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Assignment 05

Name: 伯尼 Student ID: 2221573208

Q1: How did you know about China before you came to China?(For example

movie、news, etc.)

Before I came to China, based on the movies, news and social media I watched, I
thought China would not welcome foreigners because its population and
government would not take care of everyone and people were not have freedom.
Ancient China was the center of world civilization and has been the superpower of
the world, which was very glorious and brilliant. However, based on the movies,
most western news and social media I watched modern China being slaughtered
by others, humiliated for 100 years, and constantly oppressed, the image of the
world until recently saw China as poor and weak so, I thought the image of poverty
and weakness still existed in China.

Chinese action movies were my favorite movie. I like Chinese Kungfu a lot. Based
on this movies I thought I could find kungfu masters everywhere in China and
Chinese people spent all day eating noodles and then practicing kunqu. Based on
this movies I draw in my mind about deep and long China history, China has a lot
of authentic food and snacks.

Four years ago, I decided to pursue a bachelor's degree in China. I heard so much
about China from the media that I almost gave up, but within 1 month of coming to
China I was very satisfied and I saw something completely different from what I
thought. This decision is the best decision I have ever made in my life. At the
moment for me and in the future too I can state that china is a country with a deep
long history with the future of the world. Hard-working nations, that always chase
their national goals. I believe If you want to know the taste of plums, you have to
taste them yourself, and if you want to know what China is like, it is worth coming
to China to see it yourself. 

Q2: What did you think China was like before you came to China?

Before I came to China I knew that China was the greatest ancient country in the
world, I thought there should be a lot of special traditional things still so I used to
think it’s not civilized or modern country. I used to think China has a vast territory, a
large population, and most of the population is a single ethnic group, which makes
China a natural big country. The mainstream single ethnic group determines that
China is relatively unified internally, and don’t have ethnic problems at all. China
has a long history and has many important inventions in history. I have learned
about Confucianism when I was in middle school. Confucianism ruled China for too
long. There are good and bad aspects of Confucianism, So I used to think the
dominance of Confucianism has led to a lack of ideological pluralism in traditional
Chinese society, and the contention of a hundred schools of thought only occurred
during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. History since then has
been slow to progress and lacks major breakthroughs.

I thought no one would be able to speak English and all of the Chinese people
work all day and eat noodles and practice Kung Fu when they have free time. I
also thought that the people would be racist and would not like foreigners that
much. All I knew about the Government was the name of Moa Zedong and that it
was non Democratic (communist).

Most popular content I used to think about china before I came to China was
Everything is "made in China", I thought the quality is very average (Low quality).
In terms of total industrial production and exports, China is a veritable
manufacturing power. The label "Made in China" is plastered in every corner of all
of the world. At the same time, the product image of "Made in China" is also deeply
rooted in the hearts of the people. Whether its cheap sneakers or copycat phones;
Whether it is a low-security toy or an ordinary quality clothes, they all have a
common brand name: "Made in China". Thus I used to think China have low quality

To sum up I knew very little about China and most of what I knew was not true, but
I took some extra steps to get to know the people and learn more about this
country and its culture. In the process I realized that a lot of the things people used
to say about china were not true. After I came to China my prescription about china
completely changed. Now I believe Iam good enough to tell everyone about china,
Chinese people and its culture. Currently Iam doing my master’s degree in
business administration before I graduate from Hubei university of technology I
planned to publish my own article about the misconceptions that foreigners have
about China.

