ZEFERSON NOLATO INDEX - Online Auction Managemant System

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Department of Computer Science


Undergraduate Graduation Project (Thesis) of an

Online Auction Management System
International Student

One of the most important e-business applications is online bidding. Online trading is still
in its infancy despite efforts to create up markets. Only a small number of businesses have begun


programs to enhance their buying and selling channels. Resources and Approaches: The
development of online auctions is the most exciting idea behind internet marketplaces. On the
Internet, the online auction program conducts an online auction of various goods. Results: It's a
meeting area for consumers and sellers where they may exchange goods. In conclusion, this
system has a web page where registered users can buy and place bids on auction items as well as
suggest new auctions.
An online auction takes place online. It is a well-liked method of purchasing and offering
goods and services. The use of online auction systems enables consumers to sell and purchase
goods at premium prices. The system is being developed with the intention of making it
dependable, simple, and quick. Use this software to sell anything online while at home. The
system will be more dependable, simple, and quick with the help of this app. It's as easy to use
the application as a webpage (Vakrat, Y.et al., 2003). There are some persons who are not
technically savvy but can process the request with ease.
Users cannot put bids after the auction interval (start - end period) finishes, but there is
the option to prolong the interval if there are no offers for an item. Auctions contain a name, a
description, perhaps a user-uploaded photo of the associated item, and an end period.
Additionally, administrators have the option to accept or reject auctions that users submit,
access information about individuals and products, and establish, alter, and delete auction
categories (auctions regarding cars, books, music stuff etc.).
The system is implemented using a three-tier architecture: a relational database that stores
data on items, users, auctions, and auction categories; an application server that handles the
system's business logic; and a web browser serving as the presentation layer through which users
can interact with the system. With such architecture, the database is never accessible directly.
For instance, administrators can alter the data stored in the database using their own browser
instead of connecting directly to it.

Chapter 1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................5


1.2 Problem statement.....................................................................................................6

1.3 Proposed System.........................................................................................................7
1.4 Literature review.........................................................................................................7
Chapter 2 Study Feasibility.............................................................................................................9
2.1 Increment bidding:......................................................................................................9
2.2 The feasibility operation...........................................................................................11
2.3 Technical Feasibility..................................................................................................11
Chapter 3 Designing system..........................................................................................................12
3.1 Systems Design..........................................................................................................12
3.2 Logical Design............................................................................................................13
3.3 Input Design..............................................................................................................13
3.4 Output Design...........................................................................................................14
3.5 Physical Design..........................................................................................................14
3.6 Modular Design.........................................................................................................14
3.7 Database design........................................................................................................15
Chapter 4 Implementation.............................................................................................................16
4.1 Method of implementation......................................................................................17
4.2 Implementation plan.................................................................................................17
4.3 System analysis.........................................................................................................17
4.4 System Implementation............................................................................................18
Hardware requirements..................................................................................................18
Software requirements...................................................................................................19
4.5 Introduction to HTML................................................................................................19
4.6 Introduction to CSS...................................................................................................20
4.7 Introduction to PHP..................................................................................................20
4. 8 Introduction to MySQL.............................................................................................21
4.9 Introduction to XAMP...............................................................................................22


Chapter 5 Module and System Design..........................................................................................24

5.1 Unified Modeling Language (UML)...........................................................................24
5.2 Case Study Diagram..................................................................................................24
5.3 Waterfall Model Application.....................................................................................26
Chapter 6 Implementation.............................................................................................................27
6.1 Implementation system..................................................................... 27

6.2 Form design...............................................................................................................27

6.3 ASSESSMENT AND TRAINING....................................................................................30
6.4 Testing the system....................................................................................................31
6.5 MAINTENANCE..........................................................................................................33
6.6 Conclusion.................................................................................................................34

Chapter 1 Introduction
Online auction platforms have been tremendously popular over time. Online auctions
provide both buyers and sellers fantastic opportunities. They provide a common marketplace


where bidders and sellers can exchange nearly anything. It's convenient and very economical to
bid on auction websites. With a wide variety of listing categories and subcategories, the majority
of auction portals offer automatic bidding. Real-time transactions between buyers and sellers will
be made possible as a result. The development of auction portals utilizes cutting-edge
technologies that keep buyers and sellers safe in the online marketplace. Additionally, to ensure
efficient website usability, good online auction websites always put a strong emphasis on
navigational simplicity.
Despite fierce market competition, you can still sell things swiftly. Sellers have total
control over the items they put up for auction, including how they are displayed in different
categories and listings. You can also reveal crucial product information to foster customer trust
and assure transparency. Additionally, online auction platforms provide merchants with tools to
make product listings and manage their product catalogs. These tools make it easier to add
product pictures, add product descriptions, remove bids, and more. Online auction bidding is
enjoyable and simple for the buyer. The website offers all the necessary resources and tools to
help members bid with assuthe rance of security. Auction websites also include all required
details on the item and seller to maintain the auction's transparency.
A product or service is offered for sale to the highest bidder in an auction, which is one of
the world's most basic business concepts. Even though auctions have a long history and are quite
straightforward, few individuals actually participate in them. Traveling to a central location is
often necessary for a traditional auction in order to sell goods or view the objects that will be
placed up for bid. Both the sellers and the bidders have no assurance that interested parties will
attend the auction and that they will find what they are looking for.
However, with a computer and Internet connectivity, practically anyone on the earth can
easily buy from or sell to almost anyone else who can access the same auction site thanks to
websites.. Corporations and one-person home enterprises can compete for the same customers in
the realm of online auctions. The Auction Technology Specialist (ATS) course offered by the
National Auctioneers Association is a course certified by the NAA Educational Institute and
does a good job instructing auctioneers on how to list items on auction sites such as eBay.com or


By taking a few unnecessary items from their homes and selling them online, many
people have started full- and part-time sales companies. Later, they expanded to include items
bought at auctions, yard sales, garage sales, and estate sales. They have also learned how to
purchase specific goods from one online auction site and sell them elsewhere. Using internet
auctions to help them sell goods and acquire more to sell, they have since launched online stores
and grown even larger businesses.
Online auction sites can be fun places to find affordable goods for your house, business,
or hobby. Online auctions can be a fun, practical, and profitable way to get rid of excess clutter
in your life. The amount of trade and sales is growing as a result of its emergence as a potent
economic symbol on a global scale. Today, information technology is essential as a tool for
enhancing the significance of online auctions.

