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can be
limitations political experiments
certain new laws
Science. Under
results may be secured. The
conducted and desired the government are a kind of
ushered in by
policies and measures
the changes if they are
continues with
experiment. The government successful. There
are certain
and proved
accepted by the peoplePanchayat Raj which proved successful to a
other experiments like at the
is a bold experiment
extent. organisation U.N.O.
international level.
of this method.
Lewis and Catlin the supporters
Aristotle, form of government,
R.N. Gilchrist says, "Every change in the Science. These
new law passed, is experiment in Political
every Carbon is material
are materials for Political Science, just as, say method in
for Chemistry. But the conclusions of
sciences. they
political science are precise as in physical
not as
says Butler,
contain an element of probability. "Thus probability," the
Lord Bryce criticised
"is the guide of life." J.S. Mills, Lowell and
science is not an
experimental method. According to them, political
exact science. Hence no experiment can
be conducted successfully.
are impossible because
of unpredictable
Pertect experiments and unforeseen events. We cannot
take a portion
human behaviour
it in different conditions
of the society into our hands and observe
and aspects. For a scientist there is a
fixed and limited laboratory
is a laboratory, which
For the political scientist the whole world
cannot be controlled. In physical
sciences experiments can be
conducted again and again. In politics it is
not possible to do so
because conditions change from time to

Statistical or Quantitative method

In modern times, statistical method occupies an important
place in the study of political science for the compilation of voting
figures, analysis of government finance and other purposes.
Merriam and Gosnell did great work by adopting this method.
Pre-poll surveys are conducted to forecast the winning possibilities
of political parties contesting in elections. The statistical figures
indicate the conditions prevailing in the different fields. Scaling
techniques and sociometric techniques are being used to measure
the non-quantitative and qualitative phenomenon. The importance
of statistical method has been realised in present day political
This method, like other methods, is also not free from
drawbacks. The exact measurement of qualitative techniques is not
possible and the results are not reliable. It may be regarded as an
auxiliary method to other methods which supplies valuable facts
and figures. So this method is to be used along with other methods
to complete political study in
scientific manner. Other methods
such as Historical method and Philosophical method have been
discussed under historical approach and philosophical

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