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Ashyanna; Good morning pilipinas! Welcome back to PMNIC! Philippine morning network and
information center, your most trustworthy network!
Kris: Today is (date) and it is currently ( time rn )
Ashyanna: You are here with Ashyanna Kate R. Cabunoc
Kris; and (full name)

Ashyanna: And this morning news topic is all about Air pollution.
Ashyanna: Did you know that we are releasing air pollutants everyday?
Kris: Most air pollution is created by people, taking the form of emissions from factories, cars, planes, or
aerosol cans.
Ashyanna: Any substance that alters the natural properties of the atmosphere, whether it be chemical,
physical, or biological, is considered an air pollutant. Air pollution can occur indoors or outdoors. Home
combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial operations and forest fires are prominent causes of air
Kris: Pollutants of substantial public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone,
nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Indoor and outdoor air pollution are significant contributors to
morbidity and death and are known to induce respiratory and other illnesses.
Ashyanna: As per PMNIC data, almost all of the areas in the philippines population (98.95%) breathes air
that contains high levels of pollutants and exceeds PMNIC guideline limits, with low- and middle-income
areas seeing the largest exposures.
Kris: Globally, the climate and ecosystems of the planet are closely related to air quality. The burning of
fossil fuels is one of the main causes of air pollution and also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.
Ashyanna: By lowering the burden of disease linked to air pollution and assisting in the short- and long-
term mitigation of climate change, policies to reduce air pollution offer a win-win strategy for both
climate and health.
Ashyanna: Mia zorel P. Recamadas and Carmel F. Fontalva. For more details based on air pollution, they
will be reporting to you live right now. Carmel and Mia?
Mia: Yes kabayan Ashyanna and kabayan kris, You might be wondering what Air pollution means, Air
pollution refers to the release of pollutants into the air—pollutants which are detrimental to human health
and the planet as a whole.
Carmel: According to our PMNIC data, each year air pollution is responsible for nearly seven million
deaths around the globe. Nine out of ten human beings currently breathe air that exceeds the PMNIC
guideline limits for pollutants, with those living in low- and middle-income countries suffering the most.
Carmel: Mia, What causes Air pollution?
Mia: Most air pollution comes from energy use and production, Burning fossil fuels releases gases and
chemicals into the air and in an especially destructive feedback loop, air pollution not only contributes to
climate change but is also exacerbated by it.
Mia: If that are the causes of air pollution, Carmel what are the effects of air pollution?
Carmel: The effects of air pollution on a person's body can vary based on the type of pollutant, the length
and intensity of exposure, as well as other factors including the particular health risks of each person and
the combined effects of many pollutants or stressors.
Mia: Thank you carmel! Back to you kabayan Ashyanna and kris!
Kris: Thank you Mia and carmel!
Ashyanna: I double that, anyways, Yes, air pollution is a big problem, as a result of that, there is multiple
solutions for it, which Jah and Cedrick will report to you later live.
Kris: We will be back soon with more information!
Ashyanna: Now, for a commercial break.
After the commercial-
Welcome back to PMNIC! Time check is (the time) , we are back with more information to be reported
by Jah nesta and Cedrick Silvano! Jah and Cedrick?
Cedrick: Yes kabayan ashyanna, now, what are the 5 PMNIC solutions for air pollution?
Jah: NO.1 Alternatives to driving
When possible, walk or ride your bike in order to avoid carbon emissions completely. Carpooling and
public transportation drastically reduce CO2 emissions by spreading them out over many riders.
Jah: NO.2 Driving style
Speeding and unnecessary acceleration reduce mileage by up to 33%, waste gas and money, and increase
your carbon footprint.
Cedrick: NO.3 Avoid traffic
Being stuck in traffic wastes gas and unneccessarily creates CO2. Use traffic websites and apps and go a
different way or wait.
Cedrick: NO.4 Appliances
Make energy efficiency a primary consideration when choosing a new furnace, air conditioning unit,
dishwasher, or refrigerator. Products bearing the ENERGY STAR label are recognized for having
superior efficiency.
Jah: last but not the least, NO.5, Eat locally-produced and organic food
It has been estimated that 13% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions result from the production and transport
of food. Transporting food requires petroleum-based fuels, and many fertilizers are also fossil fuel-based.
Cedrick: Back to you kabayan Ashyanna and kris!
Kris: Thank you kabayan Jah and Cedrick!
Ashyanna: That’s all for this morning, again, iam Ashyanna kate R. cabunoc, kris ( full name), mia (full
name), carmel (full name) , jah (full name) and Cedrick (full name).
ALL TOGETHER: - signing off

Ashyanna: Magandang umaga, Bayan!

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