1.2 Problem statement

In order for users to participate in online bidding simply, a system for online auctions is
being created. The bidding happens conventionally; those who are interested in purchasing the
items up for sale are required to submit their bids within a specific time frame. At the conclusion
of the bid, the item is awarded to the bidder who made the highest offer. A bid is the precise
amount of money a seller offers to purchase an item at auction (Aljaf, B. 2016). The bidder who
placed the highest bid is the one who negotiates a final price with the item's seller. In most cases,
the auction's winner is the bidder who submitted the highest sum.

1.3 Proposed System

The planned system aims to create a network of upgraded utilities. All of the drawbacks of
the current system can be resolved by the proposed approach. The solution minimizes manual
labor while providing enough security, workplace safety, data accuracy, a reduction in
processing times, and increased productivity.

1.4 Literature review


This chapter mostly deals with how to collect the necessary data and information from the
internet about different online auction websites. This study will focus on recent internet auction
seeking and examine behavior of the most well-known global online auction site (Tatkar, P et al.,
2021).The situation, an impression, and a substantial assessment of a body of literature about a
study topic or study problem, according to Fisher (2007), are described as a literature review.
This kind of research gives students a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter,
including how various methodologies were approved in the SDLC (Software Development Life
Cycle), the approach to testing, the way venture actions were planned, and many other topics.
This research project additionally looked into online articles and journals pertainiaboutic and it
grew into application software created for an online auction website.

Increasing Internet access: The Internet is reshaping sectors and changing how businesses are
conducted. It is disputed that only businesses that develop and thoroughly grasp new industrial
structures will succeed, leaving behind businesses that don't totally entrust to this new world of
today. Contrary to the actual world, the variation in online shopping is not found in the
divergence of variety but rather in the variety of payment methods. It doesn't matter what you
want to buy; what matters is how you want to buy it (GAW 1999). The resurgence of agreed-
upon and auction price methods online is the most evident and notice-taking structures.
It is encouraging to note that Business Week released an article in 1998 headlined "Good-
bye to fixed pricing? ", yet in 1992 they named the "no-hassle, no-dicker sales strategy" as one of
the finest innovations of 1992 claiming that "online haggling is the greatest thing happening in e-
commerce" in 1999 (SHARMA, T. 2021). According to PricewaterhouseCoopers' "E-Business
Technology Forecast," as more people access the Web, the use of discussed pricing systems will
grow. Additionally, enterprise and local Web sites will incorporate the specialized technology
already available to actualize agreed and auction pricing. (2009) Cooper
With the advent of new business models like internet auctions, virtually every aspect of a
profitable trade may now be changed. The process is confusing to those who lack expertise.
Prices are arbitrary, customers and suppliers are foreigners, comparison is challenging because
commodities are combined with services, and the products being offered can be extraordinary or
outdated. The word "auction" by itself is inadequate for describing transactions supported by
advanced algorithmic structures (JHA, A. K. 2021). The building has received a lot of attention so

far, whether because of the Wall Street buzz or the cult following among tech-savvy online
EBay’s case study; when Pierre Omidyar, the creator of eBay, put up for auction a damaged
laser pointer on his website in September 1995, he ignited a business rebellion. Economists have
long advocated auctions as a way to realize prices, but the primary barrier to their widespread
usage was the expense of attracting bidders. Internet auctions solve this significant issue (Liu, Z.
2007). The gross fourth quarter merchandise volume of eBay reached $307 million three years
later, in 1998. Ten years after eBay's founding, overall revenues were $12 billion in the fourth
quarter of 2005. In 2008, eBay boasted that it would rank sixth in terms of sales volume among
traditional retailers in the United States. However, in the third quarter of 2008, it experienced
negative growth for the first time in its history; currently the firm is operating in 29 nations.
Since eBay was the first Internet auction site, it has benefited from the network
economies of a marketplace: buyers want to go where there are the most sellers, and sellers want
to go where there are the most buyers. For this straightforward logic, a second general auction
website was unlikely to be as successful, and none has ever been. In 1999, Yahoo! and Amazon
both created rival websites. Around the same time as Amazon's auction website discreetly ceased
operations, Yahoo formally discontinued its American auction page.
Yahoo continues to function in Asia and other regions, but has given up control of the US
to eBay. The only profitable rivals in the US appear to be specialty auctioneers or businesses that
provide auction services (Halle, D. 2002). This study, therefore, arrives at a fascinating period in
the development of online auctions. The first quarter of negative growth was over a year ago, and
with the demise of eBay's rivals, the online auction marketplace appears to be entering a more
"mature" stage.


