I wear.

I think you could walk in wearing a clown costume and he'd still say you look good. The last time I
saw him, he looked W H I P P E D.

Whatever, you're no help.

You wish babe xx

Taehyung rolled his eyes at his best friend's message before setting his phone aside. He let out a
deep breath as he stared into his reflection in the mirror. "I got this."

After fiddling with his wardrobe for a good twenty minutes, he settled on a pair of wide legged
pants and a ruffled white shirt. He styled his hair into a ponytail that sat pretty on his hair and
didn't put on a lot of makeup, but just enough to make it look like he had. He pressed away the non
existent creases of his outfit with his hands out of anxiety, and grabbed his bag, phone and keys
before finally leaving.

"I think I'm going to throw up." Taehyung almost leaned on the sill of the car window, trying to
get fresh air. "God, why am I so nervous?"

"Relax! I'm going to meet Yoongi hyung too, do you see me whining and crying about if he's going
to like what I'm wearing?"

Taehyung turned and glared. "How is that the same? You two are dating!"

"So?" Jimin said nonchalantly, eyes on the road and hands on the steering wheel. "You guys will
be dating soon."

"Well, we can't say that for sure." Taehyung pouted. "He's not really the most expressive guy. But
like I said, he seemed a bit jealous when Bogum hyung came over to our table last week."
Taehyung bit his lips and looked at Jimin. "He likes me right?"

"Of course he does, Tae." Jimin sighed. "Look at you. What's not to like?"

Taehyung smiled. If there was one thing he was sure about, it was that he had the most amazing
best friend in the whole wide world.

"Hey, don't let go of my hand!" Taehyung whined, as him and Jimin were walking up the stairs of
the hospital. "You know I'm nervous!" He swatted his arms in offence.

"Ahh, I'm sorry!" Jimin rubbed over his arm, followed by a roll of the eyes. "You're such a baby,

They asked around for Dr. Min and Dr. Jeon, and luckily, both were on duty in the same unit that
day. The two of them patiently waited until the receptionist had asked them to, but with every
second that passed, Taehyung felt like his insides were being eaten up. But that was nothing
compared to what he felt when he finally saw Yoongi walk out, surprised to see Jimin, them
uniting in a hug, and his handsome roommate walk out behind them.

Jungkook's face went from serious to shocked to soft to what Taehyung reckoned was a pleasant
expression. "Hyung? What are you doing here?" He asked, mostly directed at one specific hyung.

Jimin cleared his throat. "I'm here too." He teased.

A blush painted Jungkook's face. "Yeah, I mean, uhh..what are you guys doing here?"

"Well." Jimin smiled, arms latched around and never separating from Yoongi's body. "We had no
shoots today. So I thought I'd surprise hyung. And asked Tae to come along."

Taehyung smiled brightly at that. "Hi Jungkookie! Hello hyung!"

Jungkook swore he saw all the stars of the universe in one person at that instant. "Hi. I'm glad guys came."

"Yeah but the smell here is kinda gross." Jimin scrunched his nose. "Smells like spirit and blood."

"Why, did you expect it to smell like Chanel and Gucci?" Yoongi teased his boyfriend, earning a
small hit on the arm.

"Do you want to eat something?" Jungkook asked, mostly to Taehyung. "I mean, I was..we were
going to eat anyway. You should come with us."

"Of course, I'd love to!" Taehyung smiled.

They had just started to walk towards the cafeteria, when a female voice called out. "Dr. Jeon!
Hold on!"

All of them turned around, followed by Yoongi's whine. "Ahh, not again, I'm out of here." And he
pulled Jimin with him.

Taehyung and Jungkook remained in the same spot. "Oh, yes Yeri?" Jungkook asked the girl who
seemed like she was a nurse at the same hospital.

"Actually, me and the girls brought some food for you today! We especially cooked it before
coming to work!" She referred to herself and her roommates who all worked as nurses at the
hospital. "We were hoping that you could have lunch with us today!"

"Oh..." Jungkook's face turned blank, his eyes shuttling between Taehyung and Yeri. And he did
not like what he saw on Taehyung's face. "Actually, Yeri...umm, this is my, umm.. this is my
friend. And he came over especially to..."

"Yes, we're also roommates." Taehyung snapped. He put his arms around Jungkook's shoulder.
"Best buds. I'm sorry Yoojin, but we have plans today." He said with a sassy face.

"Actually, my name is Yeri." She said, a slight vicious undertone directed at Taehyung. "And Dr.
Jeon, please! I especially did most of the cooking. I made pork ribs just for you! Please eat with us

"He came over just to have lunch with me, Yeri." Jungkook said sheepishly. "Well, can he join

Taehyung gave him a dirty look. He didn't want to watch while some stupid chick flirted with
Jungkook while they ate. Also, how oblivious was Jungkook to not see through that?

"Actually I prefer choosing my own food." Taehyung crossed his arms. "So? Are we gonna go or

"We only have enough for just Dr. Jeon anyway." Yeri smiled sweetly at Taehyung - sickly sweet.
He didn't miss the jab underneath.

