English 6

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N A M E : ______________




Puji syukur senantiasa kita panjatkan kepada hadirat Tuhan,

Summary and Exercises sederhana ini akhirnya tersusun. Kumpulan tulisan kecil ini

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Bogor, 9 Januari 2022



I. .a Rewrite the sentences into a good paragraph.

- The climate turns cool - Grasses and leaves are dry.
- Indonesia has two seasons - When the rain falls.
- Farmers start working - They are dry season and rainy season
- In dry season the climate is hot - They plant rice or vegetables.
- They plough their fields.

b. Glossary
- flood = _________ - forest = _________
- reserve = ___________ - rainfall = curah hujan
- plough = membajak - bare hill = bukit gundul
c. We are forbidden to throw away garbage into the river.


Indonesia has two seasons, dry and wet season. Dry season usually begins in
May and ends in October. Rainy season usually begins in November and ends in April.
In dry season, the ground is very dry and dusty. The weather is hot. The sun
always shines brightly and burns our skin. In some places, there are very hard to find
fresh water.
In the rainy season, the rain falls almost every day. The weather is cold and
humid. The farmers usually begin to plant their crops. In the some places, people get
flood because the water is too much and the water can not absorb into the ground.
1. How many seasons are there in Indonesia ? __________________________
2. When does rainy season begin ? _________________________________
3. When does dry season begin ? ___________________________________
4. What happens in the dry season ? _________________________________
5. What happens in the rainy season ? ________________________________

There are four seasons in America. There are spring, autumn, summer and
winter. Spring is beautiful. Flowers are everywhere. Leaves fall down in autumn.
The street is full of leaves and flowers. Summer is very hot. We often play in the
beach. Winter is very cold. Snows fall down and makes everything white.

c. Write true or false !

1. There are two seasons in America ( ______)
2. When spring flowers are everywhere. ( ______)
3. Leaves fall down in summer. (______)
4. Summer is very hot and bright. (______)
5. Winter is very cold. (_______)

III.a) Do the instructions !

* Stand up * Face to the blackboard !
* Turn left! * Turn right !
* Turn left again ! * Now sit down, please !
* Put your hands on the desk! * Write your name on the blackboard !
b) Penggunaannya !
You : Could you tell me how to go to your house from here ?
Your Friend : You go straight down the street. Turn right, it is the second
right on the left of the car garage.


Mount TangkubanParahu.
Mount Tangkuban Perahu is one of tourism object in West Java. It is situated
at Lembang. It is at northern part of Bandung. A lot of people from various part of world
come to see it, because it has a history, it is Sangkuriang legend.
To arrive at mount Tangkuban Perahu , we have to drive up along the road of hilly
area, we can see a wide tea plantation. At the top, we can see beautiful scenery, and
we can see the hills with green slopes. It has three craters with continuously produced
Thes, and are bungalows, and tourism object can be found easily there. Such as
Ciater hot water and Maribaya water fall.
I. a.Complete the sentences !
1. Mount Tangkuban Parahu is located at…….
2. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu is history of …..
3. The hole at the top of the mountain is called …..
4. There are three …….. at the top of maunt Tangkuban Parahu.
5. The antonym of “ Nothern “ is …….
b. Parts of the mountain :
- Valley = lembah - hill = bukit
- slope = lereng - crater = kawah
- river = sungai
II. a. Going to the beach.
Rewrite the sentences into a good paragraph.
- I went to Pelabuhanratu. - I saw a very beautiful scenery there.
- I felt very happy. - I went there with all my classmates and teachers.
- I went there by bus - I went picnic to the beach last year.
b. Draw (gambarlah yang dimaksud dalam kalimat !
a) Do not stop here , please !
b) Do not park here, please !
c) Do not turn right !
d) Do not turn left !
e) Its means we are forbidden to enter that way !

About Garden

Mr Rahmat is a diligent gardener. He gets up early in the morning. After praying

he goes to his garden. He cultivates his garden well. He plants many kinds of
vegetables. He takes care of them carefully. He sells his vegetables in the
market. He gets some money and saves it. He wants to buy more land to make
new garden.
a. Glossary
1. Diligent = ____________
2. Get up= ______________
3. Cultivates = _____________
4. Plants = ____________
5. Takes care = __________
b. Answer the question !
1. What is Mr Rahmat ?
2. What does he do ?
3. What does he plant ?
4. What does he do with his vegetables
5. What does he get from selling vegetables ?
c. . Arrange the sentences into a good paragraph !
- Because I want to be a doctor.
- I will work hard to serve my patients.
- That is my dream.
- I am studying hard.
- If my dream comes true.