Chapter 2 Study Feasibility

2.1 Increment bidding:
The fact that bidders often place numerous bids is one of the lesser-known mysteries of bidding
behavior. Bidders gradually raise their bid in modest increments rather than simply submitting
their greatest wwillingnessto the pay amount. While Ockenfels and Roth (2006) report that 38%
of bidders submit at least two bids, Wilcox (2000) demonstrates that the typical bidder submits
1.5 to 2 bids. It can seem illogical to say this. For instance, Bajari and Hortaçsu (2003)
demonstrate that bidders should place a single bid in an environment with shared (or linked)
values. Multiple bids are not cost-free since there is a positive cost associated with bid
preparation. Indeed, this behavior is referred to as "naive" by Ockenfels and Roth (2006).
However, Peters and Severinov (2006) demonstrate that it might function as a component
of an equilibrium approach. They examine the simultaneous sale of several identical units of a
good with a private value. The classic English auction procedure is used to establish the price in
each auction, and each bidder is taken to have a unitary demand. There is an equilibrium, as
demonstrated by Peters and Severinov, where bidders always employ an incremental strategy
and cross-bid if another auction offers a strictly lower price. They naturally utilize the gradual
approach to plan their actions.
One of the high-value bidders will switch to another auction if there are two of them. The
Peters and Severinov model suggests, among other things, that many bids rather than few would
be anticipated. However, their model has no expense associated with bid preparation. In a two-
auction game, according to Stryszowska (2005), if bidders do not place their bids early, there is
no equilibrium and everyone must place two bids for there to be an equilibrium. More auctions
would probably result in certain bidders placing more frequent bids.
Internet auctions have gained a lot of attention recently, and a lot has been written about
these fascinating old/new exchange models, the eBay craze, and the incredible Wall Street act.
The mainstream media has focused heavily on outlining the new movement and assisting
consumers in avoiding being duped. Business news has kept a watch on the sharply rising trend
lines, most of which are produced by the firms themselves. The concept of the "frictionless
market" has been taken for granted in technology writing.


There is a shortage of information regarding the possible effects of this type of trade on
society, the economy as a whole, the individual, and even pupils. Some of these concerns are
relevant to all online business. The Internet exchange, however, employs much more advanced
data tracking and integration technologies and is far more interactive (Hanser, P. Q. 2010). On the
one hand, it enables businesses to learn about customers' requirements, wants, shopping patterns,
spending power, and habits. However, it significantly expands customers' access to information.
There must be more focus on the effects of this data boom.
Additional research is needed to determine what happens to businesses when they are
unsure of the prices they will receive for the goods they sell and the prices they will pay for the
goods they purchase. How this impacts planning does, bookkeeping, expected earnings, and
many other professions (Milgrom, P. R. 2002). The legal issues that come from the rising usage of
electronic commerce in general and exchanges in particula, have received very little
consideration. There are several issues around jurisdiction, culpability, responsibility, and
taxation, but it's possible that these issues won't be fully explored until more actual cases are
To ascertain whether the project is feasible or not is the fundamental goal of a feasibility
study. To find the optimal solution that satisfies all the requirements, a feasibility study is
undertaken. This entails identifying it, describing it, assessing the suggested systems, and
choosing the one that will do the job best.
System objectives and output descriptions are two examples of constraints that are used
to specify the requirements of the system (Tayfour, M. F.et al., 2018). The analyst's job is to
determine whether it is feasible for the suggested system to produce the aforementioned results.
During the feasibility study, three crucial criteria must be taken into account.

2.2 The feasibility operation

When creating a system, including the user training that will be provided, an estimation
of the time and care required should be developed. People typically resist changes that occur as
they advance in life. The startup of the computer will undoubtedly have an impact on employee
work status, turnover, and transfers. As a result, extra effort must be taken to instruct and inform
users about the system's increased functionality.


2.3 Technical Feasibility

The analysis of the organization's resources that are available for the software's
implementation should be given top priority. Here, the system analyst assesses the technical
aspects of the system with a focus on its productivity, performance, dependability, and
The organization's resource availability was researched by considering it before
constructing the proposed system. Because of the organization's extensive computer
infrastructure and sophisticated hardware and software, this was technically possible.
Economic Feasibility: The most significant and popular way for assessing the efficacy of a
proposed system is its economic viability. Because the major objective of the suggested strategy
is to have economically superior results together with greater efficiency, it is crucial. Typically,
cost-benefit analysis is used for this objective. It is a comparison of the predicted savings and
benefits of the proposed system's costs and benefits. Since the organization has the necessary
hardware, the
The Information Age or digital age are terms often used to designate the technological advances
arising from the Third Industrial Revolution and that reverberated in the diffusion of a
cyberspace, a means of communication instrumented by computer science and the Internet.
This expression is also a way of observing the progress of the present techniques of
transformation of society in comparison with those above. It is said, for example, that the digital
age is emerging as a replacement for the industrial era, which, in turn, when emerged instead of
the agricultural era. Thus, at least in the seas, we would be going through a third cycle of
renewals of ideas, actions and thoughts that marked the history of humanity.
We can understand, therefore, that the information age is nothing more than one of the various
evolutions that the transformations on techniques have produced, since the invention of
agricultural techniques in ancient times. Thus, it is also a new way of producing and
transforming the geographical space, landscapes, places and territory.
The most notorious particularity of the current information age is undoubtedly the expansion of
storage capacity and memorization of information, data and forms of knowledge. Global
integration is another brand, given that, via the Internet, people from all over the world are
interconnected, sharing information, disseminating impressions and disseminating forms of
culture and knowledge.
In this process of formation and spatial integration caused by digital techniques, as well as the
way it modifies space, it is given the name of technical-scientific informational medium. With it,
the speed of economic, social, cultural, linguistic flows, among others, expands at an exponential
rate, deflating a succession of new revolutions at every moment.


Advances in communications have reached a level of integration unimaginable in other times.