"Alright. I'll join you guys for a bit, but I can't eat a lot, I have to accompany Tae too." He smiled
curtly. Taehyung wondered if Jungkook smiled a lot at everyone else. He looked at Taehyung, as if
expecting him to understand.

But Taehyung was kind of taken aback. He didn't understand how Jungkook couldn't see how the
girl was probably just trying to get in his pants, and then probably his wallet.
Most of all, he couldn't believe that Jungkook had just chosen a random nurse he probably didn't
even know that well over him.

He was seething with anger, but only nodded weakly. As soon as Jungkook left to go inside his
cabin to freshen up a bit, Yeri gave Taehyung a victorious smirk. "I'll go then."

"You don't have to announce your departure."

I can't have anymore, Miss Yeri." Jungkook half whined, trying to he polite. The pork wasn't even
that good.

"Oh no, you haven't even eaten anything at all yet, Dr. Jeon!" said Hyejin, another nurse.

Jungkook could sense the impending doom as he kept glancing at the door, hoping he'd see
Taehyung and communicate to him with his eyes how he was stuck. He realized that he shouldn't
even have agreed to eat with them first. Taehyung had come over to surprise him, and he might just
have ruined it.

"I... I'm sorry." Jungkook got up abruptly, leaving them a little startled. "I've gotta go, my
roommate is waiting."

"But, at least finish the...Dr. Jeon!" Yeri banged her fist against the table in anger when the former
left. "Asshole. Whatever, there's plenty other hotshot doctors in this hospital. He can leave for all I

"Hyung!" Jungkook held Yoongi by the shoulder when he arrived at the cafeteria. "Where's
Taehyung hyung?"

Before Yoongi spoke, he slapped Jungkook's arm lightly. "You fucking idiot."

"What?" Jungkook sat down. "Did he leave?"

"No but...." Jimin said. "He's eating ice cream all by himself and is super, duper upset."

"Shit." Jungkook rubbed his temples. "I was just trying to be polite to the nurses..they brought food
over for me."

"Jungkook, you fool." Yoongi said, eyes narrowed. "Do you not see through it? I've seen that group
do it with a different doctor every week. Yeri, Hyejin and Sohee right? They even tried that with
me a few weeks back."

Jungkook looked on, confused.

"And when I didn't really pay attention, I heard them calling me names behind my back. Those
three are... really something." Yoongi continued, a thoughtful frown between his eyes.

"What?" Jungkook said, genuinely surprised. "I just... I just thought they were being nice because
we're in the same unit right now."

"So you spent over an hour and a half in there?" Yoongi asked. "I bet the food wasn't even that
"They wouldn't let me go." Jungkook said, voice weak and filled with guilt.

"And Tae?" Jimin asked. "You know he put in like ten thousand hours into getting ready just so he
could look perfect. For you."

"I feel horrible." Jungkook hid his face in his palms.

"As you should." Yoongi took a bite of his food.

"Go talk to him." Jimin said. "I didn't want to be the one to say this, but you two obviously are
obviously head over heels for each other but won't even do anything about it."

Jungkook lifted his head, speechless, and a little flustered. He sighed. "I'll... I'll go find him."

But when he reached the spot Jimin said Taehyung was at, he couldn't. Jungkook couldn't find
him. Taehyung, tired of waiting, had probably left already. But Jungkook was thankful because he
still had one chance.

It was movie night later that evening, after all, and Jungkook was going to make up for it.

Jungkook practiced the words before he turned the knob.

Hyung, I'm so sorry.

Hyung, they wouldn't let me leave.

Hyung, I'm an idiot, please forgive me.

But when he entered their apartment, Taehyung sat on the couch, dressed up in something fancier
than what he was wearing in the afternoon when he had gone to see Jungkook. His already perfect
face was enhanced with a dash of makeup, and he looked so gorgeous that Jungkook wanted to
throw all caution to the wind and just go and plant one on his lips. But, he controlled himself.

"Wow, isn't that too fancy for movie night?" Jungkook chuckled nervously. "Jokes apart, hyung,
I'm sorry I..."

"I'm going out with Bogum hyung." Taehyung said, not once lifting his head from his phone
screen. "I'll be late, don't wait up."

"What?" Jungkook spat out, shocked. "You're... you're going to miss movie night?"

And he had good reason to be. Taehyung was the one who had started this weekly ritual of sorts.
He never, ever missed movie night. And Jungkook made it a point not to either. This was the first
time in weeks, months even, that something of this sort was happening.

And it wasn't even something unavoidable or some sort of an emergency. It was something that
Taehyung just chose to do.

"I'm sorry, I can't just say no to Bogum hyung, can I now?" Taehyung said, his voice dripping with
mild but obvious harshness.

"Hyung, if you're mad about today..." Jungkook began.

"I'm not mad." Taehyung shrugged, but he still wasn't looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook could feel the heat rise inside him. He clenched his teeth, and nodded even though
Taehyung couldn't see him - he couldn't see his little dimples appear when he pressed his lips
together, or his eyebrows draw together in frustration. Jungkook knew he was at fault, and had no
right to be mad. It wasn't like he had some sort of ownership over Taehyung. "Okay, then. Have a
good time." He said, as curtly as possible.