1. This is an elementary school. Students between 7 to 12 years old are studying here.
They come to school in white and red uniform. They study here for six years. We
can find elementary school in the cities and villages.

2. After finishing the elementary school, the students continue their study to the Junior
High School. They go to school in white and blue uniform. They study there for three

3. After graduating from Junior High School, the students can choose Senior High
School or Vocational School. The students of both schools wear white and gray
uniform. They study there for three years. Vocational school are classified into its
field of study. There are technical and Industry, Business and Management,
Agricultural, Tourism, and many more.

4. This is a university. The students come from Senior High School. A university has
some faculties. There are the Faculty of Techniques, Economics, Law, Education,
Medics, Art and many more. The students finish their study in tree to five or six
years. It depends on their programme.

A. What do you think about number 1 ,2,3,4 ?

B. Complete the paragraph with the words in the box !

This is an elementary school. Students between 7 to 12 years old are studying
here. They come to school in white and red 1) ____________. They study here
for six years. We can find elementary school in the cities and 2)___________

After finishing the elementary school, the students 3) ________their study to the
Junior High School. They go to school in white and blue uniform. They
4)____there for three years.

After 5)__________ from Junior High School, the students can 6) _________
Senior High School or Vocational School. The students of both schools wear white
and gray uniform. They study there for three years. Vocational school are
classified into its field of study. There are technical and Industry, Business and
Management, Agricultural, Tourism, and many more.

This is a university. The students 7) _________ from 8) _______ High School.

A university has some 9) ___________. There are the Faculty of Techniques,
Economics, Law, Education, Medics, Art and many more. The students finish
their study in three to five or six years. It depends on their 10) ____________.
programme continue study villages choose

Faculties come Graduating senior Uniform

MOMO A Kind-hearted Boy
A boy walks home from school
His name is MOmo. On the way home, he meets a old beggar,
“ Please help me, help me…. I’m hungry… I’m thirsty….” Says the beggar.
Momo takes a pity on him.
“I want to give him money, but I don’t have any,” says Momo to himself. Momo
remembers a banana in his bag. He takes and gives the banana to the beggar.
“ Thank you, young boy. God bless you,” says the beggar happily.
“ You’re welcome, “ replies Momo
Afterwards, Momo leaves the beggar. He remembers his parents
at home.
“ Thank God, my mother and father always give me food every day,” Momo
whispers. Then he meets his friends. His name is Bubu. He is riding a bicycle.
He almost hits Momo. Bubu is still practicing to ride a bicycle. Suddenly” Bump
!” Bubu falls down from his bicycle. “Help !” Bubu shouts. He is trying to get
up. Momo helps Bubu and takes him to his house.
“ Thank you, Momo, says Bubu.
“ You’re welcome,” replies Momo

Arriving home, Momo tells his mother about the beggar and
“ Did you help them, Momo ?” asks his mother.
“ Yes, Mom. I took a pity on them. They needed help. As you told me, we must
help each other.”
“ Oh, my dear, you are really anice and a good boy. Mom loves you, honey…,”
says his mother happily.

A. Glossary
1. Beggar = _____________ 6. Hungry = __________________
2. A pity = ______________ 7. Almost = __________________
3. Remember= ___________ 8. Whispers=___________________
4. Replies = _______________ 9. Arriving = ____________________
5. Afterwards= ______________ 10. Needed = ___________________

B. Answer the question !

1) What is the boy’s name ? ___________________________________
2) Who does he meet on the way home ?__________________________
3) Does Momo have money ? __________________________________
4) What is in his bag ? ________________________________________
5) Does he give the banana to the beggar ? _______________________

Reading and Listening

Text 1

Mr. Wahyu is a postman. He has been working since he graduated

high school. His wife is a teacher, her name is Mrs.Tuti. His daughter’s
names are Linda and Sherly. His son’s names are Lukito and Sandy. He
usually goes to the post office at 06.30 in the morning and comes back
home at 16.30. He delivers mail happily. He never feel tired.
Text 2
Bogor Botanical Garden is one of tourism objects. It visited by foreign
and domestic tourists. It is also a place to conserve many kinds of
plantations, and a place for scientist to make their research. In short it is a
life-laboratory for floral world.
Text 3
This is a hospital. Hospital is a place to care of sick people. There are
many rooms in the hospital, such as : emergency room, nursing room,
mortuary, pharmacy, and laboratory.
Emergency is a place where sick people get first-aid. Sick people are
cured in a nursingroom. Dead people are placed in a mortuary. People get
medicines in a pharmacy. Doctor tests the diseases in the laboratory. A
hospital also has ambulance, which is used for bringing sick people to the
Text 4
Mr Mardi and his students are have a picnic at the seashore. Today the
sun is shining brightly. The wind is blowing gently. The waves are running.
They always break in the sand.
Some students are swimming in the shallow water, some are playing
football on the sand, others are sitting on the mat under the trees. Mr Mardi
is sitting under the coconut tree. He is watching his students. Wanti and
Yuda come toward their teacher and sit beside him.

