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Topic 1

A group of English-speaking visitors is going to come to the place

where you work or live for a day (or two) next month. You have
been asked to propose a programme for the days of their visit. In
your proposal, you should suggest a schedule for each day, and
give details of what each part of the schedule would involve from
the beginning to the end of the visit. 

Write your proposal. Word Requirement: 220 – 260 words

Topic 2

You have seen this announcement in an international magazine.

The local council has created a new fund to provide financial
assistance to people setting up new small businesses. Anyone
wishing to set up a business but lacking the funds to do so is invited
to send a proposal for their business to the relevant department of
the council, giving details of what it would involve, how it would be
set up and what the funds would be used for.

Write your proposal. Word Requirement: 220 – 260 words

Topic 3


As you may know, next year we will have been in existence for 20
years, and at a recent meeting it was decided that we should hold a
special event to celebrate this achievement. We’re now looking for
proposals as to what kind of event to hold. Have you got a good
idea for a special event to celebrate our 20th anniversary?

Put together a proposal, giving details of your idea and how the
event could be organized. We’ll consider all the proposals at a
meeting next month.

Write your proposal. Word Requirement: 220 – 260 words

Topic 4

There are plans to demolish an old and unused building in the town
where you are a resident. You feel that the building should be
saved. You decide to write a proposal for the town council
explaining why you think the building should be preserved,
suggesting what could be done to modernise it and saying how the
building could benefit the local people. 

Write your proposal. Word Requirement: 220 – 260 words

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