And then, he walked away and noiselessly shut the door to his bedroom.

Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The club was throbbing with loud music and the neon lights bled through the swarms of
intoxicated bodies swaying to it. Taehyung had already downed six shots, and it had already made
him pretty dizzy. He felt bad about lying to Jungkook - he never even made plans with Bogum in
the first place. He was here on his own, a little upset over whatever happened that afternoon. He
felt a little silly, felt like maybe he was overreacting, but he was mad. Seething.

Taehyung really, really liked Jungkook and Jungkook had just ignored him in favor of some stupid
gold digging bitch.

"She wasn't even that pretty." Taehyung mumbled to himself, and then huffed. "She's got nothing
on me."

He hadn't even informed Jimin - there were almost twenty messages and missed calls from him
sitting on his phone. As the alcohol started to get to him, he wondered if he was overreacting.
Heck, he even missed movie night on purpose just to show Jungkook how mad he was. Sure, the
younger had made him wait and wait and wait when he had so excitedly gone to see him. But it's
not like he owed him anything - He wasn't his boyfriend. And then, Taehyung started to feel like
maybe this was a bad idea.

He felt the first tear slip from his eye, and he felt helpless and stupid. He had initially promised
himself that he wouldn't drink, because he had to get himself home. But he couldn't even recall
now how one shot turned to six. There was just one thing on his mind. Despite everything, just one


And so he grabbed his phone.

Jungkook received a string of panicky texts from Jimin.


Why isn't Tae picking up?

Is he with you?

I'm really worried

He was so upset today too!!

Please text back asap

Jungkook saw red. He threw on a pair of jeans over his boxers and didn't even bother to change the
hoodie he was wearing. He locked the door to his apartment and rushed to his car when his phone

It was Taehyung.

"Hyung?!" Jungkook said, breathless. "Where..where are you?"

"Jungkookieeee..." Taehyung slurred, his voice sleepy. Loud thumping music made it hard to hear
him clearly. "I hate you. But p-please take me home."

"I-I'll be right there." Jungkook hurried into the driver's seat of his car. "Where are you?"

"Hmmm?" Taehyung responded, sounding drowsier by the second. The music added to Jungkook's
hearing difficulty. He reckoned Taehyung was at some club.

"Hyung, you need to tell me where you are." Jungkook instructed him. "Listen, don't move. Stay
where you are. Where's...uhh... where's Bogum? Bogum hyung." He asked through clenched teeth.

Taehyung chuckled. "Jungkookie, I'm so sorry I lied. He's not here, I came by myself."

Jungkook stilled. "What?" But he realised that it wasn't really the time to fight. So he quickly
texted Jimin before he started his car.

Hyung, can you tell me which club Taehyung hyung could be at?

He frequents Night Sky the most.

Why? Did he call you????

Where is he?

Should I come with you?

No hyung, I got this.

Jungkook drove like a maniac. Like his hands were on fire, like he was high on adrenaline. This
was the same feeling as the one he got in the ER, the same feeling he had when they needed to save
someone. The commute that would have otherwise taken him half an hour, took him seventeen
minutes and a half, and before he stopped his car properly, he was already rushing out before
turning back and parking it in place.

It wasn't difficult to get in. What was difficult, was locating Taehyung. Not that he was even sure
Taehyung was in that club. His heart was beating at a million miles per minute. The loud music
was annoying and he was desperate to find Taehyung. His Taehyung, who was upset because of
him. He scanned every inch of the club and had almost given up. He entered the restroom and
texted Jimin again.

Do you have an idea where else he could be?

"Jungkook?" The voice he was more than familiar with, came from a stall.

Jungkook turned around, and in front of him was Taehyung. Sloshed, looking like he got drenched
at some point during the evening, makeup smudged, and eyes looking like he had cried a lot. He
looked like he had just thrown up and would pass out at any given moment.

"Hyung..." Jungkook bolted forward without a second thought.

"I really really..." Taehyung drawled out, unable to form sentences. "I am... I'm angry. You
shouldn't have..."

"I know." Jungkook put one arm around Taehyung for him to lean on and used the other to hold his
hand. "I'm so sorry, but now, let's get you home."

Taehyung nodded. Then sniffled. Jungkook placed a hand on his forehead. "Oh my God, you're
burning with a fever."

"I got wet in the rain." Taehyung sniffled again. "It's so cold here."

Jungkook nodded. "Let's go home, hyung."

He took it slow on his way back, making sure to get some hot soup on their way back, which he
scolded Taehyung into having in the car itself - he complied after a little drunk whining. Jungkook
texted Jimin that Taehyung was with him, after which the blonde calmed down and heaved a sigh
of relief. Soon enough, Taehyung dozed off, and Jungkook spent the rest of the way thinking.