An example of this process is the wave of protests and uprisings that began in 2011 in the so-
called Arab Spring, in which actions organized by the population for the overthrow of dictators
and rulers were architected through social networks and disseminated around the world also by
advanced and increasingly fast information techniques.
However, some more skeptical positions regarding this expansion in the dissemination of
information state that there is no full democracy in the digital world, contrary to the thinking of
many. It is stated that the data available on the Internet, for example, are not always reliable and
reproduce the logic of mass culture maintained by other media, such as TV and Radio. Thus, as
much as people have a greater technical capacity to expand the boundaries of their knowledge,
this does not necessarily happen due to the hierarchy in this order of information production, in
which alternative knowledge is relegated to peripheral dimensions.
Controversies aside, what can be concluded, with certainty, is that in the information age there is
also an era of interaction, that is, people, in addition to mere recipients of data and information,
also start to contribute and produce new ideas and actions. Thus, it is considered that the
geographical space is increasingly integrated with technological and informational innovations,
becoming dependent on them.
Nowadays, everything is being done digitally. So your brand needs to be on this platform as
well. Companies often need to have a properly structured website that follows the best practices
of UX Design.
In addition to being visually beautiful and with a well-defined hierarchy, websites need to
provide a good user experience. Based on this, website creation should be carefully thought out
to make a good impression and keep the customer on your site.
Understand the importance of having a website for your business. Continue reading and see how
Made inWeb can help you create a website!
Why create a website for your business?
Currently, when someone has a question about any subject, the first attitude taken, most of the
time, is to do an Internet search to find content that adds value and take away existing questions
about a given subject.
Every day, Google processes about 3.5 billion searches from a variety of segments, from fashion
tips to more complex subjects. There are numerous websites on the internet, and it is difficult to
imagine the large amount of information that each of them stores. Creating a website is essential
for your business to gain visibility and ensure a good digital presence. This can earn you more
customers, as the website acts as a kind of showcase for your brand.
Through the platform, you can centralize all your products and services in one place, so that your
customers or potential customers can get an even better sense of everything your business can do


for them. In addition, not investing in a website can be harmful to your business, because
companies that do not have a digital presence can be seen as outdated, besides having low
accessibility, since it is more difficult to contact a representative.
Among the main advantages of investing in a website for your company, you can highlight:
Accessibility at any time
With a well-structured website, it's getting easier and easier for your customers to meet you at
any time of the day, every day of the week. So this makes their experience better, as it's
important for customers to feel good about the institution.You can also use elements such as
interactive forms and chatbots on your website so that your user has the experience of a one-
sided and personalized service.
The future is digital, and we have no doubt about it. Social networks move the internet, we use
the smartphone all the time to solve problems, communicate with other people and even shop.
Therefore, being online today is synonymous with modernity and credibility for your company.
That's why investing in a website is so important. If you are not in digital to receive the people
who are looking for your solution, your potential customers may think that your business is
amateur and has no name in the market, which directly impairs your credibility. Once your
business reputation is negative, it is very difficult to reverse this scenario.
Competitiveness in the market
A website can make a great impression on your business, especially if it is well structured and
offers a good user experience. As a result, this makes your customers feel good about your
business and consequently it can grow more.
Competitiveness in the digital environment is very high, and your company needs to stand out to
get more customers and more results. Your business may be new or small, with a well-structured
website and content marketing strategies, your client will become recurrent and recommend it to
Increased sales
The pillar of every company is sales. That's why you need to generate revenue and attract more
customers to your business, so that you stand out among the industry competition. With a
website, you then ensure a good online presence and open a door that allows you to sell your
products or services anytime, anywhere.
Great publicity
You can invest in low-cost campaigns for your website like ads on Google and other social
networks. Especially if your business is sales, you can take advantage of seasonal times, such as
the end of the year, to make more aggressive actions and more assertive campaigns, generating
more sales.


Chapter 3 Designing system

3.1 Systems Design

Planning a solution to the issue is the fundamental objective of system design. This stage
is made up of various systems. The detailed execution of the workable system is the main
emphasis of this phase. Translation of design specifications into performance specifications is
emphasized. The two stages of system design are logical design and physical design.
The analyst describes inputs (sources), outputs (destinations), databases (data stores), and
processes (data flows) all in a format that complies with user requirements during the logical
design phase. Additionally, the analyst describes user requirements at a level that practically
controls information flow into and out of the system as well as data resources (Giles, P. 2011).
Data flow diagrams and database design are used in this case for logical design.
The physical design, or coding, comes after the intellectual design. By creating the design
specifications, which specify to the programmers exactly what the potential system must
accomplish, the physical design creates the functional system. The programmers create the
required programs that write the required reports on a hard copy or display them on the screen,
accept input from the user, process accepted data as needed through calls, and produce the
appropriate reports.

3.2 Logical Design

An information system's logical architecture reveals its key components as well as how
they interact. Designing logical design elements is the first phase in the system design process.
This stage is the most imaginative, difficult, and significant one. In other words, during the
design phase, we must figure out how to address the challenges that the current system is now
facing (AL-Wattar, A. H. 2022). The design of the proposed system creates the details of the state in
which the system will comply with the requirements determined during the system analysis.
The suggested system's logical design ought to include information on how the answers
might be put into practice. Additionally, it describes what types of reports are to be produced,
how the database is to be constructed for data storage and retrieval, and what inputs are to be


provided to the system. Input design, output design, database design, and physical design are all
parts of the logical design.

3.3 Input Design

The information system and the user are connected through the input design. Put
transaction data into a form that can be used for processing data entry, it o includes defining
specifications and methods for data preparation. It is possible to inspect the computer to read
data from a written or printed document, or it is possible to have individuals key the data directly
into the system. Both methods are used to input data into the computer for processing.
Controlling the quantity of input necessary, preventing errors, reducing delays, avoiding
superfluous stages, and maintaining a clear process are the main goals of input design.
Data on asset types, depreciation rates, asset transfers, and physical verification are
required by the system for various calculations, validations, and report production. The software
also has an error-raising mechanism that assists in displaying an error message when input is
entered incorrectly. Thus, the following factors are taken into account in input design.

 Which data ought to be provided as input?