Text 5
Bali is one of the many islands of Indonesia.It is to the east of Java
across a narrow strait. The are volcanoes from east to the west.Bali has
beautiful beaches. The major religion in Bali is Hinduism.
Balinese believe the island of Bali is a gift from God. They thank the
gods for this gift through dances, music and art. Another name of Bali is
“The island of Gods” or “Paradise island”. People go to the temples
everyday. There are many temples in Bali.

Text 6

This is our solar system. The sun is in the centre. The sun is the
source of energy for all planets around it. The sun is originally a star.
There are eight planets around the sun. All planets go around the sun
following its own orbit. The activity of the planets going around the sun is
called revolution. Some planets have satellites but some others none. The
numbers of satellite of each planet is vary. Our planet, earth, has only one
satellite called moon.
There are million galaxies in the universe. Each galaxy consists of
thousand solar systems. One of the galaxies is called Bima Sakti. Our
solar system is a part of Bima Sakti.
Our solar system consists of the sun, eight planets, meteoroids,
asteroids and other substances. Those planets go round the sun on their
own track called orbit. The size and distance of each planet is different. The
nearest to the sun is Mercury, the biggest is Jupiter.
We live in a planet called Earth. Earth goes around the sun in
365.25 days each lap. That is why we have 366 days a year. On doing the
revolution, the earth rotates on its axis. This rotation causes night and day.
Scientists called earth as a blue planet


Digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa/kejadian yang akan terjadi pada waktu yang
akan datang.
1. I will go to Bandung next week.
2. They will play football next Saturday.
3. She will buy a new car next month.
4. We will study English together tomorrow.
5. He will visit his grandfather next Saturday night.


A. S + Will + Verb 1 + Keterangan

B. S + to be ( is, am, are ) going to + Verb 1 + Keterangan.

1. She is going to Bali next holiday.
2. They are going to come here tonight.
3. He is going to come here soon.

Kata Keterangan
1. tomorrow
2. next week
3. next month
4. soon
5. the day after tomorrow = besok lusa
6. tonight = malam ini
7. this week end = akhir minggu ini


Name : ____________________________ Number : __________ Class : _____

Complete the sentences by listening to your teacher !

1. The sun is ______________ a star.

2. The sun is the source of ____________ for all planets around it.
3. The ______________ of the planets going around the sun is called
4. Some planets have ______________ but some others none.
5. Our planet, ____________ , has only one satellite called moon.
6. There are million galaxies in the ________________.
7. Those planets go around the sun on their own track called
8. The size and ____________ of each planet is different.
9. The ________ planet to the sun is Mercury, the biggest is Jupiter.
10. This rotation causes _________ and day.
11. Bogor Botanical Garden is one of _________________ objects.
12. Bogor Botanical Garden visited by ________________and domestic
13. Hospital is a place to take care of __________
14. Emergency room is a place where sick people get _________
15. Dead people are placed in a __________________
16. Doctors test the diseases in the ________________
17. Today the sun is shining _____________
18. The wind is blowing _______________
19. The ____________ are running.
20. Another name of Bali is _____________________


Name : ____________________________ Number : __________ Class : _____

Complete the sentences by listening to your teacher !

1. The sun is ORIGINALLY a star.

2. The sun is the source of ENERGY for all planets around it.
3. The ACTIVITY of the planets going around the sun is called
4. Some planets have SATELLITES but some others none.
5. Our planet, EARTH , has only one satellite called moon.
6. There are million galaxies in the UNIVERSE .
7. Those planets go around the sun on their own track called
8. The size and DISTANCE of each planet is different.
9. The NEAREST planet to the sun is Mercury, the biggest is Jupiter.
10. This rotation causes NIGHT and day.
11. Bogor Botanical Garden is one of TOURISM objects.
12. Bogor Botanical Garden visited by FOREIGN and domestic tourists.
13. Hospital is a place to take care of SICK PEOPLE
14. Emergency room is a place where sick people get FIRST -AID
15. Dead people are placed in a MORTUARY
16. Doctors test e diseases in the LABORATORY
17. Today the sun is shining BRIGHTLY
18. The wind is blowing GENTLY
19. The WAVES are running.
20. Another name of Bali is THE ISLAND OF GODS