Thinking about how it was high time for him to tell Taehyung how he felt about him. How he had
to make it up to him, and how it was his fault that the beautiful boy beside him was sick and upset.
He let out a low grunt in frustration.

Upon reaching home, he carried Taehyung - who was passed out, inside, bridal style. He locked
the door, took off Taehyung's shoes and removed his bag, and changed his shirt. He helped him
change into cleaner and more comfortable pants, panicking when Taehyung stirred and tried to take
off his boxers, but ultimately convincing him to keep them on because he didn't want to make him
strip completely while he was intoxicated.

When he was done, and Taehyung lay asleep in his bed, Jungkook couldn't help himself. He knelt
down beside Taehyung, brushed a stray strand of hair away from his face and placed a soft kiss on
his forehead.

"I'm sorry, hyung." He whispered softly. "I'm such an idiot."

He stood up from where he was crouching, turned around and walked out of Taehyung's room. He
shut the door softly.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes. The intoxication had weaned off, and he was almost sober.
Sober enough to know that Jungkook had just kissed his forehead. He was too tired to get up, so he
decided to close his eyes and go to sleep, and promised himself to take care of everything in the

The first sound Taehyung heard in the morning before he even opened his eyes, was his phone
vibrating vigorously. He scrunched his face and opened his eyes, even though it took more effort
than normal too. He was badly hungover, head still hurting, but his phone was blasting from texts
with Jimin after Taehyung hadn't picked up.

"Oh shoot, Jimin's going to be so mad at me!" Taehyung sat up in bed, hurriedly grabbing his
phone. "Oh crap. Twenty. Seven. Messages."

He called Jimin immediately.

"I am going to throw you off a bridge if you ever pull something like that again." Jimin started
before Taehyung could even say hello. "Kim Taehyung. Do you understand?"

"Uhh, Jimin, I'm so so-"

"Do you understand Tae?" Jimin almost yelled, his voice threatening to break. "Do you know how
worried I was?"

"I know, I am stupid, and..." Taehyung paused. The sound of something sizzling in the kitchen
caught his attention. "I'm so sorry. I will never do this again."

"You better not. I know you were upset, but come on. What are you, twelve?" Jimin blasted him
through the phone. "And by the way, you should thank Jungkook. He's the one who got you home
safe last night."

"I know." Taehyung whispered. "Jimin, I remember some stuff from last night. He...he took good
care of me."

"Why are you whispering?" Jimin asked.

"He's right out there!" Taehyung said, like it was obvious.

"But Yoongi hyung said he was supposed to be on duty today." Jimin said, and then gasped.
"Maybe he stayed home because you're sick!"

Taehyung sighed. "Jimin, I think I should go take care of some things."

"Yes." Jimin agreed with him. "You really should, Tae."

Taehyung put his phone by his pillow, didn't even bother to fix his hair (Jungkook had seen him
right after he had thrown up, there was no image to maintain anymore) and walked straight to the
kitchen. There he was, cooking, standing tall and strong and making Taehyung's heart beat faster
just with his mere presence.

He wanted to call out Jungkook's name, but couldn't bring himself to. So he did the next best thing.

He took small, quiet steps towards Jungkook. The sizzling sounds of whatever he was cooking
helped him stay discreet, and when he was in close vicinity of Jungkook, right behind him, he
snaked his arms around Jungkook's waist, held him tight and leaned his head against his rock-like

Jungkook stilled. "H-hyung? Uhh, you're..."

"Shhhh." Taehyung shushed him. "Please, just let me."

"But I..."

"Kissed my forehead last night?" Taehyung said, eyes closed. "Yes, I remember."

Jungkook's eyes went wide and his face was now burning red. How the fuck did he know that?

"I...what?" Jungkook nervously chuckled. "Hyung, no, I..."

"I love you, Jungkook." Taehyung said, softly, but loud enough for Jungkook to catch.

Jungkook dropped the spatula at that very instant.

"The food is burning." Taehyung said, not moving an inch.

"Uhh, yeah." Jungkook's hands were shaking when he tried to turn the cooktop off. His eyes were
still wide, his face turned to stone.

"I said." Taehyung turned his face, so that his lips were right near Jungkook's ears. "I love you.
And it's okay if you don't feel the same way, but I think it's high time I told you this."

He then retracted his body from Jungkook's, heart breaking a little when the younger remained
quiet. Inside, he was hoping for something - anything, but silence. Because he had been sure that
Jungkook felt the same way about him, but right then, he wasn't certain anymore. He felt upset,
embarrassed and regretful.

Maybe he shouldn't have said anything at all.

But he nodded, mostly to himself. "I'll uh... I'll be in my room."

Jungkook was still quiet. And Taehyung didn't like it. He fought back his tears as he quietly
retreated to his room.

It was around five minutes later that Jungkook recovered from the shock, and realized that he
should have said something. "Fuck." He hissed. "What kind of an idiot am I?"

Love was a big word. It felt too real, too in his face. But Jungkook knew deep down how much he
cared about Taehyung. How much he enjoyed his company. How much he worried about him,
how much he liked it when the older smiled. How much he meant to him, and how he couldn't
imagine not living with him anymore. How he would hate it if he ever had to part ways with him.