 How should the data be organized or coded?
 The conversation to direct the operating staff's input.
 Guidelines for creating input validations and what to do in case of error

3.4 Output Design

The most significant and direct information source for the user is computer output. The
process of output design includes creating the essential reports that must be provided to users in
accordance with the specifications. The system's interaction with the user should be strengthened
through an effective, understandable output design, which should also aid in decision-making.
Since the management uses the reports as a guide for making decisions and drawing conclusions,
they must be carefully designed, and the details inside the reports must be straightforward,
illustrative, and understandable to the reader. So, the following factors need to be taken into
account when developing output.


Determine what information to present, how to present it in an acceptable way, and how
to get the output to the appropriate recipients. They can be displayed on the monitor for
immediate need and for acquiring the hardcopy depending on the type and necessary future
usage of the output.

3.5 Physical Design

The physical design describes the process of creating software for a program. By identifying the
reports and other outputs the system will generate, we must design the process. This step involves coding
each module's logic into the program. In this step, proper software specification is also completed.

3.6 Modular Design

A software system is always broken down into several smaller systems to facilitate development.
The creation and testing of a software system that is divided into numerous subsystems are made
simple. The process of breaking down a system into its many subsystems is known as
modularization or decomposition, and the various subsystems are known as modules.

A system cannot ever be broken down into several smaller systems. Each module must be
separated from the others by some sort of logical wall. In order to prevent development from
being hampered, the separation must be straightforward but still effective.
The system in question has been separated into a number of components, taking into account the
aforementioned requirements.
1) User Registration Module
2) Product Registration Module.
3) Bidding Module
4) Closed Bid Manager Module
5) My Auction Module

3.7 Database design

The main goal of database technology development has been to consider data as an
organizational resource and as a cohesive whole. Data can be safeguarded and arranged


separately from other resources thanks to DBMS (Giles, P. 2011). An integrated data collection is
a database. According to programmers, data saved on direct-access storage devices is the most
important type of data. This is how logical and physical facts differ from one another.
The main information source for the system is database files. The main information source for
the system is the process of designing database files. For the gathering, accumulation,
modification, and retrieval of the necessary information, the files should be correctly planned
and designed.
Three main goals are intended to be accomplished by the structure of data in databases:

• Data integration;
• Data integrity.
• Data impartiality.

The MySQLi SERVER database houses the data needed for processing by the proposed system.
There are tables in this database, each of which corresponds to a specific kind of data. A field or
column is the name given to each item of data in a table. Records, which are a collection of
fields, are also found in tables. A table's records all have the same set of fields, yet they each
contain a different set of data. A record in a table can be uniquely identified by one of its primary
key fields. Foreign keys are fields that also include the main key from a different table.
Normalization is a technique of improvement used to address problems with consistency,
ambiguity, and redundancy. Anomalies in insertion, deletion, and updating are also prevented by
using it (Hoffer, J. A. 1991). Up to the third normal form, all tables have been normalized. The
following list summarizes the rules for each of the three normal forms.
Initial normal form
If and only if all of a relation's characteristics are atomic in nature, then the connection is said to
be in 1NF.
• Second normal form
The idea of fully functional dependency is the foundation of the 2NF. If a relation is in 1NF and
there is no partial dependency between key attributes and non-key attributes, it is said to be in
• Third normal form

The idea of transitive reliance is the foundation of the 3NF. If there is no transitive relationship
between non-key attributes and key attributes, a relation in 2NF is said to be in 3NF

Chapter 4 Implementation
The process of converting from the old to the new system is referred to as implementation. The
manual processes used in the outdated system, which is operated considerably differently from
the new system that is being suggested, are activities. To produce a dependable system that
meets the needs of the businesses, proper implementation is crucial. The effectiveness of the
computerized system could be harmed by poor installation.

4.1 Method of implementation

The implementation and subsequent conversion from the old to the new digital system can be
handled in several ways. Running the old and new systems together is the safest way to switch
from one to the other. In this method, a person can begin using the new digital system as well as
the manual older processing system. Because we can rely on the manual system even if there is a
bug in the computerized system, this method provides great security. However, maintaining two
systems simultaneously is quite expensive. This eclipses any advantages.
A direct switchover from the current manual system to the computerized system is another often-
used technique. The transformation could occur in a week or a day. There aren't any concurrent
activities. However, if there is a problem, there is no fix. Careful preparation is required for this
The system can also be put into operation in a single area of the company, where it will be
piloted by staff and subject to revisions as needed. However, because the complete system is lost,
this strategy is less advantageous.

4.2 Implementation plan

The implementation strategy outlines every action that needs to be taken to put the new system
into place and operating. It identifies the staff members in charge of the tasks and creates a


schedule for putting the system in place. The following actions make up the implementation

 Describe every file needed for implementation.

 Determine every piece of information needed to create new files during implementation.
 Include a list of all new forms and procedures that are used with the new system.

The implementation strategy must foresee potential issues and be equipped to address them.
Missing documents, data in inconsistent files and current formats, data translation mistakes,
missing data, etc. are common issues.

4.3 System analysis

A software system's description is contained in a software requirements specification
(SRS). It is based on the business requirements specification (CONOPS), often called a
stakeholder requirements specification, by Amit Singh Rewets. The functional and non-
functional needs are outlined in the software requirements specification, which may also include
a list of use cases that outline the user interactions the product must support.
Software requirements specifications create the groundwork for an agreement between
clients and vendors or contractors for how the software product should operate (in a market-
driven project, the marketing and development divisions may take on these duties). Prior to the
more detailed system design stages, software requirements specification conducts a thorough
review of the requirements with the intention of minimizing subsequent redesign (Gehrke, J.
2003). Additionally, it must offer a solid foundation for forecasting product prices, risks, and
timelines. Software project failure can be avoided when software requirements specifications are
used properly.
For the project's development, the software requirements specification document lists all
essential and sufficient requirements. The developer needs to have a complete understanding of
the products being developed in order to determine the requirements. Through thorough and
ongoing communication with the project team and the client throughout the software
development process, this is accomplished.