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VI ( enam)
Text Mr Rahmat is a diligent gardener. He gets up early in the morning. After praying
he goes to his garden. He cultivates his garden well. He plants many kinds of
vegetables. He takes care of them carefully. He sells his vegetables in the
market. He gets some money and saves it. He wants to buy more land to make
new garden.
I.Answer the question !
1. What is Mr Rahmat ? ____________________________________________
2. What does Mr Rahmat do after praying ?__________________________________
3.How does Mr Rahmat take care his plants ?________________________________
4.What does he do with his vegetables later ?___________________________
5.what does he get from selling vegetables ? _______________________________
II. Complete the paragraph with the words in the box !
This is an elementary school. Students between 7 to 12 years old are studying
here. They come to school in white and red 1) ____________. They study here
for six years. We can find elementary school in the cities and 2)___________

After finishing the elementary school, the students 3) ________their study to the
Junior High School. They go to school in white and blue uniform. They
4)____there for three years.

After 5)__________ from Junior High School, the students can 6) _________
Senior High School or Vocational School. The students of both schools wear white
and gray uniform. They study there for three years. Vocational school are
classified into its field of study. There are technical and Industry, Business and
Management, Agricultural, Tourism, and many more.

This is a university. The students 7) _________ from 8) _______ High School.

A university has some 9) ___________. There are the Faculty of Techniques,
Economics, Law, Education, Medics, Art and many more. The students finish
their study in three to five or six years. It depends on their 10) ____________.
programme continue study villages choose

Faculties come graduating senior Uniform

III. Fill in the blank !

1. In the rainy season, we need _____________ and ________________
2. The man is diving in the ___________
3. The road is dusty in the ____________ season.
4. The river is overflow and cause the floods on ___________ season.
5. Pangandaran is the names of _____________
6. I have a tootache. I must go to the _________________
7. In a beach, the children make statue from ___________________
8. The whiteboard is dirty. The teacher asks Doni, “ Would you mind ____________ the
whiteboard please.”
9. The weather is hot in the____________ Season.
10. This man takes tourists to some places and explains about the tourism object.
He is a ______________

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : 6 ( ENAM )
Hari/Tanggal : _______________
Nama Anak Kelas Nilai Paraf Guru Paraf ortu


This is our solar system. The sun is in the centre. The sun is the source of
energy for all planets around it. The sun is originally a star. There are eight planets
around the sun. All planets go around the sun following its own orbit. The activity of the
planets going around the sun is called revolution. Some planets have satellites but some
others none. The numbers of satellite of each planet is vary. Our planet, earth, has only
one satellite called moon.
There are million galaxies in the universe. Each galaxy consists of thousand
solar systems. One of the galaxies is called Bima Sakti. Our solar system is a part is a
part of Bima Sakti.
Our solar system consists of the sun, eight planets, meteoroids, asteroids
and other substances. Those planet go round the sun on their own track called orbit. The
size and distance of each planet is different. The nearest to the sun is Mercury, the
biggest is Jupiter.
We live in a planet called Earth. Earth goes around the sun in 365.25 days
each lap. That is why we have 366 days a year. On doing the revolution, the earth
rotates on its axis. This rotation causes night and day. Scientists called earth as a blue

I. Answer the following questions !

1. What is the centre of our solar system ? ___________________
2. What is revolution ? ________________________________________
3. How many planets are in our solar system?______________________
4. What is the nearest planet to the sun ? __________________________
5. What is the biggest planet in our solar system?
II. Fill in the blank !
1. The sun rises in the ___________________

2, Mr. John is an __________________ He explores the space.
3. We live on planet ____________
4. The rotation of Earth goes around the Sun causes ___________and
5. Australia is the smallest _____________________in the world.
6. Niagara is the name of a _____________________ in America.
7. Atlantic and Pacific are the names of ___________________
8. Kapuas is the names of _______________
9. Sahara is the name of ________________
10. Kuta is a famous _____________________ in Bali.
11. Merapi, Salak, Guntur are the name of ______________
12. Bali is a beautiful __________________in Indonesia.
13. Kelimutu is the name of ______________
14. Earth is also called a _____________ planet.
15. The satellite of Earth is called _______________
III. A. Complete the following dialogue !
1. Tari wants to read the books. The books are on the cupboard.
Tari can not get it. She asks her bother.
Tari : ____________________________________________
Brother : ____________________________________________
2. Sandy gets difficulty in doing his homework. He asks his brother to
help him.
Sandy : ____________________________________________
Brother : _____________________________________________
3. Ronald wants to move the table. The table is too heavy for him. He
asks Rudy to help him.
Ronald : _____________________________________________
Rudy : _____________________________________________
B. Make a sentence into The Simple Present Continuous Tense !
4. Monyet itu sedang makan pisang sekarang.