How he felt his heart almost fly out of his mouth the last night, when he found out Taehyung was
missing. How he was worried sick and wouldn't know what to do if things went wrong.

And he realised, that to him, that was love.

He hurried to Taehyung's room, but before he could knock, he heard him crying - Sniffling, talking
on the phone. He didn't hear much, (he didn't let himself eavesdrop) but what he heard was

"Jimin, I don't understand, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe he doesn't feel the same way and was
just being nice to me. Maybe I'm not good enough for Jungkook, not smart enough, not pretty

Jungkook cursed himself once more as he walked back to his room, jaws clenched and hands in his
pocket, for making Taehyung feel that way. For fucking up two times in a row. And now, he was
determined that he was finally going to make up for it.

Taehyung must be a fool, Jungkook thought to himself, to think that someone like him could ever
not be enough. To Jungkook, Taehyung was perfect and more. Sure, he was annoying, he was
whiny, he was loaded with more sass than normal and he was a terrible cook, but all of that was
what made him who he was.

He smiled to himself, meticulously plating all the food he had prepared. He then took off his apron
and went and knocked on Taehyung's door.

"Come in." A feeble voice responded.

Jungkook entered to find a sad looking Taehyung lying in bed, not making eye contact with him.

"Hyung?" Jungkook asked, still standing at the door, fighting the urge to cuddle Taehyung right
there and then.

"Hmm?" Taehyung kept his eyes on his phone. It was too embarassing to even look at Jungkook
after what went down. Even after Jimin had assured him that Jungkook just needed time and that he
definitely liked him too. Even though he knew deep inside, that maybe Jimin was right.

"Come eat with me?" Jungkook smiled sweetly. "I cooked all the things you like."

"You're not mad at me?" He gathered his courage and looked at the younger.

"Are you going to come?" Jungkook tipped his head to the side.

Taehyung sat up. "What if I don't?" He crossed his arms, a subtle pout playing on his lips.

But Jungkook wasted no time, as he walked over to his bed, lifted him up in one swift motion and
started to carry him bridal style again, leaving Taehyung no time or scope to even react. Taehyung
froze in Jungkook's arms, cheeks flushed and skin heating up. He couldn't even cough up a single
word, let alone ask Jungkook what the hell was happening, or what he was doing.

Jungkook sat him down at the dining table carefully, as if he was made of fragile glass, and then
combed his fingers through his hair. "Eat, and then we'll get you changed." He said, in the most
gentle voice, patting Taehyung's head tenderly. "You need to wash your hair."

Taehyung looked up at him, lips parted and eyes wide in confusion. "What are you doing?"


"This..." Taehyung gestured to everything around him. "You don't have to, you don't have to feel
bad or do anything out of guilt, it's okay, I know..."

"Eat." He placed a strawberry pastry in front of Taehyung, cutting off his words. He took a
spoonful and shoved it into Taehyung's mouth. "Is it good?"

Taehyung swallowed the cream filled delicacy and licked his lips. "Fuck, did you make this?"

Jungkook nodded.
"Then no." Taehyung sighed dramatically.

"Sure." Jungkook suppressed a smile. "Do you want to have movie night later this evening?"

Taehyung sighed. "It's Saturday, Jungkook."

"Well, someone took off on Friday." Jungkook stated, defensive.

Taehyung rolled his eyes hard. "I literally hate you."

"That's not what you said a while ago." Jungkook turned towards him again. "Did you?"

Taehyung couldn't believe what a brat Jungkook was being. "Why would you joke about
something like that?" He was trying really hard not to cry. "God, you're so annoying."

Jungkook sighed, sat down in the chair beside him, and picked up a pair of chopsticks. He lifted a
mass of jajjangmyeon using the tips, and held it in front of Taehyung's mouth. "Have this too. I
made it for you."

Taehyung looked at him with questioning eyes, but his stomach was rumbling and the noodles
smelt delicious. He gave in, and let Jungkook feed him. One bite, two, three, the whole meal. He
was as confused as he was endeared, because Jungkook was the sweetest person ever, but was also
confusing the hell out of him.

He put all the dishes away himself, and then came back to stand in front of Taehyung.

"Do you want to shower?" Jungkook asked him. "Uh..I can help you clean up."

Taehyung looked up at him, eyes narrowed, and hands wrapoed around himself protectively. "What
do you mean help me?"

"That's... not what I meant." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "You're still sick, hyung." He put the back of
his hand against Taehyung's forehead. "Gosh, the fever's coming back again."

He handed Taehyung some more medicine after which he convinced him for a towel bath, and
washed his hair with warm water. He let Taehyung change into dry clothes and then helped him
dry his hair when he was done. He was patting a towel on Taehyung's legs when he spoke again.

"I can really do this on my own."

"But you have no reason to when I'm here." Jungkook replied, not looking up. "You aren't well,
I've got this."


"What do you mean why?" Jungkook looked up at him like he had asked the most ridiculous
question in the world.