For me, the most "incredible" moment in China was when I figure out all human
beings can adapt to this country on certain days, regardless of language barriers,
culture and food differences. The government has created an environment where
everyone can learn but can do more than they expected. Because the love,
friendship, respect and service I got from all the Chinese and government really
made me stay for another 3 years. I am here again to do my master's degree in
China. I love being with this community.
Q3: Please briefly describe the main content of each episode.
Video 1: The secretary of the village branch in the mountainous area of
A promise to live in the dangerous house and challenges, how the
communist party secretary solves the relocation problem in Zhaotong
Relocation and breaking through while the people Leave where their
ancestors have lived for generations. The desperate situation are miracles
created by Party members. Establish temporary Party organizations in
relocation sites for poverty alleviation and resettlement

Video 2 The female truck driver who walked out of the mountain village
A female truck driver named Zhang Lin. At only twenty-five years old, she
has already experienced two unhappy marriages. Even when she got married
for the first time, she was "sold" by her parents for a bride price of 6,000
yuan to a man ten years older than her.
No matter what women are in married life, it does not necessarily mean that
women can only take care of children and do housework. Then a woman can
also earn her own money to buy what she wants, and she can realize her
dreams. In a married life, every good family is very tolerant, very supportive,
and very respectful between husband and wife.

Video 3 The injured acrobat

A small mountain village called Zixu in the west of Zhongshan give birth to
an entire industry, several young people walked out of Zixu Village. Starting
from riding bicycles to deliver express mail through the streets and alleys,
with the rapid development of China's logistics industry, they have now
become managers of express delivery companies and have always been
close to their hometown.

Video 4 the self-made private entrepreneur

Story of a Shanghai acrobat shows the tenacity and emotion that Chinese
put into living a better life. Wang Huaifu born in Puyang, the hometown of
acrobatics in Henan, and is the male protagonist of the acrobatic drama
"Fighting Shanghai". Born into a poor farming family, he suffered a lot from
childhood, and he had to grow up early when children of his age were
carefree. Along the way from a poor family, he hopes to become an acrobatic
artist with his talent and hard work.

Q4:What's the most memorable part of the documentary? What do you make of 
this segment?
For me, I can say that all of the videos left the most memorable impressions in my
mind. All the videos are based on different systems for different occasions, but all
of them make me think of my country, about where I am from.Its been three days
since I watched the videos, but it's still in my mind. It's really hard to choose certain
parts, but to explain I chose certain parts.
On The 1st Video story that on relocation people
The village branch secretary of the area, Kai Yong. Kai Yong's father in 08 was
seriously ill, and the mountain road was in front of him for several hours, missing
the best time for treatment. At that time, Kai Yong secretly decided that he must
contribute to the poverty alleviation construction of his hometown. Because
he experienced it, he felt it. That’s where I really admire his words even though he
suffered he did not give up to make a contribution for others.

In the backward mountain village where he was poor and knew his fate, he spent a
considerable part of his salary on the way to and from various poor households.
Rockfalls, collapses, landslides. The brave commute is always lurking with natural
dangers. Work, also let Kai Yon miss the family, his wife said: If I were your poor
family, how good would it be... However, his wife knew that what Kai Yong was
doing was changing the fate of others, and gave Kai Yong great understanding and
Looking back on the past, the Chinese people, in the midst of poverty and
whiteness, buried their heads in hard work, relayed struggle, and created a
miracle that made the world look forward

One is in video 4, the cradle of China's express industry, Zixu Village.

This village, which once had no food or clothing, is now full of "mansions".
I got a great education from this video. Poor, so much so that many people are not
even qualified to talk about their ideals.
Chen Dejun (chairman of Shentong) was not willing to be ordinary and bought a
one-way ticket to Shanghai with 50 yuan. Every day, he rode his bicycle 30-40
kilometers through the streets and alleys. After countless hardships and difficulties,
finally in the era of e-commerce, the spring of the courier industry. And the villagers
of Zixu Village, who are blessed to share the same fate and help each other in
difficulties, are leading a prosperous and good life. They are the epitome of dream
chasers of the times. From them, it is enough to glimpse the moving of Chinese
people. Every ordinary person can start an extraordinary life. They, on top of the
dreams of the times, roll, fly and bloom.
Looking back, the Chinese people, in the midst of poverty and whiteness, have
buried their heads in hard work and struggled in succession, creating a miracle
that has caught the world's attention
Q5: Who impressed you most in the documentary? Why?
In the documentary, I was really impressed by those 4 people.
The village branch secretary of the area, Kai Yong.
A female truck driver named Zhang Lin.
Chen Dejun (chairman of Shentong).
Wang Huaifu (Acrobatics).