4.4 System Implementation

This section displays the intended work's artifacts as well as how system analysis and
design were put into practice afterward. The findings of the suggested system's system analysis
and configuration are reported. For this reason, HTML and the PHP programming language are
employed in accordance with their respective attributes. The proposed system will enable a user
(bidder or seller) to be displayed by a registered user (bidder or seller) on the OAS welcome web
page, as confirmed by the site. To begin utilizing the proposed system, the user must register as a
bidder or vendor. To utilize the system, an unregistered user must complete a registration form.
The interface for bidding is shown.

Hardware requirements
1. Processor: 2.0GHz minimum required.
2. Ram: 2 GB.
3.100 GB of hard disk space.
4. Standard Keyboard and Mouse as an Input Device
5. High-resolution monitor and VGA are the output devices.

Software requirements
1. PHP 7.2.3, Server Scripting Language
2. JavaScript is the client scripting language.
3. Apache 2.4 Web application server
4. HTML 5 Markup Language
5. Web Browser: Google Chrome DBMS: MS SQL Server 2014
6. Windows 10 is the operating system.

4.5 Introduction to HTML

With JavaScript and Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML), triads of cornerstone
technologies for the World Wide Web are created. HTML documents are downloaded from a
web server or local storage by web browsers, who then turn them into multimedia web pages.


HTML, which was first used, provides a semantic description of the structure of a web page cues
for the document's look.
The foundation of HTML pages is HTML components. Images and other objects, like
interactive forms, may be embedded within the produced page using HTML techniques. By
indicating structural semantics for text elements like headings, paragraphs, lists, links,
quotations, and other objects, HTML offers a way to generate structured texts. Tags, which are
written in angle brackets, are used to distinguish HTML elements.
HTML allows for the insertion of scripts written in scripting languages like JavaScript
that modify the behavior and content of web pages. CSS defines how content is presented and
how it is organized. Since 1997, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which oversees the
HTML and CSS standards, has promoted the use of CSS instead of explicit presentational

4.6 Introduction to CSS

A style sheet language called Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is used to describe how a
document produced in a markup language like HTML is presented. The World Wide Web's
foundational technologies, along with HTML and JavaScript, include CSS.
Layout, color, and font choices can all be separated from content and display using CSS.
By describing the pertinent CSS in a separate.css file, this separation can make content more
accessible, give definition of presentation features greater freedom and control, allow numerous
web pages to share formatting, and reduce complexity and repetition in structural content.
The ability to offer the same HTML page in several styles for various rendering
techniques, including on-screen, in print, by voice (using a speech-based browser or screen
reader), and on Braille-based tactile devices, is also made possible by the separation of
formatting and content. If a user accesses the material on a mobile device, CSS additionally
provides rules for different formatting.
When many style rules match an element, the priority system is used to determine which
rule should be applied, hence the name cascading. This priority hierarchy is predictable.


The World Wide Web Consortium maintains the CSS specifications (W3C). RFC 2318
has registered the Internet media type (MIME type) text/css for usage with CSS (March 1998).
For CSS documents, the W3C offers a free CSS validation service.

4.7 Introduction to PHP

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (or just PHP) is a server-side scripting language used for
general-purpose programming and web development. The PHP reference implementation, which
was first developed by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, is now created by The PHP Group. Personal
Home Page was the first meaning of PHP, however it is now used to refer to the recursive
acronym PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.
PHP code can be used alone, in conjunction with different web template systems, web
content management systems, and web frameworks, or it can be incorporated into HTML code.
A PHP interpreter, which can be either a web server module or a Common Gateway Interface
(CGI) executable, is typically used to process PHP code. The output of the interpreted and
executed PHP code, which could be any kind of data, including graphics, is combined with the
created web page by the web server. PHP code can be used to create standalone graphical apps
and can also be run using a command-line interface (CLI).
The Zend Engine-based default PHP interpreter is free software distributed under the
PHP License. Since PHP has been widely ported, it may be used for free on practically all web
servers and across all platforms and operating systems.
Before 2014, there was no written formal specification or standard for the PHP language,
hence the canonical PHP interpreter became the de facto norm. Work has continued to provide
an official PHP specification since 2014.
Projects like PHP-FIG have strengthened their efforts to standardize and share code in
PHP applications during the 2010s through PSR standards, Composer dependency management,
and the Packages repository.

4. 8 Introduction to MySQL
The relational database management system MySQL is free and open-source. The word
"My" is a combination of "SQL," the acronym for structured query language, and "My," the


name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter. The MySQL development project has released
its source code under a number of private agreements as well as the GNU General Public
License. One for-profit corporation, the Swedish company MySQL AB, which is now owned by
Oracle Corporation, was both the owner and sponsor of MySQL. Several premium editions are
offered for proprietary usage and provide more capabilities.
A crucial part of the LAMP open-source web application software stack is MySQL (and
other "AMP" stacks). "Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python" is referred to as LAMP. The
MySQL database is used by TYPO3, MODx, Joomla, WordPress, Simple Machines Forum,
phpBB, MyBB, and Drupal, among other programs.
Dual-licensing distribution is used by both the client libraries and the MySQL server
software. They are available under the GPL version 2 starting on June 28, 2000 (which was
extended in 2009 with a FLOSS License Exception), or you can choose a proprietary license.
The official manual is a source of assistance. Additionally, there is free support available
in a variety of IRC channels and forums. Oracle's MySQL Enterprise packages provide premium
support. The range of services provided and the cost vary. In addition, a number of independent
companies, such as MariaDB and Percona, exist to offer assistance and services.