"Why are you...why do you take care of me?" Taehyung said, voice small. "So much. It gives me
hope. Don't do it."

Jungkook leaned a little, and pressed a small kiss against Taehyung's knee. "Because that's what
you do for the people you love."

And then, like he hadn't just dropped a bomb on Taehyung, "Come on, let's get you to bed. You're--
"Wait, what?!" Taehyung asked, swatting Jungkook's arms away when he tried to help him up.
"What did you.. you just...what?!"

"Yes." Jungkook said, exasperated. "I love you too, hyung. A lot. Wasn't it evident enough?"

"But, you..." Taehyung said, eyes tearing up. "Jungkook, you love me?"

Jungkook nodded. "Do I need to confirm it in another language?"


He nodded again. "I was scared. I froze when you told me you loved me. It took me a while to
process it, and I was scared. But then I remembered, that's what I had been doing all this time too."
He crouched down in front of Taehyung. "Unknowingly, knowingly, I was loving you, too. In ways
more than I could deem possible."

Tears were now rapidly flowing out of Taehyung's eyes. "Jungkookie.." he sniffed. "I'm sorry I
acted so stupidly last night."

"No, I'm sorry." Jungkook held Taehyung's hands. "I'm sorry I made you upset." He pressed
another kiss on Taehyung's hands. "I won't let that happen again. Although yes, it was kind of a
stupid move."

That earned him another smack on his head from Taehyung. "So" Another sniff. "I know I'm sick
and all but, are you going to kiss me already or what?"

Jungkook laughed out loud, head thrown back. His insides were crumbling but this was one
moment in which he wanted to maintain his confidence. "You're unbelievable." He leaned in, and
closed the space between them with a kiss. And as if they had both been craving for only each
other, they devoured each other while whispering sweet nothings into each other's mouths.

And it felt like if there was one thing missing in Jungkook's life, if there was one last puzzle piece
he didn't have - it was all complete and in place now. Their lips fit against each other like moulds,
and breath was of little importance in that moment. Taehyung had kissed a lot of people, but
everything in the past paled in comparison to this. The kiss was a little sloppy at first, but the
person on the other side just made it so much more special, so perfect.

"Oh my God." Taehyung said in between kisses. "I can keep kissing you." Kiss. "All day." Kiss.
"All the fucking time." Another kiss. "Do not go away from me, like ever."

Jungkook nervously laughed into the kiss. "Never. But you should rest now." He pressed a close
mouthed kiss on Taehyung's lips. "Let's get you to your room."

Not even ten minutes had passed, and Jungkook started receiving congratulatory texts from his and
Taehyung's friends. He rolled his eyes at Taehyung's speed. That man could give tabloids a run for
their money, he thought to himself and bit back a smile. But these little quirks, his little habits -
they made him the very person Jungkook was in love with.

Taehyung was feeling much better after napping. And the newness of the mutual confessions
between Jungkook and himself had him excited. He was feeling giddy, lovestruck and even a little
horny (He had already seen Jungkook work out when he went to get water in the kitchen.) So he
too walked out wearing his skimpiest pair of shorts, that showed off his voluptuous ass while also
revealing just the right bits. He had a red satin shirt on, and took small steps into the living room
where Jungkook was trying to sort out DVDs for their postponed movie night.

"I'm feeling all peachy now." Taehyung said merrily, coming to stand somewhere in front of
Jungkook. "So, Jungkook?"

"What?" The younger looked up. And then down. He didn't verbalize it but Taehyung smirked,
knowing full well that Jungkook was checking his legs out.

"So...I was wondering." Taehyung dragged his words as he went and sat right beside Jungkook.
"So, umm. We..." He pointed his finger to Jungkook, and then to himself.

"We...?" Jungkook asked, forehead creased.

Taehyung pouted, and then hit Jungkook on the arm, which made the latter break out into his
signature bunny smile. "You know what I want to ask!"

"Oww!" Jungkook rubbed his palm over his arm where Taehyung smacked him a few moments
ago. "Yes. Yes, hyung."

"Yes, what?"

"We're boyfriends." Jungkook leaned closer and pecked Taehyung on his temple. "Happy?"

Taehyung grinned wider than he had in the last twenty four hours. "Yes, baby."

"Okay, so." Jungkook held up a few DVDs. "What do you want to watch tonight?"

"I don't care, anything I watch tonight will be the best movie ever." He said, flicking Jungkook's
chin with his fingers. "I can't even look at you anymore without wanting to suck your face off."
Taehyung smiled teasingly. "Such a cutie."

Jungkook was immediately feeling flustered. "Don't you have recipes to burn or something?"

"But apparently that doesn't change the fact that you're an ass." Taehyung shrugged.

Before Jungkook could reply with something witty, Taehyung was already coming closer. He
started wrapping his arms around Jungkook's strong body and then, albeit slow at first, he began to
kiss the living daylights out of him. "You're mad hot, Jungkook." He breathed.

"You're one to talk." Jungkook kissed him back with equal fervor. "Look at you wearing these non-
existent shorts and pretending like you didn't do it on purpose."

