Group Three Research 3 1

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High School Department

Rodolfo N. Pelaez Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City
Senior High School RNP Campus

Performance Task and Examination Worksheet

Topic: Academic Performance

Title: The Effect of Parental Involvement towards Grade 11 Students’ Academic



 To evaluate the effect of parental involvement towards Grade 11 students’

academic performance.

 To determine the percentage of Grade 11 students that has a positive effect in

their academic performance with parental involvement.

 To determine the percentage of Grade 11 students that has a negative effect in

their academic performance with parental involvement.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the theoretical support of a single theory: Ecological Systems
Theory by Urie Bronfenbrenner (1977).

According to the theory, a variety of impacts help to shape kids’ development and
advancement after some time. As children communicate with their surroundings, they
are presented to a variety of impacts that Bronfenbrenner conceptualized as settled
circles that transmit outward from proximal to distal. For example, the most prompt
and influential social circle (i.e., family) is mentioned as the microsystem. The
mesosystem is somewhat more taken out from the child’s prompt organization and may
incorporate impacts like companions and educators. Beyond the mesosystem is the
exosystem, which includes impacts like the media, government frameworks, and more
distant family. The macrosystem is considerably more distal and incorporates impacts
like societal ideals and cultural standards.

Schematic Diagram

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Demographic Profile of the
Student’s Academic Performance
Parental Involvement

 Financial Support
 Time
 Parenting Guidance

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Effect of Parental Involvement towards Grade 11
Students’ Academic Performance in Liceo de Cagayan University. Specifically, this
research intends to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of their:

1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

2. What is the level of parental involvement towards Grade 11 students’ academic

performance in terms of their:

2.1 Financial Support

2.2 Time

2.3 Parenting Guidance

3. Is there a significant relationship of the level of parental involvement towards

Grade 11 student’s academic performance in terms of their:

3.1 Financial Support

3.2 Time

3.3 Parenting Guidance

Statement of the Hypothesis

Problems 1 & 2 are hypothesis-free. On the basis of problem 3 the null hypothesis is set
at 0.05 level of significance. Thus;

H1 : There is a significant difference of students’ academic performance in terms

of their:

1.1 Demographic Profile

1.2 Parental Support

1.3 Social Status

H0 : There is no significant difference of students’ academic performance in terms

of their:

1.1 Demographic Profile

1.2 Parental Support

1.3 Social Status

Submitted by: Date:

Augusto, Q’uen Shaula Shyne B. May 06, 2022

Hidalgo, Janice Dave

Maandig, Martin A.

Pileo IV, Leoncio T.

Salon, Eliza Marie C.

Verina, Queennie C.

Submitted to:

Arwin Frank N. Alunan

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