Afro-Asian Essay - BS PSY3YB-3

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Dela Torre, Cristine D.

ALIT311 Essay

BS PSY3YB-3 March 14, 2022

1. Discuss the qualities of a great literary work?

I have always been interested in reading books, especially fictional novels, and whenever I read
one, I tend to reflect and see the beauty of the story. Moreover, I wonder how or what qualities
great literature has to make its readers fascinated by it. Going through many literary pieces,
literature, or a literary work should have a compelling idea. By having it, the readers will
essentially relate to the story that the author is trying to convey. The literature is compelling us,
the readers, to feel the setting or vibes of the story and make it more exciting to read and be more
intrigued by the following chapters of the literature. Aside from that, the literary work should
explain or fully convey the theme or message of the author. The message is the important thing I
always look forward to when I read literature because It's critical to have a theme since it
provides direction for the author's work. It should be related to the overarching theme from
beginning to end, and it does contribute to a large concept like in the reality of life.

2. What are the distinct characteristics and features of Afro-Asian Literature?

Afro-Asian Literature is a literary output of Africa and Asia's numerous countries and
civilizations. This encompasses their oral traditions as well as written or published prose and
poetry from the beginning to the present. Although the literature of Afro-Asian continents is as
different as the continents themselves, a few similar traits and themes run across most of the
written work created or produced by the people in these two continents. The emphasis is
typically placed on a group's history, culture, and traditions while telling a story about them. It
also reflects not only African and Asian customs and traditions but also their overall concept of
life, which is profoundly and predominantly introspective and hauntingly lovely. It portrays the
tempest and tension of developing countries seeking a place with liberty. Students learning
Afro-Asian literature must comprehend and appreciate how literature affects a nation's history
and culture.

3. Kindly expound on this quote that depicts the lives and culture of the African people.
“What kind of Democracy can exist side by side with so much corruption and

This quote is from the novel of Chinua Achebe's "No Longer at Ease." After gaining
independence, apparently, the government of Africans was extensively corrupted. This was a
rhetorical representation of the situation on the ground, as many Africans were relieved to be free
of foreign oppressors, only to fall prey to African racists. Many of the leaders who preached
democracy were also involved in corrupt practices. It also refers to the actual condition in most
African countries, where "democracy" is merely a front for the people.
Moreover, this is not only happening in African countries, but it is everywhere, especially in the
countries that have a high poverty rate. Yes, Africans do have democracy; however, there are a
lot of leaders that are very ignorant of the situation of the people in the poor suburbs. They may
be free to live, but how are they going to live if many people take it from them because of a lack
of sympathy and empathy for their fellow Africans? They may have won against the foreign
oppressors but at what cost? Since now, they have been oppressed by their fellows.

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