Taehyung bit Jungkook's bottom lip. "Do you like them?"

Jungkook nodded. "Love them. Always have."

"Then you're going to love what's underneath even more."

Jungkook grunted. "Fuck." Then, he kissed Taehyung harder.

Taehyung put both his legs around Jungkook's waist where he was sitting down, straddling his lap
now. They could both feel the friction from getting hard, and it didn't help their situation at all.

"Ah, fuck!" Taehyung groaned. "Jungkook, you know, I've been feeling some kind of way ever
since I first saw your bare arms, your tattoos, after you were all sweaty post your work out
session." He ran his fingers up Jungkook's biceps. "Fuck, you're so strong."
"Stop saying those things, you're going to make me come right here." Jungkook breathed into
Taehyung's mouth.

Taehyung checked out Jungkook's arm, up this close for the first time ever."Your tattoos are so
beautiful, Jungkook. Almost as beautiful as you." He looked up and into Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook carefully brushed a finger through Taehyung's hair strands, ending the trail with his
thumb near his lips. Taehyung leaned into the touch, and Jungkook smiled. "Thank you. They
mean a lot to me."

"Someday, you're gonna have to tell me."

"Mhm." Jungkook kissed him again.

"Jungkook." Taehyung broke the kiss lazily. "Can we...?"

Jungkook nodded. "Do you..uh, do you want to go to my bedroom?"

"No babe. I don't want to do the deed surrounded by skeletons and books about surgery and shit."
He kissed Jungkook. "Let's go to my room."

Jungkook frowned, a little pout adorning his lips, and right when Taehyung least expected it, he
smacked him on the ass. "Look at you, being all sassy, making fun of the things I'm most
passionate about."

Taehyung smirked as Jungkook stood up, not letting Taehyung off. He lifted him up, and
Taehyung wondered again exactly what kind of strength he possessed. Taehyung felt the butterflies
creating a ruckus inside him, and he kissed Jungkook again. He couldn't even wait until they got to
his room.

"I'm not the most patient person, Jungkookie." Taehyung bit his earlobe, then traced his tongue
along his jaw. "I can't wait."

"Babe." Jungkook kissed his cheek. "You don't have to." Saying so, he placed Taehyung flat on his
bed, and when he tried to move apart, Taehyung pulled him in.

"Take this off!" Taehyung whined, pulling at the hem of Jungkook's hoodie. "It's an obstruction."

"How needy." Jungkook leaned and peppered kisses along Taehyung's jawline and collarbone.

Taehyung jerked his hip upwards, and it moved against Jungkook's crotch, arousing both of them
even more. "Fuck, Tae."

"It's hyung to you, brat!" Taehyung grunted, while looking like he was just about to be ruined.
Then, a giggle. "Okay, maybe I'll cut you some slack just for now."

Jungkook smiled into his neck. "Let me take this off."

He slowly unbuttoned Taehyung's red satin tee, and slid it off his body carefully. He touched
Taehyung's chest lightly - so smooth that it felt like silk, and earned a whimper from the older.
Jungkook then pulled his own hoodie over his head, revealing what Taehyung had been dying to
get a glimpse of.

"Holy shit." Taehyung bit his lip. "How are you built like that?" He squeezed the muscles on
Jungkook's arms and then slid his hand across his chest. "Wow, fuck me already will you?"

"Good things come to those who wait." Jungkook lowered himself and the very next moment, his
mouth was around Taehyung's nipples, making him moan loudly.

"Ahh, Jungkook." Taehyung dug his fingers deeper into Jungkook's skin.

Jungkook's body did something at the sound of his name in Taehyung's wrecked voice. It was like
something took over him, because he started to pull Taehyung's shorts down. Nothing could
prepare him for what he saw next.

"You've got to be kidding me, fuck." Jungkook grabbed the red lace underwear Taehyung had by
the waistband, careful not to damage it, and rubbed Taehyung's cock over the fabric. "You should
have warned me."

Taehyung threw his head back at the touch, the friction was killing him. "Jungkookie, take these
off!" He was now tugging at his pants. When Jungkook obliged, Taehyung suddenly sat up, taking
off Jungkook's underwear. The moment it was off, Jungkook groaned as his cock was free and hard

"Fuck." Taehyung cursed. "You're even the perfect size."

Jungkook delicately touched his hair as he lowered his head over his cock. "Hmm?"

But Taehyung didn't answer. Instead, he wrapped his plump lips around Jungkook's dick. The
sudden warmth of his mouth sent Jungkook over the edge, and Taehyung kept going until he
couldn't contain his own erection anymore.

"Baby, please." He kissed Jungkook's earlobe again before lying down. "Now."

"You're so fucking beautiful." Jungkook straightened his body, taking in Taehyung's visuals at that
instant. Sprawled out beneath him, begging to take his cock, Taehyung was a sight to behold.

"At least kiss me?" Taehyung said with a heavy pout, sounding like he was about to cry.
Jungkook's heart swelled at the sight.