4.9 Introduction to XAMP

A cross-platform web server solution stack called XAMPP was created by Apache
Friends and is free and open source. It primarily consists of the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB
database, and interpreters for PHP and Perl scripts. Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB
(M), PHP (P), and Perl make up the acronym XAMPP (P). It is a straightforward, lightweight
installation of Apache that makes setting up a local web server for testing and deployment very
simple for developers.
An extractable file contains the server program (Apache), database (MariaDB), and
scripting language (PHP) required to set up a web server. Cross-platform means that XAMPP
functions equally well on Linux, Mac, and Windows. Since XAMPP uses the same components
as the majority of real web server deployments, switching from a local test server to a live server
is also incredibly simple.


A single instance of XAMPP may exist, and it may be copied from one machine to
another. There is a full version and a standard version of XAMPP available (Smaller version).

Three-tier architecture
We employed a three-tier system design to implement the online auction system, as
depicted bellow

Figure 1 Three-tier architecture

In this model.
A structure of this type has six 3 elements:
• Customer tier, which is in charge of data delivery, customer satisfaction, and user
interface management.
• An application server tier, which takes care of the program's business logic. In fact, the
customer-tier has access to business objects that employ "live" business rules. This layer guards
against direct customer access to data. Apache Server served as the project's application server. •


The data tier, which is in charge of data storage. We used MySQL, an open source related
database, as a data server.

Chapter 5 Module and System Design

5.1 Unified Modeling Language (UML)
The same standard for defining Object Oriental Models models was provided by UML.
But in order to successfully utilize the UML paradigm, Object Oriented Analysis and Design
must be used. The term "object-oriented design analysis" describes a collection of software
development techniques based on organizational structure. The technique outlines the delivery
and activities of an object-oriented project's life cycle of program development.
Business connection diagrams specify the data that the system will manage, while data
flow will outline the processes. Innovative approaches to object-based software development,
assisted by computer-aided engineering tools like Rational Rose, were used. For example, the
user needs analysis used a 5-case diagram, class diagram, and sequence diagram; class drawings
were used to depict the class hierarchy. By proposing a higher price, the planned OAS will assist
bidders’ charge more quickly, boost their chances of making a winning offer, and help the seller
make a larger profit.

5.2 Case Study Diagram

The interaction between users and the auction system is depicted in the use case diagram.
The major use cases in the proposed OAS include case registration, product research, product
liability, viewing product details, changing the bid price, placing a product bid, specifying the


time and the bid price, etc. A schematic illustration of the utilization of actions that the actors
(Merchant, Bidder, and Admin) during an auction can make.

Basically, three parties (the manager, bidder, and broker) will interact with the proposed
program; each may:

 Management is capable of managing products.

 Departments can be managed by managers
 Management can manage users
 Management has experience with bids
 Management is able to produce reports.
 The bidder may look for a product.
 A bidder may view product information
 The bidder may alter the price.
 The product is up for bid
 The profile data of the bidder can be changed.


 Vendor may access bidding information

 Vendor can modify profile information
 Vendor can send the product
 Vendor can select the time and bid price


Figure 2: User case diagram

5.3 Waterfall Model Application

Each piece of software that is created requires a unique Software Development Life Cycle
(SDLC) approach based on both internal and external considerations. The Waterfall approach
should be used in a variety of circumstances, such as when the needs are very well fixed,
documented, and clear, when the product definition is stable, when the technology is known and
not dynamic, and when there are no confusing requirements. When there are several resources
with the necessary skills available to support the product and the project must be completed
quickly, the waterfall model is also appropriate.

Benefits and Drawbacks of the Waterfall Model


Waterfall development has the benefit of allowing for departmentalization and control. This
enables the creation of a timetable with deadlines for each development phase, allowing a
product to go step-by-step through the stages of the development process model.

Conceptualization is followed by design, implementation, testing, and installation, looking for

errors, and finally operation and maintenance. The development process moves through each
stage in a regular manner.

Limitations of waterfall model

The waterfall Model was not selected for this project since it does not allow for much reflection
or modification, which is one of its main drawbacks. It is quite challenging to go back and alter
something that was poorly documented or thought through in the concept stage once an
application is in the testing stage.

Backend System design

In this phase, system design is completed while the required specifications obtained in the first
phase are studied. The laptops and server that will be used in this project are described in the
system design phase. As an alternative, the project will also use a localhost server called
XAMPP. The data can be stored using XAMPP, which can be hosted on a laptop. System design
aids in determining the overall system architecture as well as the system requirements.

Chapter 6 Implementation
6.1 Implementation system
The implementation step comes next after the system design phase has been completed. The
auction system is created in discrete programs referred to as units, which are combined in the
following stage. Unit testing is the process of developing and testing each and every one of these
units for functioning.

Testing and integration

In the implementation phase, each unit is tested before being integrated into the system. The
entire system is tested for errors and failures after integration.



Once the product has undergone functional and non-functional testing, it is either installed in the
customer environment or made available for purchase.


Numerous problems can arise in a client environment. Patches are published to address these
problems, which makes it simple to fix the issue. Additionally, improved versions of the product
are issued. To deliver these modifications in the client environment, these changes are made
during the maintenance phase.

The progression of all of the aforementioned is cascaded to one another, with the stages depicted
as a waterfall flowing slowly downward. The Waterfall Model gets its name from the fact that
the next phase doesn't begin until the prior phase's established sets of goals have been met. The
stages cannot overlap in the waterfall model.