Because they have changed their own destiny with their own efforts. They have
found their place in society and have injected vigorous vitality into China. They
were born into poverty. They got deep pain, Suffered a lot, cried, and left people
they love, but at the end they able to make great contribution for people they love,
family and
Country. With the tide of China's rapid economic take-off, their fortunes have
changed dramatically. A Long Cherished Dream", and this "dream" is the long-
awaited play Opportunities for personal potential.
I able to understood is not only more money in people's pockets and more food on
the table, but also the possibility of life for the people at the bottom of Chinese
society that they could not imagine before. All are working hard, and they are all
eager to build a better future. I able to understand this thus Those 4 history really
impressed me.

Q6: Before watching this documentary, did you know the concept of “Xiaokang”?
After watching the documentary, in what ways do you think China embodies
Yes I know, I heard it on media. In English, xiaokang means "moderately
prosperous." It refers to a status whereby people living in the country are neither
rich nor poor. They've got sufficient living necessities and can pursue a better life.
Xiaokang, that is, "middle class", or medium wealth (including material wealth and
spiritual wealth), refers to people whose low-level "physical needs and security
needs" are satisfied, and the middle-level "emotional needs and respect needs"
are also well satisfied, but cannot meet the pursuit of high-level "self-realization
needs"; Since the family is the cell of society, and most people's wealth is owned
by the family, the well-off (or middle class) is also called "middle-class family".

In this documentary its goal directly show Communist Party of China specific goals
of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.
1. In economic construction and the improvement of people's lives.
2. The goal of building political civilization puts forward
3. with the goal of building spiritual civilization and developing science, education
and culture, it is proposed that "the ideological and moral quality, scientific and
cultural quality and health quality of the whole nation.

Q7:What do you think the message of the documentary is? How do you evaluate 
these views?

I can rate 101 out of 100 (101%). Its really great documentary I ever watched. I
want to watch more such documentary. China has many reasons to be proud, but
many Westerners are increasingly prejudiced against China. In such documentary,
I hopes that Western audiences will actively experience the good of China and
Chinese in the story, rather than passively being preached.
Party-building leads knocking on the door of happiness for the masses
take strengthening the party building of the relocation area for poverty alleviation
and resettlement as the leadership, innovate the grassroots governance system,
and make every effort to open up the "last mile" of serving the masses, so as to
truly realize that the relocated people can live with peace of mind, live comfortably,
live at ease, and be full of confidence in the future.

Q8:Do you usually watch documentaries about China? What kind of documentari
es appeal to you? (Such as history, Chinese food, economy, natural, etc.)
What kind of image of China do you think they present?

Yes, I have watched several documentaries about China.  It really helped me to

know more about china. The documentaries show histories and various stories
behind modern China and Chinese cuisine.

Q9:Can you accept the way this documentary tells stories? Why or why not?
Yes I can accept those documentaries. Those Documentaries are a rich source of
information and inspiration. It explains in detail how people are living in the rural
parts and it gives your idea of how to help them. I believe these documentaries will
be a good choice besides books.

Q10:Is there anything else you want to talk about this documentary?
Those documentaries are all of the time my best documentaries so far. Its makes
me to think about my country and how people struggle. Most of the time Western
media report on something very special, that is, they will carry their own ideas, and
they will think about things that they think are important, so they will report on
those things. Of course, no one is perfect, and there are many (Western)
journalists who prefer to focus on negative coverage without the balance they
should. Thus such documentaries will help a lot of people to get more knowledge
about China. Thus I really want to watch a lot of such documentaries. I really will
watch a lot of documentaries about china in the future after now.

A postgraduate student in HBUT is doing a research program based on this topic, are
you willing to participate in a short interview based on your view points of watching
those videos?
 YES, I`d love to participate.

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