"My baby." He pressed another kiss against Taehyung's lips. "Let's get you ready."

Not breaking the kiss, Jungkook spread Taehyung's legs beneath him. He encircled Taehyung's
cock with his fingers, moving them up and down the shaft, slow and steady. Taehyung was making
the most lewd sounds under him, but they sounded like music to Jungkook.

He finally withdrew from the kiss, and lowered his body, inserting one, two and then three fingers
into Taehyung's hole. Taehyung moaned his name, louder each time, and Jungkook was losing it. It
was a matter of a few minutes before he was rolling a condom over his dick and turning Taehyung

"Yes, please." Taehyung rejoiced. "Finally."

Jungkook smacked his round, bubble ass once more, earning another whimper. "Do you want me
to go hard, babe?"

"Yes, go really really hard."

"Look at you begging." Jungkook teased, tasting Taehyung's entrance with his tongue first. "So
eager for me."

Taehyung nodded, unable to form words anymore. He just let out a string of moans and whimpers,
driving Jungkook nuts.

The entry was slow at first, and then sudden. Jungkook pushed in when Taehyung wasn't expecting
it, and it made his head spin.

"Holy fuck!" Taehyung screamed into the pillow. "Fuck."

Jungkook thrust slowly at first, but then increased his pace, and within seconds, he had set a pace.
He stroked the beautiful curves of Taehyung's body with one hand while the thumb of the other
dipped into the beautiful dimples on his waist. Jungkook lowered himself and placed a kiss on
Taehyung's spine.

And after a moment, he hit the sweet spot.

"Fuck!" Taehyung cursed loudly. He had thrown his last care out of the window. "Jungkook, you
feel so good."

"How good?" He hissed near Taehyung's ears.

"So good, baby." Taehyung was almost in tears.

"Does it hurt?"

Taehyung shook his head. "Only the good kind, keep going."

"I'm going to come." Jungkook said, and pulled out. He spilled over Taehyung's ass, and let out a
groan when he was finished. "Let's get you finished too. Come for me, babe."

Taehyung turned his head and looked at him. "Make me."

Jungkook kissed his spine again. "Alright." He turned Taehyung around, and wrapped his hand
around his dick. "You're quite an impressive size yourself."

"Make me come, babe." Taehyung whined. "Save the pillowtalk for later."

Jungkook chuckled. He finished Taehyung with a (in Taehyung's words - world class) handjob, and
cleaned up after him and Taehyung, not even letting the older move. Taehyung realized he had
struck gold. Jungkook was a fucking gentleman on top of everything, and Taehyung's heart could
only handle so much.

So when they lay in bed after sex, cuddled up next to each other, Taehyung started. "I love you,

"I love you too, hyung." Jungkook pecked his forehead. "So, so much."

"I've..I have never been in love before." Taehyung recounted his endless one night stands, friends
with benefits and crushes whom he lost interest in after they fucked. Jungkook was so different. He
was a part of his daily life, and Taehyung couldn't imagine waking up to an apartment where he
lived alone or not coming back home to Jungkook anymore.

"Really?" Jungkook looked at him, surprised. "Then, let me tell you one thing about love."

Taehyung looked at him, waiting.

"It's that when you love someone, they are always enough." He pulled Taehyung a little closer.
"You are enough for me - you're more than enough. And I never, ever want you to think that you're

" heard?" Taehyung asked.

"Overheard." Jungkook corrected. "I'm sorry I hurt you, hyung. And I'm sorry I was an idiot who
couldn't get a grip on and recognize his own feelings. But I do now. I love you, and I'll always

"I know. I know you'll always stay." Taehyung smiled.


"Yeah!" Taehyung kissed him one more time. "You don't have a way out anymore."

And maybe Jungkook was late to work the next day because Taehyung's arms were too warm to
wake up on time, and maybe Taehyung limped all around his office that day. Maybe Taehyung did
have sex in a room full of books about medicine and maybe Jungkook sometimes had to eat burnt
food and still put on a pleasant face. But when they came home to each other every evening, went
to sleep together and woke up to each other's face every morning, every problem and discomfort
was forgotten, and the only thing that mattered to them was the smile on the other's face.

And Jungkook wasn't a fan of trouble and screw ups, but every once in a while, he made sure to
mentally thank the realtor for scamming him and giving him the love of his life.

Chapter End Notes

So there it is! If you enjoyed the story, please follow me on Twitter! It would mean a
lot to me!


a roommates au where taekook– two complete strangers, get scammed by this realtor
who sells an apartment to the both of them at the same time then disappears with their
money. the two refuse to move out since they both paid for it and all, so they're forced
to live together.
cue a lot of bickering and unresolved sexual tension because taehyung likes to roam
the house in the shortest shorts possible and jungkook might just be going crazy.

- I would really like to see uptight & organized tsundere jungkook clash with carefree
& confident taehyung.
- I appreciate a good long build up for their relationship to develop.
PS: the author can do whatever they want with this, they can decide the length of the
fic, their professions, they can add characters/ add tags etc.

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