6.2 Form design

Home page


Auction view page

Start auction page


Add category page



The training of system operators is part of the planned system's implementation. Along with
teaching system operators how to operate the machinery, training should also cover how to
identify defects and what to do about them. Thus, system operators should receive enough
training. Without introducing users to basic system maintenance tasks, no training is complete.
Training for the proposed system will be simpler than for systems designed without a GUI
because it was developed in a GUI. There are various forms of instruction. To provide the system
operators with in-depth information, we can choose off-site.
The system's effectiveness is dependent on how it is used and operated. Therefore, the
effectiveness of the operating person's training has an impact on the system's successful
deployment. The individual must be capable of handling all potential operations thanks to the
Personnel who enter data must be included in training. Additionally, they must receive
instruction on how to install new hardware, operate terminals, turn on and off systems, identify
malfunctions, and fix issues, among other things. The ability to troubleshoot, which entails
identifying the root of the issue, must also be taught to the operators.
To operate the proposed system, trained individuals are needed. To prevent errors, data entry
tasks must be completed with extreme care. This will significantly lower data entering errors. It
is best to give the individual a type of operating handbook that will explain every aspect of the
After the system is put into place, an assessment should be done to see if expectations are being
met and if adjustments are needed. By using techniques like event recording, impact evaluation,
and attitude surveys, it is possible to get statistics on operating systems, system quality, and user
trust. The review not only evaluates how well the proposed system is developed and
implemented, but it also provides useful data for a critical assessment of the system.
Both operations staff and software developers do assessments to assess how well the system is
performing, how well it has been received, and whether any adjustments are required. To
ascertain the system's future enhancement needs, an evaluation of the system is absolutely
crucial. Only after the goals of the information system have been attained can the system be


deemed successful. The evaluation examines employee perceptions of the new computerized
system and analyzes attitudes regarding it. One cannot ascertain what extra features the deployed
system needs until the pros and cons are known.

6.4 Testing the system

System testing, which serves as the final examination of the specification, design, and coding, is
a crucial component of software quality assurance. A program is tested by being run with the
goal of identifying any errors. A good test is one that has a chance of spotting an error that hasn't
been identified yet. The goal of testing is to find and fix errors in the created system. Testing is
necessary for anything. The success of the system depends on
The developed system's logic is examined during code testing. To do this, each program module
is run in order to check for errors. Examining the specs that describe what the program should do
and how it should execute under various circumstances is known as specification testing.

To find faults, unit testing first concentrates on the modules in the proposed system. This makes
it possible to find mistakes in the logic and coding of just that module. Initially, those brought on
by interactions between modules are avoided. Each module must be tested individually during
the unit testing phase.
System testing examines the integration of each system module rather than the software as a
whole. The compatibility of specific modules is the main issue. Finding places where modules
have been created with varied requirements for data types, lengths, and element names is

The most crucial actions after the built system is put into use are testing and validation. To make
sure the implemented system is error-free, system testing is carried out. To identify the faults in
the various system modules, the software must be run numerous times.
The process of using newly developed software for a system in a live setting, i.e., newly
developed software inside the company, in order to identify errors, is referred to as validation.
The system's flaws and defects are discovered during the validation process. It will become clear
what practical challenges the system encounters when used in a real-world setting.


The implemented software's code can be tested, allowing the program's logic to be checked. A
specification test is carried out to see how well the software adheres to the conditions stated in
the specifications. In addition to these tests, some more unique tests were also undertaken, and
they are listed below:
Peak Load Tests: These check if the new system can manage the volume of operations when it is
under the most pressure. According to the test, the agency's new software is capable of meeting
demand during peak hours.

Storage testing: This ascertains whether the new system has enough space on a disk or in other
files to store transaction data. The utilization of multiple hard disks ensures that the suggested
program has the necessary storage space.

Performance Time Testing: With this test, you may find out how long the system needs to
process a transaction's worth of data.
During this stage, the software was created. To find bugs and make sure the system complies
with requirements, testing involves putting the software to the test. Four stages of testing are

 unit level,
 module level,
 integration and system level,
 Regression level.

A screen or form in the package is represented by a Unit. Verification of the related class or
Screen is the main goal of unit testing. Control routes, interfaces, local data structures, logical
judgments, boundary conditions, and error handling are all tested as part of this process. Test
Drivers, which are control programs that coordinate the inputs and outputs of test cases, and Test
Stubs, which take the role of low-level modules, may both be used in unit testing. Stubs are
fictitious subprograms.



The test cases that were previously created are used during module testing. Design time is when
a module


Each program modification has an effect on parts that haven't been changed, which causes
substantial harm to the software. Regression testing is the process of re-testing for correction of
errors resulting from modification.

Arrangement and Delivery

The process of giving the customer the built and tested software is known as installation and
delivery. Consult the support steps

Project Acceptance and Closure

The stage of a project where the client approves the finished product is called acceptance. Once
the customer accepts the product, the project will be closed out in accordance with the project
closure procedure. This also includes gathering stats, etc.


Software adaptation for both internal and external changes (such as requirements changes or
additions) is known as maintenance (fixing bugs). All earlier model steps must be reviewed
when modifications are made during the maintenance phase.

Three different types of maintenance exist:

1. Remedial (Fixing flaws/errors)

2. Flexible (Updates due to environment changes)

3. Perfective (Improvements, altered specifications.


6.6 Conclusion
Finally, it is possible to assert that electronic marketplaces in general and Web auctions in
particular have recently developed rapidly. Numerous players have been able to increase the
usage of the benefits of auction mechanisms in a computer-mediated environment because to
technological advancements and the profiling of the world's communication infrastructure.

In addition to other distribution or procurement channels, auctions have risen to a key position.
They are used in direct sales as marketing events for certain client or product categories.

The Web has made it possible to reach both highly targeted client groups and a worldwide
market space at a low cost. A speedy and low-cost auction setup process is made possible by
inexpensive market engines and cost-effective communication infrastructures. The World Wide
Web has enhanced suppliers' and buyers' revenues by lowering the costs associated with
auctions. Setting up auctions and communicating the availability of specific trade items are now
less expensive for providers. The cost for buyers to look for specific items and take part in an
auction has decreased and will continue to decrease in the future. As a result, new auction kinds
are developing and new industries have been added to the range of trade objects.


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