5. Selvia sedang menikmati sinar matahari saat ini.


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VI ( enam )
Nama Anak Kelas Nilai Paraf Guru Paraf ortu

I. Fill in!
1. If you are ___________ do your homework, you will be punished by your teacher.
2. Mirna want t o buy medicines. He goes to the ____________
3. Borobudur is very popular in he world. It is the names of ____________
4. We celebrate ___________________ in the 17th of August.
5. Doctors check blood and urine in the ____________________ to know the cause of
6. If we want to go by airplane, we go to the _________________
7. The fruit is ripe. The taste is ____________
8. The track of planet is called _____________
9. X : How is your father ?
Y : _______________________
10. Teacher : This classroom is dirty.
Would you _____________________ this class please !

II. A. Arrange the words into a good sentence !

1. sub tropical – countries – in - seasons – are – four - there
2. last night – he - wrote - a - letter.
3. now - fishermen - at sea – are - rowing – the
4. work - farmers - and - plant - rice - ricefield - at – the - everyday
5. tomorrow - she - go - to Bali - will
6. feet - their - they - the - kick - to - ball - use
7. is - the - skirt - girl - yellow - wearing - a

8. meets - Japan - three - Radhin - tourists - from
9. morning - this - by - bicycle - to - school - Zaki - went
10. go - abroad – will - he - next year

III . Essay

1. Write 3 activities that you can do at the post office !

2. Write 3 sentences that you can do at school !
3. Write down three recreation facilities in a big hotel !
4. They buy two tickes.
Shandy and Anto want to see the film in movie.
They sit in the movie.
They enter the movie.

Arrange the sentences become a good paragraph !



Dialogue 1

( Nike and Ridwan Have just arrived at school )

Nike : Hi, Ridwan ! Good morning.

Ridwan : Hi, Nike ! Good morning.
Nike : You look tired! Whats wrong ?
Ridwan : I went to school by foot this morning. I used to go by bicycle. It is broken.
Nike : Oh, Thats to bad. But I think walking is good for our health.
Ridwan : Yeah, you are right! How about you ? How do you usually get here ?
Nike : My father gives me a ride. I go by motorcycle. He works not so far away
from here.
Ridwan : Hey Listen! The bell is ringing ! Let's go to the classroom.

Answer the questions orally.

1. Where do Ridwan and Nike talk ?

2. Why does Ridwan look tired ?
3. What happened to his bicycles ?
4. How does Nike usually go to school ?
5. Who works around the school area ?


Read the text carefully

Our Favorite Games
Ditto, Gita and I are classmate.We are best friends.We like spending spare times
together.Our favorite activities are playing games.Mostly every afternoon,we often
meet at the city park and play some of our favorite games in turn.
Scrabble is one of games we like.We like it because we can improve our vocabularies in
English.The game consist of the main board,boxes of alphabet, and four letter
bars.Besides scrabble, we love ladder and snake a lot.The board is full of figures
of ladders and snake.The one who reaches the end of the tile first is the
winner.When we step upon the tile with a picture of snake’s tail, we have to go
down and start it all over again.Monopoly is also the game we often play.In this
game,the player travel around places nationally and internationally and can buy
kinds of public facilities.
We spend hours playing those games.they are so entertaining yet education.Our
knowledge in English and math in improving.Besides, we learn to accept winning
and losing in a fun away.

A Scientist to-be

Hi, my name is Alfi.My favorite lesson is science.I always pay attention to what my
teacher explain about science.I like discussion about nature,substances around
us, and human body.I want to be a scientist.I often imagine my self working in the
big laboratory with a long white coat.Everyday, I will make important experiments
for our lives and I will be famous scientist.But one thing for sure, I don’t want to
have a haircut like Einstein’s.

The School Canteen

Canteen is one of students favorite places in school. Almost all students are there in
break time.We usually some snacks and chat.There are various kinds of food we
can find such as fried rice, porridge, sandwich, gado-dago and chips.Hot and cold
drinks are also available.
The school canteen is clean and comforable.There are ten plastic tables.Each table has
four plastic stools.Outside, there is a long wooden bench and two big standing
umbrellas to avoid sunlight and rainfall.

Fill in the blanks based on the text

1. What is the text about ?

2. What do the students usually do on the canteen ?
3. Mention kinds of food the canteen sells ?
4. how many tables and stools are there in the canteen ?
5. What is the function of the big umbrellas ?


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